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Secret "X" is a game based on Tic-Tac-Toe but without the Os, only the Xs.


  • The centerpiece of Secret "X" is a large, Asian-themed tic-tac-toe board. The middle column of the board contains a secret X hidden in one of its three question-marked boxes. To win a prize, the contestant must get three Xs in a row horizontally or diagonally.
  • The contestant is given a free X to place anywhere they want in the left or right columns of the board. The contestant is then shown two small prizes one at a time, each with two prices displayed, and must play a mini version of Pathfinder and Double Prices. If the contestant picks the correct price, they win the small prize and earn an additional X, which they then place on the board. Once both prizes have been played, the middle column of the board flips over, revealing the location of the secret X. If the secret X completes a string of three Xs in a row, the contestant wins. A winning row of three must include the secret X, and contestants are not allowed to place all three of their Xs on the same side of the board to create a vertical row (although this is no longer explicitly stated unless a contestant attempts to do it).
  • If the contestant earns no additional Xs, the game is automatically over. However, even if they earn both additional Xs, the contestant can still only form a row with two of the three secret squares and is not assured victory.


  • Contestants are often discouraged if they attempt to place an X in the middle row because such a placement can only win with one possible secret X position, the center. The same can be accomplished by placing Xs in vertically-opposite corners; this also allows a third X (if won) to also complete the top or bottom horizontal row, which is not possible with the middle-row placement.


  • Secret "X" was created by noted producer Kathy "Fingers" Greco, then a production assistant on the show, premiering on September 14, 1977 (#2473D). This was the same day as the notorious incident of contestant Yolanda Bowersley's tube top falling when she was called to "Come on Down". On its first playing, contestant Betty Vasquez put the first-ever free "X" in the middle of the left column, meaning she could only win if the Secret "X" was in the center. She then guessed both small prizes wrong and thus lost by default. Bob did reveal the position of the Secret "X" (it was on top) after being directed to push the button on the side, which nobody had bothered to tell him to do. On its second playing, the game received its first win.
  • When the game made its debut, there were no question marks in the center column; these were added on October 26, 1977 (#2533D). On February 12, 1981 (#3994D) the white parts of the setup became yellow. On October 10, 1986 (#6215D) the clear background of the Secret "X" logo changed to yellow, the white border turned red and the red base became black, also the small prize podiums were also revised completely. The black stripes in the corners were removed on November 4, 2004 (#3034K). The font on the choice prices and the actual prices changed to Kingpin on November 27, 2007 (4102K, aired out of order on November 5).
  • One notable playing on March 7, 1995 (#9492D) featured some technical difficulties. The machine was stuck as Bob pushed the button, and he called out to Roger Dobkowitz for help, at first trying to get into the black tarp at the back of the board and crank the middle column manually, but did not help. As a result, Bob and Roger turned the board around and looked behind the black tarp at the back of the board to find out where the Secret "X" was. It was on the bottom, and Lisa lost.
  • On another playing from December 4, 1998 (#0925K), the small prizes and their labels were loaded onto the incorrect platforms, meaning the prices for the watches were displayed for the designer gloves and vice-versa. A producer notified Bob of the error after contestant William Madsen placed the "X" to complete the top row for getting the "right" price for the gloves, and Bob declared the only honorable thing to do was to award him the prize. Bob checked to reveal the center column anyway, and William would not have won since the Secret "X" was in the middle, but he would have put a second "X" on the bottom right if the prices had been loaded correctly and he'd won them both.
  • Another notable playing from April 27, 1999 (#1102K) featured contestant Amy Derose who was clueless about the game and tried to get three in a row on the left column. She first placed her free “X” in the middle left, then placed her second on the top left after getting her first small prize correctly. But she guessed the second prize incorrectly, resulting in an instant loss, but Bob pushed the button to reveal the center column, and the Secret “X” was in the middle.
  • On February 14, 2014 (#6615K), a trip to Cancun for 22 people worth $33,000 was offered and won.
  • On March 30, 2016 (#7473K), contestant Gary Miller put his free X in the middle of the right column, effectively meaning that he could only win if the X was in the middle. He won the 2nd 'X' and then Drew went ahead and played out the game for the 3rd X, even though, at that point, it didn't matter where Gary put it. The X was indeed in the middle, and Gary's unorthodox strategy worked.
  • There has been a recent string of wipeouts in this game. On November 24, 2015 (#7302K), contestant Floriane Siegel guessed both small prizes wrong, so she had no way to win. The same happened to Lily Cao on December 17, 2015 (#7324K), Erica Green on May 5, 2016 (#7524K), Toni Alicante on February 17, 2017 (#7815K), Bryan Kym on March 21, 2017 (#7862K), John Stolarz on April 2, 2021 (#9375K), Denise Holloman on April 22, 2022 (#9815K), and Debra Schamburg on March 13th, 2024 (#0533L, aired out-of-order on March 20th, 2024).
  • On October 28, 2016 (#7665K), Secret "X" was played for a cash prize of $15,000, in honor of Price's Big Money Week, and was won.
  • On November 15, 2016 (#7692K), contestant Ben had correctly guessed both small prizes, but still lost the game, which spoiled a perfect show.
  • On May 22, 2020 (#9155K), contestant Gina Schuh was in a wheelchair, and couldn't reach the empty spots for the Xs. Drew put the X's up for her, and she won.
  • For The Price Is Right At Night special on December 21, 2021 (#050SP), Secret X got renamed Secret Santa, and Santa logos replaced the X's. $13,000 of furniture was won.

