Rich Fields Gone Wild was a short-lived comedy web series where former Price announcer Rich Fields gets into some wacky situations.
As mentioned above, the series stars Fields getting into some wacky situations.
List of Episodes[]
Episode 1[]
Price is Right announcer Rich Fields trains hard with coach Lou Ferrigno (a.k.a. The Hulk) to become the greatest announcer of all time. As a result, he can't turn it off and drives his wife nuts.
Episode 2[]
Rich Fields, the fearless announcer for The Price is Right bumps into Adam West (a.k.a. Batman) on the CBS TV City lot in Hollywood and gets into trouble.
Additional Trivia[]
The title of the show is a parody and reference of the DVD pornographic adult entertainment video franchise (created by Joe Francis) Girls Gone Wild (or GGW).
This was also to promote the video game called The Price is Right: 2010 Edition by Ludia.
Adam West (Batman) has since passed away on June 9, 2017 due to leukemia at the age of 88.