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Season 38 (2009-2010)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 38, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (1,482 – 483xK): September 21-25

  • During this week, in addition to the new episodes aired at the regular time, CBS broadcasts reruns from Season 37 at 3 P.M. Eastern, the timeslot occupied until last Friday by the now-cancelled Guiding Light.
  • Win at Home is not conducted during the afternoon broadcasts.
  • On Monday, after nearly a year's absence, the light border (albeit a new one) is restored to the opening; the new border incorporates the dark blue squares from Season 37's Turntable walls.
  • On Monday, the opening spiel is shortened to, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, it's The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday, the opening titles are done away with.
  • Beginning on Monday, at the end of the opening, the logo's dollar sign draws itself at the center of the screen, after which smaller dollar signs erupt from behind it. The main dollar sign then settles into its proper spot for the logo, after which the words slide out from behind it and the orange and red backgrounds fly in from the sides of the screen.
  • On Monday, Drew's introduction is shortened to, "And now, here's your host: Drew Carey!"
  • On Monday, the set is decorated for the season premiere.
  • On Monday, the Turntable is completely restructured: the shape of its floor is altered; the carpet becomes all blue, with the stairs becoming a metallic silver; the spinning panel's wall becomes light blue with a dark blue edge, reminiscent of the pattern seen on it from 1975-1982; and the other walls are removed and replaced with a Big Door frame with purple asterisk boxes (but no asterisk on the right side, as the box goes behind the stairs) and a square-patterned backdrop that is capable of changing colors. The dollar sign on the spinning wall panel remains present, and the portion of the blue wall behind it is now lit up. Fans have generally come to refer to the new walls as the "Door #5" structure, although this term is not used by the show.
  • On Monday, the lights around the edge of the stage first seen on Season 36's MDSs are added permanently.
  • On Monday, the Pricedown dollar signs displayed over the Big Doors are replaced with cascading circle designs; unlike the previous patterns, which where shone onto the doors via lights, the circles are painted onto the walls. The patterns are also painted on the back of the Turntable.
  • On Monday, the Contestants' Row displays are replaced with LCD monitors; they are programmed to behave exactly as the old displays did, although the prop itself is built slightly differently. The new displays are capable of displaying 5-digit bids; these are the only circumstances under which the numbers look different than they did on the previous displays.
  • On Monday, new sets of designs are introduced for the Dollar Sign and the Reveal.
  • Beginning on Monday, Plinko is revealed with a wide shot of the Race Game Curtain raising on the jib camera.
  • Beginning on Monday, Goodson-Todman asterisks and hypocycloid diamonds are hung inside Plinko's small prize podiums.
  • Beginning on Monday, the closed-captioning plugs show various shots of the studio taken from the jib camera.
  • Beginning on Monday, the logo appears on the screen during the closed-captioning plugs the same way it did late in the consolation prize plugs late in Season 37; conversely, the logo is now already present at the start of the consolation prize plugs.
  • Beginning on Monday, videos shown in the corner of the screen during prize descriptions appear in a price tag-shaped window.
  • Beginning on Monday, there is a Pricedown dollar sign over the lower-left corner of Rich's calldown window.
  • On Monday, a third portable plasma screen is added to the show's list of props.
  • On Monday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
  • As of Monday, three-trip Most Expensive is presented entirely behind Door #2.
  • In Monday's Most Expensive, the "and just think!" line at the end of the trip descriptions is omitted.
  • Beginning on Monday, Drew plugs after the sixth game.
  • Monday marks the first appearance of the fourth-generation Showcase podiums, which, for the first time in the history of the daytime show, are identical to one another. Each podium is green with a Pricedown dollar sign on the front, and the descriptive placards and bid displays are replaced with LCD monitors; the bid displays use a blue background, are bordered by the square pattern from the light border, and display the TPIR logo until a bid is placed in them. The bids and differences are not shown in an eggcrate font on the monitors; however, they do now include a dollar sign.
  • Initially, the numbers on the Showcase podiums are a shade of light blue that is very hard to see against the blue background.
  • Initially, the numbers on the Showcase podiums to not appear to be justified with regard to any particular position.
  • As of Monday, during the first part of the Showcase, the podiums display "SHOWCASE" instead of "SHOWcase."
  • On Monday, Craig Ferguson appears to help present the second showcase.
  • On Tuesday, the bell dings do not sound when contestant Nicole wins her showcase.
  • For no apparent reason, Tuesday's show does not include the real credits, despite it running all the way to the end.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, a fake wall panel mimicking Season 37's Turntable walls is placed behind pricing games that are played on the Turntable; a red-orange border runs around the sides and top of the panel. Near each corner of the wall is a yellow Goodson-Todman asterisk, and a yellow asterisk appears at the center.
  • In Wednesday's One Away, despite Drew's urgings to ask the "mighty sound effects lady" for numbers, contestant Sheena insists on doing the "Ladies, do I have at least one number right?" routine.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the numbers in the Showcase podiums are white and centered.
  • For no apparent reason, Wednesday's real credit roll has not been updated to reflect Mike Richards's promotion and Syd Vinnedge's dismissal.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the Season 36 TPIR logo at the end of the full credit roll is now used on the short credits.
  • On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.

Week 2 (1,483 – 484xK): September 28-October 2

  • This week only, a second new episode from next week is broadcast each day at 3 P.M. Eastern; details are listed with Week 3.
  • Again, Win at Home is not conducted during the afternoon broadcasts.
  • In Monday's opening, Drew comes through Door #2 with Connor, who proceeds to sing Old MacDonald at his father's urging.
  • Beginning on Monday, the cubes in Let 'em Roll start out stacked on the table instead of piled in the bucket; they are arranged in such a way that two cars and one of each money amount are showing, so Drew no longer has to pick one of them up to explain what is on them.
  • On Tuesday, the design of the Turntable wall changes again; indentations are worked into the purple strip to cause it to display the square pattern, and the game side is completely redone to show a larger version of the Season 37 pattern, with green diamonds in the corners of the squares. The backdrop with the asterisks is no longer used.
  • On Tuesday, the red backing with its cityscape design is removed from the Turntable's "Master Key" sign, presumably because it stuck up far enough to run into the "Door #5" structure.
  • On Tuesday, a flashier Graphic is introduced for the plug.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, 1/2 Off's second intro cue is never played.
  • On Wednesday, the dimming of the lights at the beginning of the "Every Room in the House" showcase is reinstated.
  • On Wednesday, several NHL mascots appear to help present a hockey-themed showcase.
  • Beginning on Friday, the "Now....or Then" sign is hung lower on the Turntable wall, presumably because it stuck up far enough to run into the "Door #5" structure.

