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Season 11 (1982-1983)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 11, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (457): September 6-10

Week 2 (458): September 13-17

  • By Monday, the show has stopped offering fur coats.
  • This episode marked the official starting point where The Price is Right: The Barker Era begins airing episodes, with Monday's show starting with Bob complaining of having "Microphone Elbow," which has become a meme in the fan community of the channel. (The channel currently airs a block of sixty episodes from Season 1 beforehand, which were introduced as a tribute to what would have been Bob's 100th birthday, skipping any episodes from that season that offered furs.)
  • At this point, the interior of the Clam is a floral pattern on a red background.
  • At this point, a plug occurs every day before the first Showcase Showdown; generally, this is a plug for the door prize on Mondays and the ticket plug on other days.
  • On Monday, contestant Lori manages to lose Lucky Seven despite having $5 left for the last number.
  • In Tuesday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a boy in the audience (presumably Marc Breslow's son). Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Here it comes, Markie!"
  • On Tuesday, Double Prices is still being played primarily at the Giant Price Tag, only using Door #3 if the prize is too large to fit there (such as cars or trip skins).
  • On Tuesday, contestant Muriel asks Bob before her game to call her by her middle name, Colleen; this leads to Bob calling everyone by their middle names off and on for the rest of the show and to Muriel getting a new "Muriel/Colleen" name tag for the Showcase Showdown.
  • By Tuesday, the early oddities noted in Season 10 from the first two playings of Blank Check are no longer present.
  • On Thursday, contestant Denise is accidentally given 33 seconds to play Clock Game thanks to the clock not starting on time.
  • By Thursday, the "3 Strikes" sign and the board's dollar sign have been changed to a shiny gold.
  • By Thursday, a painting of a flying baseball with the word "Price" on it has been added to the base of the 3 Strikes board.
  • In Friday's Cliff Hangers, the staff mishears contestant Madeline's first bid and moves the mountain climber too far, which leads to the game ending on the second prize when it should not have. Bob declares her to have won after the commercial.

Week 3 (459): September 20-24

  • Bob declares that Monday's show is Price's 2,254th episode; in reality, it is the 2,203rd episode.
  • On Monday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Range Game gets stuck a short way up the scale; while it eventually starts moving again, the rangefinder begins tilting counterclockwise before the contestant stops it.
  • By Thursday, the cards in the Hit Me board are no longer being taken from the same deck as the house's hand.
  • On Thursday, contestant Yvette is accidentally given 51 seconds to play Race Game thanks to the clock not starting on time.
  • During Thursday's credits, Johnny announces that contestant Yvonne was found after the taping to be ineligible and would not receive her prizes.

Week 4 (460): September 27-October 1

  • On Monday, the Train is used during Cliff Hangers as it brings out a set of luggage for a trip.
  • On Monday, Hi Lo begins with a 70¢ card from the previous playing still sitting in the hi row. This is removed during the prize plugs.
  • On Monday, Bob mishears one of the contestant's guesses in Hi Lo and reveals the price of the wrong item, which she correctly rejects as belonging in the lo row; this ends up not mattering, as she goes on to lose the game, anyway.
  • On Tuesday, Hole in One is played with an orange golf ball that Bob had received from an audience member at a previous taping. This ball continues to be used off and on over the next several playings.
  • On Wednesday, a refrigerator being offered in Shell Game refuse to stay shut as Holly attempts to close it, resulting in what has come to be known as the first of her "great appliance battles."
  • During Wednesday's credits, Johnny announces that contestant Susan was found after the taping to be ineligible and would not receive her prizes.
  • By Thursday, Now....and Then's "then" date has been lowered to be flush with the main gameboard.
  • In Thursday's Range Game, the rangefinder again begins to tilt counterclockwise just before it is stopped.
  • On Thursday, the crew forgets to unlock Safe Crackers before the start of the game.
  • In Thursday's second Showcase Showdown, Bob forgets to reset the Big Wheel to the 5 for the second spin of a bonus spin-off; fortunately, this ends up not mattering.

Week 5 (461): October 4-8

  • For no apparent reason, Monday's show has a ticket plug before the first Showcase Showdown, with the weekly door prize plug instead occurring on Tuesday.
  • On Monday, Bob intentionally misspells his name as "Bob Baker" in Blank Check to see if anyone would notice; no one does.
  • On Monday, as the Beauties are horsing around with Johnny during the credits, a cue card for Any Number is visible in front of his podium; this turns out to be the first game on the next episode.
  • On Tuesday, contestant Denise tells Bob that she had appeared many years earlier on an episode of Truth or Consequences.
  • On Tuesday, the Train is used during Trader Bob as it brings in a set of luggage for a trip.
  • On Wednesday, the crew again forgets to unlock Safe Crackers before the start of the game; unlike the previous playing, the issue is not quickly fixed, either, leading to Bob and Dian fiddling with the door for a good half-minute before someone unlatches it.
  • On Wednesday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • In Thursday's Range Game, the rangefinder yet again tilts counterclockwise as it moves, this time getting stuck partway up the scale; Bob eventually has to nudge it loose to get it moving again. A close-up of the now diagonal rangefinder is shown during the mid-show bumper.
  • At this point in the run, including Friday, Golden Road's dots are generally clustered together at random rather than being laid out in an actual path.
  • On Friday, contestant Brenda wins 3 Strikes by lighting up all four numbers in order without making a mistake and without drawing a strike.

Week 6 (462): October 11-15

  • In Monday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a boy in the audience (presumably Marc Breslow's son). Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Here it comes, Markie!"
  • On Monday, a different perfect bid bell is used in Contestants' Row.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game and Grocery Game's prize packages appear to have been switched during the course of the show, likely in the wake of the former's rangefinder issues from the last several playings finally making the game completely stop working. Several factors support this idea:
    • Range Game is played for a family room, a prize package that generally only appears in fee games at this point in the run.
    • Bob notes that the family room "has everything but a backgammon table," which turns out to be the prize in Grocery Game.
    • Range Game's scale appears to have different numbers on it after the prize description.
    • Bob says that the rangefinder will "hopefully" move up the scale while explaining the game, seemingly indicating that this was their second attempt to play it.
    • During Grocery Game, Bob mentions to laughter that "we had a backgammon table like that on the show the other day!"
    • While signing off, Johnny says that the program "was edited for broadcast."
  • On Wednesday, the plug before the first Showcase Showdown is for Global Van Lines, a transport company that the show uses to deliver prizes to contestants.
  • On Thursday, Race Game is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • By Friday, Bob has begun giving a thousand-dollar range when Clock Game offers a 4-digit prize. He also allows the contestant to bid without the thousands digit when this happens.

