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Season 19 (1990-1991)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 19, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (770): September 10-14

  • Monday's show features the debut of Gallery Game.
  • On Monday, Rod introduces Bob with, "And now, as we begin our 19th year on CBS, here is the star of The Price Is Right, Bob Barker!" As this is said, a banner reading, "19th Year and Still #1!" unfurls in the back of the audience, the camera pans past it as it drops, reaching the end just in time to see Bob entering through the audience.
  • On Monday, Mark Goodson appears after the first game to present Bob with a trophy celebrating the start of his 19th year hosting the show.
  • During Monday's Gallery Game debut, Bob mentions that "throughout our 19th year, as always, we will be adding new games to our show," as it turned out, no other games debuted until Season 20.
  • Monday's episode is most likely the last appearance of the TPiR Robot as it appears in a showcase dealing with "Automation" (to an instrumental version of The Pointer Sisters' song Automatic).
  • On Tuesday, contestants Beverly and Sara are tied for the spot of top winner in the second half of the show, the two women draw numbers out of a hat during the seventh commercial break to determine the spinning order for the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Wednesday, future Young and the Restless star Tonya Lee Williams is introduced as the guest Barker's Beauty of the week, she appears until Wednesday of the following week.
  • On Friday, after nearly two years, Pick a Pair returns to the pricing game rotation, now with its table set.
  • As of Friday, the spelling of "Pick a Pair" is changed to "Pick-a-Pair."
  • Early in its life, Pick-a-Pair's table set has many red lines and lights on its front, and its grocery stands did not touch each other, after only a few weeks, most of the red lines were replaced with blue lighting, and the grocery stands were lengthened, resulting in the game's appearance up through December 14, 2005.
  • On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.

Week 2 (771): September 17-21

Week 3 (772): September 24-28

Week 4 (773): October 1-5

  • On Thursday, Range Game is played for a car.

Week 5 (774): October 8-12

  • On Wednesday, the second Giant Price Tag is still in use.
  • On Wednesday, Gallery Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Make Your Move returns to the pricing game rotation with its rules changed to use two 3-digit prizes, no 2-digit prize, and one overlapping digit.

Week 6 (775): October 15-19

  • On Thursday's show, Make Your Move's new rules are used for the second and last time.

Week 7 (776): October 22-26

  • The third incarnation of the Giant Price Tag is believed to debut around this point. The tag is now a marbled green with a yellow knot where the "hole" on the original tag was, a yellow, alternate-font version of the show's logo, and a yellow border.
  • Monday's show features the final playing of Give or Keep.
  • Friday's show has the first appearance of the third Hi-Lo counter.
  • Friday's show features an extremely rare appearance of a regular car game fourth.

Week 8 (777): October 29-November 2

  • On Tuesday, Make Your Move's normal rules return.
  • On Tuesday, Make Your Move is played for a car.
  • The fourth Race Game Curtain is believed to debut around this point. This curtain has a large number of dollar signs, triangles, and circles, as well as several Goodson-Todman asterisks.
  • On Friday, Golden Road is played for a Jaguar.
  • On Friday, Check-Out is won with a difference of $0.49.

Week 9 (778): November 5-9

Week 10 (779): November 12-16

  • On Wednesday, there was a Double Showcase Winner.
  • On Thursday, Pathfinder is played first for the only time.

Week 11 (780): November 19-21

  • Thanksgiving week, only three shows.
  • On Monday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.

Week 12 (781): November 26-30

  • On Friday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Friday, in a fairly rare occurrence, the second half's only car is offered in the fourth game.
  • In Friday's Plinko, a contestant wins $21,000, putting four chips into $5,000 and one into $1,000, this is the closest anyone has ever come to winning the game.

Week 13 (782): December 3-7

Week 14 (783): December 10-14

  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, the winner of the first Showcase Showdown's score is changed from .70 to 1.20.
  • On Thursday, Shell Game is played for a car.