Week 3 (1,484 – 485xK): October 2, September 30, September 28, September 29, October 1 (all at 3 P.M. Eastern)

  • Originally scheduled for October 5-9.
  • This week's shows were rescheduled to serve as a buildup to the premiere on October 5 of a revival of Let's Make a Deal, the network's replacement for Guiding Light.
  • On Monday, Push Over is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row for a trip displayed on Door #4.
  • On Wednesday, a vertical plasma screen with the game's logo on it is added to the center of Switch?.
  • On Wednesday, the Race Game Curtain is updated to reflect the new appearance of the Showcase podiums.
  • On Thursday, one of the green screen "trip skins" is used to display a gigantic treehouse in the Showcase.
  • On Friday, another, even flashier graphic is introduced for the plug; it alternates with the second one on a seemingly inconsistent basis.

Week 4 (1,485 – 486xK): November 19, October 13-16

  • Originally scheduled for October 12-16.
  • On Tuesday, Shopping Spree returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Friday, Step Up returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Friday, a horizontal plasma screen displaying the game's logo is placed between the prizes in Magic #.

Week 5 (1,486 – 487xK): October 19-23

  • On Monday, a vertical plasma screen displaying the game's logo is added to the center of 1 Right Price.
  • On Tuesday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
  • On Thursday, "Take Two" returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • For a brief period beginning on Thursday, the "Take Two" board is initially positioned behind the Race Game Curtain, where Buy or Sell's tote board resided for most of that game's existence; the board is moved to its normal spot during the prize descriptions.
  • As of Thursday, the telephone ticket plug, now done by Drew, is once again interspersed with the e-ticket plug.
  • On Thursday, Drew accidentally does the ticket plug a second time at the end of the fourth game, this time reciting an e-ticket plug; additionally, as he does this, one of the graphics appears on the screen for no apparent reason.
  • On Friday, 3 Strikes returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • Due to shows early in Season 37 being shuffled around, Friday marks the first broadcast of 3 Strikes in over a year; however, when the proper episode order is taken into account, the game was "only" gone for 359 days.
  • On Friday, 3 Strikes begins offering luxury cars again.
  • On Friday, 3 Strikes' rules change yet again, this time reverting to the original rules that were in place from 1976 through 1998.
  • On Friday, a flashier "NO" graphic is introduced for 3 Strikes.

Week 6 (1,487 – 488xK): October 26-28, 8, 30

  • Originally scheduled for October 26-30.
  • On Monday, the price and answer cards in Punch a Bunch are changed to yellow text on a green background; additionally, the answer cards are given a new font with much larger lettering.
  • On Monday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Monday, Lanisha wrecks a remote control skateboard that she is modeling (and riding) into Door #3.
  • On Wednesday, the second showcase includes a backstage tour of CBS Television City and tickets to The Late Show with David Letterman; the contestant is instructed not to include these in his bid, as they have no actual value.
  • On Thursday, a vertical plasma screen displaying the game's logo is added between the prizes in Clock Game.
  • On Thursday, DiPirro begins overlaying a shot of the contestant on the Balance Game board as the scales attempt to balance.
  • On Friday, the set is decorated for Halloween.
  • On Friday, the squares in the light border, Door #4, the trip video screens, and the background for the consolation prize plugs' second transition is a black-tinted orange.
  • On Friday, Rich's opening spiel is "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Scarywood! It's The freaky Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, Rich reads the opening spiel with a Transylvanian accent.
  • On Friday, audience members are encouraged to come to the show dressed in Halloween costumes.
  • On Friday, thunder and lightning accompany the come on downs.
  • On Friday, everyone in the cast wears Halloween costumes related to the show: Drew dresses as the mountain climber, Rich as the Big Wheel, Rachel as a Plinko chip, Amber as Range Game, and Lanisha as Grocery Game.
  • On Friday, Rich introduces Drew as "the yodely guy!"
  • As Drew comes through Door #2 in Friday's opening, "On the Franches Mountains" begins playing.
  • On Friday, all of the games involved in the cast's costumes are played; this leads to the unusual circumstance of the show having two small prize games and a grocery item game.
  • In Friday's opening, "Walking" and the normal theme are replaced by a "spooky" rendition of the theme; this also replaces the theme during the consolation prize plugs and the credits.
  • On Friday, several prize cues are replaced by "spooky" music, as are the cue for the second closed-captioning plug's intro and the theme at the beginning of the second part of the Showcase.
  • On Friday, for most of the show, the buzzer and the foghorn are supplanted by "scary" noises, such as cats screeching and witches cackling.
  • On Friday, the normally yellow borders of several graphics effects are orange.
  • On Friday, graphics of witches and ghosts are used for some of the camera transitions.
  • On Friday, the dollar sign on Rich's call down window is purple.
  • On Friday, after more than a year's absence, Triple Play returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • In Friday's Grocery Game, the prices are distorted in such a way that they appear to be dripping slime.
  • On Friday, Drew has Rich stand with the contestants at the Big Wheel's scoreboard during the Showcase Showdowns.
  • On Friday, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
  • On Friday, the Cliff Hangers board is decorated for Halloween, with tombstones in the foreground, mountains the background, a purple sky, and a witch flying past the cliff.
  • On Friday, a graphics effect is used to show bats flying out of the screen during the intro of the second closed-captioning plug.
  • On Friday, the Showcase podiums are decorated as coffins, with flaps on them that open to reveal the bid displays; the descriptive placard displays are not used on this episode.
  • In Friday's Showcase, the TPIR logos on the trip video screens are distorted to appear as though they are dripping slime; this is also done with the numbers on the Showcase podiums.

