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Price is Right Season 39 Logo
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Season 39 (2010-2011)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 39, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (1,522 – 523xK): September 20-24

  • This week only, a second new episode from three weeks down the road is broadcast each day at 2 P.M. Eastern, the timeslot occupied until last Friday by the now-canceled As the World Turns; details are listed with Week 4.
  • On Monday, a new light border is introduced; it is a cross between the long-lived gold version and the Season 38 version.
  • On Monday, J.D. Roberto begins his announcer audition.
  • On Monday, the 2008 light border stays on Door #4 throughout the show.
  • On Monday, the logos on Door #4, the ticket plug, and the plug have a "39 Years" banner at their bases.
  • On Monday, the first four contestants are told that they are "the first four contestants on Season 39 of The Price Is Right."
  • On Monday, the opening logo is redone in 3D; additionally, the words now fly in from different directions after the dollar sign forms, followed by the orange and red backgrounds.
  • On Monday, the star wipe in the opening is done away with; it is replaced by a simple dissolve.
  • On Monday, the announcer's podium becomes blue, and two more Goodson-Todman asterisks are added to it.
  • On Monday, the set is decorated for the season premiere.
  • Beginning on Monday, the Barker's Beauties are miked, and they and the announcers are encouraged to chime in during the show; this does not appear to affect the proceedings in any substantial way.
  • Beginning on Monday, the announcers model prizes, either by themselves or alongside the Barker's Beauties, on a semi-regular basis.
  • On Monday, a string of lights is added along the top and sides of the Race Game Curtain.
  • On Monday, a new, silver Basket is introduced (although it is not actually seen until Tuesday).
  • On Monday, the interior of the Clam is redone to be somewhat less flashy.
  • Monday show features the debut of Pay the Rent.
  • Beginning on Monday, any contestant who wins a car receives an "I won this car on The Price Is Right" license plate frame.
  • On Monday, the logos in the closed-captioning plugs and the consolation prize plugs are changed to 3D logos; they now fly in from the right side of the screen during the closed-captioning plugs.
  • Unlike the ones who tried out after Johnny's death, the announcers auditioning to replace Rich do continue to be shown calling down contestants; additionally, they are now shown twice per episode, while calling both the sixth and ninth contestants.
  • On Monday, the announcer call-down window's border is changed to a miniature light border; additionally, the main dollar sign now flies in from the lower-left corner at the beginning of the window's wipe, and the cascading dollar signs are done away with.
  • As of Monday, the TPIR logo is no longer shown after the fourth game on all episodes.
  • On Monday, the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs is changed to a blue square pattern.
  • On Monday, Tracy Verna from Fremantle becomes a co-executive producer; as this show was taped out of order, she is not part of the staff for the next several episodes. Tracy remains on the show's staff for slightly over a year.
  • On Tuesday, following a showcase centered around Italian cooking, everyone in the audience is given Papa John's pizza during the final commercial.
  • Thursday marks the debut of the second Ten Chances color scheme, with this makeover, the Dom Casual font added to the game several years earlier is removed.
  • On Thursday, the spelling of Ten Chances is changed to "10 Chances."
  • On Friday, Plinko's intro is modified; the "$50,000" graphic now forms behind a graphic of rolling Plinko chips, and the transition from the intro to the game becomes a wipe that consists of a graphic of Plinko chips falling down the Plinko board.
  • On Friday, the yellow borders on the Plinko board become a series of yellow and silver lights.
  • On Friday, two rows of spotlights are introduced to Plinko, flanking the board.
  • On Friday, the "Plinko" logo on the Plinko board becomes backlit with silver light.
  • On Friday, Plinko's slots are redone as LEDs, and its scoreboard is redone as a plasma screen. The numbers in the slots are now silver, and their font has been changed to a cross between the previous font and the original font; this new font is also used on the scoreboard, which now has a Pricedown dollar sign in front of it and whose chip holder is also turned silver. The $10,000 slot now also cycles through several different colors when it is hit instead of having the numbers flash; this also occurs during the game's intro.
  • Beginning on Friday, Plinko's stairs are angled outward, the steps are de-carpeted and painted pink and light blue, and Pricedown dollar signs are built into the railings.
  • On Friday, Plinko's small prize backdrop is replaced with a square pattern backdrop, resembling those on the Big Doors.
  • On Friday, Pass the Buck is played for a restored 1957 Chevy Bel-Air.

Week 2 (1,523 – 524xK): September 27-October 1

  • On Tuesday, several dots and non-Goodson-Todman asterisks are added to 1/2 Off's set.
  • On Tuesday, the cash bonus system for 1/2 Off is changed; contestants are now awarded a flat $1,000 bonus for doing all of the pricing correctly.
  • On Wednesday, Tracy Verna joins the show permanently.
  • On Friday, after nearly 10 years, the color schemes of Pathfinder's small prize price labels are reversed again, going back to white text on green for the labels and the choices and green text on white for the right answers.

