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Price is Right Season 36 Logo
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Season 36 (2007-2008)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 36, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (1,403 – 404xK): October 16, 29, November 13, January 2, November 20

  • Originally scheduled for October 15-19.
  • On Monday, Drew becomes the show's host.
  • As of Monday, Syd Vinnedge assumes the role of executive producer, and Kathy "Fingers" Greco, Stan Blits, and Sue MacIntyre are promoted to the new position of co-producer.
  • Drew's microphone is cordless; other than that, it is basically identical to Bob's.
  • On Monday, a new version of the show's logo debuts, with an orange pattern appearing behind most of the dollar sign and a larger, red pattern appearing behind the words and the right edge of the dollar sign; they fit together to form a mushroom-like shape when viewed sideways. This logo, which has the dollar sign and "Price" in yellow and the other words in white, is placed on the Big Doors, the signs behind the audience, the end of the opening, the closed captioning plugs, and the consolation prize plugs. The yellow and red version of the logo is no longer displayed anywhere on the permanent set, although it remains in place at the end of the credits.
  • The new logo appears on the screen at the end of the opening by flying in from all directions: The border of the orange section flies in from the left; the border of the red section from the right; the dollar sign from the top; and the words from the bottom. This version of the logo has no background.
  • The star wipe at the end of the opening no longer spins; instead, the star shape, with an orange trail, simply zooms toward the center at the first transition and out from the center at the second. Over the course of the first several taping sessions, the second transition is altered to show a spinning star and is subsequently replaced with a simple cut.
  • On Monday, for the first time in its history outside of the Davidson version, The Price Is Right introduces an entirely new set, although one with the same basic structure and an identical layout. The changes are as follows:
    • The Big Doors are again distinguishable from one another via their color schemes, with each one having an identical pattern of "hypocycloids," a combination of diamonds and circles; the patterns are orange on Door #1, blue on Door #2, and green on Door #3. The new doors have wider panels, with each door being eight panels long as opposed to 12 in the old set. Additionally, the doorframes, which are noticeably thinner than before, no longer curve around the bottoms of the doors; instead, they end on each side in a box with a yellow Goodson-Todman asterisk on it. The boxes are purple on the front and the same shade of green as the doorframes on the sides. The doors now have two layers of chase lights on them instead of one, and between each frame and set of lights, there is a strip of LED lighting which is capable of changing colors, although it remains static during most of the show, changing between acts and always being red during the Showcase Showdowns. The frames no longer have gold stripes on them, and the area around the doorframes is now a grayish white; a pattern of stars is projected onto the white area above the doors. The show's modified logo is not centered on the doors; instead, it is positioned so that the orange part is on the left-hand panels and the red part is on the right-hand panels. Additionally, in the version of the logo seen on the doors, the dollar sign is entirely within the orange segment.
    • The Turntable walls have been squared off, except for the upper-left corner of the "extra" panel, and the gold wall borders have been replaced with much thinner green ones similar to the doorframes; the border extends across the bottom only on the turning panel. The wall patterns are now a purple version of the hypocycloid pattern seen on the Big Doors; the front side of the turning panel also contains the classic version of the show's logo, using the same color scheme as the new version. The interior wall panel once again has a pattern on it; it now shows the same hypocycloid pattern as the other walls. The lights last seen in 1982 are restored to the interior borders of the turning and center wall panels, although they no longer chase. The carpet is still mostly blue, although the middle step in the staircase has been changed back to green.
    • The curtains behind the audience are now pastel blue, yellow, and red, with strings of lights adorned with Goodson-Todman asterisks and hypocycloid diamonds visible between them; they now extend behind the show's logo on the signs in the back. The curtain covering the PA booth is now yellow, and a blue curtain has been draped around Rich's podium.
    • The glittery, silver border around the Contestants' Row displays is now much thinner, with most of the border having been restored to green. The words "The," "Price," Is," and "Right" no longer appear on the seat covers in Contestants' Row; instead, each cover is sky blue with a Barker Wall hexagon on it in red and yellow.
    • The Barker Wall is redone in blue, green, yellow, and purple; the light matrix behind the Turntable is also redesigned, now sporting diamonds of these same colors.
    • The fourth Giant Price Tag debuts. The tag displays the show's updated logo with the same background as Door #3. The knot from the third tag is replaced with an eight-pointed, red-bordered yellow starburst covered with yellow lights; on the second day of the season's third week of tapings, the starburst becomes orange, although the lights remain yellow. The border of the tag is white with a strip of blue neon lighting.
    • The Clam is repainted. It now features a Pricedown dollar sign on a blue hypocycloid background; the darker diamonds are replaced by alternating light and dark Pricedown dollar signs. The entire pattern is placed on a yellow background.
    • The Showcase podiums are painted green. The Goodson-Todman asterisks on the are removed, replaced with three hypocycloid-ish diamonds; the diamonds increase in size from left to right on the Runner-Up's podium, whereas they increase in size from right to left on the Top Winner's podium. The bases of the podiums are now the same blue as the carpet, and the borders have been painted a gray-silver, with the portions above the legs designed to appear studded. The "SHOWcase" text has been painted yellow, and the descriptive placards have been changed to green text on a yellow background; additionally, the text has been redone with the font from More or Less.
    • The Race Game Curtain is modified to have the name tag say "Drew" instead of "Bob" and to reflect the changes made to the Showcase podiums.
  • Beginning on Monday, new, jazzier remixes of the show's theme, "Walking," and "Dig We Must" are introduced.
  • Beginning on Monday, the "money win" graphics in the Showcase Showdown, Grand Game, Punch a Bunch, Plinko, and Clock Game are changed to the Pricedown font; this also applies to the graphics used to display the winnings of a Showcase winner who has won at least $35,000.
  • On Monday, the end of the show's theme and a sped up version of the end of the theme are added to the rotation of cues played during the closed-captioning plugs; at the same time, three of the existing cues are removed.
  • On Monday, the ticket plug is restored, with a modified version of the e-ticket plug airing every day.
  • Beginning on Monday, the music during the consolation prizes is replaced with a rock-ish remix of the show's theme.
  • Beginning on Monday, the transitions during the consolation prize plugs are changed; the first and last transitions are similar to a vertical version of the Plinko sign, while the second transition retains the "spinning block" but now has it spinning only horizontally. The background for the second transition is also changed to show nine instances of the new logo against the pattern from Door #2.
  • Beginning on Monday, the show is credited as "a FremantleMedia production" instead of "a Mark Goodson television production."
  • Beginning on October 15, episodes of The Price Is Right become available on's InnerTube feature for one week after their television broadcast. These online "airings" include the real credit roll.
  • Beginning on Monday, the opening titles are black with yellow borders.
  • Beginning on Monday, the light border in the opening is inserted into each episode using a recording of the border from earlier in the run; due to an error, the border does not cover the very edge of the picture, although this is generally only apparent on InnerTube.
  • For the first six weeks of the season, the show uses a limited rotation of only 35 pricing games. At each of the first five taping sessions, Drew records one show for each week that draws from a single pool of seven games. The pools are as follows:
    • Session 1: Any Number, Double Prices, Grocery Game, Clock Game, Lucky $even, Golden Road, and Plinko.
    • Session 2: Money Game, Cliff Hangers, Barker's Bargain Bar, One Away, Eazy az 1 2 3, It's in the Bag, and Triple Play.
    • Session 3: Range Game, Race Game, 3 Strikes, Safe Crackers, Dice Game, Grand Game, and Cover Up.
    • Session 4: Hi-Lo, Shell Game, Card Game, Ten Chances, Squeeze Play, Punch a Bunch, and Switch?.
    • Session 5: Temptation, 1 Right Price, Pick-a-Pair, Line em Up, Push Over, That's Too Much!, and 1/2 Off.
  • Monday's first opening title is "Our 36th Year"; this also appears on the other five episodes from Drew's first taping session.
  • Beginning with the last taping of the season's second session, the pan of the front row of the audience at the top of the show is restored; however, the remainder of the opening still uses the jib camera.
  • At least for the time being, Drew does not use audience entrances; he enters through Door #2 for Golden Road, and other games that would require audience entrances are simply not scheduled first.
  • On Monday, Golden Road temporarily does away with the dots that make up the physical road, as well as the coves sometimes used to conceal the first and second prizes; these changes are undone later in the season, although they were originally intended to be permanent.
  • On Tuesday, Drew changes One Away's traditional "Ladies, do I have X numbers right?" routine to involve begging the person in charge of the sound effects for numbers, usually in the form of, "Oh, mighty sound effects lady, do I have X numbers right?"
  • On the second day of the fourth week of tapings, a holographic cover is applied to the Hi-Lo logo.
  • On Thursday, a new, more authentic-looking $10,000 bill with a full-color portrait of Drew is added to Punch a Bunch.
  • On Friday, a rule is added to 1/2 Off awarding a $500 bonus every time a contestant correctly picks a half-priced item.

