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Season 13 (1984-1985)[]
Pricing game calendar for Season 13, hosted by Scorpz.
Week 1 (539): September 10-14
- All of Monday's opening titles read "Happy Anniversary."
- On Monday, the settings of the luma key used on the light border have changed significantly; whereas much of it was originally keyed out and replaced with the shot of the audience, nearly all of it is now left on-screen.
- On Monday, the borders of Contestants' Row are changed from green to pink.
- Mark Goodson appears on Monday.
- Monday's show introduces the second-generation Showcase podiums.
- These podiums have a purple or orange front surrounded by a golden border, with a gold outline of a Goodson-Todman asterisk; they are also slanted inward.
- The nameplate holders on the new podiums display the word "SHOWCASE" on a purple or orange background before the plates are inserted; the plates themselves are now yellow.
- The eggcrate bid/difference/OVER displays on the podiums now have a black background.
- On Tuesday, the opening titles are yellow-green.
- On Wednesday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
- On Thursday, the opening titles are orange.
- During Thursday's playing of Hole in One, the contestant places the first two products out of order, but she's allowed to putt incorrectly from the second line from the back instead of from the back line, although she still misses.
- By Thursday, the second Clam design has debuted. It now has a yellow Super Ball!!-style dollar sign on a red background; two other dollar signs stick out from behind the main one.
- Due to taping and broadcast schedules, the Clam reverts to its original design over the next few weeks of shows. The change becomes permanent during Week 6.
- Friday's show features the debut of On the Nose.
- On its first playing, On the Nose uses baseball for its stunt.
- Early in On the Nose's existence, the day's sport was not revealed until the contestant found out how many tries he/she had earned.
Week 2 (540): September 17-21
- For a while beginning on Monday or Tuesday, the opening titles are red instead of blue.
- On Monday, the third item up for bids is an evening gown, modeled by Dian, who then walks towards Bob and kisses him on the lips.
- On Tuesday, On the Nose uses basketball for the first time.
- On Wednesday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
- On Friday, Race Game is played for season tickets to the four LA pro sports teams.
- On Friday's playing of Plinko, both the sign and the prize readout display have difficulty operating properly. The sign again gets stuck while flipping to show "$25,000", leaving Johnny to have to drag out the intro line, and the prize readout display has an '8' stuck in the right-most digit until the contestant manages to drop a chip in a non-zero cash slot and the readout changes. Bob says that because the '8' is on the display at the beginning of the game, the contestant should win the $8 plus the main game's winnings ($1,500).
Week 3 (541): September 24-28
- On Monday, in an unusual move, the correct answer for Golden Road's second prize (rattan living room set) is a repeating digit ($3,992), which would leave only three choices for the car. Unfortunately, the contestant isn't able to win the second prize to take advantage of it.
- From this point forward, "The Bean Stalker" & "Big Banana" (and occasionally the former "Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour" theme) are now the only cues used for the major prize in Golden Road (with "Big Banana" mostly used for boats and motorhomes but also for occasional luxury cars).
- Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Tuesday's show.
- On Monday and Wednesday, the opening titles are green.
- On Thursday, Clock Game offers a 4-digit prize.
- On Friday, On the Nose is played for a trailer, unlike similar playings of Money Game, this does appear to count as the first half's car, as the lineup is otherwise completely normal and includes no cash games.
- On Friday, On the Nose uses football for the first time.
- On Friday, indicators are added to On the Nose's ball/dart holders to show how many chances the contestant has won -- the number of chances for the wrong answers, and a small "On the Nose" logo for the right answer.
- On Friday, the Penny Ante logo is changed to being white with an opaque background. However, the game is still using the first version of its green/blue color scheme. The game also malfunctions during play, with the YES/NO price flaps at the top of the board failing to open (or "plopping" according to Bob). Bob's analysis for the failure is that "the electricity is not meeting with the coil of the generator." It appears as though the game was never taken off of "attract mode" as the lights continue going throughout the game.
Week 4 (542): October 1-5
- On Tuesday, the fifth item up for bids is an evening gown, modeled by Janice, who walks towards Bob and kisses him on the lips, as Dian did in Week 2.
- On Thursday, a contestant ends up with the second-highest possible hand in Poker Game - four 9's and an 8. When the prices of all the prizes are revealed, there was also the possibility for an automatic five 9's win.