Week 7 (463): October 18-22

  • In Tuesday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of an older couple in the back of the audience. Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Here it comes, Welches!"
  • On Tuesday, in an unusual coincidence, the first contestant and the fifth contestant are cousins.
  • On Tuesday, the Hurdles contestant waves the starter's pistol around in an ill-advised manner, including aiming it straight at Bob at one point. Bob does not allow the contestants to fire the pistol for several months after this episode.
  • By Tuesday, Hurdles has switched from its original, yellow "CRASH" loss graphic to a red one that says, "OOPS," using letters that appear to come from the title of the "It's Optional" game.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Wednesday's show.
  • On Friday, contestant Edwin guesses 1 for the first number in 4-digit Lucky Seven because he believes the car is $12,000; he loses immediately. Interestingly, Bob does not question Edwin's choice or say anything to make him stop and think, like he's done for games like Bullseye when it's obvious the contestant is misunderstanding something about the game.
  • On Friday, the fifth Item up for Bids, a dishwasher, refuses to latch shut for Dian, who eventually leaves the door to just flop open.

Week 8 (464): October 25-29

  • On Monday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, the second Barker Wall, which has a multi-colored hexagon pattern with Pricedown dollar signs in the hexagons, debuts.
  • On Tuesday, the spinning panel of the Turntable wall changes: The front side and the game side are reversed, with the plain red pattern that had previously been the front now on the back. The new front features the early debut of the purple/red/orange pattern that will officially debut a few months later.
  • On Tuesday, Bill Cullen rides in on the Train to plug Child's Play at the top of Act 3, complete with a come on down from Johnny; while talking with Bob, he plays clips of one of the kids describing "The Price is Right" and "Bob Barker."
  • On Tuesday, the interior of the Clam is changed; it is now a metallic orange with columns of downward chevrons.
  • On Thursday, Bob hosts Act 1 wearing a gold Emmy jacket from his friend Vic Markman, the associate producer of General Hospital.
  • On Thursday, Sharon Wyatt, the portrayer of Tiffany Hill on General Hospital, is in the audience; Bob points her out at the top of Act 2. For reasons unknown, this segment is edited out of the version of the episode that airs on The Price is Right: The Barker Era.
  • On Friday, Squeeze Play refuses to squeeze the numbers together, prompting Bob to slap the game and eventually just move the first digit himself. The dollar sign eventually comes out on its own once he activates the price reveal.

Week 9 (465): November 1-5

  • On Tuesday, in an unusual move, Janice pushes out the Dice Game table by herself; it is possible that Holly was unavailable, needing to apply extra makeup for a "Priceless Streetcorner Mime" showcase.
  • On Thursday, all of the Big Wheel's chase lights are lit throughout both Showcase Showdowns.
  • Beginning on Thursday, the white decimal point is missing from the Any Number board; it appears to have fallen off without anyone noticing.
  • On Friday, the all-overbid buzzer is sounded by mistake during the third Item up for Bids; fortunately, the error is caught before anything can happen.

Week 10 (466): November 8-12

  • On this week's shows (except for Thursday, although this appears to be an oversight), Bob reminds viewers that the Home Viewer Showcase is next week.
  • On Monday, in an unusual production error, Bob's microphone is not turned on until several seconds into his greeting.
  • On Monday, at the top of Act 5, Bob calls Sharon Friem up onstage to give cameraman Joe Arvizu a birthday kiss.
  • On Tuesday, the second bar of "The Pink Panther" plays at the beginning of Safe Crackers instead of the first bar; the song subsequently starts from the beginning during gameplay, the point at which it normally starts from the second bar.
  • On Tuesday, in an unusual occurrence, contestant Wayne pulls out two chips (a number and a strike) at the same time while playing 3 Strikes; Bob declares that neither one will count and puts them both back in the bag.
  • On Wednesday, the Item up for Bids before Range Game is staged behind the Giant Price Tag, apparently necessitating an extra delay after the bidding to get the game in place; this leads to the odd occurrence of Bob chatting with the contestant in front of the Turntable for several seconds and then walking over to Range Game.
  • In Wednesday's Bullseye, eight cans of 55¢ bean sprouts, worth $4.40, is mistakenly shown as costing $4.72; this does not affect the outcome of the game.
  • On Thursday, it is discovered during the first showcase that the Top Winner is actually the Runner-Up and vice versa; this error is corrected before any bidding occurs and does not ultimately affect the gameplay.
  • On Friday, Take Two is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.

Week 11 (467): November 15-19

  • During this week's shows, the Home Viewer Showcase "Family Christmas" is presented at the top of Act 5; instructions on how to enter are given before the second part of the Showcase. Based on Bob's wardrobe, the showcase appears to have been taped during Monday's show and then inserted into the remaining four episodes.
  • On this week's shows, all panels of the Turntable wall except for the back side of the spinning panel are changed to display the purple-red-orange pattern, and the chase lights on the Turntable walls are removed. This change is not permanent at this time, as this week of shows was taped out of order.
  • To make up for the time taken up by the Home Viewer Showcase, this week's shows appear to use a limited rotation of mostly shorter pricing games; several frequently played games are absent, while five other games, an unusually high number, are played two times.
  • On this week's shows, the mid-show bumper spiel is changed to, "Stay tuned for our exciting 'Family Christmas' Home Viewer Showcase, coming up on the second half of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday and Friday, a new, orange decimal point is present on the Any Number board; as this week's shows were taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
  • On Tuesday, Johnny models a tuxedo in the second showcase.
  • On Wednesday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Buck Henry drives the Train during one of the Items up for Bids.

Week 12 (468): November 22-24

  • On Monday, Dian suffers a near wardrobe malfunction as her dress begins to rise due to her standing underneath the overhead air conditioner, prompting Bob to start playfully teasing her and she embarrassingly tries to hide.
  • Thanksgiving week; only three shows.

Week 13 (469): November 29-December 3

  • On Monday, Squeeze Play refuses to squeeze the numbers together. Bob eventually moves them himself, knocking the first digit halfway off the board in the process; despite fiddling with the game for a good while and even going behind the prop, he never does get the dollar sign to come out.
  • On Wednesday, an unidentified male model takes part in the second showcase.
  • On Friday, Squeeze Play's price reveal refuses to open. After banging the button repeatedly and kicking the game a couple of times, Bob and the contestant eventually pull it open; upon seeing that the contestant had lost, Bob slams it shut again.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, the Turntable is seen spinning around as the show comes back from the last commercial.

Week 14 (470): December 6-10

  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, the spinning panel of the Turntable is on the game side during the second part of the Showcase.
  • On Wednesday, the Train is used during Give or Keep as it brings out a set of luggage for a trip.
  • On Wednesday, the lights in the Barker's Bargain Bar sign do not work.
  • In Wednesday's Ten Chances, contestant Sheri essentially gets two guesses on the sixth chance when Bob misreads one of her numbers.
  • On Friday, the orange decimal point is added to the Any Number board permanently.