Week 2 (1,404 – 405xK): December 6, November 1, October 23, January 3, October 18

  • Originally scheduled for October 22-26.
  • On Monday, the camera angles used at the beginning of Triple Play are changed; instead of shooting Drew and the contestant with the Turntable in the background, the camera shots from Super Ball!! and three-trip Most Expensive are used.
  • On Monday, the blue wall placed by the Turntable during Triple Play is done away with.
  • On Tuesday, for the first time on the daytime show since February 1, 1999, Lucky $even is played in the second half.

Week 3 (1,405 – 406xK): December 13, October 15, 31, 24, 30

  • Originally scheduled for October 29-November 2.
  • On Tuesday, the Barker era's blue opening titles are used one last time, presumably because this was the first episode of Season 36 to air.
  • On Tuesday, the light strips around the Big Doors are blue instead of red during the Showcase Showdowns.
  • Wednesday's show is a Halloween-themed episode. The set is decorated; the prize covers in front of Door #1 and Door #3 have special graphics; Drew and the Beauties all appear in costume, as does Roger during the Showcase; Rich announces a large portion of the show as a vampire; most of the camera transitions are replaced with wavy, orange-and-black wipes; all of the "money win" graphics are orange; the light border is replaced with a border depicting a Halloween-ish scene; spooky music replaces all of the car cues and supplants the "Walking" cue during the opening until the first contestant is called; and the opening titles, which are orange and in a different font, read "Boo-tiful Prizes!," "Frightfully Fun!," and "A Spook-tacular Show!"
  • For Wednesday's show, the third line of the opening is extended to, "A special Halloween edition of television's most exciting hour of fantastic prizes!"

Week 4 (1,406 – 407xK): November 28, October 17, November 8, January 22, November 6

  • Originally scheduled for November 5-9.
  • On Monday, contestant Christopher is disqualified after it is discovered that he works at a CBS affiliate.
  • On Tuesday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Safe Crackers does not use its "safe interior" prize backdrop.
  • On Tuesday, Drew starts to do Bob's "37 hours" joke in Range Game but, in his own words, "butchers it;" he has not attempted to do the joke on any other episodes.