- On Friday, the orange and red light bulbs in the light border are replaced with larger ones, giving it the appearance of being a completely different prop. The light border remained this way until Season 36.
- Friday's show is the sixth of only nine known episodes of the daytime show with no real car games. On this show, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
- On Friday's playing of Secret "X", the contestant attempts to place the free 'X' in the center column before being admonished by Bob. She then tries to place her first earned 'X' above the free one she placed, trying to make three in a row from her 'X's in the yellow. Bob advises her that may not be a smart decision as she has to use the center column to win. Despite her efforts, she manages to win the game, and turns out to be the only winner on this episode.
Week 5 (543): October 8-12
- On Monday, Range Game is played for a car.
- In Wednesday's second Showcase, "Spot the Beach Bunny," the alternate theme from the 1974-75 Jack Narz run of "Now You See It" is again used as a music cue.
- During Thursday's playing of The Phone Home Game, Bob inadvertently tells the home player to give a product name and not a price, which leads to him having to award the first product's cash prize to the contestants after the home player says the name of the product.
- At the start of Thursday's "Every Trip in the House" Showcase, the first sign is already flipped over to reveal the trip's destination (Norway). Janice, however, doesn't notice it and ends up flipping the sign back over to the hidden position as Johnny announces the trip.
- Friday's show features the second known complete strikeout on Switcheroo, as the contestant ends up with no prizes matched up correctly through both turns. To add insult to injury, the eggcrate display on the game board apparently also fails and only the buzzer sounds to indicate the contestant has nothing correct.
- On Friday's playing of Any Number, the contestant ends up winning the small prize in the first three guesses and guesses those three numbers in order from left to right (7-9-5).
Week 6 (544): October 15-19
- On Monday, which is the first episode after the summer taping break, the second Clam design comes into use permanently.
- On Monday, a new, brighter green carpet is installed on the Turntable.
- On Monday, the Train debuts its new "whistle" sound (while still using the old "waah-waah" sound effect from an old Three Stooges short)
- On Monday, the Big Wheel's original sports-type scoreboard is replaced with a new vane-display scoreboard. The decimal point also becomes a lighted part of the display as opposed to a physical feature on the board.
- On Tuesday, the third Most Expensive set is introduced.
- On Tuesday, the former Match Game/Hollywood Squares Hour theme debuts as a prize cue, during On the Nose.
- On Tuesday, On the Nose uses darts for the first time.
- On Tuesday, the original, red price podium backdrops in On the Nose are replaced with larger versions of the triangles seen on the podiums' bases.
- On Thursday, there's a rare example of 2 contestants coming on down because they had the same name (Janice Weber). Bob turned to Frank Wayne to figure out which one was meant to be called.
- Fremantle's copy of Friday's show appears to be damaged -- the tape was a bit washed out during the opening, and the brightness continuously increases and decreases during the show.
- On Friday, Race Game is played for season tickets to the four Los Angeles pro sports teams.
Week 7 (545): October 22-26
- Circumstantial evidence suggests that Tuesday's Penny Ante was a substitution for The Phone Home Game; the Penny Ante playing itself was likely originally scheduled for Wednesday before being shifted to Tuesday and being replaced on Wednesday with Hi Lo, presumably with most of the items from the scrapped The Phone Home Game playing. Under most circumstances, Hi Lo would probably have just been plugged into Tuesday's show from the get go; however, it had just been played on Monday, and the staff likely didn't want to use it two days in a row. Several factors back this theory:
- Tuesday's game lineup has a noticeably short timing, while Wednesday's is unusually long.
- The Phone Home Game was generally played every week of the season except during its annual hiatus for the Home Viewer Showcase, and it tended to be played one day before or after the day it was played the previous week. Logic would dictate that it should have been played this Tuesday.
- Monday and Wednesday's playings of Hi Lo are both for exactly the same prize.
- On Tuesday, Secret X's button failed to work, Bob has to manually turn the center panel.
- On Wednesday, in an unusual move, Hi Lo is played for the second time in three episodes, likely as a last-minute replacement for Grand Game.
Week 8 (546): October 29-November 2
- After Monday, The Phone Home Game begins its annual hiatus for the Home Viewer Showcase.
- On Tuesday, the first item up for bids is an evening gown, modeled by Holly, who walks towards Johnny and kisses him while he is reading the plug for the gown.
- Tuesday's show has an extremely rare appearance of a regular car game fourth.
