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The Price Is Right Wiki

Double Digits was a pricing game from which the popular Temptation was likely developed.


  • The contestant was shown four small prizes, one at a time, and was shown the second digits in their prices. For each prize, the contestant was shown two options for the first digit in its price, which were always consecutive digits. The first digits of the four prizes, when placed consecutively, also formed the price of a car. The contestant had to correctly guess all four digits to win the car but won any small prizes they had correctly guessed the first digit regardless of the outcome.
  • The concept of this game was reused in the later pricing game Temptation, in which the price of a car is built from digits in the price of smaller prizes.


  • Reportedly, the game originally had slightly different gameplay, but there are disputes as to what the difference was. Originally, the contestant was either presented with four digits in the price of the car, out of order, which they had to place with the correct prizes; or they had to guess the digits outright with no assistance.
  • If the former was actually the format, it would make the game a predecessor of Switcheroo, in which uses a given series of digits to correctly fill in the missing first digits of various prizes; however, the missing digits do not form the price of the car in Switcheroo, and the car is one of the prizes with a missing digit.
  • The Double Digits board was a faceplate put on the board shared by Any Number and Bullseye (1). This can be seen in the playing aired by Game Show Network: as the game comes around on the Turntable, a studio light shines on the side, revealing an angle that is at odds with the shape of the board as seen from the front. Additionally, most of the board is manipulated by the host aside from one electronic display located in the same spot as the one on Bullseye (which was also the middle display of Any Number).


  • The game was played for 5 times in one season (season 1).


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  • Double Digits was active from April 20, 1973 (#0335D) until May 18, 1973's episode (#0375D, aired on June 15 due to coverage of the Watergate hearings, redesignated as #0422D).
  • The game was retired after just five playings because of its confusing nature; of these, only the first ended with a win.
  • Game Show Network aired the fourth playing from May 8 (#0362D).

YouTube Video[]

Segment with the 4th playing (May 8, 1973, #0362D)

1970s Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Bullseye (1) | Clock Game | Double Bullseye | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Give or Keep | Range Game | Hi Lo | Double Digits | Lucky $even | Temptation | Mystery Price | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | Poker Game | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Hurdles | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Professor Price | Finish Line | Take Two | Shower Game | It's Optional | Punch-A-Bunch | Telephone Game | Penny Ante
Retired Pricing Games
Bullseye (1) | Double Bullseye | Give or Keep | Double Digits | Mystery Price | Poker Game | Hurdles | Professor Price | Finish Line | Shower Game | It's Optional | Telephone Game | Penny Ante | Trader Bob | Hit Me | Super Ball!! | Phone Home Game | Walk of Fame | Balance Game (1) | On the Nose | Bump | Add 'Em Up | Credit Card | $uper $aver | Gallery Game | Buy or Sell | Magic Number | Joker | Make Your Mark/Barker's Markers | Split Decision | Fortune Hunter | Clearance Sale | Step Up | On the Spot | Time is Money (1)