Week 5 (1,407 – 408xK): November 14, 15, 27, 7, 21

  • Originally scheduled for November 12-16.
  • Tuesday show features a rare appearance of the "Every Trip in the House" showcase.
  • Wednesday show is the first episode taped with Drew hosting.

Week 6 (1,408 – 409xK): December 11, October 25, 22, 19, 26

  • Originally scheduled for November 19-23.
  • On Thursday, November 22, CBS airs three episodes of The Price Is Right on the East Coast, at 12:30, 1:30, and 2:30 EST.

Week 7 (1,409 – 410xK): November 26, 5, 9, 29, 30

  • Originally scheduled for November 26-30.
  • As the show moves into Drew's sixth through tenth taping sessions, more pricing games begin to return to the rotation; the 9th taping session overflows into the 10th, as does the 10th into the 11th, due to four tapings being canceled on account of Drew being sick. The tapings follow the same basic pattern as the first group, with all six shows in a given set drawing from a pool of the same several "new" games and the same few "old" games. The episodes from these sessions comprise the season's 7th through 12th weeks. The "new" games from this period are as follows:
    • Session 6: Danger Price, Now....or Then, Pathfinder, and Magic #, along with Any Number, Double Prices, and Golden Road.
    • Session 7: Hole in One, Secret "X," Make Your Move, and Coming or Going, along with 3 Strikes, Dice Game, and Barker's Bargain Bar.
    • Session 8: Most Expensive, Check Game, 2 for the Price of 1, and Let 'em Roll, along with Money Game, Cliff Hangers, and Triple Play.
    • Session 9/10: Swap Meet, 1 Wrong Price, Flip Flop, Pass the Buck, and Balance Game, along with Lucky $even and Plinko; on the final episode of the group, Lucky $even is replaced by Push Over.
    • Session 10/11: Five Price Tags, Buy or Sell, and Shopping Spree, along with Squeeze Play, Grand Game, Switch?, and Cover Up.
  • On the second show of the sixth taping session, the "money win" graphics that adopted the Pricedown font on the season premiere, as well as the ones in "It's in the Bag" and 1/2 Off, are changed again, this time to a more free-flowing font; after the first two tapings of the seventh session, they are changed to a more condensed version of this font, and the dollar sign is replaced with the Pricedown dollar sign.
  • At either the sixth or seventh taping session, the 2007 music package debuts.
  • At the seventh taping session, the new TPIR logo is added to some of the lights hanging from the ceiling; these logos are sometimes visible in shots from the jib camera.
  • At the ninth taping session, a TPIR logo is painted on the floor of the raised stage in the back of the audience.
  • Beginning at the ninth taping session, the LED lights around the Big Doors flash different colors on the left and right during the opening.
  • At the second taping of the tenth session, the Showcase Showdown split-screen shot is reinstated, although the full left side of the screen is now used to display Drew and the contestant instead of the traditional arrow shot.
  • On Monday, Golden Road's prize coves and gold dots return.
  • Starting on Monday, the Magic # prop is positioned at a different angle, making its depth more obvious to the viewer.
  • On Monday, Wayne Newton appears to help present a trip to Las Vegas in Double Prices.
  • Tuesday show is Tamiko's first episode.
  • On Tuesday, the prices and prize labels in Secret "X" are redone with the More or Less font.
  • On Wednesday, the Check Game checks are redone. Most notable among the changes: The new TPIR logo is pasted in the upper-left corner; the check number changes from 4620 to 1133; and the non-numerical portions of "TODAY, 20NOW" are printed in Dom Casual.
  • On Wednesday, the grocery prices in Let 'em Roll are changed to the Dom Casual font.
  • On Wednesday, the white lights in the "2 for the Price of 1" sign are changed to pink.
  • On Thursday, the Barker Silver Dollars in Balance Game are replaced with "Drew Dollars;" these are actually metal slugs with decals on them.
  • On Friday, the car prices in Five Price Tags are redone in a slightly bulkier font.

Week 8 (1,410 – 411xK): November 12, December 4, 5, 3, 7

  • Originally scheduled for December 3-7.
  • On Tuesday, the small prize labels and prices in Pathfinder are redone in the More or Less font.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, the jib camera is used to shoot the main gameplay of Pathfinder.
  • Tuesday's Pathfinder contestant, Gregory, appeared on Jeopardy on February 7, 2023.
  • Thursday's show has no grocery product game; Coming or Going is a substitution for an unspecified grocery product game.
  • On Thursday, the Big Wheel appears in a showcase centered around a wild west showdown.

Week 9 (1,411 – 412xK): November 19, December 10, 12, 14, November 2

  • Originally scheduled for December 10-14.
  • On Monday, 1 Wrong Price is played for three trips; on this episode, it uses the same trip staging as Most Expensive, with its prize backdrops absent.
  • On Wednesday, the second showcase is centered around Match Game.

Week 10 (1,412 – 413xK): January 9, 8, 7, 10, 11

  • Originally scheduled for January 7-11.
  • At this point, due to the unusual nature of this season's schedule, the episode order skips over two weeks comprised mostly of Christmas shows to early January when the last three weeks of shows from the second set of taping sessions air. Despite airing after episodes that they technically come before, the airdates given here for these shows are correct. It is not entirely unreasonable to disregard any sort of dating for these three weeks, as they were originally planned without taking into account the schedule interruptions that occur at and after Christmas.

