The old board with a white card with asterisks covering the prize names.
Which two prizes total $1152?
The Dinette & Color TV; I know this doesn't look like it, but this contestant lost. Bob was just showing her the right two.
The updated board with a blank orange card
Which two prizes total $1804?
Is it the Refrigerator and the Cabinet?
What about the Cabinet and the Rocker? Do they total $1804?
Yes! This time we have a winner!
Here it is again.
Which two prizes total $2498?
The Refrigerator & Scooter, and we have another winner!
The current board. Before the prizes were revealed, instead of a blank card covering just the prize names, a card featuring The Price Is Right logo covers the entire bottom half as seen here.
The current board. Though not pictured, before the prizes were revealed, instead of a blank card covering just the prize names, a card featuring The Price Is Right logo covers the entire bottom half, though not yet updated to reflect the current logo. So, which two prizes total $3507?
Not these two.
But these two. If you notice, the price of the bicycles is $1,000; the price card was sticking out.
Same setup with a font style change.
Look closely, the totals match.
The total matches here too.
If you look closely, the actual retail prices to each of the 4 prizes are shown.