Week 15 (471): December 13-17

  • The Turntable wall changes seen on Week 11's shows are again present this Friday; they are still not permanent, as this episode was taped out of order with the Home Viewer Showcase episodes and next week's shows were taped out of order before this week's.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual coincidence, one of the first four contestants is the business partner of the mother of another of the first four contestants.
  • In Wednesday's Squeeze Play, the 6 that was removed from the price in next Monday's playing (which was actually taped before this one) is still sitting in the slot on the side of the board.
  • In Wednesday's Cliff Hangers, the staff mishears contestant Anne's bid of $45 on the second item, as well as Bob repeating it, as $35, causing the mountain climber to stop on 12 when he should actually have gone to 22; this results in her winning the game when she should have lost. Bob acknowledges the error during the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Thursday, Holly trips on a cable during Super Ball!! while bringing down ball #3 and ends up being caught by Bob and the contestant.
  • On Friday, the microphone at the blue Contestants' Row display dies quite loudly during the first Item up for Bids; it is not fixed until Act 4.
  • On Friday, Clock Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Clock Game's prizes are revealed one at a time.
  • On Friday, Range Game is won at the last possible moment, with the left side of the rangefinder just barely covering the price.
  • On Friday, there is a noticeable audio edit during the mid-show bumper; as the other episodes taped with this one had a different spiel at this point related to the Home Viewer Showcase, it seems likely that Johnny mistakenly read that one during the taping, with the normal one being inserted later.
  • On Friday, after the Showcase, Bob calls the winner of the Home Viewer Showcase in a segment taped separately from the rest of the episode. The credits roll over shots of that prize package instead of the winner of the day's Showcase.

Week 16 (472): December 20-24

  • The set, including the Showcase podiums, is decorated for Christmas this week. Unusually, the decorations include an alteration to a semi-permanent set piece -- the life preserver on the giant cruise ship is replaced with a wreath.
  • As this week's shows were taped one week before last week's, they still have the Turntable walls from Week 14.
  • On Tuesday, Bob tries and fails to force an X to stick to the Secret "X" board after discovering it has no adhesive on it; fortunately, the contestant had placed it on the bottom row.
  • On Wednesday, Five Price Tags is played for a $14,000 Cadillac.
  • On Wednesday, Race Game is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • In Wednesday's Card Game, Bob inadvertently shows a decent portion of the regular deck to the audience when he collects the cards after bumping them while placing the range card. This does not end up having any effect on the game.
  • In Wednesday's second Showcase Showdown, after contestant William gives the Big Wheel an unusually powerful spin, Bob comments that they might need oil for it before the end of the day; this prompts the sound effects person to play the creaking sound from Safe Crackers and Squeeze Play several times as it comes to a stop.
  • Friday's opening titles read, "Happy Holidays."
  • On Friday, the opening titles are green.
  • On Friday, Bob wears his red plaid holiday jacket, and the Barker's Beauties are dressed as Victorian housewives.
  • On Friday, a living room set with a snowflake background is present on the stage in the back of the audience; Johnny sits there to present the Showcase, which is themed around Christmas storybooks.
  • Friday's first showcase, The Price Is Right's version of The 12 Days of Christmas, features a background chorus of the show's staff.

Week 17 (473): December 27-31

  • In Tuesday's Super Ball!!, contestant Jeanne manages not to win anything with ball #2, which bounces up the ramp and never even reaches the circles.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Wednesday's show.
  • On Wednesday, the changes to the Turntable walls previously seen in Weeks 11 and 15 take effect permanently.
  • On Wednesday, Bob tells the contestant playing Most Expensive to pick the least expensive prize; he is corrected by someone in the audience before anything can happen.
  • In Wednesday's Race Game, the jukebox's display malfunctions, forcing Bob to find out from the producers how many prices the contestant has right; fortunately (at least from a production standpoint), this occurs with only three seconds left.
  • On Wednesday, the asterisks on the Showcase podiums are changed from red for the Top Winner and green for the Runner-Up to purple for the Top Winner and orange for the Runner-Up. Whereas the old asterisks had simply been painted onto the podiums, the new ones are padded material. At this time, the stripes on the sides of the podiums, the rims around their displays, and the blank placards are also changed to the colors of their respective asterisks.
  • On Thursday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • Friday's opening titles read, "Happy New Year."
  • On Friday, a serigraph being offered in Take Two leads Bob to a lengthy discussion with Johnny and the staff over the course of several acts about what exactly a serigraph is and how it differs from a lithograph. This is noteworthy for our purposes mostly because of Bob's final explanation offered before the fifth Item up for Bids, which he reads from the back of an IUFB card that clearly has "$828" written on it, albeit upside down; while this initially looks like the show may have given away a price, the card is actually from the first Item up for Bids.
  • On Friday, Johnny signs off with, "This is Johnny Olson speaking, wishing you a Happy New Year for The Price Is Right, a Mark Goodson-Bill Todman production!"

Week 18 (474): January 3-7

  • Monday's show features the debut of Plinko.
    • On its first two playings only, Plinko is introduced by Johnny announcing that the contestant has, "A chance to win up to $25,000 in cash!" as a disco ball with the text "$25,000" around it comes down in the Basket.
    • On Plinko's first playing, Grand Game's intro music plays as the Basket drops, and as Bob and the contestant walk over to the Plinko board, the very end of "Starcrossed" plays.
    • For the first year of Plinko's life, the game's reveal is shot from the left.
    • Early in Plinko's life, Door #3 is seen opening on-camera to reveal the small prizes.
    • On Plinko's first two playings only, the "WIN!" text on the small prize price holders takes up the entire card. The actual price can only be displayed by flipping the panel back and turning the wrong number.
    • On Plinko's first playing only, the actual prices are the same colors as the wrong prices.
    • On Monday, Plinko's scoreboard does not work.
  • On Monday, with the show running long at the second Showcase Showdown, most of "Dig We Must" is edited out to save time after a contestant gets a dollar.
  • On Tuesday, the wrong contestant almost gets onstage for the first game when the staff flashes the wrong display in Contestants' Row; fortunately, Bob notices the mistake before anything can happen.
  • On Wednesday, Bob attempts to explain Blank Check with a set of instructions from Stan; he throws them away halfway through upon realizing that they mention adding up the price and the check without actually saying anything about writing the check.
  • On Thursday, the same refrigerator seen on the September 29 episode is offered in Safe Crackers and again refuses to stay shut when Holly attempts to close it.
  • On Friday, the circle wipe is added to the first camera transition during Bob's entrance.
  • On Friday, Bonus Game is revealed after the prize description.