Week 11 (1,413 – 414xK): January 17, 15, 16, 14, 18

  • Originally scheduled for January 14-18.

Week 12 (1,414 – 415xK): November 16, January 29, 23-25

  • Originally scheduled for January 21-25.
  • On Friday, Push Over is played for a car.

Week 13 (1,415 – 416xK): December 17-21

  • At this point, the episode order skips back to December for two weeks comprised mostly of Christmas shows, along with non-Christmas-themed episodes #4161K and #4175K.
  • Beginning on Monday, the creation of pricing game lineups goes back to normal, with each show drawing from the full active rotation minus games Drew has not learned yet and the remaining 18 pricing games gradually trickling back in.
  • On Monday, Pocket ¢hange, Side by Side, and Bullseye return to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Monday, the envelope holder previously seen on October 12, 2005 returns to Pocket ¢hange.
  • The set is decorated for Christmas beginning on Tuesday.
  • The garland border used on Season 34's Christmas shows again replaces the light border in the opening this Tuesday through next Tuesday.
  • On this Tuesday through next Monday, the third line of the opening is extended to, "It's Christmas week on television's most exciting hour of fantastic prizes!"
  • The opening titles on this Tuesday through next Monday are "Merry Christmas," first in English and then in two other, varying languages.
  • On Tuesday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Safe Crackers does not use its "safe interior" prize backdrop.
  • From this Wednesday through next Tuesday, the opening titles are red with green borders.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.

Week 14 (1,416 – 417xK): December 24-25, January 4

  • Despite airing over the course of twelve days, these three episodes are considered to be a single week with shows for Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; however, they were created with the knowledge that they would not all air at once, so no attempt was made to keep games from Monday and Tuesday from repeating on Friday.
  • The set is decorated for Christmas through Tuesday.
  • On Monday, Freeze Frame returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Tuesday only, the first line of the opening is extended to, "It's Christmas Day, and here it comes!"
  • Tuesday's opening titles are "Christmas Day is here," "Merry Christmas to all!," and "Let the merriment begin!"
  • Rich is shown on-camera on Tuesday.
  • On Tuesday, a contestant sets a new daytime Plinko record of $30,100.
  • The presence on Friday of the same "new" games from Week 13's Monday show is intentional; the two episodes were taped on the same day.

Week 15 (1,417 – 418xK): January 28, 21, 30, 31, February 1

  • Originally scheduled for January 28-February 1.
  • At this point, the episode order jumps ahead again, this time to January 28.
  • Around this time, the show's logo begins to always slide onto the screen again during the first closed-captioning intro.
  • On Tuesday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • In Wednesday's opening, Drew comes through Door #2 carrying his future stepson, Connor.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Credit Card and Switcheroo return to the pricing game rotation.

Week 16 (1,418 – 419xK): February 4-8

  • On Monday, a telephone ticket plug is introduced; it rotates with the e-ticket plug, appearing on shows that were late Wednesday tapings (under normal circumstances, this translates to once every six episodes).
  • On Tuesday, More or Less returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • As of Tuesday, the car in More or Less is revealed immediately after the first three prizes.
  • On Thursday, the light border recording is fixed so that it reaches the edge of the picture.
  • On Thursday's show only, the "$1,000" graphic in Clock Game reverts to the Pricedown version seen earlier in the season.
  • On Thursday, Pick-a-Number returns to the pricing game rotation.

Week 17 (1,419 – 420xK): February 11-15

  • On Monday, Master Key returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • As of Wednesday, Adam Sandler is promoted to the position of associate producer.
  • On Wednesday, Check-Out returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the opening titles are altered so that they appear to have orange light shimmering off of them.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, all three opening titles spin back to the center of the screen.
  • On Wednesday, the price tag graphics in Clock Game are redone with all white text and a more two-dimensional appearance.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, the prices in Check-Out are redone in the Dom Casual font.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, a thick, black outline is placed around the TPIR logo at the end of the credits on most episodes; the previous version of the logo continues to appear sporadically.
  • On Thursday, a new, literally flashier "$50,000" graphic is introduced for the Plinko intro.
  • On Thursday, Push Over is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Clearance Sale returns to the pricing game rotation.