Week 7 (1,488 – 489xK): November 2-6

  • On Monday, the plug begins shuffling between the end of the sixth game and the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, That's Too Much! is played for a Mercedes.
  • Thursday show is the ceremonial 7,000th episode; in reality, it is the 7,146th episode.
  • On Thursday, the set is decorated for the "7,000th" episode.
  • On Thursday, a banner reading "7,000th show" added to the bottom of the logos in the opening, on Door #4, and in the second transition of the closed-captioning plugs.
  • On Thursday, the first four contestants are told that they are "the first four contestants on the 7,000th show of The Price Is Right."
  • On Thursday, Most Expensive is played for three trips.
  • On Thursday only, in commemoration of the "7,000th" episode, Lucky $even's $1 bills are replaced with $1,000 stacks of bills, making it possible for the contestant to win as much as $6,000 instead of $6.
  • On Thursday, all of the games in the first half are somehow related to "7" or "7,000:" Most Expensive's trips are all over 7,000 miles away from Television City; Grand Game's target price is $7, and Lucky $even makes the aforementioned rule change involving $7,000.
  • On Thursday, as Drew states at the end of the first Showcase Showdown, the games in the second half -- Any Number, Bonus Game, and Double Prices -- duplicate the lineup from the first episode.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game does not come around on the Turntable before its prize is revealed.
  • On Thursday, Double Prices is played behind the Giant Price Tag.
  • On Thursday, Drew declares that the "7,000th" show is also Rich's 1,001st episode as announcer; in reality, it is his daytime 979th show as the permanent announcer (one of which was announced by Burton Richardson due to Rich having laryngitis), his 988th daytime show announced overall, and his 1,006th show announced if primetime specials are included.
  • On Thursday, Rich's call down window begins to shoot Pricedown dollar signs out of its sides, similar to what is seen as the logo forms during the opening.
  • Thursday's showcases are "updated" versions of the showcases from the first episode.
  • On Thursday, during the Showcase, the plasma screens are outfitted with borders to make them look like old-fashioned console television sets.

Week 8 (1,489 – 490xK): November 9, December 15, November 11-13

  • Originally scheduled for November 9-13.
  • On Monday, blue and purple versions of the zigzag backdrops from Most Expensive are added to the edges of the "1/2 Off" set.
  • Wednesday show is a Veterans' Day-themed episode.
  • On Wednesday, everyone in the audience is a member of the military; unlike the corresponding episode in Season 37, this includes the Coast Guard.
  • On Wednesday, The Star-Spangled Banner, played by a marine band on the stage in the back of the audience, is heard instead of "Walking" and the theme during the opening; it also supplants the theme at the end of the first part of the Showcase and during the credits. Additionally, various military songs are played during all of the show's commercial outros; Dig We Must is not used at all, and the theme is only heard briefly after the second and fourth games and at the beginning of the second part of the Showcase.
  • Wednesday's opening spiel is "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood! It's a special Veterans' Day Price Is Right!"
  • On Wednesday, the logo in the opening and on Door #4 is surrounded by a ring with stars and the words "Salute to the Military." Another version of this logo, with stars and stripes filling in the gaps, appears on some of the set decorations and behind Plinko's small prizes; it also spins into existence in the lower-left corner of the screen at the end of Acts 2 and 4, during both closed-captioning plugs, and the ends of both Showcase Showdowns and replaces the usual logo during the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Wednesday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an image of the American flag.
  • On Wednesday, the audience members' name tags show the insignia of their branch of the military along with their names.
  • On Wednesday, the contestants' ranks are read with their names as they are called to come on down.
  • On Wednesday, the set is decorated for Veterans' Day.
  • On Wednesday, Drew is flanked by a Marine Corps color guard during his entrance.
  • On Wednesday, during the opening and the credits, the squares on the Turntable wall flash red, white, and blue.
  • On Wednesday, the yellow and green Contestants' Row displays are altered to be a second set of red and blue displays.
  • On Wednesday, the Contestants' Row displays show the insignias of their contestants until the contestant in question makes a bid.
  • On Wednesday, each contestant who gets onstage wins a $1,000 phone card from AAFES and a $1,000 gift certificate for; these are not factored into the contestants' total winnings.
  • On Wednesday, the price cards and holders for the Items up for Bids and the Showcase are adorned with stars and stripes.
  • In Wednesday's Golden Road, the motorhome at the end of the road is flanked by fireworks machines.
  • On Wednesday, Most Expensive's zigzags are red, white, and blue.
  • On Wednesday, Rich's call down window is red and white, and the dollar signs that fly out of it are blue.
  • On Wednesday, the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs is an American flag.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row for a trip displayed on Door #4.
  • Beginning on Friday, Drew does a telephone ticket plug instead of an e-ticket plug on late Wednesday tapings.
  • By Friday, a new split-screen shot has been introduced for the final spin of a spin-off with the Big Wheel shown between the two contestants.

Week 9 (1,490 – 491xK): November 16-18, October 12, November 20

  • Originally scheduled for November 16-20.
  • On Monday, a split-screen shot is added to the final Switch? reveal.
  • On Tuesday, Buzz Aldrin appears to help present a showcase celebrating the 40th anniversary of the moon landing.
  • Tuesday's second showcase includes an autographed copy of Buzz Aldrin's book, Magnificent Desolation; the contestant is instructed not to include it in her bid, as it is considered a bonus.
  • On Thursday, Paul Marcarelli, "The Verizon Guy," appears to help present the second showcase, which includes trips to numerous places where Verizon cell phones have good reception.
  • On Thursday, from the second showcase onward, everyone in the audience wears construction hats.
  • On Friday, professional soccer players Jessie Marsch and Alecko Eskandarian appear to help present a soccer-themed showcase.

Week 10 (1,491 – 492xK): November 23-25

  • Thanksgiving week; only three shows.
  • On Monday, Check-Out is played for a car -- specifically, a 1964 Ford Thunderbird.
  • In Monday's Clock Game, the "Clock Game" logo is not displayed on the plasma screen, as said screen is used to present a trip.
  • On Tuesday, Adam Sandler is promoted to producer alongside Kathy.
  • In Tuesday's Cliff Hangers, a wipe is introduced that shows the mountain's scale moving across the screen as the mountain climber climbs it.
  • On Wednesday, the set is decorated for Thanksgiving.
  • On Wednesday, Door #4 is an orangish brown.
  • On Wednesday, a Goodson-Todman asterisk is added beneath the plasma screen "Switch?" logo.

