OK, Il Prezzo è Giusto! ("OK, The Price is Right!") or much better known simply as OK! is the Italian adaptation of the American game show The Price Is Right that aired on Italia 1 (1983-1987), Canale 5 (1988-1996) and Rete 4 (1987-1988, 1996-2001). It was hosted by Gigi Sabani (1983-1986), Iva Zanicchi (1987-2000), Emanuela Folliero ([May to June] 1999) and Maria Teresa Ruta (2000-2001) with the first version being hosted by a man (Sabani) then the later three versions were hosted by women (Zanicchi, Folliero and Ruta respectively). It first premiered on 21 December 1983 (December 21, 1983) until it went off the air on 13 April 2001 (April 13, 2001). With 3,466 episodes airing on three different networks at the time it is the third longest running quiz show on Italian television, after L'eredità (The Inheritance) and La Ruota Della Fortuna (The Wheel of Fortune). The show used a similar gameplay format to the American version, although the two last seasons altered the format to use the British One-Player showcase format. It is the only version to feature an all-female cast.
With Zanicchi, Folliero, and Ruta's respective tenures as hosts, it makes the Italian version the only three versions of the show to be hosted by a woman. However, only the first version by the late Sabani was hosted by a man in the early 80s. Zanicchi is one of the most commonly associated host with the format and had the most longest run out of all of them with thirteen years under her belt.
Pricing Games[]
The name of the original pricing game in the US version is given in parentheses. Many of these follow the same rules and gameplay as the US version:
- 10 Chances (Ten Chances)
- 2 Al Prezzo di 1 (2 For The Price Of 1)
- 2 Metà [2 Half] (Money Game)
- 3 X (3 Strikes)
- Abbinamento [Matching] (It's in the Bag)
- Accoppiata [Coupled] (Pick-A-Pair)
- Alveare [Beehive] (Spelling Bee)
- Assegno in Bianco [Blank Cheque] (Check Game, played for a trip)
- Astronave [Spaceship] (On the Nose)
- Black-Jack (Hit Me)
- Blocca il Prezzo [Lock the Price] (Freeze Frame)
- Bowling [Bowling Alley] (Le Bowling)
- Cambio [Change] (Switcheroo)
- Campana [Bell] (One Away)
- Caro Prezzo [Dear Price] (Most Expensive)
- Carta Di Credito (Credit Card)
- Carta Vincente [Winning Card] (Card Game)
- Cassaforte [Safe] (Safe Crackers)
- Centro [Center] (Bullseye, L.68,000-L.73,000 [€35.12-€37.70] winning range)
- Check-Out (L.1,000 [52c] winning range)
- Chiave Magica [Magic Key] (Master Key)
- Colpo Sicuro [Safe Shot] (Hole in One)
- Conchiglia [Shell] (Shell Game)
- Corsa Il Prezzo [Corsa The Price] (Race Game)
- Cover Up
- Esploratore [Explorer] (Pathfinder)
- Formichina [Ant] (Super Savers)
- Fai La Mossa Giusta [Make the Right Move] (Make Your Move)
- Febbre Dell'Oro [Gold Fever] (Range Game, L.500,000 [€258.23] scale with L.100,000 [€51.65] range)
- Gioco dei Dadi (Dice Game)
- Gioco dell'8 [Game of 8] (Lucky Seven)
- Grande Gioco/Vinci Gli Zeri [Great Game/Win the Zeros] (Grand Game, L.10,000,000 [€5,164.57, primetime] or L.5,000,000 [€2,582.28, daytime] top prize.)
- Il Tempo è Denaro [Time and Money] (Clock Game)
- Inflazione [Inflation] (Now...Or Then)
- Jolly [Joker] (Bonus Game)
- Jukebox (Le Jukebox)
- Mini Market (Grocery Game, L.45,000-L.48,000 [€23.24-€24.79] winning range)
- Numero Magico (Magic Number)
- Occhio Al Prezzo (I) [Watch Out for Price (I)] (Double Prices)
- Occhio Al Prezzo (II) [Watch Out for Price (II)] (One Right Price)
- Offerta Speciale [Special Offer] (Barker's Bargain Bar)
- Più o Meno [More or Less] (Hi-Lo)
- Poker (Poker Game)
- Plinko (L.10,000,000 [primetime] or L.5,000,000 [daytime] top prize. Starting in the late 1990s, contestants could potentially win a car if they had scored at least L.2,000,000 [€1,032.91].)
