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Bullseye "I" was where the contestant was asked to guess the exact price of a car, being told "higher" or "lower" if they guessed incorrectly. It is the prequel to Double Bullseye.


  • The contestant was given seven attempts to guess the exact price of the car. The audience was shown the price but cannot say anything about the price during the game.
  • Beginning on the third taped playing (aired September 12, #0022D), contestants were given a $500 range in which to bid; this resulted in the range being given on its second and fourth playings due to the shows taping out of airing order. On the game's fifth and final playing (aired September 14, #0024D), contestant Isabelle Henderson was not given a range and was instead told that the car's price had been rounded to the nearest $10.

Set Changes[]

  • Despite its short life, Bullseye underwent one set change (the first game to do so) - on its first two taped playings (the second being aired on September 5 as the first playing, originally scheduled to air on September 8, #0015D), the list of guesses remaining was white-on-white, making it hard to read. Beginning on the third taped playing (aired September 12, #0022D), this was changed to light blue numbers on a dark blue background.
  • Additionally, the price tag graphic was given a hole on the left side beginning with the September 12 (#0022D) episode.


  • Bullseye I was the very first pricing game to be retired, due to the extreme difficulty of winning. In fact, in its five playings on the daytime show, the game was never won. It is not only the only game to have never been won, but also the only game in which nothing was ever awarded to a contestant. The closest anyone ever came to the price was $1 away on September 8, 1972 (#0015D, aired out of order on September 5 as the first playing) episode - the price being $3,621 with contestant Jeannie Smiley's final guess being $3,620.
  • The concepts of the game, to narrow down the price of an item, later became the basis of Double Bullseye, another short-lived pricing game, which was the only pricing game to guarantee a win. The successor, Clock Game, features the same goal; but instead of a seven-guess limit, the contestant has to guess the prices of two prizes within a 30-second time limit.
    • Ironically, two playings of Double Bullseye took fewer than seven guesses to win.


  • This game was played 5 times in one season (season 1).
  • A new pricing game also called Bullseye, was introduced in 1976 with completely different gameplay. This is the first retired pricing game to lend its name to an active game on the show; the second being Balance Game.
  • Because of its short life and the fact that the names of pricing games were not frequently used on air, this and Double Bullseye are the only games to have never been mentioned by their name on-the-air.


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Date Played Outcome
September 5, 1972 (#0012D, aired out of order on September 6) Lost
September 6, 1972 (*) (#0013D(R), aired out of order on September 8)
September 8, 1972 (#0015D aired out of order on September 5)
September 12, 1972 (#0022D)
September 14, 1972 (#0024D)

(*) indicates that it aired on September 5, 1972 (originally scheduled to air on September 6) as #0013D(R).

YouTube Video[]

A Super Painful Loss (September 8, 1972, #0015D, aired out of order on September 5)

1970s Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Bullseye (1) | Clock Game | Double Bullseye | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Give or Keep | Range Game | Hi Lo | Double Digits | Lucky $even | Temptation | Mystery Price | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | Poker Game | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Hurdles | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Professor Price | Finish Line | Take Two | Shower Game | It's Optional | Punch-A-Bunch | Telephone Game | Penny Ante
Retired Pricing Games
Bullseye (1) | Double Bullseye | Give or Keep | Double Digits | Mystery Price | Poker Game | Hurdles | Professor Price | Finish Line | Shower Game | It's Optional | Telephone Game | Penny Ante | Trader Bob | Hit Me | Super Ball!! | Phone Home Game | Walk of Fame | Balance Game (1) | On the Nose | Bump | Add 'Em Up | Credit Card | $uper $aver | Gallery Game | Buy or Sell | Magic Number | Joker | Make Your Mark/Barker's Markers | Split Decision | Fortune Hunter | Clearance Sale | Step Up | On the Spot | Time is Money (1)