The Price Is Right Wiki

Gallery Game was a game where a contestant would paint a number in the price to complete it. It is the prequel to Pick-A-Number.


  • The contestant was shown a painting of a prize being played for. Below the painting was most of the price - three complete digits and a partially completed fourth digit. The contestant had to "paint" in the rest of the digit with a marker (accompanied by the Alla Hornpipe movement of Handel's Water Music). A correct choice won the prize.
  • The partial fourth digit usually had a distinguishing mark completed, in order to reduce the field of possible answers, such as a horizontal line across the top, indicating a 5 or 7. A curved top would indicate a 2, 3, 8, 9, or 0. A similar curve in the middle would mark a 6 or 8. A slash through the middle of the bottom portion could become a 2 or 7. A vertical line could be a 1 or 4. A pair of reflecting curves on the right could be 3 or 8.


  • Although this game was the first to premiere in the 1990s, it was also the first pricing game to be retired in that decade.
  • Stan Blits’ book erroneously lists Gallery Game as “Masterpiece” which was a working title used while the game was being developed.
  • Like Ten Chances and Check Game, Gallery Game is about writing a number to win a prize.
  • This game is functionally identical to Pick-A-Number, the only difference being that the number of options for the digit can vary. Sometimes there were two options; sometimes there were three; sometimes there were four; sometimes there were even five.

The game was played for 24 times in one season (season 19).


To view the gallery, click here.


Gallery Game was played 24 times, ending with a win-loss record of 9-15. This is believed to have contributed to its retirement. Production may also have felt that commissioning paintings of prizes was too expensive for what the game was ultimately worth.


The Price is Right Gallery Game premiere
Price is Right - Vintage Pricing Game - Gallery Game
The Price is Right (1990): The Debut of Gallery Game!

1990s Pricing Games
Gallery Game | Swap Meet | Pick-A-Number | Switch? | Buy or Sell | Magic Number | Cover Up | Joker | Side by Side | Make Your Mark/Barker's Markers | Freeze Frame | Split Decision | Shopping Spree | Eazy as 1-2-3 | It's in the Bag | Fortune Hunter | Line 'Em Up | Clearance Sale | One Wrong Price | Push Over | Let 'Em Roll
Retired Pricing Games
Bullseye (1) | Double Bullseye | Give or Keep | Double Digits | Mystery Price | Poker Game | Hurdles | Professor Price | Finish Line | Shower Game | It's Optional | Telephone Game | Penny Ante | Trader Bob | Hit Me | Super Ball!! | Phone Home Game | Walk of Fame | Balance Game (1) | On the Nose | Bump | Add 'Em Up | Credit Card | $uper $aver | Gallery Game | Buy or Sell | Magic Number | Joker | Make Your Mark/Barker's Markers | Split Decision | Fortune Hunter | Clearance Sale | Step Up | On the Spot | Time is Money (1)