- Bob opens Wednesday's show with "Happy Halloween."
- Thursday's episode features the debut of the "Price is Right Train Depot" showcase.
- Originally, there were four caboose prize cars until midway through Season 14 or early Season 15 when it was changed to three.
- On Friday, Janice suffers a brief wardrobe malfunction during Hole in One as her belt becomes unfastened before placing a grocery pennant on the green.
Week 9 (547): November 5-9
- In Monday's Now....and Then, the lights indicating which items the contestant got right failed to work, as a result, Plinko chips are used instead.
- During this week of shows, Bob announces the theme of the Home Viewer Showcase.
- During the beginning of Tuesday's show, Bob acknowledges Kathy Greco's (then-34th) birthday.
- On Friday, Punch-A-Bunch's $10,000 bill is updated with a more recent picture of Bob.
Week 10 (548): November 12-16
- This week's episodes feature the Home Viewer Showcase "Dream Christmas."
- The Home Viewer Showcase's presentation also marks the first appearance of the "Ten Thousand" graphic which would later be used in Grand Game.
- On Monday, Clock Game is played for a car.
- Wednesday's show features the infamous incident in Bullseye when a contestant named Dona confuses it with Grocery Game, and Bob has to 'hypnotize' her.
- Wednesday's first Showcase Showdown is the first known occurrence of three contestants winning $1,000.
- Wednesday's show has Nancy, who appeared again in January 1999 but was disqualified for violating the then rule regarding reappearing.
- On Thursday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
- On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.
- On Friday, before the Showcases, Bob holds an audience poll, and it turned out the audience doesn't like Bob's red shirt. Suddenly, a man in the audience said he wanted it. As a result, Bob gives his shirt to him, leaving his chest hair out around his tie.
Week 11 (549): November 19-21
- Thanksgiving week; only three shows.
- On Monday, Take Two is played for season tickets to the four Los Angeles pro sports teams.
Week 12 (550): November 26-30
- On Monday, Super Ball!! is played for a car.
- On Monday, contestant Karen wins 3 Strikes by drawing every number in the price of the car without drawing a strike or making a mistake.
- On Tuesday, the current, yellow money slips in Punch-A-Bunch are introduced.
- On Wednesday, On the Nose uses tennis for the first time.
- Thursday's episode features one of the rarest instances where only one car game is played (Lucky Seven).
- On Thursday, during Walk of Fame, contestant Steven (who was the only male contestant throughout the whole show) struggles with reading the models' signatures in the autograph book as Bob remarks that Holly's signature "looks like a chicken ran across there."
- On Thursday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
- On Thursday, during Plinko, as contestant Lynn drops the first Plinko chip, it flies off the board and lands on Bob's foot.
Week 13 (551): December 3-7
- Tuesday's show features the debut of One Away.
- Early in One Away's existence, instead of doing the "Gentlemen, do I have X numbers right?" routine, Bob simply asks for a series of bells after the first turn to indicate how many numbers the contestant had right.
- Tuesday's second showcase is themed around a "Slave Auction In Ancient Rome". This showcase was likely the reason the episode was skipped on The Barker Era Channel.
- On Wednesday, contestant Diana sets a new winnings record of $41,571.
- On Thursday, the consolation prize plugs use dissolves for all transitions except for the final one, in which a smooth diamond wipe reveals the Showcase Showdown.
Week 14 (552): December 10-14
- On Monday, Dian has some trouble pulling the door open in Safe Crackers before Bob rushes over to help her. Janice and Holly also try to help from inside the safe.
- On Monday, the second on-stage contestant (Elizabeth) frets over having to play Hole in One after she tells Bob that she glanced over at the board that lists the day's lineup of games to be played and says she'd rather play Plinko. She ends up having to play Hole in One anyway...
- Tuesday's show is the seventh of only nine known episodes of the daytime show with no real car games. On this episode, Range Game is played for a car.
- Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Wednesday's show.
- One Away's second playing occurs on Wednesday, however, it is unknown whether horns have been used instead of bells at this point.
- In Friday's Bullseye, Bob accidentally reveals the hidden bullseye at the second item instead of the price. The contestant then automatically loses by not hitting the target with a single grocery item.
- On Friday, the winner and the price of the Home Viewer Showcase are revealed.
Week 15 (553): December 17-21
- The set is decorated for Christmas this week.
