The Showcase Showdown permanent debut from November 3, 1975.
The plain-looking Big Wheel from 1976. Notice the lack of green spaces.
From 1978, with green spaces added. Notice the Price down dollar signs.
What any Price is Right contestant wants to hit. Notice the decimal point, which returned for the April Fool's Day 2016 (#7475K) episode.
From 1989. This design lasted for a good amount of time on the show. The dollar signs here were the same ones used in Super Ball!!.
The late 80s design lasted for a short time into the Drew Carey years as well.
2nd Showcase Showdown from 4/10/2008 (#4284K).
The Price is Right Live! wheel used as a substitute while the "Purple Wheel" was repainted.
This is the infamous "Purple Wheel" from 2008. The borders are green instead of black.
This is what the wheel looks like these days.
How close can you get. On the first $1,000,000 Spectacular, this occurred on the nickel space and would happen again on another show.
Values on the Wheel[]
Custom Designed Looks[]
Original Big Wheel Pattern from 1975.
The Big Wheel pattern 1975-1978.
The Big Wheel pattern since 1978.
The infamous purple Big Wheel pattern from 2008.
The Big Wheel introduced since Season 37.
Winning Graphics[]
Bob Barker's Tenure[]
This might be one the earliest appearances of the 'star font' used in the Showcase Showdown up until Bob's last season. Here it's seen jazzed up quite a bit more than what would become the normal way. This happened November 19, 1992 (#8584D).
We've had 3-way ties over the years. But this is nothing compared to the fact that these 3 contestants each got $1,000 apiece from January 21, 1993 (#8664D). It happened under Drew Carey's tenure 23 years later.
Drew Carey's Tenure[]
Land on this number or in a combination of this number and you'll get this.
Land on this green space...
...or this green space in your bonus spin and you'll get this.
Land on this number in your bonus spin and you'll get this.