Week 15 (784): December 24-25

  • Christmas week, only two shows, on Monday and Tuesday.
  • The set is decorated for Christmas this week.
  • On this week's shows, all of the music except for "Walking," the theme, and "Dig We Must" is replaced by Christmas carols.
  • On Monday, Kathleen joins the show permanently as the fourth Barker's Beauty.
  • By Monday, Pathfinder's small prize labels and choices have been changed to white text on a green background and its right answers to green text on a white background.
  • By Monday, the original Beige T.P.I.R License Plates on cars are replaced with 1982-1987 "The Golden State" California License Plates that say "Price Is Right" on them.
  • On Tuesday, CBS airs two episodes of The Price Is Right -- the day's show in the morning, and a rerun of the half-hour February 20, 1990 episode in the afternoon.

Week 16 (785): January 2-4

  • New Year's week, only three shows.
  • Thursday's show features the first appearance of Plinko's pastel color scheme.
  • On Thursday, the font of Plinko's money amounts is changed, both on the sign and on the board.

Week 17 (786): January 7-11

  • On Thursday, Super Ball!! is played for a car.

Week 18 (787): January 14-16, April 1-2

  • Originally scheduled for January 14-18.
  • On Wednesday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • On Friday, the Clam has an orange background and a dollar sign composed partly of segments filled with various cascading shapes and partly of green versions of the Pyramid symbol.
  • By Friday, Cliff Hangers has begun using the second mountain climber.

Week 19 (788): January 21-25

Week 20 (789): January 28-February 1

  • By Monday, a stand for the $10,000 bill has been added to Punch a Bunch.
  • As of Tuesday, the curtains behind the audience still look the same as they did on March 23, 1988.

Week 21 (790): February 4-8

Week 22 (791): February 11-15

  • On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.

Week 23 (792): February 18-22

Week 24 (793): February 25-March 1

Week 25 (794): March 4-8

Week 26 (795): March 11-15

  • On Monday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Ten Chances offers a 5-digit car for the first time. Contestants must now use all five numbers provided for the car to make its price. The game never offers a 4-digit car again.

Week 27 (796): March 18-22

  • On Wednesday, there was a Double Showcase Winner.
  • Friday's show features well-known contestant Cathy, who incites the "unloaded truck" incident during Lucky $even, she also manages to lose the game despite still having $5 on the last number.

Week 28 (797): March 25-29

Week 29 (798): April 3-5

  • Only three shows, Monday and Tuesday have the delayed January 17-18 episodes.
  • On Wednesday, Switcheroo is played perfectly on the first try.
  • On Friday, while setting up Grocery Game, the staff accidentally hangs up the Shell Game sign.

Week 30 (799): April 8-12

  • Thursday's show features the final playing of Gallery Game.

Week 31 (800): April 15-19

Week 32 (801): April 22-26

Week 33 (802): April 29-May 3

  • In Monday's One Away, the numbers are in the wrong colors, as the higher numbers are red instead of blue, and the lower numbers are vice versa.

Week 34 (803): May 6-10

  • Around this time, possibly on Wednesday's show, the current tenor (short) buzzer has been introduced.

Week 35 (804): May 13-17

Week 36 (805): May 20-24

Week 37 (806): May 27-31

  • Monday's show is a special salute the Armed Forces in the aftermath of the Gulf War. Everyone in the audience for this episode is a member of the military.
  • The set is decorated for Monday's show.
  • On Monday, during the opening intro, the "Walking" cue is replaced with a fanfare of "Stars and Stripes Forever" during the first four contestant call down.
  • On Monday, Punch-A-Bunch is revealed without the $10,000 sign due to an abundance of decorations on the Turntable wall.
  • On Monday, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • On Monday, just like Punch-a-Bunch's reveal, Grocery Game is also played without its sign due to the abundance of decorations on the turntable wall.

Week 38 (807): June 3-7

  • On Monday, there was a Double Showcase Winner.

Week 39 (808): June 10-14

  • Season finale week.
  • Summer reruns begin next Monday.