- By Monday, a series of horns is used in One Away to indicate how many numbers are right.
- On Tuesday, Grocery Game is played without its Turntable sign due to an abundance of Christmas decorations on the wall.
- On Tuesday, commas are added to On the Nose's 5-digit prices; they were not present on previous playings.
- On Tuesday, Danger Price is played for season tickets to the four Los Angeles pro sports teams.
- Wednesday's show features the third known complete strikeout on Switcheroo, as the contestant ends up with no prizes matched up correctly through both turns.
- On Thursday, when pregnant contestant Michelle gets onstage for Race Game, Bob, in the interest of her safety, offers to have Janice place the price tags for her while she shouts instructions; Michelle thanks them but declines, not wanting to miss the experience, and ends up winning the game in nine seconds.
- On Friday, Master Key is played without its Turntable sign due to an abundance of Christmas decorations on the wall.
- Beginning on Friday, Walk of Fame starts using the Temptation cue for the prize plugs.
Week 16 (554): January 2-4
- New Year's week; only three shows.
- On Friday, the second showcase, a "Prizes Needed to Become a Model" showcase, includes a chance to appear as a Barker's Beauty for a day. This is regarded as a bonus, and the contestant is instructed not to include it while bidding.
Week 17 (555): January 7-11
- On Thursday, during the intro, Janice is injured as she's seen limping handing Bob his microphone as she reveals that she sprained her ankle prior to arriving at the studio. After the contestant wins the car in Lucky Seven, Janice is seen exiting the car as she limps her way backstage.
- On Friday, Super Ball!! begins using the former Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour theme as its prize cue. This version of the music is distinct from the car cue in that it plays through the first four measures twice.
Week 18 (556): January 14-18
- On Monday, Bob receives his microphone from Price staffer Phil Wayne Rossi at the start of the show and reveals that Janice is absent due to her sprained ankle.
- On Monday and Tuesday, Kyle fills in for the injured Janice.
- On Wednesday, Janice returns but Dian hands Bob his microphone for the remainder of the week.
- Starting from Tuesday, a "+" sign is added to the 3 Strikes board whether it is played for a 5-digit car.
- On Thursday, Holly wrecks the Tugboat as it becomes momentarily stuck between the turntable & door #1 due to the weight of the transported prize, which was an inflatable raft, a backstage crew member is then briefly seen pushing the Tugboat onto the stage.
- On Friday, light reflectors are added to the audience curtain.
- On Friday, the second Giant Price Tag is introduced. This tag has a golden, 3D "The Price Is Right" logo set at an angle against a starry background, with its shadow appearing beneath it on a gray, tiled floor. A golden ball appears near the left edge of the tag, in the spot where the original Giant Price Tag's "hole" had been.
- On Friday, the Robot appears for the final consecutive time as the elevator operator in "The Price is Right Department Store" showcase.
- The "Big Banana" cue is back to being the main cue as the classical composition playing of analog synthesizers are no longer used.
- Johnny stills provides the robotic deadpan, mechanical style voice but without the random "beeps" and "boops."
- After the first prize is described, a crew member is seen running across just before the elevator doors close.
Week 19 (557): April 8, January 22-25
- Originally scheduled for January 21-25.
- On Monday, a synthesizer sound effect is added to On the Nose to accompany the opening of Door #2.
- On Tuesday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
- During Tuesday's end credits, Johnny announces that contestant Cynthia was found after the taping to be ineligible and would not receive her prizes.
- On Friday, The Phone Home Game returns to the rotation.
Week 20 (558): January 28-February 1
- At around this point, Bob has begun plugging The Phone Home Game whether it would be played on the next show.
- On Wednesday, Range Game's rangefinder suddenly stopped working midway, Bob has to move it manually.
- On Thursday, the staff forgets to uncover the One Away logo during the beginning of the game.
- On Friday, Race Game is played for season tickets for the four LA sports teams.
Week 21 (559): February 4-8
- This week of shows is "Salute to CBS Soaps" week; each day except Friday, two stars from one of the network's soap operas appear as guests, as follows:
- On Monday, Eric Braeden and Melody Thomas-Scott of The Young and the Restless appear to help present the second showcase, which is themed around their show. A brief clip from The Young and the Restless of Danny Romalotti and Lauren Fenmore (portrayed by Michael Damian and Tracey E. Bregman respectively) singing is also shown in the second showcase.