Week 19 (475): January 10-14

  • Monday marks the first use of the Plinko stick, although not in Plinko -- Bob uses it as a pointer for a graphical chart with which he attempts to explain Blank Check.
  • On Tuesday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Plinko's intro music changes to a sting from "The Cats," replacing the Grand Game intro cue and the sting from "Starcrossed" used on the first playing.
  • On Tuesday, the wrong answers in Plinko become white with a red background; this leads to the oddity of not having a distinct "right answer" indicator, as the "WIN!" cards still do not have a price on them.
  • In Tuesday's Any Number, Bob misidentifies the Chevrolet Chevette the contestant is playing for as a Chevrolet Chevelle; while this could theoretically have affected the gameplay, it should be noted that the Chevelle had been out of production for five years at this point.
  • On Wednesday, all of Barker's Bargain Bar's electronics die right after the prize plugs, leaving the game with no lights and the trilons with no power; the Beauties end up turning them by hand.
  • In Wednesday's third Item up for Bids, something appears to go wrong with the sound effects during an all-overbid; as Bob goes to read the price, the bell dings several times, the perfect bid bell sounds briefly, someone yells to Bob that everyone went over, and then the buzzer finally sounds.
  • On Wednesday, It's Optional is played perfectly.
  • On Thursday, the colors of the pie slices on the Now....and Then board are rearranged into their current configuration.
  • On Friday, Five Price Tags's second small prize podiums are still in use.
  • On Friday, Bob accidentally pulls off the orange ARP tag in Five Price Tags along with the blue one, making the win initially look like a wrong answer and briefly confusing the sound effects operator.
  • On Friday, the buzzer dies during the sixth Item up for Bids, leaving the producers to shout to Bob to signal an all-overbid.
  • In Friday's sixth Item up for Bids, Bob gives the wrong amount as the lowest bid after an all-overbid; fortunately, everyone bids lower than the correct amount, anyway.

Week 20 (476): January 17-21

  • On Monday, one of the magnetic digits falls off the first price tag in Most Expensive; Janice eventually retrieves it from the prize backdrop and reattaches it.
  • Tuesday's second showcase involves Johnny the Witch Doctor running a booth at a local mall; this is noteworthy mostly for the for the "mall" backdrop, which is actually The Price Is Right Department Store.
  • On Wednesday, Squeeze Play's price reveal refuses to open all the way when Bob presses the button; Bob ends up flipping it open himself.
  • On Thursday, cash games begin to be played in lieu of car games again, although not as frequently as before 1981. This initially applies only to Plinko (which, in fact, does not appear in the same half as a real car game again until December), but it also begins to occur with Punch a Bunch and Grand Game later in the season.
  • On Thursday, Plinko's disco ball is replaced with the Plinko sign, which is staged in the back of the audience. The sign's slats rest horizontally during the Item up for Bids, then slowly turn the say "Plinko" and then again to say "$25,000" as the camera zooms in on it during Johnny's intro.
  • On Thursday, Plinko's normal "WIN!" cards are introduced.

Week 21 (477): January 24-28

  • On Monday, there are still no borders on the sides of the Squeeze Play board.
  • On Monday, Johnny calls down the fifth contestant with her first initial, "K." When Bob asks about it, she hands him another name tag with her full, 22-syllable-long first name, Kamukealeianuvenuekipalileileilanimunuetaire, on it. Bob later learns that she had been Miss Hawaii in 1969 and had competed in the Miss USA pageant, which he had hosted.
  • On Monday, the slider on Secret "X"'s first price reveal breaks and refuses to move smoothly. After Holly fights with it enough to make the prop visibly shake, Bob has her just open it in the middle.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, the slats on the Plinko sign turn much more quickly than they did last Thursday. The shot of the sign is altered, as well -- instead of simply zooming in on it, the camera now zooms in and out rapidly several times.
  • Tuesday marks the first use of the term "Plinko chip;" prior to this, Bob had simply called them "discs."
  • Tuesday's Plinko is the first playing during which Bob does not show off the Plinko stick.
  • On Tuesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, Holly accidentally enters a bid of $1.29 in Check-Out as $12.99, causing the displayed total for the contestant to be $11.70 higher than it should be.
  • On Thursday, Race Game is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Friday's show.

Week 22 (478): January 31-February 4

  • On Monday, the circle wipe is added to the second camera transition during Bob's entrance.
  • On Tuesday, the second circle wipe in the opening has a blue border around it; it is never seen again after this episode.
  • In Tuesday's Lucky Seven, the car's "T.P.I.R." license plate has yellow text on an orange background instead of the usual black on yellow.
  • On Tuesday's show, which was taped the day after Bob's birthday, the Beauties lead the audience in singing "Happy Birthday to You" after Most Expensive.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Thursday's show.
  • On Thursday, Golden Road's dots begin to be laid out like an actual road.
  • On Friday, Penny Ante's pennies are not in place at the start of the game; one of the Beauties can be seen bringing them out to Bob as he is explaining the rules.
  • On Friday, It's Optional is played perfectly.

Week 23 (479): February 7-11

  • On Monday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Monday, during the first showcase, Holly knocks over a table and breaks the second prize, a movie camera and projector; given that the showcase had her dressed as a monster who was trying to "break into the movies," it is unclear whether this was part of the script or an actual mistake.
  • On Tuesday, after "partying right up until showtime," Johnny, the Barker's Beauties, and various crew members pretend to be drunk throughout the show; the latter displays itself through such things as an unsteady chroma key. As this was the last episode taped before the Christmas break, this was likely something of an inside joke.
  • On Tuesday, Johnny is shown at his podium as he signs off during the credits, still dressed in his safari gear from one of the showcases.
  • On Wednesday, the fifth contestant called down is professional baseball player Jim Tyrone.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.

Week 24 (480): February 14-18

  • For a brief period beginning on Monday, the Showcase podiums are switched, with orange going to the Top Winner and purple to the Runner-Up.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, the clangs and whoops play when Switcheroo is won.
  • In Wednesday's first Showcase Showdown, the Big Wheel's beeps do not work until partway through the first spin. They continue to both skip and sound when they shouldn't until the end of the second spin.
  • On Friday, Bob begins the show by reading one of the many letters they have received with ways to explain Blank Check. The one in question suggests imagining yourself in a bathtub filled with one cup of water for every dollar in the price of the prize; since this isn't enough water to cover you, you must write the check for a number of additional cups of water to finish filling the tub, but not so much as to overflow the tub (by going over $3,500) and create a mess. The letter ends by saying, "If they can't understand it now, then they're all wet."
  • On Friday, the bell does not work during the fifth Item up for Bids.
  • On Friday, as noted in Week 20, Grand Game and Punch a Bunch begin to be played in lieu of car games again.

Week 25 (481): February 21-25

  • On Monday, Take Two is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Tuesday, the Big Wheel's beeps intermittently fail during the first spin of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, the reversal of the Showcase podiums that occurred last Monday is undone.
  • In Wednesday's Shell Game, Bob accidentally reveals the ball for a moment while mixing up the shells at the start of the game; however, the contestant never notices, fails to secure the win until the fourth item despite getting all of them right, and does not win the $500 bonus.
  • On Wednesday, Ten Chances is won by mistake when the car's price is revealed on the third chance despite the contestant's guess being wrong.
  • Also on Wednesday, Bob commands the audience to boo one of the spinners in the first Showcase Showdown -- except that the spinner had gotten the wheel exactly one time around. Bob then demands the audience apologize.
  • Wednesday's show has no consolation prize plugs.
  • On Thursday, all four of Plinko's small prizes are described at once.
  • On Friday, none of Trader Bob's small prize podiums have blue manufacturer cards on them.
  • In Friday's second showcase, The Price Is Right Giant Crossword Puzzle, most of the clues in Johnny's script have the wrong number; this leads to the Beauties being noticeably unsure about where their answers need to be written.