Week 11 (1,492 – 493xK): November 30-December 4

  • On Thursday, the car turntable/Master Key platform is redone with a blue top and dark blue square pattern on the sides.
  • On Thursday, the zigzags in Most Expensive are replaced with the Goodson-Todman asterisk props from the "Season 37/38" displays.
  • On Thursday, health guru Bob Greene appears to help present the second showcase and offers everyone in the audience a copy of one of his books; it is never made clear whether or not this offer is contingent upon the second showcase being won.
  • On Friday, the opening logo appears on the screen differently; the red and orange backgrounds do not fly in until the entire classic logo has appeared, and the logo shimmers after all the pieces are in place.

Week 12 (1,493 – 494xK): October 5-7, 29, 9

  • Originally scheduled for December 7-11.
  • On Thursday, the second showcase includes a red carpet package for the premiere of the movie A Christmas Carol; the contestant is instructed not to include this in his bid, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a value.

Week 13 (1,494 – 495xK): December 14, November 10, December 16-18

  • Originally scheduled for December 14-18.
  • On Monday, the first commercial break is briefly reinstated.
  • On Tuesday, Carl Edwards appears to help present two NASCAR-themed showcases.
  • On Tuesday, the logo on Door #4 is flanked by checkered flags during the Showcase.
  • On Friday, two members of the Seattle Seahawks' cheerleaders, as well as the team's mascot, appear to help present a football-themed showcase.
  • On Friday, there are four Barker's Beauties; Amber, the "extra" one who did not appear in the session's other five tapings, is a former Seattle Seagal.
  • On Friday, the Barker's Beauties have been added to the full credit roll, appearing just before Rich's credit.

Week 14 (1,495 – 496xK): December 21-24

  • Only four shows; no Friday episode.
  • On this week's shows, the set is decorated for Christmas.
  • On this week's shows, the light border is green with red chasing through the squares.
  • On this week's shows, Door #4's squares are red and green.
  • On this week's shows, the opening logo appears the same way it did on December 4, albeit without the extra shimmer.
  • On this week's shows, a wreath forms around the opening logo and the closed-captioning plug/consolation prize plug logo as they appear; this wreath is also present on Door #4, the plug (except on Monday), and in the logo for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs, which takes up the entire screen this week.
  • On this week's shows, red and white cascades through the squares on the Turntable wall during the opening and the credits.
  • On this week's shows, the neon strips around the Big Doors and the Turntable behave like chase lights during the opening and the credits.
  • On this week's shows, several new graphics are introduced which do not appear in the immediately following episodes due to the shows being taped out of order: The e-ticket graphic is brought onto and off of the screen by balls of light that appear from the sides; the phone in the telephone ticket graphic vibrates as if ringing; and two additional graphics are introduced for the plug.
  • On this week's shows, Rich's call down window is green, and its dollar signs are red.
  • In Monday's Magic #, the game's graphical logo uses red and green squares and has a wreath beneath it.
  • On Monday, Hi-Lo is played for a car.
  • On Monday, Wayne Brady appears to help present a Let's Make a Deal-themed showcase.
  • In Tuesday's Switch?, the game's graphical logo, instead of having a Goodson-Todman asterisk beneath it, is surrounded by a wreath; additionally, the background is the same as the pattern on the prize backdrops.
  • On Tuesday, an "X" transition is introduced for Secret "X"'s small prize transitions.
  • Wednesday, two NHL players appear to help present the second, hockey-themed showcase.
  • On Wednesday, after the second showcase, Drew gives everyone in the audience a special hockey puck with the TPIR logo on it.
  • On Wednesday, the plug occurs during Drew's sign-off.
  • On Thursday, Drew comes through the Big Doors driving the decorated-for-Christmas Train.
  • On Thursday, the Barker Wall is not present during Drew's entrance.
  • On Thursday, the Train is present onstage during the presentation of the second Item up for Bids, a model train set.
  • In Thursday's 1 Right Price, the game's graphical logo has a wreath beneath it.

Week 15 (1,496 – 497xK): December 7, 8, 11, 31

  • Originally scheduled for December 28-31.
  • Only four shows; no Friday episode.
  • Thursday's episode was at one point listed on with a supposed production number of "7037;" this was, in fact, a typo based on the incorrect official episode count.
  • On this week's shows, the first commercial break is present.
  • On Monday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
  • Thursday's show is a New Years-themed episode, which offers people's "favorite prizes of 2009" as determined by the show's staff and posters on's forums.
  • Thursday's opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood! Your favorite prizes of 2009! It's New Year's Eve on The Price Is Right!"
  • On Thursday, Door #4 has confetti and streamers "painted" on it.
  • On Thursday, Triple Play's reveal changes; the audience is no longer shown behind the contestant, and the car reveals begin with a wide shot of the stage that cuts to the usual close-up while the doors are opening. The car-reveal shots are only used for two episodes.
  • On Thursday, the first commercial break is again done away with.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game is played for a car -- specifically, a restored 1969 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible.
  • On Thursday, confetti is dropped on the Showcase winner during the credits.
  • After this week, Win at Home is discontinued.

Week 16 (1,497 – 498xK): January 4-8

  • On Monday, contestant Cynthia reveals when her game, Any Number, comes around on the Turntable that she had been on the show in 1978 and played the same game; during the first Showcase Showdown, footage of her first episode is shown in a box as she spins the Big Wheel.
  • On Monday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row.
  • On Tuesday, part of Pick-a-Number's prize is 10 massages at a spa of the contestant's choice, which cannot reasonably be expected to have a specific price.
  • On Tuesday, Amber accidentally reveals the price of the maid service in Switch? after the contestant decided to switch the prices for both the maid service and trip to Disneyland, resulting in the contestant winning both prizes.
  • On Friday, the 1992-'95 Safe Crackers theme is used as prize music when Push Over is played for a safe and a bracelet.
  • On Friday, Katie Stam, Miss America 2009, appears to help present a showcase that includes a trip to the 2010 Miss America Pageant.