- On Tuesday, Gregg Marx and Eileen Fulton appears, representing As the World Turns.
- On Wednesday, Judy Evans and Vincent Irrizary of Guiding Light appear to help present the second showcase, which also includes a bonus of a day as an extra on Guiding Light.
- On Thursday, Bradley Lockerman and Todd Curtis of Capitol appear to help present the second showcase, which also includes a bonus of a day as an extra on Capitol.
- Unlike the week back in Season 11, the theme of each respective show is played in the background.
- Friday has no guests; however, the second showcase is loosely themed around hooking on soaps. The TV offered in the second showcase is also presented with a still from The Young and the Restless.
- On Tuesday, Bob mixes up the order of calling a new contestant down and displaying the next item up for bid because of a joke about peanut butter sandwich, as a result, the sixth item up for bids is accidentally brought out first.
- On Friday, during Race Game, due to an error with the jukebox showing the wrong number of prizes correct, Bob stops the clock and gives contestant Anne a free change of the price tags. However, it later makes another mistake, as a result Bob eventually gives her all four prizes.
Week 22 (560): February 11-15
- Monday's show is somewhat noteworthy for having two cars games in the first half and a cash game instead of a car game in the second half.
- On Tuesday, Dian returns to being the elevator operator in "The Price is Right Department Store" showcase.
- On Friday, carnival music "American Patrol" is added to Pick-A-Pair.
Week 23 (561): February 18-22
- On Monday, Super Ball!! is played for a car.
- In Thursday's Race Game, due to yet another error with the jukebox showing the wrong number of prizes correct, Bob has the clock reset to 45 seconds.
Week 24 (562): February 25-March 1
- On Monday, Blank Check is played perfectly.
- On Tuesday, Clock Game offers a 4-digit prize.
- On Wednesday, a contestant ends up with the 2nd-highest possible hand in Poker Game - four 9's and an 8.
- On Friday, the sport for On the Nose is accidentally revealed before Door #2 opens.
Week 25 (563): March 4-8
- Wednesday's Ten Chances has one of the rare exceptions to the zero rule, with a first prize that costs $28.
- On Thursday, Bobby Clampett is in the audience, he later comes up on stage to make the inspiration putt in Hole in One.
- Beginning on Thursday, star wipes are used for the prize descriptions in Walk of Fame.
- On Friday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
Week 26 (564): March 11-15
- On Tuesday, the opening titles are white.
- Circumstantial evidence suggests that Fremantle does not currently possess an airable copy of Wednesday's show.
- On Wednesday, for some reason, the timer in Race Game counts up to 63, before eventually going down.
- On Friday, One Away is played perfectly for the first time.
Week 27 (565): March 18-22
- Tuesday's show features what, while not billed as such, appears to be a Make-a-Wish segment with a five-year-old child in the audience who Bob introduces as "a special friend of The Price is Right" at the top of Act 2; he spends several minutes talking to the boy and gives him several toys that are hidden behind the Giant Price Tag.
- On Tuesday, Double Prices is played for a car. Circumstantial evidence suggests that this was a substitution for Card Game, as follows:
- The interview with the five-year-old during Act 2 had taken up a substantial amount of time, possibly necessitating a shorter game.
- After the second item up for bids, Bob initially meets the contestant in front of the Turntable before walking over to Double Prices, suggesting he had forgotten the game had been switched.
- Double Prices is also played on Thursday.
- The episode falls right in the middle of an unusually long stretch during which Card Game is not played.
- On Tuesday, Bonus Game offers a special bonus, which is an opportunity to appear as a Barker's Beauty for a day, which was won.
- On Thursday, then-host and one of the models of the Italian version of The Price is Right (OK, Il Prezzo è Giusto!), Gigi Sabani and Andi Rapagna, are in the audience. Andi had previously appeared as a substitute Barker's Beauty back in Season 12 but no mention was made.
- Friday's episode is believed to have been one of the last times where an aircraft is offered in a showcase (if not the VERY last).
Week 28 (566): March 25-29
- On Monday, the behavior of the opening titles is changed. The titles now repeatedly flip horizontally as they grow, with the first three disappearing and the last flipping and shrinking back toward the center of the screen.
- On Tuesday, Holly has yet another mishap with the Tugboat as this time around, the horn gets stuck and Bob nearly loses it in a laughing fit.