Week 26 (482): February 28-March 4

  • On Tuesday, during the credits, the Beauties unveil a banner reading "We ♥ Bob." There seems to be no specific reason for this, although since Weeks 24 and 25 were taped out of order, it is possible that it was intended for Valentine's Day and simply ended up on the wrong episode.
  • In Wednesday's Dice Game, the Beauties bring out the table with it facing the wrong direction; fortunately, Bob notices before the game starts and fixes it.
  • Wednesday's eighth contestant, Brian Stanton, is a high jumper who would go on to compete in the 1988 Summer Olympics.
  • Wednesday's show has no consolation prize plugs.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, the commercial outro version of "Dig We Must" is used when someone gets a dollar on the Big Wheel.
  • On Wednesday, Emmett Kelly, Jr. appears in character to help model during the second, circus-themed showcase.
  • On Friday, the Big Wheel's beeps briefly give out during the first spin of the first Showcase Showdown.

Week 27 (483): March 7-11

  • On Monday, the sixth contestant hugs the second contestant when she reaches Contestants' Row; he turns out to be an acquaintance of her father, at whose house they had met earlier in the day. This proves to be of great interest to Bob until it comes out that the second contestant's wife was also at the house and was fully aware of the meeting.
  • On Monday, contestant Patricia essentially automatically wins Dice Game, rolling a 2 for the first number (the show is not known to have ever offered a $1,000 car outside of the Showcase and had not done so for years at this point, anyway) followed by three 6s.
  • On Tuesday, Bob declares that contestant Florence is the only person who has ever lost It's Optional by going over; while Bob's "records" tend to be dubious, this seems noteworthy unless and until it is proven false.
  • On Tuesday, when the house busts in Hit Me, the bells are mistakenly accompanied by the losing horns instead of the theme; the theme finally starts before the last note of the horns can play.
  • On Wednesday, Temptation's display malfunctions as the staff tries to light up the contestant's pick for the second number, jumping between incorrect digits and no digits at all; it is eventually shut off for the remainder of the game.
  • In Wednesday's Poker Game, the staff initially lights up the wrong hand for the last two prizes; this does not affect the game's outcome, as Bob had already determined that the contestant had lost and the incorrect hand wouldn't have won, anyway.
  • On Wednesday, the refrigerator from September 29 and January 6 strikes yet again, this time refusing to close for Janice during the Showcase; with Johnny's prerecorded script leaving her no time to deal with it, the doors simply sit wide open in her kitchen for the entire showcase.
  • On Thursday, Bob's hopes that a male contestant will understand Blank Check better than all the female contestants who have been confused by it are dashed when the player not only needs the game explained twice but goes over by more than $1,000. Later in the show, Bob notices that the Beauties have written a reaction on a children's writing desk being offered in Trader Bob: "Women understand Blank Check!!!"
  • Thursday's consolation prize plugs begin with a shot of a staffer in the back of the audience, with Johnny announcing, "Contestants not appearing -- but not Russ, because it's his last day of paging on our show! -- will receive..."
  • Friday's seventh contestant, Clinton Chapman, is a former basketball player for the ABA's San Diego Sails and the Harlem Globetrotters.
  • On Friday, Take Two's yellow color scheme debuts; additionally, the two dollar signs by the upper price displays are replaced by a single, larger one, and the rectangular outlines are removed from the price covers and the target price while an orange one is added around the readout and purple ones are added around the prize labels.
  • On Friday, Take Two's readout does not work.

Week 28 (484): March 14-18

  • On Monday, the Big Wheel's beeps give out during the second spin of the first Showcase Showdown; they are controlled from the sound effects booth for the rest of the round.
  • Beginning on Monday, when Squeeze Play is played, a potted plant is placed on the turntable to the left of the board, presumably after someone realized it was possible to see behind the game while the turntable was spinning around.
  • In Tuesday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of Marc Breslow's son on the stage in the back of the audience. Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Here it comes, Markie Breslow!"
  • On Tuesday, Race Game is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Wednesday, Card Game becomes New Card Game. With this change comes a new color scheme, a new table front, a new logo, a starting bid of $2,000, and the second version of the special deck. The special deck now contains 12 cards, with two each of $500, $600, $700, $800, and $1,000. (Bob states on this episode that there are also two $900 cards, but this appears to have been a mistake.) Additionally, aces can now be given a value of any positive number; previously, they could not be made worth more than $1,000.
  • On New Card Game's first playing, the front of the table is covered with a red sheet; Holly, accompanied by a drumroll, whisks the sheet off at Bob's signal to reveal the revamped game (something which goes surprisingly smoothly for Holly until she tries to walk away and steps on Bob's microphone cord, knocking it out of his hand).
  • In Wednesday's second showcase, Fast Johnny's second customer is Holly playing a wino; in what may be a nod to the February 8 episode, Bob notes that "Holly was just exactly like that at the Christmas party!"
  • On Thursday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, the total value of the prize package in Safe Crackers is not announced.
  • On Friday, the dollar sign is missing from the 3 Strikes board.

Week 29 (485): March 21-25

  • On Monday, the rims and buttons on the Temptation board are changed from the lighter shade of orange seen on the price covers to the darker orange seen behind the numbers.
  • On Monday, arched bases are added to Temptation's gift podiums.
  • On Monday, the third/fourth, blue podiums for Double Prices and 1 Right Price are introduced; they make their first appearance in Double Prices on Monday and in 1 Right Price on Friday.
  • On Monday, the middle shelf appears to be missing from the new Double Prices podium -- the middle price tag is noticeably lower than it should be and seems to be resting behind the backing for the lowest tag.
  • On Tuesday, the rough-looking, white portions of the "Trader Bob" sign are noticeably smoothed over.
  • On Tuesday, none of Trader Bob's small prize podiums have blue manufacturer cards on them.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Wednesday's show.
  • On Thursday, the first turn of Switcheroo lasts about 33 seconds, suggesting that the game was not really being strictly timed at this point.
  • On Thursday, the Beauties forget to bring out the price tags while getting into position for Most Expensive. Janice can be seen handing them out to Dian and Holly in the middle of the game.
  • On Thursday, Bob noticed the "PLAYER" label on the Dice Game table and mentions that the crew must have added it after the Beauties had placed the table backwards on March 2; while a logical conclusion, the label had actually been in place since at least second week of the season.
  • On Thursday, contestant Kathryn essentially automatically wins Dice Game under almost the same circumstances as Patricia on March 7, the only difference being the third die landing on 1 instead of 6. (Despite this, Bob talks at length during her Showcase Showdown about how he's pretty sure this is the first time it's ever happened.)
  • On Thursday, when Bob waves during his sign-off, he accidentally knocks the tip off of the Runner-Up's microphone, sending it flying into the foreground.
  • Friday's show features the debut of Master Key.
    • Early in Master Key's life, Johnny would announce the total value of the prize package after describing the three prizes.
    • On the first two playings of Master Key, the platform with the locks on it is noticeably shorter than usual.
    • Early in Master Key's life, the buzzer did not sound when a key failed to open a lock.