Week 17 (1,498 – 499xK): January 11-15

  • Beginning on Monday, the car tags in Five Price Tags are pulled off by one of the Beauties.
  • On Monday, Clock Game offers a prize that is essentially a home version of Super Ball!!.
  • On Tuesday, Balance Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, a band that Drew likes called the Dollyrots appears to sing a song during the first half of the second showcase.

Week 18 (1,499 – 500xK): January 18-22

  • On Tuesday, Stack the Deck's groceries are all played before any numbers are placed in the car's price.
  • On Tuesday, the graphics first seen on the Christmas episodes are added to the rotation permanently.
  • On Tuesday, a film strip graphic is introduced for Freeze Frame's vertical split-screen separator.
  • On Thursday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.

Week 19 (1,500 – 501xK): January 25-29

  • On Monday, contestant Nancy faints during the Showcase when a car is revealed.
  • On Tuesday, Gas Money returns to the pricing game rotation.
  • On Tuesday, Gas Money's regular rules are introduced; the contestant now attempts to eliminate wrong prices and avoid the actual retail price.
  • On Tuesday, the shelf for what the contestant believes is the actual retail price is removed from the Gas Money board, as it no longer serves any purpose.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, the TPIR logo from the closed-captioning plugs also flies onto the screen while going to commercial after the fourth game.
  • On Wednesday, "Take Two" goes back to being in place at the end of the Item up for Bids.
  • On Friday, the Seasons 36-37 light border appears on Door #4 during the opening.
  • On Friday, Grammy nominee Anthony Hamilton appears to help present a Grammy-themed showcase.

Week 20 (1,501 – 502xK): February 1-5

  • On Monday, "Flight Time" and "Big Easy" of the Harlem Globetrotters appear to help present a basketball-themed prize package in Push Over and a set of trips related to their appearance on The Amazing Race during the Showcase.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, the logo appears after Act 5 instead of Act 4.
  • On Wednesday, Guy Fieri appears to help present the second showcase and to plug his book, More Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, of which everyone in the audience receives a copy.
  • On Thursday, Gwendolyn's son appears with her while she models Cover Up's car; afterward, Drew incorrectly points out that he is "our first Price Is Right baby," a distinction which actually belongs to Shane's daughter.
  • On Thursday, Cover Up begins a brief switch to using Line em Up's think music.
  • Friday show is a Super Bowl-themed episode; most of its prizes somehow relate to the Super Bowl or football in general.
  • On Friday, the previous light border again appears on Door #4 during the opening.
  • On Friday, there are four Barker's Beauties.
  • On Friday, the Beauties dress as cheerleaders.
  • On Friday, the Beauties flank Door #2 during Drew's entrance.
  • On Friday, Drew wears a football helmet as he comes through Door #2.
  • On Friday, the e-ticket graphic first seen during the Christmas shows is again present.
  • On Friday, Eric Dickerson appears to help present the first showcase.
  • On Friday, Jim Nantz and Phil Simms appear to help present the second showcase.

Week 21 (1,502 – 503xK): February 8-12

  • Beginning on Tuesday, one of the Beauties pulls off the price tags the contestant picks in Five Price Tags.
  • On Wednesday, Let 'em Roll is played for a restored 1955 Thunderbird.
  • On Thursday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row.
  • On Thursday, NBA athletes Bill Walton and James Worthy appear to help present a (mostly) basketball-themed showcase.
  • Friday's show is a themed episode for Valentine's Day; the set is decorated, and couples play instead of individual contestants.
  • On Friday, the light border is red.
  • On Friday, Door #4 displays raining hearts on a dark pink background.
  • On Friday, the various graphical TPIR logos except for the one in the credits, as well as the logo on Door #4, have a banner across the bottom that reads "Valentine's Day"; additionally, the logo at the end of the opening has an altered color scheme, with red borders and a transparent, pinkish background that displays raining hearts.
  • On Friday, the contestants being called down are announced as "the first four couples on The Price Is Right" and "the next contestants on The Price Is Right."
  • On Friday, Rich introduces Drew as "your very own cupid, Drew Carey!"
  • On Friday, a new "$10,000" wall is introduced for 1/2 Off; it appears to be patterned after the wall behind the boxes.
  • Friday marks the introduction of the fourth Most Expensive set.
  • On Friday, after nearly four decades, Most Expensive receives a logo.
  • As of Friday, the spelling of "Most Expensive" is changed to "Most Expen$ive," with a dollar sign in place of the second S.
  • On Friday, Rich's call down box is red, and the cascading dollar signs are replaced by raining hearts.
  • On Friday, the first and third transitions in the consolation prize plugs are heart-shaped wipes.
  • On Friday, the background during the second transition of the consolation prize plugs is a still shot of that day's Door #4 graphics.
  • On Friday, Drew announces at the end of the Showcase that everyone in the audience will receive a gift bag from Hershey.

Week 22 (1,503 – 504xK): February 15-19

  • On Wednesday, the previous light border permanently begins appearing on Door #4 during the opening.
  • On Thursday, Drew mentions the new Most Expen$ive set, calling it "brand new" and telling the contestant that he is "the first" to play the game with its new props, apparently forgetting that its actual first appearance on last Friday's episode had not been taped yet.

Week 23 (1,504 – 505xK): February 22-26

  • Monday show, despite airing in February, is a "special spring break episode;" this appears to consist mostly of everyone in the audience being a college student and Rich wearing a college t-shirt instead of a dress shirt.
  • On Monday, there are four Barker's Beauties.
  • On Wednesday, Check-Out is played for a car.

Week 24 (1,505 – 506xK): March 1-5

  • On Wednesday, the TPIR logo stops appearing after the fourth game.
  • On Thursday, the showcase descriptions begin appearing on the Showcase podiums as soon as each showcase is presented; if the Top Winner passes the first showcase, the graphic with its description "slides" into the Runner-Up's podium.
  • On Friday, Cover Up goes back to using its own think music.

Week 25 (1,506 – 507xK): March 8-12

  • In Tuesday's opening, when Drew is introduced, his son Conner comes through the Big Doors in front of him; Conner remains onstage throughout the first Item up for Bids and also takes part in the first showcase.
  • Wednesday is Drew's 500th episode; oddly, this accurate count includes episode #4512K.
  • On Wednesday, every pricing game player gets $500 for getting onstage.
  • In Wednesday's That's Too Much!, every fake price ends with "500."
  • In Wednesday's Push Over, the last three numbers in the string are "500."
  • In Wednesday's Danger Price, the danger price is $500.
  • In Wednesday's Squeeze Play, the fake price ends with "500."
  • On Wednesday, every prize in the second showcase has $500 cash in it.
  • On Friday, the base of the main Five Price Tags podium becomes red.

