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Coming or Going is a game where you have a 50/50 chance to win a four-digit prize by having the numbers come towards you or go away from you.


  • In this game, the contestant sees a base number on a teeter-totter. Behind it are three other numbers which make up the price of a prize. The price of the prize can go either one of two ways: "Coming," pulling the teeter-totter to the left (e.g. 1234), or "Going," pulling the teeter-totter to the right (e.g. 4321). Pulling it the right way wins the prize.


  • On October 9, 2003 (#2624K), exactly one week after its premiere, the game was first won on its second playing.
  • Coming or Going was the last pricing game to premiere before Rod Roddy's death.
  • Coming or Going was won three times on the primetime version of the show. It happened on the December 18, 2003 (#013SP, Bob's Birthday Party), May 22, 2004 (#018SP, Hall of Fame), and April 9, 2005 (#019SP, aired out of order on April 16) Million Dollar Spectaculars.
  • From October 2, 2003 (#2614K) to May 19, 2010 (#5173K), only the bell would sound if the player made the right decision. A buzzer sounds if the player chose incorrectly. On June 8, 2010 (#5202K), a split-screen was introduced to indicate if the contestant won or lost by having one of the prize models show the actual retail price of the grand prize.
  • On the Summer Beach Party show on June 21, 2019 (#8805K), the game was renamed "Coming or Going to the Beach".
  • On September 24, 2015 (#7214K), the thin silver metal holders that are used to keep the numbers in place were added.
  • Since the late 2010s, a model held an extra card, who either puts it behind the card with the price, tosses it, or lifts it up, but some playings still feature the early 2010s reveal, most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • On November 27, 2019 (#8913K), the Thanksgiving College Rivals episode, Bronte Sichlar (UCLA) won a kitchen package worth $7,646, and Anniya Louis (USC) was denied.


  • This game was originally going to be called Coming & Going, with a price reveal, but it changed before taping.
  • There has never been any prize whose last number is a "0.” This is because that would make one of the prices start with a 0, and that would be too obvious.
  • The most number of times this game was played in any season was 34 (season 41), while the least number of times this game was played in any season was 11 (season 38).
  • Coming or Going was the last pricing game to debut on the turntable until Vend-O-Price.
  • Former host Bob Barker would often say about the game, "To win, you (the contestant) just need to know whether you're coming or going."
  • A hidden rule that often results in a win - if the game is played for a trip, the answer is almost always "going" - as in: the contestant is "going" on a trip.
  • Coming or Going has never been played for a car.


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2000s Pricing Games
Flip Flop | Triple Play | That's Too Much! | Bonkers | Pass the Buck | Step Up | On the Spot | Time is Money (1) | Coming or Going | ½ Off | Pocket ¢hange | Balance Game (2) | Stack the Deck | More or Less | Gas Money
Active Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Clock Game | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Range Game | Hi Lo | Lucky $even | Temptation | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Take Two | Punch-A-Bunch | Bargain Game | Grand Game | Now....or Then | Check Game | Check-Out | Pick-A-Pair | Plinko | Master Key | One Away | Pathfinder | Spelling Bee | Make Your Move | 2 for the Price of 1 | Swap Meet | Pick-A-Number | Switch? | Cover Up | Side by Side | Freeze Frame | Shopping Spree | Eazy as 1-2-3 | It's in the Bag | Line 'Em Up | One Wrong Price | Push Over | Let 'Em Roll | Flip Flop | Triple Play | That's Too Much! | Bonkers | Pass the Buck | Coming or Going | ½ Off | Pocket ¢hange | Balance Game (2) | Stack the Deck | More or Less | Gas Money | Rat Race | Pay the Rent | Double Cross | Do The Math | Time is Money (2) | Vend-O-Price | Hot Seat | Gridlock! | Back to '75 | To The Penny