Week 18 (1,420 – 421xK): February 18-22 + Friday night

  • MDS 17 (#024SP) airs on Friday night.
  • On Monday, Spelling Bee returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • As of Monday, the cards in Spelling Bee are each worth $1,000.
  • On Tuesday, Bonkers returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Wednesday, Stack the Deck returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Wednesday, the second cue used during the intro of 1/2 Off is replaced with a harp/drum sting.
  • On Wednesday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Magic #'s "stopping" sound effect is reinstated.
  • On Thursday, Barker's Marker$ returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Thursday, Barker's Marker$'s name is changed to "Make Your Mark."
  • To reflect the new name, Make Your Mark contestants now place the markers on the board themselves; additionally, the markers are now referred to as "marks."
  • On Thursday, Make Your Mark debuts a new logo and a new, yellow color scheme.
  • Beginning on Thursday, the Showcase Showdown and pricing game "money win" graphics are shaded white, and the graphics for the Showcase winner's total are literally flashier than before.
  • As of Thursday, the LED lighting around the Big Doors no longer changes colors during the credits.
  • One of this week's two playings of Bonus Game -- probably Friday's -- is a substitution for Shell Game.
  • MDSs are now shot in HD.
  • The format of the MDSs changes beginning with this episode. The Big Wheel no longer offers $1,000,000; instead, the cash prizes are five times those offered in daytime ($5,000 for the initial dollar, $25,000 for a green section in a bonus spin, and $50,000 for a dollar in a bonus spin). The $1,000,000 is now offered in the Showcase, where it is awarded as a bonus for achieving a Double Showcase Win; to facilitate this, the Double Showcase range for MDSs is increased to $1,000 or less. Additionally, one pricing game in each MDS is designated as a "$1,000,000 game;" fulfilling a specified requirement in this game will cause the contestant to win $1,000,000 along with its regular prize.
  • A music sting and a spinning "$1,000,000" graphic are used when the $1,000,000 game is announced; the sting and graphic are also used when Drew explains how to win the million dollars in the Showcase. Additionally, the graphic appears if the million dollars is won; in the Showcase, it appears in lieu of the "Double $howcase Winner" graphic.
  • A million dollar win prompts the firing of a confetti cannon.
  • The MDS logo is altered to simply feature the "$1,000,000 Spectacular" banner under the "new" logo introduced on the season premiere. Two versions of this logo exist -- one using the hollow version of the logo from the daytime opening, and one using the filled-in version. The hollow version appears in the opening and the end of the credits, and the filled-in version appears in the corner of the screen during the consolation prize plugs.
  • The commercial structure of the MDSs changes again with this episode. The first Showcase Showdown and fourth game occur within the same act, as do the fifth and sixth games; additionally, depending upon the episode, the second game occurs in the same act as either the first game or the third game. On this episode, the first and second games are in the same act.
  • Music stings are used when returning from commercial before the second/third game and the fifth game.
  • The show's theme plays briefly at the end of the first Showcase Showdown before Drew throws to Rich to begin Act 4.
  • On MDSs, the Big Doors have a pattern of alternating light and dark squares that each contain, respectively, dark and light squares; their color schemes are the same as those of the daytime doors. The asterisk blocks on each door have their purple backgrounds replaced with the main color from that door; this carries over to the daytime show when the tape dates catch up.
  • The logo on the Big Doors is the daytime logo with black borders and "light bulbs" drawn around its edges; "$1,000,000 Spectacular" is no longer present on the doors.
  • On MDSs, the Turntable walls have a dark blue color scheme instead of the purples found on the daytime show; the classic logo found on the turning panel is replaced with a marbled, silver Pricedown dollar sign.
  • On MDSs, the stage floor is now covered with a reflective black surface; this flooring conceals the Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row.
  • On MDSs, a strip of chase lights is placed along the floor at the edge of the stage.
  • On MDSs, the audience curtains, minus the lights and shapes, are extended all the way to the Turntable to conceal the producers' table.
  • This set of MDSs, which runs through #029SP, uses five Barker's Beauties.
  • On MDSs, Drew wears a tuxedo.
  • The opening of the MDSs now includes a new light border that is sprinkled with Goodson-Todman asterisks and hypocycloid diamonds; this carries over to the daytime show when the tape dates catch up.
  • The stars that are shone on the Big Doors are no longer replaced with dollar signs during Showcase Showdowns; additionally, the stars are now shone only on the white area surrounding the doors.
  • The opening spiel for the MDSs is now, "Tonight, from the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, a very special primetime edition of America's longest-running game show! Fabulous cars, amazing prizes, and millions of dollars can all be won tonight on The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectacular!"
  • On MDSs, Drew is introduced as "The star of The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectacular."
  • On MDSs, the separator in the Big Wheel split-screen shot is a shiny gold instead of a plain yellow.
  • MDSs no longer have mid-show bumpers.
  • The first and third wipes during the consolation prize plugs has vertical portions of the screen flipping over one by one from left to right, similar to the Plinko sign; the second wipe has the entire screen flipping over, a la the price panels in That's Too Much! The background seen during the second wipe is the same one used on the daytime show, albeit purple instead of blue. The first and third wipes were changed prior to this taping on the daytime show; they make their first appearance there next Monday when the tape dates catch up.
  • The third wipe in the consolation prize plugs goes to a wide shot of the audience as Rich announces, "Remember, there's another chance at a million dollars coming up...but first, here's Drew Carey with our Showcase Showdown!" After this, the screen wipes to the Big Wheel.
  • The nighttime Showcase podiums have had their edges redone the same way as the daytime podiums, except for the portion around the word "Showcase." The main part of the podiums now has the new MDS logo on a solid light blue background.
  • Unlike their daytime counterparts, the nighttime showcase description cards have not had their font changed.
  • During this MDS's opening only, confetti cannons are fired as Drew greets the audience.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is One Away. The requirement for winning the million dollars is getting the car's price right on the first turn.
  • On MDS, Push Over is played for a car.

Week 19 (1,421 – 422xK): February 25-29 + night of April 11

  • MDS 18 (#025SP) airs on the night of Friday, April 11; originally scheduled for this Friday night.
  • On Monday, "Take Two" returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Monday, the first and third consolation plug wipes first seen on MDS 17 become permanent.
  • On Thursday, the hypocycloid background that appeared behind the phone number on the first three appearances of the telephone ticket plug is done away with.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, Check Game's think cue is used in Push Over.
  • On Friday, Joker was scheduled to re-enter the pricing game rotation; however, after the lineup was made, Roger decided to retire it, and Bonus Game was played in its place.
  • On MDS, Triple Play does not use its standard car cues or its logo wipe.
  • On MDS, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the third game.
  • On MDS, the prices and grocery labels in It's in the Bag are redone in the Dom Casual font; this carries over to the daytime show when the tape dates catch up.
  • On MDS, the "$150 Range" text on Range Game's rangefinder is redone in the More or Less font; this carries over to the daytime show when the tape dates catch up.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Safe Crackers. The requirement for winning the million dollars is to win the game and then risk the prizes by playing the game again with the price of the car, with the stipulation that numbers can repeat (although as it turned out, none did). For this format, the total value of the prize package is not revealed, and the second set of dials is added to the upper part of the door; the dials are revealed if the contestant succeeds in opening the safe the first time.