Week 26 (1,507 – 508xK): March 15-17

  • Only three shows, on Monday-Wednesday.
  • On Tuesday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around St. Patrick's Day.
  • On Wednesday, most members of the audience are wearing either a green hat or a fake gold crown; Rich is wearing one of the hats, as well.
  • On Wednesday, the light border is green.
  • On Wednesday, Door #4 displays cascading shamrocks on a green square pattern.
  • In Wednesday's opening, Door #4's light border is not used.
  • On Wednesday, the various graphical TPIR logos except for the one in the credits, as well as the logo on Door #4, have an altered color scheme, with green borders and a transparent, greenish background that displays cascading shamrocks.
  • On Wednesday, the Turntable walls are green during all six Items up for Bids.
  • On Wednesday, all of the pricing games either have a name that relates to luck, are green, or have green on them somewhere.
  • On Wednesday, Rich's call down box is green, and the cascading dollar signs are replaced by shamrocks.
  • On Wednesday, light green Goodson-Todman asterisks are added to Clock Game's chroma key area.
  • On Wednesday, the background during the second transition of the consolation prize plugs is a still shot of the day's Door #4 graphics.

Week 27 (1,508 – 509xK): March 22-26

  • Beginning on Thursday, the Switch? logo on the video screen spins.
  • On Thursday, the picture of a rotary phone in the telephone ticket plug is replaced with one of a cordless phone.
  • Friday show marks the debut of the gold Temptation board; at this time, the displays and price readout are redone as video screens, with rotating Pricedown dollar signs appearing in the upper display before the contestant makes his guesses.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played in front of Contestants' Row.

Week 28 (1,509 – 510xK): March 29-April 2

  • On Monday, in an unorthodox move, Grocery Game is played for two rooms -- a bedroom and a dining room.
  • On Monday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, the positions of Balance Game's two bag podiums are reversed; the one with the display is now on the left.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, the displays on the Showcase podiums change from blue to red when an overbid occurs.
  • Thursday's show is an April Fool's Day episode, and several things on it are intentionally done in unusual or flat-out wrong ways:
    • A running gag throughout the episode involves Mimi Bobeck, Kathy Kinney's character from The Drew Carey Show, taking over as Price's new executive producer; her "office" is set up on the Turntable, which is not used for any games or prizes during the program. Mimi is also listed as the Executive Producer in the credits, with Mike Richards's title reading "Assistant to the Executive Producer."
    • Everyone in the audience is referred to as "Pat," with Mimi explaining that she thought it would be easier for Drew that way since he has trouble remembering names. Additionally, everyone in the credits except for Mimi has their first name replaced with "Pat."
    • The light border has all the colors of the rainbow cascading around it.
    • All of the graphical TPIR logos besides the ones on the Showcase podiums and the one at the end of the credits have their backgrounds colored blue-green and pink instead of orange and red; this unusual color scheme is also used for the rest of the text in the, plug, whose logo stomps on the website address.
    • The opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, now under new management! It's The Price Is Right!"
    • All nine contestants are called to Contestants' Row with the phrase, "Pat, move it!" a line frequently used by Mimi on The Drew Carey Show; however, three days before the episode aired, all instances of "move it" were dubbed over with "come on down."
    • Rich is "replaced" with a new announcer (actually Rich disguised as a monkey, complete with a large banana on his podium), although Drew continues to refer to him as "Rich" throughout the episode. Additionally, the "real" Rich can be seen wandering around the prize displays during the fourth and sixth games; this is believed to have been part of a larger subplot most of which either was edited out of the show due to time constraints or was never taped in the first place despite it occurring during the taping due to the director never being told it was going to happen.
    • The Barker's Beauties are replaced with four men in possession of varying degrees of weirdness. The Beauties themselves, Rachel, Gwendolyn, and Manuela, are shown doing various other things during the course of the show: Rachel serves as stagehand "Big Dave," pushing the Big Wheel into place, operating Range Game, and pushing out Lucky $even's car; Gwendolyn serves as a page near Contestants' Row; and Manuela acts as a member of the audience, sitting next to Contestants' Row and continued shouting for people to bid $1. Drew points Manuela out before the fourth Item up for Bids without actually identifying her, thanking her for waiting in the line since 10:30 the previous night.
    • All of the actual retail price cards for Contestants' Row and the Showcase have the wrong designs on them.
    • All of Plinko's small prizes are "As Seen on TV" items.
    • The "model" for the second Item up for Bids, a treadmill, falls off of it.
    • The "model" for One Away, a confused, old man, generally forgets to help Drew; the two times he does remember, he either puts up the wrong number or turns the wrong trilon.
    • Mimi serves as the "mighty sound effects lady" for One Away, supposedly triggering the horn with a steering wheel on her desk.
    • All of Pick-a-Pair's groceries are related to holidays that have nothing to do with April Fool's Day.
    • The ticket plug is edited out due to the show running overtime, something that has not been done since Drew began reading the plug himself.
    • The large dollar sign on Rich's call down window is replaced with a banana.
    • The sixth Item up for Bids, a grandfather clock, is displayed in Contestants' Row.
    • For probably the only time in the show's run, the consolation prize plugs are edited out due to time constraints.
    • The second showcase is an April Fool's showcase and initially appears to be exactly the same as the first showcase. After it ends, Drew begins to pound on the Turntable wall, yelling to Mimi that they can't do that. Mimi then comes around, trapping Drew backstage, and declares that she isn't done yet; a Mini Cooper that was not part of the first showcase is then revealed.
    • At the end of the show, Drew thanks Kathy Kinney for appearing and plugs her new book, of which everyone in the audience appears to receive a copy.
  • On Friday, the cheerleaders of the Kansas Jayhawks, Butler Bulldogs, Michigan State Spartans, and Duke Blue Devils basketball teams appear via video to help present a Final Four-themed showcase.