Appearances Outside of The Price is Right[]

On an October 9, 2019 episode of the syndicated talk show The Kelly Clarkson Show where Drew Carey was a guest, Secret 'X' was played. This episode also featured Chloe Grace Moretz, Theresa Caputo, and of course Clarkson herself.

It was also used in an episode of The Talk.

Secret 'X' on The Talk


  • The most number of times this game was played in any season was 36 (season 6), while the least number of times this game was played in any season was 6 (season 41).
  • The double-price mechanic for small prizes was later reused in Pathfinder and Super Ball.
  • A vertical tic-tac-toe counts as a win on the 1990 Price Is Right computer games released for the PC and Commodore 64, despite it being against the rules on the actual show.
  • Very few contestants attempt for a win on the bottom row.
  • While a wipeout is signaled by a buzzer, when the center column is flipped and the contestant has not formed three in a row with any of his/her earned X's, the foghorn will sound instead (with both sounds being in conjunction with the losing horns).
  • Secret X's flip reveal is also used on Stack the Deck, except in that game, the top row containing its name is flipped over vertically to reveal the car's price.


To view the gallery, click here.

YouTube Videos[]

Debut of Secret X (September 14, 1977, #2473D)
Bad Playing of Secret "X" (March 5, 2010, #5065K) (alt. copy)
Secret X for a $33,000 Trip to Cancun (February 14, 2014, #6615K)

1970s Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Bullseye (1) | Clock Game | Double Bullseye | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Give or Keep | Range Game | Hi Lo | Double Digits | Lucky $even | Temptation | Mystery Price | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | Poker Game | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Hurdles | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Professor Price | Finish Line | Take Two | Shower Game | It's Optional | Punch-A-Bunch | Telephone Game | Penny Ante
Active Pricing Games
Any Number | Bonus Game | Double Prices | Grocery Game | Clock Game | Five Price Tags | Most Expensive | Money Game | Range Game | Hi Lo | Lucky $even | Temptation | Shell Game | Card Game | Race Game | Ten Chances | Golden Road | One Right Price | Danger Price | 3 Strikes | Cliff Hangers | Safe Crackers | Dice Game | Bullseye (2) | Switcheroo | Hole in One (or Two) | Squeeze Play | Secret 'X' | Take Two | Punch-A-Bunch | Bargain Game | Grand Game | Now....or Then | Check Game | Check-Out | Pick-A-Pair | Plinko | Master Key | One Away | Pathfinder | Spelling Bee | Make Your Move | 2 for the Price of 1 | Swap Meet | Pick-A-Number | Switch? | Cover Up | Side by Side | Freeze Frame | Shopping Spree | Eazy as 1-2-3 | It's in the Bag | Line 'Em Up | One Wrong Price | Push Over | Let 'Em Roll | Flip Flop | Triple Play | That's Too Much! | Bonkers | Pass the Buck | Coming or Going | ½ Off | Pocket ¢hange | Balance Game (2) | Stack the Deck | More or Less | Gas Money | Rat Race | Pay the Rent | Double Cross | Do The Math | Time is Money (2) | Vend-O-Price | Hot Seat | Gridlock! | Back to '75 | To The Penny