Week 20 (1,422 – 423xK): March 3-7 + night of Friday, April 4

  • MDS 19 (#026SP) airs on the night of Friday, April 4; originally scheduled for this Friday night.
  • On Tuesday, Step Up returns to the pricing game rotation; all 73 active games are now being played again.
  • During Tuesday's Step Up, Drew states that he has now learned "all 75 games;" this now-incorrect count was given to him before Poker Game and Joker were retired.
  • On MDS, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the third game.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Clock Game. The requirement for winning the million dollars is winning the game within ten seconds; such a win occurs in addition to the awarding of the standard $5,000 bonus.

Week 21 (1,423 – 424xK): March 10-14 + night of Friday, February 29

  • MDS 20 (#027SP) airs on the night of Friday, February 29; originally scheduled for this Friday night.
  • Tuesday show is Drew's 100th episode.
  • On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday Drew plugs Friday night's MDS at the start of Act 5.
  • For six episodes beginning this Wednesday, four Beauties appear on each show.
  • On Wednesday, the MDS light border and the color-coordinated G-T asterisk boxes on the Big Doors are adopted on the daytime show.
  • On Wednesday only, the orange portions of the opening titles become a "hot" shade of white.
  • On Thursday, the opening title graphics are last seen on February 12 return; their color now changes from day to day.
  • On Thursday, for no apparent reason, That's Too Much! uses Line em Up's think music.
  • On MDS, Range Game and Grocery Game are both played for cars.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the third game.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Range Game. The requirement for winning the million dollars is guessing the prize's price exactly; the contestant may only choose from the prices covered by the rangefinder after pressing the button.

Week 22 (1,424 – 425xK): March 17-19

  • Only three shows, on Monday through Wednesday.
  • On Monday, Range Game's redone rangefinder with the More or Less font carries over to the daytime show.
  • On Tuesday only, the version of the show's logo displayed at the end of the credits is the one that appeared on the Big Doors in Seasons 25-29.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the "$10,000" graphic in Grand Game is red instead of green.
  • During the credits on Wednesday, a cake is brought out for Gwendolyn, who goes on maternity leave after this episode.

Week 23 (1,425 – 426xK): March 24-28

  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, the Big Wheel is staged nearly flush against the Big Doors.
  • On Monday, the telephone ticket plug moves to early Monday tapings.
  • Monday show is Amber's first episode.
  • On Thursday, It's in the Bag's new Dom Casual price and grocery labels carry over to the daytime show.

Week 24 (1,426 – 427xK): March 31-April 4 + night of Friday, March 7

  • MDS 21 (#028SP) airs on the night of Friday, March 7; originally scheduled for this Friday night.
  • On this week's shows, Drew plugs Friday night's MDS at the start of Act 5 or Act 6.
  • Starting on Tuesday, the LED lights around the Big Doors go back to only flashing one color at a time during the opening.
  • On Tuesday, Bonus Game is played for a car.
  • Tuesday show features an April Fool's showcase "designed to make your life much easier" in which all of the prizes are things that don't really exist. It consists of a stato-intellicator, a high-tech device which will delicate your stordoite cylinder, authenticate as well as organize all of your acetylcolene, and also serve as a beautiful gelatin moulde; a state-of-the-art trans-rebounder, which allows you to apply advanced synticator technology, gives access to the tryptophane right on the exterior housing, and includes an extra-long cord for easy access and reliability; and a trip via baggage class on OCD Air, the airline that gets you there on time even though it's not the cleanest, to exotic Boguslovania, where you can enjoy such tasty national cuisine as tripetarts and view No Way Palace from Shortsight Tower. The real showcase is a Corvette convertible, making this only the third known showcase in history to consist of only one prize.
  • On Tuesday, the version of the credits logo used only sporadically since February 13 returns permanently.
  • On Thursday, the prices, grocery labels, and "$500" flag in Hole in One are redone in the More or Less font.
  • On Thursday, the fronts of the tees in Hole in One are redone in black.
  • On Thursday, three flat golf balls are added to the base of the "Hole in One" sign.
  • On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the first game.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Plinko. The requirement for winning the million dollars is putting at least three Plinko chips in the $20,000 slot to earn an extra "golden Plinko chip," which must then itself be dropped in the $20,000 slot.

Week 25 (1,427 – 428xK): April 7-11

  • MDS 22 (#029SP) airs on the night of Friday, March 14; originally scheduled for this Friday night.
  • On this week's shows, Drew plugs Friday night's MDS at the start of Act 5 or Act 6.
  • On Wednesday, the telephone ticket plug moves from early Monday tapings back to late Wednesday tapings.
  • Thursday show features an extremely rare appearance of the "Every Trip in the House" showcase.
  • On MDS, Switch? is played for two cars.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the first game.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is 1/2 Off. The requirement for winning the million dollars is winning the game, giving up the $25,000, and finding the $1,000,000 check hidden in one of the 15 remaining boxes.
  • MDS is the first show taped with the Hole in One set changes from last Thursday's daytime show.
  • On MDS, Hole in One's nighttime "$1,000" flag is redone with the More or Less font and a darker color scheme similar to that of the original "$500" flag.
  • On MDS, a Jaguar is offered; this is the first foreign car to appear on the show in approximately 15 years.