Week 29 (1,510 – 511xK): April 5-9

  • On Monday, Switcheroo goes back to being revealed after the small prizes are described.
  • On Friday, Travel Channel host Samantha Brown appears to help present a trip-centric showcase.

Week 30 (1,511 – 512xK): April 15, 13, 14, 16, 12

  • Originally scheduled for April 12-16.
  • In Monday's Lucky $even, the first number in the price is already revealed when Door #3 opens.
  • On Monday, contestant Sandra, who played 1 Wrong Price, was found after the taping to be ineligible and was not awarded any prizes.
  • Thursday show is slightly country music-themed to promote the Academy of Country Music Awards airing on CBS on Sunday night.
  • On Thursday, Kristy Osmunson and Kelley Shepard of the ACM-nominated group Bomshel appear to help present the first Item up for Bids.
  • On Thursday, ACM nominee Blake Shelton appears to help out as a male Barker's Beauty during 1/2 Off and to help present a country music-themed showcase.
  • On Thursday, a contestant manages to win 1/2 Off despite not eliminating any boxes.
  • On Thursday's show, the dollar sign on Rich's call down window is replaced with a gold eighth note.
  • On Thursday, after the final commercial, Bomshel returns to announce that the winner of the Showcase will receive as a bonus two VIP passes to the ACM Awards rehearsals, two tickets to the Brooks and Dunn Last Rodeo Special, and two tickets to the ACM Awards.
  • Friday show is a "wedding shower" episode with engaged couples as contestants.
  • On Friday, the light border is silver.
  • On Friday, all graphical logos except at the end of the credits and on the Showcase podiums have a silver background with the words "Wedding Shower" on a ribbon at the bottom; spinning below the ribbon are interlocking, gold hearts.
  • On Friday, the background on Door #4 is designed to look like a blue audience curtain.
  • On Friday, the end of the opening is, "You are the first four couples in a special wedding shower episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, the first Items up for Bids, a wedding gown, and a tuxedo, are modeled by Rachel and her husband, David Delucci.
  • On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday's show, the dollar sign on Rich's call down window is replaced with the interlocking hearts from the day's logo.
  • On Friday, the background for the second transition of the consolation prize plugs is a still shot of the pattern from Door #4.

Week 31 (1,512 – 513xK): April 19-23

  • On Monday, Most Expen$ive is played for three trips.
  • On Tuesday, the top of the Card Game table is redone; the edges are now a darker shade of green than the interior.
  • On Wednesday, Hole in One is played for a restored 1964 Bentley S3.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, "Hole in One" contestants receives a set of golf balls with the TPIR logo on them as a souvenir.
  • On Wednesday, the second showcase includes tickets to the premiere of The Backup Plan; the contestant is instructed not to include this in his bid, as a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • Thursday show is an Earth Day-themed episode; all of the prizes on the show are in some way eco-friendly.
  • On Thursday, the graphical logos in the various bumpers have a rotating Earth behind them, similar to the design of the various As the World Turns logos. This logo also appears on Door #4, although the door is otherwise unchanged.
  • On Thursday, in honor of Earth Day, Golden Road is temporarily renamed "Green Road," complete with a rewritten logo; additionally, all of the rainbows and the road itself are done in shades of green, and the rainbow behind the car is replaced with a grove of trees.
  • On Thursday, the dollar signs on Rich's call down window are green, and the one in the corner is in front of the above-mentioned globe.
  • On Thursday's show, the logo in the background for the second transition of the consolation prize plugs is replaced by the above-mentioned globe.
  • On Friday, Rich accidentally introduces Drew with, "And now, here is the host of The Price Is Right: Drew Carey!"
  • On Friday, the background for the second transition of the consolation prize plugs is changed to a pattern of cascading, purple Pricedown dollar signs on a purple background.

Week 32 (1,513 – 514xK): April 26-30

  • In Monday's Punch a Bunch, the purple, Pricedown dollar signs are removed from the hole coverings on the Punchboard, and the original, large, yellow ones are restored.
  • Monday marks the debut of the third Any Number board, which was deliberately designed to be nearly identical to the second one; the new board has a line of digits used to indicate which ones have and haven't been picked.
  • On Tuesday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Drew introduces the "Price Look of the Week," a designation he claims will be given to one Item up for Bids featuring designer clothing each week; while designer fashions do indeed begin to appear a bit more regularly in Contestants' Row after this point, the term "Price Look of the Week" is rarely used again.
  • Starting on Thursday, Drew explains how to get extra turns in Cover Up at the beginning of the game.
  • On Friday, Step Up's red and blue base and background are redone in blue and yellow.

Week 33 (1,514 – 515xK): May 6, 4, 5, 3, 7

  • Originally scheduled for May 3-7.
  • On Monday, a graphic of a passing buck is added to the grocery transitions in Pass the Buck.
  • Friday show is a Mother's Day-themed episode.
  • Friday's contestants are teams consisting of a mother and one of her children.
  • On Friday, the light border is pink.
  • On Friday, the background on Door #4 is an arrangement of rosebuds; this pattern is also used as the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Friday, the opening, bumper, and Door #4 logos have pink edges, a rosebud arrangement background, and a "Mother's Day" banner.
  • Friday's opening ends with, "You are the first four pairs of contestants on a special Mother's Day episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, the star wipe in the opening is pink.
  • On Friday, the fifth through ninth teams are called on down as "the next contestants on The Price Is Right."
  • On Friday, the Showcase Showdown split-screen separator is pink.
  • On Friday only, the background for Any Number's unused digits is red, turning to black once a digit is picked; normally, it is always black.
  • On Friday, the list Rich reads the ninth contestants' names from has "Hi Mom!" written on its back.
  • On Friday, Rich's call down window is pink and its dollar signs are replaced by bouquets of roses.

Week 34 (1,515 – 516xK): May 10-14

  • On Monday, Spelling Bee is played for a restored 1966 Pontiac GTO.
  • On Thursday, Plinko's $10,000 slot is changed back to the original one with the giant "10" and the scrunched "000."

Week 35 (1,516 – 517xK): May 17-19, September 15, May 21

  • Originally scheduled for May 17-21.
  • Originally rescheduled for May 17-19, August 31, May 21.
  • On Monday, presumably due to a glitch in the show's music system, the first Temptation cue stops just before the first gift is brought onstage; the same non-Temptation cue is subsequently played four times in a row, restarting each time a gift is revealed.
  • Thursday's show was delayed because it offers a trip to the recently-flooded city of Nashville.