- On Wednesday, the contestant (Susan) who won the Bonus Game prize back in Week 27, appears as a Barker's Beauty for a day, but she does not wear the same wardrobe as Janice, Holly and Dian.
- On Wednesday, One Away develops a new horn sound effect.
- On Friday, the microphones in Contestant's Row are changed from the silver Sony ECM-51s to black Audio-Technica AT859s.
Week 29 (567): April 1-5
- Tuesday's Ten Chances has one of the rare exceptions to the zero rule, with a first prize that costs $58.
- On Tuesday, in an apparent first, Bob asks for the prices of each individual prize in the second showcase, "Sam Olson, Private Eye", as it turns out to be the most expensive showcase offered to date.
- Wednesday's show features contestant Lawrence, who is frequently seen on clip specials kissing Bob on the cheek.
- Beginning on Friday, the consolation prize plugs use spiral wipes for all transitions.
Week 30 (568): April 9-12
- Only four shows; Monday has the delayed January 21 episode.
- On Tuesday, the Robot returns to fill in for Dian as the elevator operator in "The Price is Right Department Store" showcase, with "Big Banana" still in use and Johnny still providing the robotic deadpan, mechanical style voice without the random "beeps" and "boops."
- On Thursday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
- On Thursday, The Phone Home Game is completely won.
- On Thursday, during Barker's Bargain Bar & Act 5 (reasons unknown), Janice and Dian are dressed as stewardesses/flight attendants.
- On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.
Week 31 (569): April 15-19
- On Monday, Take Two is played for season tickets for the four LA sports teams.
- Monday's episode is believed to have been one of the last times where season tickets are offered in a pricing game (if not the VERY last).
- On Monday, Holly suffers a small wardrobe malfunction during the showcase as her belt falls off.
- On Wednesday, as Bob makes his entrance, the Clam is present to the right-side side of door #2.
- On Thursday, Dian fills in for Holly as the conductor in the "Price is Right Train Depot" showcase, and a blooper occurs in which the set almost rolls away causing the train to become momentarily stuck when in motion. The last prize aboard the train, which was a piano, is slightly shifted off the caboose car, which was most likely the cause for the set to roll away.
Week 32 (570): April 22-26
- Beginning on Monday, Bob asks for the horns in One Away one at a time, however, the game's iconic phrase wouldn't be used until the next playing.
- On Thursday, Range Game is played for a car.
- On Thursday, Range Game's rangefinder is a bit damaged at the bottom right; then gets stuck a short way up the scale and eventually starts moving again after Bob fixed it. As soon as the contestant stops it, the rangefinder tilts counterclockwise.
- During the beginning of Friday's show, Bob acknowledges Phil Wayne Rossi's (then-40th) birthday.
- Friday's show marks the first appearance of the contestant/audience's reaction freeze frames before going to commercials, which would stay until at least 2002.
Week 33 (571): April 29-May 3
- On Wednesday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
- On Thursday, the second & current rangefinder holder in Range Game is introduced; however, the game still has its original button and red diagonal stripes.
- On Thursday, One Away's iconic "Gentlemen, do I have X numbers right?" routine is introduced.
- On Thursday, Bob runs One Away under the mistaken impression that the routine will be done after both turns, resulting in a very awkward price reveal.
- On Friday, for some reason, the light border disappears during the opening titles, and won't appear again along with the logo until Bob's entrance.
- On Friday, contestant Michael wins Deluxe Dice Game without making any decisions, rolling only 1's and 6's.
Week 34 (572): May 6-10
- On Wednesday, Bullseye's arrow is changed to a darker shade of green, and the portions of the black circles on it are widened to be the same size as the portions on the target.
- Thursday's show features contestant Blanche, who is seen on some clip shows coming up on stage and leaves Bob in a laughing fit, having a conversation with him about seeing him on Truth or Consequences.
Week 35 (573): May 13-17
- On Wednesday, Clock Game offers a 4-digit prize.
- On Wednesday, the diagonal stripes on the Range Game board are changed from red to gold, and its original button is replaced with the current one.
- On Wednesday, Bob inadvertently treats the second chance slip in Punch-A-Bunch as being something you need to give up to get another punch.
- On Wednesday, the contestant on Punch-A-Bunch wins more than the announced top prize due to the second chance slip ($10,250 in total)
- On Thursday, Penny Ante adopts the second version of its green/blue color scheme.