Week 30 (486): March 28-April 1

  • On Monday, the light matrix on the Turntable is not turned on until the first Showcase Showdown.
  • On Monday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • Monday's show has no real car games.
  • In Tuesday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a boy and (presumably) his mother on the stage in the back of the audience.
  • In Wednesday's Super Ball!!, contestant Kathleen fails to win anything with ball #1, which bounces out of both $100 and $50 and ends up as a gutter ball.
  • On Thursday, the shot preceding the consolation prize plugs is of Mark Goodson, who Bob had announced earlier was in the studio for the taping. Johnny also announces that, "Mr. Mark Goodson, it was your idea for contestants not appearing on the stage will receive..."
  • Thursday's show features the final playing of Hurdles.
    • On Thursday, Bob allows the Hurdles contestant to fire the starter's pistol for the first time since October 19.
    • In Thursday's Hurdles, the rightmost hurdle reveals its price on its own off-camera right after the race starts, leaving no doubt about the game's outcome after the runner passes the second hurdle; despite this, the show goes through the formality of completing the race.
  • Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Friday's show.
  • On Friday, "Big Banana Remix" is played instead of "Walking" after the third Item up for Bids; someone eventually notices that the wrong music is on, stops it, and then starts "Walking" a few seconds later. This subsequently results in "The Cats" being played during the third game, Danger Price, and "Big Banana Remix" being played during Barker's Bargain Bar later in the show.
  • Friday's show features an April Fool's showcase called "Exciting Decorating Ideas for Your Home" in which everything gets broken. It consists of a grandfather clock that is smashed to pieces when Holly "accidentally" knocks it over; a painting displayed on the Turntable, which will not stop spinning; a dining room group with a chandelier that falls through the table; and a reproduction of a 1964 Plymouth Valiant automobile that crashes through the wall of the dining room, causing Holly to flee the stage in terror. The real showcase is two Chevrolet Camaros.

Week 31 (487): April 4-8

  • On Monday, one of the contestants is actress Janet Jones, the future wife of hockey legend Wayne Gretzky (although they hadn't met at the time).
    • Janet had introduced Vanna White to Merv Griffin while on Dance Fever, leading to Vanna's hiring on Wheel of Fortune. Vanna herself had appeared as a contestant on TPIR during Season 8 (Episode #3735D).
  • On Monday, Now....and Then's feet become green.
  • On Monday, in an awkward moment, the lights and bells start signaling a win in Now....and Then as the contestant loses the game.
  • On Monday, in New Card Game's third playing, two $900 cards are added to the special deck.
  • On Wednesday's playing of Safe Crackers, when the contestant tries to pull the safe door open after entering an incorrect price combination, the puttering car engine sound used in It's Optional is played instead of the usual "overbid" losing horn.
  • On Wednesday, "The Cats" is played instead of "Walking" after the sixth Item up for Bids; someone notices a few seconds later that the wrong music is on and switches it over to the correct song. This subsequently results in "Big Banana Remix," which had already been used earlier in Take Two, being played again during Barker's Bargain Bar.
  • On Thursday, the Train is used during Grocery Game as it brings out a set of luggage for a trip.
  • Thursday and Friday's shows have no consolation prize plugs.
  • Friday's Hole in One contestant, Lorece, is called down again 40 years later, on The Price is Right at Night: Redemption special (January 4, 2023).
  • On Friday, contestant Lorece loses Hole in One despite getting all the groceries in the right order and putting from the line closest to the hole.
  • In Friday's Money Game, the 47 that was picked on the game's previous playing is still sitting in the second dollar sign slot.

Week 32 (488): April 11-15

  • Tuesday marks the first appearance of the second style of money win graphics, which are surrounded by graphical "lights" and mimic Grand Game's "$10,000.00" sign; they naturally debut when a contestant wins Grand Game. At this point, they are not used in the Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, Clock Game is repainted a lighter, fuzzier-looking shade of green.
  • On Wednesday, the Turntable spins counter-clockwise for the sixth Item up for Bids; something appears to have been edited at this point in the show, as there seems to be a jump in the audio at the next camera transition.
  • On Thursday, at the end of the opening, the shot of Door #2 dissolves straight to Bob receiving the microphone from Janice, with a noticeable jump in the music after Johnny finishes talking. This appears to have been an effort to avoid showing any part of Golden Road on-camera before the start of the game.
  • On Thursday, during the second Item up for Bids, Bob goes off on a tangent about whether or not the word "and" is supposed to be used while reading out long numbers and almost ends up forgetting to have anyone bid before he reads the price.
  • On Thursday, the Train is used during Penny Ante as it brings out a set of luggage for a trip.
  • On Friday, the base of the lock podium in Master Key is raised to its normal height.

Week 33 (489): April 18-22

  • On Monday, the Plinko sign gets stuck while flipping from the name to the prize, leaving the camera to repeatedly zoom in and out on nothing; it finally flips to "$25,000" well after the shot has stopped moving.
  • On Tuesday, Danger Price is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Tuesday, when Bob goes to put the first two numbers in Money Game into the price, the right side of the holder detaches from the board.
  • On Wednesday, Lucky Seven's car does not move far enough across the stage for the game to be shot normally. Instead of using the traditional wide shot of the car and the Big Doors, the price reveals are shown with a close-up of the board.
  • Wednesday's sixth contestant, Katherine, had appeared as a contestant on Bob's short-lived show The Family Game in 1967.
  • On Thursday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • Thursday has a rare appearance of a car in the fourth game (albeit in a non-car game).
  • On Thursday, for no apparent reason, the turntable finishes the first showcase with the game side showing and remains that way until the commercial.
  • On Thursday, the credit crawl appears to get stuck at the Goodson-Todman logo for several seconds; once it finally moves, most of the credits zip up the screen much faster than usual.
  • Friday marks the debut of Give or Keep's blue color scheme.
  • On Friday, Give or Keep gets its own set of small prize podiums adorned with G-T asterisks, although it continues to use the original prize backdrops for the time being. The previous podiums continue to be used in Five Price Tags.
  • Friday marks the first appearance of Deluxe Dice Game, the 5-digit version of Dice Game; an extra window is attached to the left side of the board for the first number in the price, which is revealed at the beginning of the game.
  • On Friday, the side panels are added to the Squeeze Play board, with the portions that already existed having white strips painted on to match the game's front. The potted plant added to the game's set on March 14 is also done away with at this time.