Week 36 (1,517 – 518xK): May 24-28

  • On Monday, Gas Money's prices are redone in a font that looks like a gas pump display, and the cash awards and pink slip are redesigned with a sleeker appearance.
  • On Wednesday, the Season 36 "TPIR" logo is placed on Double Prices.

Week 37 (1,518 – 519xK): May 31-June 4

  • On Monday, all of the products in Grocery Game have the same names as other pricing games.
  • On Tuesday, the Win at Home game is restarted; it now includes a $50,000 sweepstakes. The game now permanently uses the third version of its presentation and initially only offers cash, although prizes begin to be offered as well during the course of the summer.
  • On Thursday, Now....or Then is played for a car.
  • On Friday, a cotton candy machine is offered during the Showcase; during the last commercial, everyone in the studio is given a stick of cotton candy.

Week 38 (1,519 – 520xK): June 7-11

  • On Monday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, a price reveal, utilizing a price tag similar to the one found in That's Too Much!, is added to Coming or Going; at the same time, a split-screen shot is introduced for the game's price reveal, and an alternate version of the game's logo is introduced for said shot and said tag.
  • On Wednesday, Rhonda, one of the first four contestants, faints in Contestants' Row during the second game; when she comes to, she tells the staff that she does not feel well enough to continue playing, and her sister Janet is brought to Contestants' Row during the commercial to finish the show as her proxy.

Week 39 (1,520 – 521xK): June 25, 15-17, July 2

  • Originally scheduled for June 14-17, July 2.
  • Despite airing over the course of more than half a month, these five episodes are considered to be a single week; however, they have created with the knowledge that they would not all air at once, so no attempt was made to keep games from Monday through Thursday from repeating on Friday.
  • On Monday, Patrick Duffy and Peter Bergman, the portrayers of Stephen Logan on The Bold and the Beautiful and Jack Abbott on The Young and the Restless, respectively, appear to promote the Daytime Emmys, which aired on CBS two days after the out-of-order broadcast of this episode, several times during the course of the show:
    • The first Item up for Bids is a television, which is airing a previous Daytime Emmys ceremony; the two actors come overhear it and come onstage to argue over which of them is more deserving of an Emmy Award.
    • Each actor presents one of the showcases, which are themed around their then-current storylines on their respective soap operas.
    • Before the final commercial, the two actors return and reveal that whoever wins the Showcase will receive as a bonus a trip to the Daytime Emmys.
  • On Monday, Punch a Bunch is introduced with the mid-'90s Plinko harps.
  • On Monday, during the final commercial, everyone in the audience receives a The Bold and the Beautiful tote bag autographed by Patrick Duffy; Drew tells the viewers that they can get their own autographed bag at, an announcement which also serves as this episode's website plug.
  • Wednesday show features the debut of Rat Race.
  • On Wednesday, the blues and yellows on the numbered Most Expen$ive backdrops (but not on the numbers themselves) are reversed.
  • On Thursday, Lonestar appears as a house band for the entire show, staged behind Door #3. They play the show's theme during the opening and after all pricing game wins; play other music for all other commercial outros, while coming back from breaks, and during the closed captioning plugs; and help present and perform during the second showcase. "Walking" is not played during the opening, and the actual theme is only heard briefly at the end of the Showcase.
  • On Thursday, a visit to Lonestar's tour bus is included in the second showcase; the contestants are instructed not to include it while bidding, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • Friday show is an Independence Day-themed episode.
  • On Friday, the light border is colored with cascading reds and blues.
  • On Friday, all graphical logos except at the end of the credits and on the Showcase podiums have a blue background behind the dollar sign, a red background behind the show's title, fireworks erupting in both backgrounds, reds and blues cascading through the borders, and the words "Independence Day" on a starred and striped ribbon at the bottom.
  • On Friday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an image of the American flag.
  • On Friday, the star wipe transition during Drew's entrance has a blue border.
  • On Friday, during the opening and the credits, the squares on the Turntable wall flash red, white, and blue.
  • On Friday, the set is decorated for Independence Day.
  • On Friday, a special, celebratory design appears on the Reveal.
  • Friday's game lineup was written separately from Monday's through Thursday's, as it was known beforehand that the program would not air at the same time as the other four shows; as such, some of its pricing games were already played earlier in the week.
  • On Friday, Triple Play's car reveals mostly go back to normal, excepting the inclusion of Drew and the contestant in the first shot.
  • On Friday, Rich's call-down window and its cascading dollar signs are blue, while the dollar sign in the corner is red; the window and the red dollar sign also have cascading white on them.
  • On Friday, the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs is the waving flag from Door #4.
  • On Friday, professional baseball player Chuck Findlay appears to help present an All-Star Game-themed showcase.
  • Friday's second showcase includes a meet-and-greet with celebrities and baseball players during All-Star Week; the contestant is instructed not to include this in her bid, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • On Friday, during the final commercial, everyone in the audience is given an All-Star Game baseball cap and a coupon for three meals for $2 at Taco Bell; Drew's explanation of this at the beginning of the second part of the Showcase also includes the day's plug.
  • During the summer, on July 26, future try-out announcer J.D. Roberto begins doing the promotional consideration plugs that are edited into the reruns in place of the consolation prize plugs.

Week 40 (1,521 – 522xK): August 27

  • Logically scheduled for August 23.
  • Season finale week; only one show, on Monday.
  • Monday show is a back-to-school-themed episode; everyone in the audience is a college student, and the prizes are geared slightly more than usual toward that age group.
  • On Monday, all graphical logos except at the end of the credits and on the Showcase podiums have gold cascading through the borders and the words "Back to School" on a green ribbon at the bottom.
  • On Monday, the background on Door #4 is the cascading Goodson-Todman asterisks often seen as a transition background during grocery plugs; in front of this is a chalkboard, which the TPIR logo appears to be "drawn" on.
  • On Monday, Check-Out is played for a car.
  • On Monday, much of the show's production staff, as well as Drew's son Conner, come onstage during the credits.
  • Monday show is Rich's last episode.