Week 3 (1,524 – 525xK): October 4-8

  • This week only, a second new episode from four weeks down the road is broadcast each day at 2 P.M. Eastern; details are listed with Week 7.
  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, J.D. Roberto does not sign off during the credits.
  • On Tuesday, a dollar sign and several Goodson-Todman asterisks are added to the grocery podium for Pass the Buck.
  • On Thursday, the winner of the second Item up for Bids, a set of make-up, receives a makeover from Carol Wood after the show as a bonus; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs people to visit the website to see the results of the makeover.
  • On Friday, a small prize backdrop designed to look like a magnified Punchboard is introduced in Punch a Bunch, additionally, the small prize podiums are repainted blue and green.

Week 4 (1,525 – 526xK): September 20-24 (all at 2 P.M. Eastern)

  • Originally scheduled for October 11-15.
  • This week's shows were rescheduled to serve as a buildup to the premiere on October 18 of Julie Chen's The Talk, the network's replacement for As the World Turns.
  • By Monday, the behavior of Plinko's $10,000 slot has changed; it now has purple lights cascading across it during the game's intro and when it is hit.
  • Friday show is the last episode announced by J.D. Roberto.

Week 5 (1,526 – 527xK): October 14, 19-22

  • Originally scheduled for October 18-22.
  • On Monday, Jeff Davis begins his announcer audition.
  • On Tuesday, a "rolling" cash display like those seen on old gas pumps is added to the Gas Money board.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, the ticket plug is no longer done every day.
  • On Tuesday, the second showcase is constructed by the staff of Sailing magazine, who also provides subscriptions for everyone in the audience; this also leads into the episode's plug, as Drew explains after the final commercial that the website contains information on how viewers can win a subscription to the magazine.
  • On Thursday, Let 'em Roll is played for a restored 1957 Chevrolet.
  • On Friday, the winner of the second Item up for Bids, a set of clothing and fashion accessories, receives a style consultation from Michael Franco after the show as a bonus; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs people to visit the website to see the consultation.

Week 6 (1,527 – 528xK): October 25-29

  • On Tuesday, Shell Game's cash bonus is changed to the value of the prize being offered in the game.
  • Friday's show is a Halloween-themed episode, specifically focused on The Wizard of Oz; most of the decorations, costumes, and prizes on the show relate in some way to the movie.
  • On Friday, the opening and bumper TPIR logos consist of white text on an emerald green background; additionally, the bumper logos pop up from the bottom of the screen instead of flying in from the right. This logo also appears on Door #4, whose background for this episode is a green audience curtain with sparkles raining down in front of it.
  • In Friday's opening, no light border is shown on Door #4.
  • Friday's opening is shot in black and white, with only the light border and the logo in color; additionally, like the logo, the light border is green instead of golden. The picture transitions from black and white to color as Door #2 opens.
  • Friday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on a special Halloween episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, Drew is dressed as the Cowardly Lion; Jeff Davis as the Scarecrow; Rachel as Dorothy Gale, complete with a live dog representing Toto; Lanisha as the Tin Man; and Gwendolyn as Glinda, the Good Witch of the South. Additionally, Scott Robinson makes an appearance as a flying monkey, and two pages dressed as Emerald City soldiers stand guard outside of Safe Crackers.
  • On Friday, audience members are encouraged to come to the show in Halloween costumes.
  • On Friday, Jeff Davis introduces Drew with, "And now, here's your host, who's ready to go to Emerald City: It's the Cowardly Lion!"
  • At the end of Friday's opening, music from The Wizard of Oz plays instead of the theme as Drew, Jeff Davis, Rachel, and Lanisha frolic through Door #2; Gwendolyn, the only cast member not dressed as part of the story's central group, does the microphone hand-off.
  • On Friday, the audience curtains are green and gray.
  • On Friday, the price cards and holders for the Items up for Bids and the Showcase have pictures of the Emerald City on them.
  • On Friday, pricing game losses, going over on the Big Wheel, and Showcase overbids are accompanied by the sound of a witch cackling.
  • On Friday, one of the set decorations is a yellow brick road that winds around the stage and ends at Door #2; in addition to fitting with the show's theme, this also takes the place of the dots in this episode's playing of Golden Road.
  • On Friday, to fit with the show's theme, Golden Road is temporarily redubbed "Golden Brick Road," complete with a slightly reformatted sign; since the show is intended to be set in the Emerald City, the game's rainbows use the same green color scheme that was present when it was played on Earth Day in Season 38, although the one behind the car, which had not been used on that episode, retains its normal colors.
  • On Friday, Drew and the contestant frolic down the golden road, again accompanied by music from the movie.
  • On Friday, the border and dollar sign for Jeff Davis's call down window is green.
  • On Friday, due to the Halloween decorations, Most Expen$ive's non-numbered backdrops are not used.
  • On Friday, the split-screen separators for the Big Wheel are green.
  • On Friday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
  • On Friday, Safe Crackers is played without its safe interior backdrop.
  • In Friday's Pay the Rent, the Wicked Witch of the East's legs can be seen sticking out from under the house.
  • On Friday, the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs is the curtain shown on Door #4.
  • On Friday, Jeff Davis ends the consolation prize plugs with, "And now, here's the Cowardly Lion with our Showcase Showdown!" When the episode reairs during the summer, George extends this in the edited-in promotional consideration plug to, "And now, all you citizens of Oz, here's the Cowardly Lion with our Showcase Showdown!"
  • On Friday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a five-pound Hershey bar; this also leads into the day's plug, as Drew informs everyone that they can win their own five-pound candy bar on the website.
  • During Friday's credits, the new light border is present on Door #4.