Week 34 (490): April 25-29

  • Beginning on Monday, the buzzer sounds in Master Key if a key fails to open a lock.
  • Wednesday features the debut of the 1983 music package.
  • In Thursday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a family on the stage in the back of the audience.
  • On Thursday, after Bob attempts several times to explain Blank Check, the contestant tries to ask Janice what she should write the check for; Janice ends up re-explaining the game herself.
  • On Thursday, the Train makes its very first appearance in the showcase, representing a 17-day European Rail Tour.
  • On Friday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • In Friday's second showcase, a prize display gets hung up on another set piece as it is being pulled offstage, nearly knocking Holly out of the chair she is modeling and seemingly knocking the chair itself over as the panel moves off-camera. Fortunately, Holly does not seem to have been injured, as she appears again before the end of the showcase but is not seen during the end credits.

Week 35 (491): May 2-6

  • In Monday's first Showcase Showdown, when the first two spinners both go over, the staff mistakenly starts "Dig We Must" briefly before the third contestant can spin; once she has finished spinning, the cue picks back up partway in.
  • On Tuesday, Plinko's opening spiel is changed to, "You're going to play Plinko, with a chance to win up to $25,000 in cash!" At some point in the future, the word "with" in this spiel is changed to "for." The shot of the sign is also altered at this point -- the camera now freezes on a close-up of the game's name for several seconds after the first zoom-in as Johnny announces it, returning to the zooms in and out as the panels begin to flip to "$25,000."
  • On Tuesday, Bob finds a magazine on Plinko's stairs that someone had evidently left there backstage.
  • On Tuesday, several things break down during Barker's Bargain Bar -- the sign does not light up; Door #2 refuses to open all the way, with the outermost panels staying closed for the entire game; and the right-hand trilon stops working, forcing Dian to turn it by hand.
  • On Tuesday, a set of title graphics is added to the smaller trip skins used in the "Every Trip in the House" showcase; the Beauties flip the panels around one at a time to reveal what the trips are.
  • On Wednesday, the price of the second prize in Golden Road is misaligned, leaving enough of the missing number exposed to remove any doubt about its identity.
  • On Thursday, as Bob explains Penny Ante, a staffer can be seen behind him crawling out from behind the Turntable, attempting to remain off-camera; it turns out that she is delivering the pennies, which no one had remembered to put on the board.
  • Thursday's show is the first perfect show on the Pluto Channel (meaning any previous S11 perfect shows would've had to have been Premiere Week, if at all). Bob states this is the 22nd-ever perfect show in show history.
  • On Friday, the opening titles are diagonal.
  • On Friday, Hit Me's prices begin to be shown along with its products as Johnny describes them; Bob says that this was done in response to suggestions from viewers.
  • On Friday, the Blank Check contestant tries to write on the price display instead of the check. While reacting to her, Bob ends up putting a mark on the check display himself; this marks remains on the board through the game's next several playings.

Week 36 (492): May 9-13

  • In Monday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a girl on the left-hand stairs in the back of the audience, with Johnny announcing that the show is "Television's most exciting hour of fantastic prizes, Mary!" Unusually even for this sort of shot, instead of switching to a different camera to find the first contestant, the same one eventually zooms out and begins scanning the audience.
  • Monday's show features the final playing of It's Optional.
  • On Monday, contestant Artrude asks Bob to call her "Sue," her nickname; during the commercial between her game and her Showcase Showdown, she is given a second name tag with "Sue" on it in quotation marks.
  • On Monday, the "Barker's Bargain Bar" sign again does not light up.
  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, the turntable finishes the second showcase with the game side showing.
  • Tuesday's consolation prize plugs appear to have been edited into the show after the taping -- there is a noticeable jump in the audio during the transition to the Showcase Showdown, with Johnny's audio skipping forward while the music skips backwards.
  • On Thursday, Lucky Seven's car has a blue manufacturer card in place of the traditional "T.P.I.R." license plate.
  • Thursday's second Showcase Showdown begins with the second and third spinners lined up in the wrong order; fortunately, this is rectified before either of them can spin.

Week 37 (493): May 16-20

  • On Monday, the fourth game, Blank Check, is plainly visible on the partially rotated turntable during Act 3 and the first Showcase Showdown.
  • On Monday, Bob uses an explanation for Blank Check provided by Frank Wayne's milkman; it explicitly describes the money the check is written for as a second prize.
  • On Monday, during Blank Check, the staff mistakenly lights up the price of the prize on Contestants' Row as the player finishes writing the check; fortunately, for all practical purposes, she had already won at this point.
  • On Tuesday, the opening titles behave differently than usual: After zooming toward the screen the first time, they stay in place, flashing repeatedly. Additionally, the titles are diagonal on this episode.
  • On Tuesday, a new set of small prize backdrops are introduced for Give or Keep; unlike the previous set, which had varying designs, these all show G-T asterisks.
  • On Tuesday, Check-Out's "50¢" sign still uses a faux-vane font.
  • On Tuesday, the first bag in Check-Out refuses to pop up; the item's price is eventually lit up off-camera.
  • On Wednesday, Bob says that the Hole in One contestant reminds him of Craig Stadler, "the current Masters champion;" while this statement was no longer true when the episode aired, the 1983 Masters Tournament having been played in April, it was true when the show was taped.
  • On Wednesday, Take Two is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Thursday, Clock Game is played for a car.
  • Thursday and Friday's shows have no consolation prize plugs.
  • On Friday, the car is still being shown in a split-screen with the Ten Chances board while the contestant is bidding on it.

Week 38 (494): May 23-27

  • Monday's show has no consolation prize plugs.
  • On Tuesday, none of Trader Bob's small prize podiums have blue manufacturer cards on them.
  • On Tuesday, an unidentified male model takes part in the second showcase.
  • On Wednesday, after the Clock Game contestant starts her bidding on the first prize in the $1,500s, Bob explicitly states that if the price had been over $1,000, he would have given her a range to bid in because the game becomes too hard otherwise.
  • Wednesday's second showcase, which involves archeologists Dian and Holly knocking down the walls of a mummy's tomb to reveal his treasures, goes slightly awry when Holly accidentally knocks down the wall for the third prize before Johnny can start describing the second one. Fortunately, the script allows the presentation to continue with minimal commotion.
  • On Thursday, a contestant manages to lose Lucky Seven despite getting the first three numbers exactly right.
  • Thursday's show begins a brief period where the value of a game's prize package is flashed on the screen as Johnny announces it. The graphics are similar to those used in the Showcase Showdown but have a slightly different font. This practice ultimately lasts only one week, not even surviving a full taping session.
  • On Friday, in an unusual move, Bob announces that the first game of the day will be Blank Check during his opening monologue; in fact, much of the first act is focused on whether and how well various people understand the game.
  • On Friday, the buzzer is not used while checking the locks in Master Key.

