The Price Is Right Wiki
The Price Is Right Wiki

Mystery Price is the pricing game where the contestant must make more money than the actual retail price of the mystery prize to win that and the grand prize.


  • A prize package was announced, and the price of one of the prizes (usually the cheapest) was the "mystery price", which was concealed on a game board.
  • The contestant was then shown four small prizes, one at a time, and asked to bid on each one. If the contestant's bid for a prize was at or below its price, the contestant won the prize, and the amount of the bid was added to their "credit" into a bank; if the contestant's bid was higher than the price of the prize, they lost the prize and earned no credit. The goal was to bid as close to the price without going over, in order to build up the most credit.
  • After all four small prizes were bid on, the mystery price was revealed. If the contestant had at least as much credit in the bank as the mystery price, they won the prize package. If not, they still kept any small prizes won during bidding.


  • The game was played for 17 times in one season (season 2).
  • The reveal of this game was unique, as Johnny would announce the first two prizes of the package before throwing it back to Bob to call attention to the third prize, whose price would be the "mystery price", which Johnny would then announce before going back to Bob to start the game.


To view the gallery, click here.


Mystery Price was quickly retired due to its complicated and confusing rules. Despite this, the game had a favorable win record of 11-6.


The Price is Right - Mystery Price for a Car!

1970s Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Bullseye (1) | Clock Game | Double Bullseye | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Give or Keep | Range Game | Hi Lo | Double Digits | Lucky $even | Temptation | Mystery Price | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | Poker Game | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Hurdles | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Professor Price | Finish Line | Take Two | Shower Game | It's Optional | Punch-A-Bunch | Telephone Game | Penny Ante
Retired Pricing Games
Bullseye (1) | Double Bullseye | Give or Keep | Double Digits | Mystery Price | Poker Game | Hurdles | Professor Price | Finish Line | Shower Game | It's Optional | Telephone Game | Penny Ante | Trader Bob | Hit Me | Super Ball!! | Phone Home Game | Walk of Fame | Balance Game (1) | On the Nose | Bump | Add 'Em Up | Credit Card | $uper $aver | Gallery Game | Buy or Sell | Magic Number | Joker | Make Your Mark/Barker's Markers | Split Decision | Fortune Hunter | Clearance Sale | Step Up | On the Spot | Time is Money (1)