Week 26 (1,428 – 429xK): April 14-18

  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, Grocery Game is played for a car.

Week 27 (1,429 – 430xK): April 21-25

  • On Tuesday, Card Game's starting bid is increased to $15,000.
  • On Thursday and Friday, Drew plugs next week's MDS at the beginning of Act 5.

Week 28 (1,430 – 431xK): April 28-May 2 + night of Wednesday, May 21

  • MDS 23 (#030SP) airs on the night of Wednesday, May 21; originally scheduled for this Wednesday night.
  • On this week's shows, Drew plugs this or next week's MDS at the beginning of Act 5.
  • On Monday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
  • The dollar signs shown against the Big Doors during primetime Showcase Showdowns up through Season 35 are now displayed against the audience curtains throughout the show; to facilitate this, the lights above the audience are dimmed throughout the show.
  • This set of MDSs, which runs through #033SP, uses seven Barker's Beauties.
  • The end of the opening is altered very slightly, with Rich now saying, "You are the first four contestants tonight on The Price Is Right $1,000,000 Spectacular!"
  • Drew is now introduced on MDSs simply as "The star of The Price Is Right."
  • On this set of MDSs, a spotlight is shone on Drew as he comes through the Big Doors.
  • Starting on this MDS, when Drew comes through the Big Doors, all of the Beauties except for whoever is handling of the microphone join him and accompany him across the stage.
  • The "$1,000,000" graphic now slides onto the screen from the right; it is also accompanied by a different piece of music than before.
  • As of this MDS, the show's theme no longer plays at the end of the first Showcase Showdown.
  • Beginning on this MDS, trip videos formatted for fullscreen display a graphic of the silver dollar sign and dark blue squares from the Turntable wall in the areas of the screen only visible in widescreen; this carries over to the daytime show when it begins broadcasting in HD next season.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the third game.
  • On MDS, Double Prices is played for a car.
  • Rich's spiel at the end of the consolation prize plugs is changed to, "Don't forget, somebody could still win a million dollars! And now, here's Drew Carey with our Showcase Showdown!"
  • The primetime Double Showcase range is reduced to $500 or less.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Cover Up. The requirement for winning the million dollars is winning the game on the first turn.

Week 29 (1,431 – 432xK): May 5-9 + night of Wednesday, May 14

  • MDS 24 (#031SP) airs on the night of Wednesday, May 14; originally scheduled for this Wednesday night.
  • On this week's shows, Drew plugs this or next week's MDS at the beginning of Act 5 or 6.
  • On Wednesday, the show begins offering Hondas manufactured in the US on a regular basis again; for the time being, these remain the only foreign cars used.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same half as the third game.
  • As of this MDS, Punch a Bunch's primetime top prize is increased to $50,000.
  • As of this MDS, Punch a Bunch's nighttime slip distribution is completely redone. There is now one $50,000 slip; three $25,000 slips; 10 $5,000 slips; and 12 slips each of $1,000, $500, and $100. Additionally, four of the slips now have a "Second Chance" on them; which ones is not known.
  • On MDS, the dollar signs on the hole covers in Punch a Bunch are redone in the Pricedown font; this change does not immediately carry over to the daytime show.
  • On MDS, Grocery Game is played for three rooms of furniture, using all three Big Doors.
  • On MDS, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • Rich's spiel at the end of the consolation prize plugs is changed again, this time to "Don't forget, somebody could still win a million dollars tonight...but first, here's Drew Carey with our Showcase Showdown!"
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Punch a Bunch. The requirement for winning the million dollars is finding the $50,000 slip on the first punch.

Week 30 (1,432 – 433xK): May 12-16 + night of Wednesday, May 7

  • MDS 25 (#032SP) airs on the night of Wednesday, May 7; originally scheduled for this Wednesday night.
  • On this week's shows, Drew plugs this or next week's MDS at the beginning of Act 5 or 6.
  • On Tuesday, the prize labels and corresponding prices in "Take Two" are redone in a smaller font.
  • On Tuesday, the LED lights around the Big Doors begin to change colors during the credits again.
  • On Tuesday, Check-Out is played for a car.
  • As of Thursday, Hi-Lo is concealed behind the Giant Price Tag; the game is no longer revealed before its prize.
  • On Friday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
  • Starting on this MDS, Drew is not accompanied during the opening by the Beauties who are assigned to model the first Item up for Bids.
  • On MDS, 1 Wrong Price is played for three cars -- specifically, three different models of the Mini Cooper.
  • On this MDS, 1 Wrong Price uses its normal staging, with all three cars behind Door #2.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the first game.
  • Rich's spiel at the end of the consolation prize plugs is changed yet again, this time to "Don't forget, someone could still win $1,000,000...but first, here's Drew Carey with our Showcase Showdown!"
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Plinko.