Week 39 (495): May 30-June 3

  • On Monday, the Turntable walls still look the same as they did on December 29th.
  • On Tuesday, during Temptation, Dian has an intense struggle with pushing a pair of Rocker Recliners onto the stage as she first runs into the turntable, then nearly runs into Bob's foot before he finally helps her get the recliners in place
  • In Wednesday's Barker's Bargain Bar, the staff mistakenly starts the price reveal with the prize the contestant had picked; this occurs off-screen, as the camera was showing the prize that should have been done first.
  • On Thursday, before the first Item up for Bids, Bob brings stage manager Pat Berlly, who is leaving the show, onstage to say goodbye to her. Pat also joins the cast and the Showcase winner during the credits.
  • On Thursday, the price graphics flashed when Johnny announces the value of a prize package are done away with.
  • On Friday, Lucky Seven's car has a blue manufacturer card in place of the traditional "T.P.I.R." license plate.
  • For a brief period beginning on Friday, the Showcase podiums are switched, with orange going to the Top Winner and purple to the Runner-Up.

Week 40 (496): June 20-24

  • On Monday, the 10-second rule is enforced on the final chance in Ten Chances.
  • On Monday, the car's price reveal in Ten Chances briefly gets stuck when the card with the number choices juts out over the frame.
  • Each day this week, Bob plugs next week's "Salute to CBS Soaps" event at the beginning of Act 5.
  • In Tuesday's Blank Check, Bob tells the contestant not to write in the display "like some people try to do," evidently unaware that the mark that is still there from May 6 is actually his.
  • In Tuesday's second Showcase Showdown, Bob forgets to reset the Big Wheel to the nickel for the second spin of a bonus spin-off; fortunately, this does not end up affecting the outcome.
  • On Tuesday, the reversal of the Showcase podiums that occurred last Friday is undone.
  • On Wednesday, Bob mentions during Hole in One while discussing his record on inspiration putts that "one of our seasons winds up with this show;" he appears to have meant that this would be Season 11's last playing of Hole in One, which is accurate.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, the turntable finishes the first showcase with the game side showing and remains that way until the commercial.
  • In Thursday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of a baby in the audience. Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Here it comes, Baby!"
  • On Thursday, the "Trader Bob" sign is shaded yellow, somewhat restoring its rough appearance.
  • On Thursday, Danger Price is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.

Week 41 (497): June 27-July 1

  • Not season finale week.
  • Summer reruns begin next Monday.
  • This week of shows is "Salute to CBS Soaps" week. On Monday through Thursday, one or two stars from a CBS soap opera appear to help one contestant play a pricing game and to participate in the Showcase, as follows:
    • On Monday, Meg Ryan and Frank Runyeon of As the World Turns appear, modeling the first Item up for Bids and help to present the second showcase, which is themed around their show; the second showcase also includes a bonus of a day as an extra on As the World Turns.
    • On Tuesday, Michael Tylo appears, representing Guiding Light. He appears during Double Prices, which is being played for a trip to New York City, to offer a bonus of a day on the set of his show if the game is won; he also helps to present the first showcase, which is themed around his show.
    • On Wednesday, Michael Damian appears, representing The Young and the Restless; he is joined by Steven Ford in the Showcase round. Michael appears during Pick-A-Pair to offer a bonus of lunch with him at The Brown Derby if the game is won. Both guests later appear to help present the second showcase, which is themed around their show; the second showcase also includes a bonus of a day as an extra on The Young and the Restless.
    • On Thursday, Rory Calhoun appears, representing Capitol. Bill Beyers also appears in the Showcase round.
    • Friday has no guests, as CBS only has four soap operas; however, the second showcase is loosely themed around ways to enjoy your favorite daytime dramas and includes a few "My Life Is a Soap Opera" stickers "at absolutely no cost." The TV offered in the second showcase is also presented with a still from Capitol.
  • On Monday, Barker's Bargain Bar starts with the left-hand prize's difference on display instead of its bargain price; a noticeable edit occurs after the prize descriptions, following which the game is set up correctly. Oddly, the contestant appears unaware of what number was visible after she selects that prize and the other one is shown to have a larger difference; this may indicate that the audience was not told knew whether or not the setup was changed during the stopdown, as the difference is not in an of itself an indicator of the price.
  • On Monday, in addition to the above error, Barker's Bargain Bar's trilons do not turn automatically and are operated by hand.
  • On Monday, the purple-red-orange pattern is added to the game side of the spinning Turntable wall panel.
  • On Monday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, contestant Carmelita tells Bob she had been a contestant on Truth or Consequences 17 years earlier and won an electric toothbrush; her family in the audience has the still-working toothbrush with them.
  • On Wednesday, Race Game is played for season tickets to four of LA's pro sports teams.
  • On Thursday, the freeze on the game's logo is eliminated from Plinko's intro.

Week 42 (498): August 22-26

  • Season finale week.
  • This extra week of Season 11 is done solely to promote The Phone Home Game, a then-new pricing game involving home viewers which debuts on the first episode of Season 12.
  • Summer reruns resume next Monday.
  • On this week's shows, Bob introduces The Phone Home Game at the top of Act 5, with Johnny giving instructions on how to send in postcards for a chance to be called by the show to participate in it. The Phone Home Game's set is actually present onstage during these promos.
  • On Monday, Dice Game is played slightly differently than usual because the lights around the game's number displays are not working; Bob explains that to avoid having to keep track of the contestant's guesses without the lights, each digit will be revealed immediately after the contestant makes her guess.
  • On Monday, the Jeep in the second showcase has a blue manufacturer card in place of the traditional "T.P.I.R." license plate.
  • On Tuesday, the car in Any Number has a blue manufacturer card in place of the traditional "T.P.I.R." license plate.
  • In Tuesday's Any Number, when the contestant calls 8, the staff accidentally lights up the 6, the first number in the prize, instead. Bob declares that the 6 is essentially a "free" number that the contestant can ignore and, upon learning that the staff apparently cannot shut it back off, takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and drapes it over the number. The contestant eventually lights up the other two numbers in the prize legitimately, and Bob allows the game to continue on the grounds that the 6 was never called. The player wins the piggy bank, but after the commercial, Bob awards her the prize, as well, as Barb Hunter had pointed out during the break that she might well have won that instead had she not avoided calling the 6.
  • On Tuesday, Five Price Tags's third, price tag-shaped small prize podiums debut. The backdrops from the second podiums continue to be used at this point.
  • On Wednesday, the hooks being used to lower the first Item up for Bids from the ceiling move down too far and go limp, causing the panel they were holding to fall onto Holly's back; fortunately, it is brought back into its proper position before anything dangerous can happen.
  • In Friday's opening, the pan of Contestants' Row is replaced with a close-up of two women (presumably staffers or their wives) holding babies in the back of the audience. Johnny also changes the first line of the opening to, "Well, whaddaya know? Here it comes!"
  • In Friday's Pick a Pair, the tens digit of the upper display is stuck on 0 throughout the game.
  • In Friday's Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber starts moving on the first prize before the director and the sound effects operators are ready for him; with the contestant only off by $3, his movement is almost entirely off-camera, and On the Franches Mountains only plays for a fraction of a second.
  • Friday's Cliff Hangers is won by mistake when the mountain climber moves only 10 steps on the last item (stopping on 25) even though the contestant was off by $15; Bob catches the error before throwing to commercial but gives her the prize anyway.
  • Estimated total winnings of Season 11 are announced by Bob at $5,600,000.