- On Thursday, Holly returns to being the conductor in the "Price is Right Train Depot" showcase, and the train's setup has been changed to where the caboose cars don't bounce when it motion (after the mishap with one of the prizes back in Week 31, causing the set to almost roll away).
Week 36 (574): May 20-24
- On Tuesday, Double Prices is played for a car.
- On Tuesday, the microphones on the Showcase podiums are changed to the black Audio Technica AT859s.
- On Friday, Super Ball!! is played for a car.
- On Friday, during Barker's Bargain Bar, Janice and Dian are once again dressed as stewardesses/flight attendants (as they did back in Week 30).
Week 37 (575): May 27-31
- On Tuesday, the eggcrate display on the Switcheroo board fails to work.
- On Wednesday, the audience seats are changed from blue to red.
- On Wednesday, the CBS eye curtains in the audience are changed from yellow to silver, with the eyes in maroon.
- On Wednesday, presumably in preparation for the introduction of Big Money Game next season, the slots for the car's price in Money Game are blank instead of showing the car graphics.
- On Wednesday, despite the game offering a 4-digit car, a detachable slot for a fifth digit is present on Money Game's price display; while this will be used next season for Big Money Game, it serves no purpose on this episode, and its presence is likely an oversight.
- On Friday, the orange parts of Pick-A-Pair's set becomes sky blue.
- On Friday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
Week 38 (576): June 3-7
- On Monday, On the Nose begins revealing the sport before Door #2 opens.
- On Tuesday, the public address booth on the right side of the audience is changed from gray to red.
- On Wednesday, Bob mistakenly declares a win in Poker Game although the contestant only got a three-of-a-kind while the house got a full house. The buzzer has to be sounded four times, thus omitting the losing horns.
- On Wednesday, Double Prices is played for a car.
- On Friday, after Most Expensive, Bob has a chat with the Beauties about their upcoming trip to New York City where he will be hosting the Daytime Emmy Awards (he would host the festivities again in 2002).
Week 39 (577): June 10-14
- On Monday, Dian hands Bob the microphone in the intro, as Janice modeled the first item up for bids, which is an evening gown.
- At the beginning of Monday's show, Bob shows off a caricature of himself dressed as an Indian (as he himself is half-Indian), given to him by a fan.
- On Monday, when Bob and the contestant walk over to Range Game, the price is already lit up. Bob tries to alert the staff to it, but by the time they shut it off, everyone in the studio has already seen it, leaving him no option but to give the contestant the prize (which turns out to be a truck). The remainder of the segment consists of Johnny reading the prize copy and Bob congratulating the contestant on winning thanks to their mistake; no attempt is made to go through the formalities of actually playing the game.
- On Monday, as noted above, Range Game is played for a truck (although, as also noted above, the word "played" is being applied somewhat loosely in this case).
- On Thursday, a contestant wipes out on the small prize portion of Master Key; this is the first time this has happened.
- Thursday's show marks the first appearance of 5-digit One Away. This version of the game has no significant differences from the 4-digit version, with the contestant still having to change every number in the price.
Week 40 (578): July 1-5
- Season finale week.
- Summer reruns air from June 17-28 and from July 8-September 6.
- On Monday, a contestant manages to lose One Away on the first try, marking the first of only four known times this has happened. The current horn sound effect would come into play the next season.
- On Monday, Bob has to correct the contestant's name on the Blank Check check because it is misspelt.
- On Tuesday, before the first item up for bids, Bob acknowledges Johnny's (then-75th) birthday, as this episode is taped on May 22. This would be Johnny's last birthday celebrated before his untimely death later in October.
- On Tuesday, the Switcheroo board is altered to accommodate 5-digit car prices. The blue columns on the left side of the board are realigned and made thinner to allow for an extra white column for the ten thousands digit.
- On Thursday, for reasons unknown, the silver-maroon audience curtains are replaced with plain red ones; they remain this way for several weeks.
- On Thursday, Barker's Bargain Bar is played without its neon-lit sign present.
- On Thursday, after the sixth item up for bids, the sound effects technician accidentally sounds the bell signaling a perfect bid but Bob is told by someone off-stage there isn't, prompting him and the audience to start booing.
- Bob declares that Friday's show is Price's 2,800th episode, in reality, it is only the 2,792nd episode.
- On Friday, the sixth item up for bids and the prize for the last pricing game are modeled by one of the Beauties in a bear costume (believed to be Holly).