Week 31 (1,433 – 434xK): May 19-23 + night of Wednesday, April 30

  • MDS 26 (#033SP) airs on the night of Wednesday, April 30; originally scheduled for this Wednesday night.
  • On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Drew plugs Wednesday night's MDS at the start of Act 5.
  • On Wednesday, the stars displayed above the Big Doors are changed to Pricedown dollar signs.
  • On Friday, the symbols above the doors change again, this time to Goodson-Todman asterisks.
  • On Friday, the fronts of the tees in Hole in One become yellow again, and the golf balls are removed from the base of the sign.
  • This MDS opens with the million dollar winners from MDSs 17, 19, and 21 being shown one at a time, holding giant checks for $1,000,000 and saying, "My name is (insert name), and I won a million dollars on The Price Is Right," as the theme plays. The three are then shown together saying, "We did it; so can you! Come on down!" After this, the show cuts to the standard opening. Logically, this segment should have appeared at the beginning of episode #030SP; it was presumably attached to this program because it was the first show from this set of MDSs to air on CBS.
  • On this MDS, the second game is in the same act as the first game.
  • This MDS's $1,000,000 game is Switcheroo. The requirement for winning the million dollars is getting everything right on the first turn.

Week 32 (1,434 – 435xK): May 26-30

  • Thursday show features the final playing of Buy or Sell.
  • On Thursday, instead of flashing at varying degrees of brightness during the opening and the credits, the lights on the audience curtains flash completely off.
  • Beginning on Thursday, the Goodson-Todman asterisks over the Big Doors are bathed in orange light.
  • On Friday, Bonus Game is played for a car.

Week 33 (1,435 – 436xK): June 2-6

  • Monday show features the 1,000th playing of 1 Right Price.
  • On Wednesday, Punch a Bunch's Pricedown dollar signs from MDS 24 are brought to the daytime show; the dollar signs are now purple.
  • On Friday, Shane returns from her maternity leave.

Week 34 (1,436 – 437xK): June 9-13

  • Beginning on Tuesday, the hypocycloid background seen in the consolation prize plugs uses different color schemes on different episodes, although it still appears to be blue the majority of the time.
  • On Friday, the U.S. Women's Soccer Team appears during the Showcase to help present a trip to Greece, where they played in the 2004 Summer Olympics.

Week 35 (1,437 – 438xK): June 16-20

  • On Wednesday, Range Game and Cliff Hangers are both played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Push Over is played with Check Game's think music.

Week 36 (1,438 – 439xK): June 23-27

  • On Monday, Drew enters through the audience for Golden Road.
  • On Tuesday, the e-ticket plug is redone to reflect the new design of
  • On Thursday, Rich is shown on-camera.
  • On Friday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.

Week 37 (1,439 – 440xK): June 30-July 4

  • Beginning with Wednesday's episode, the daytime show is taped in HD; however, it is still broadcast in SD for the remainder of the season.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the graphical logos are seen in the opening, the closed-captioning plugs, and the consolation prize plugs are somewhat larger and crisper; this is likely a by-product of the transition to HD.
  • On Wednesday, a new wall panel is added at the far left of the Turntable that can be opened and closed to reveal or block the producers' table.
  • On Wednesday, the Goodson-Todman asterisks displayed above the Big Doors are again changed to Pricedown dollar signs; additionally, the orange lights that previously shone against that area are done away with.
  • On Wednesday, the Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row are absent.
  • On Wednesday, an extra bracket is added the platform that holds the keys in Master Key, presumably to keep them from swinging.
  • On Wednesday, the transition between the first two consolation prizes is replaced with the version used on the MDSs.
  • On Wednesday, the yellow separator seen in the Big Wheel split-screen shot is replaced with the gold separator from the MDSs.
  • On Thursday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, the "$50,000" graphic in Plinko is changed to the same font as the other "money win" graphics; it remains green.
  • On Friday, the set is decorated for Independence Day; additionally, fireworks are displayed above the Big Doors instead of Pricedown dollar signs.
  • Friday's opening uses a graphic of a flapping American flag in place of the light border; the graphic is outside of a "frame" with chasing streaks of white and blue.
  • Friday's opening spiel is, "It's the Fourth of July. Happy birthday, America! Let's celebrate with television's most exciting hour of fantastic prizes! The fabulous, 60-minute Price Is Right!"
  • Friday's show opens to the sounds of "Stars and Stripes Forever;" "Walking" begins playing shortly after Rich calls the first contestant.
  • Friday's opening titles are "Happy Birthday America!," "Light the Fireworks!," and "232 Years and Still Going Strong!"
  • Friday's opening titles are red with white light shimmering off of them.
  • On Friday, presumably as a reference to the American flag, the star wipe seen during Bob's entrance from the late '80s through the start of Season 31 is used as transition a number of times throughout the show.
  • Beginning on Friday, the "extra" panel of the Turntable wall, which as of Wednesday is no longer the leftmost panel, is covered with a yellow audience curtain.
  • On Friday, the flag graphic from the opening, no longer in motion, is also used as a background during the consolation prize plugs.

Week 38 (1,440 – 441xK): July 10, 8, 9, 7, 11.

  • Originally scheduled for July 7-11.
  • This week's Monday and Thursday shows were intentionally aired out of order due to a comment Drew makes on Thursday about "a big party we had over the weekend" after he accidentally explains Credit Card during Shopping Spree.
  • Wednesday's 1 Right Price is announced on-air as being the game's 1,000th playing; in reality, it is the 1,003rd.
  • On Wednesday, the graphics for the telephone ticket plug are redesigned.
  • On Friday, Push Over is played with Check Game's think music.
  • On Friday, Bonus Game is played for a car.

Week 39 (1,441 – 442xK): July 14-17

  • Season finale week; only four shows.
  • Summer reruns begin on Friday.
  • On Tuesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • After Thursday's show, the 6,921st episode, FremantleMedia fires Roger; Fingers succeeds him as the producer, with Adam Sandler being promoted from associate producer to co-producer.