- Prendere o Lasciare [Take It or Leave] (Give or Keep)
- Prova del 5 [Test of 5] (Five Price Tags)
- Punchingball (Punch-A-Bunch, offers a new car [primetime] or L.5,000,000 [daytime])
- Salvadanaio [Money Box] (Any Number)
- Scogliera [Cliff] (Cliff Hangers, scale goes from 0 to 120 [€62])
- Solo Due [Only Two] (Take Two)
- Squeeze (Squeeze Play)
- Superball (cash rings are L.100,000 and L.200,000 [€103.29])
- Telefono Casa [Home Phone] (Phone Home Game)
- Tentazione (Temptation)
- Trappola [Trap] (Danger Price)
- Tris (Secret X)
- Via Dell'Oro (Golden Road)
OK! Exclusives[]
- Chi Dei Due [Who of the Two]
- Girasole [Sunflower] (similar to Punchingball, but with a sunflower-shaped wheel)
- Gran Menù [Grand Menu]
- Le Stelle In Gioco [The Stars at Stake]
- Super Vincita [Super Win]
- Jukebox
Showcase Showdown[]
La Grande Routa [The Big Wheel] in the Italian version is played the same as in the US version (after expanded to 1 hour in 1975). The bonus for 100 points in one spin was L.1,000,000 (€516.46). Both winners play the Showcase (in the 2-player version); since 1999, after 2 SCSDs, the two winners must play a spin-off to determine who will play the Showcase (in the 1-player version).
The showcase was largely played like the American Version, hoping that the contestant make the closest bid without going over, and awarding both showcases to a player who came within L.100,000. Starting in 1999, the showcase was played in the same way of the UK/European version, with random ranges between L.500,000 and L.2,500,000 (€1,291.14), hoping that their bid fell within the selected range of the actual price without going over.
Season | Start date | End date | Channel | Episodes | Timeslot |
1 | 21 December 1983 | 4 July 1984 | Italia 1 | 28 | Wed, prime time |
2 | 12 September 1984 | 26 June 1985 | Italia 1 | 32 | Wed, prime time |
3 | 2 October 1985 | 25 June 1986 | Italia 1 | 38 | Wed, prime time |
4 | 10 September 1986 | 3 June 1987 | Italia 1 | 37 | Wed, prime time |
5 | 9 September 1987 | 29 June 1988 | Rete 4 | 40 | Wed, prime time |
* | 27 September 1987 | 29 May 1988 | Canale 5 | 36 | Sun, OK Junior |
6 | 26 September 1988 | 24 June 1989 | Canale 5 | 223 | daytime |
* | 28 June 1989 | 30 August 1989 | Canale 5 | 10 | Wed, prime time “Summer Edition” [Edizione Estiva] |
7 | 4 September 1989 | 30 June 1990 | Canale 5 | 299 | daytime |
8 | 10 September 1990 | 30 June 1991 | Canale 5 | 291 | daytime |
* | 26 december 1990 | 2 January 1991 | Rete 4 | 2 | Wed, prime time “Celebrities Special” [Speciale Celebrita] |
9 | 9 September 1991 | 12 September 1992 | Canale 5 | 327 | daytime |
* | 11 January 1992 | 22 February 1992 | Rete 4 | 7 | Sat, prime time “Sabato OK” |
10 | 14 September 1992 | 11 September 1993 | Canale 5 | 311 | daytime |
11 | 13 September 1993 | 9 July 1994 | Canale 5 | 256 | daytime |
12 | 19 September 1994 | 29 July 1995 | Canale 5 | 270 | daytime |
13 | 11 September 1995 | 29 June 1996 | Canale 5 | 252 | daytime |
14 | 9 September 1996 | 27 June 1997 | Rete 4 | 212 | daytime |
15 | 8 September 1997 | 26 June 1998 | Rete 4 | 222 | daytime |
16 | 14 September 1998 | 25 June 1999 | Rete 4 | 205 | daytime |
17 | 13 September 1999 | 30 June 2000 | Rete 4 | 210 | daytime |
18 | 11 September 2000 | 13 April 2001 | Rete 4 | 158 | daytime |