Week 7 (1,528 – 529xK): October 4-8 (all at 2 P.M. Eastern)

  • Originally scheduled for November 1-5.
  • This week's shows were rescheduled to serve as a buildup to the premiere on October 18 of Julie Chen's The Talk, the network's replacement for As the World Turns.
  • On Tuesday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, Jeff Davis helps out by maneuvering the main podium in Five Price Tags.
  • On Tuesday, Drew does the price tag reveals in Five Price Tags by himself.
  • On Wednesday, Check-Out is played for a car.

Week 8 (1,529 – 530xK): October 11-12, November 5, 11, October 15

  • Originally scheduled for November 8-12.
  • On Monday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • Beginning on Monday, the TPIR logo at the end of the full credits is redone with a more cartoonish appearance; the short credits continue to use the version introduced in Season 37.
  • On Tuesday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, Jeff Davis helps out with 1 Right Price and Race Game.
  • On Tuesday, Paula Creamer appears to make the inspiration putt in Hole in One and help present a golf-themed showcase.
  • On Tuesday, during the final commercial, everyone in the audience receives a TaylorMade hat; this also serves as the show's plug, with Drew instructing people to go there to receive a hat autographed by Paula Creamer before revealing the outcome of the Showcase.
  • On Wednesday, America's Next Top Model judge Nigel Barker (no relation to Bob) appears to help presented the fashion-themed third Item up for Bids and second showcase.
  • Wednesday's second showcase includes a photo shoot with Nigel Barker, the contestant is instructed not to include this in her bid, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • On Wednesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a copy of Nigel Barker's book, Nigel Barker's Beauty Equation, this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs people to visit the website to find out how to win a copy for themselves.
  • Thursday show is a Veterans' Day-themed episode.
  • On Thursday, everyone in the audience is a member of the military.
  • On Thursday, The Star-Spangled Banner, played by a marine band in the audience, is heard instead of "Walking" and the theme during the opening, as well as during the credits; it and various other patriotic songs are also used during all commercial outros, and the theme is not played at these times even if pricing games are won. The theme is heard in its usual places in the first closed-captioning plug, the consolation prize plugs (in remixed form, as always), while returning from the final commercial, and, oddly, while returning from the second last commercial. Strangely, Dig We Must is played briefly at the end of the first Showcase Showdown before the patriotic music starts, but not at the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Thursday, the logo in the opening and on Door #4 is surrounded by a ring with stars and the words "Salute to the Military." This ring also appears on the logo in the plug, as well as on the logo that flies onto the bottom of the screen for the closed-captioning and consolation prize plugs and after the fourth game; the latter appears before every commercial on this episode, as well as while returning from commercial for the second part of the Showcase.
  • On Thursday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an image of the American flag; this also serves as the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Thursday, the audience members' name tags show the insignia of their branch of the military along with their names.
  • On Thursday, the contestants' ranks are read with their names as they are called to come on down.
  • Thursday's opening spiel ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we salute the military on The Price Is Right!"
  • On Thursday, the set is decorated for Veterans' Day.
  • On Thursday, Drew is flanked by a Marine Corps color guard during his entrance.
  • On Thursday, during the opening and the credits, the squares on the Turntable wall flash red, white, and blue; during much of the rest of the show, the columns on the wall are colored red, white, and blue in sequence.
  • On Thursday, the yellow and green Contestants' Row displays are altered to be a second set of red and blue displays; additionally, the displays show black instead of their normal colors when their prices flash after the winner of an Item up for Bids has been revealed.
  • On Thursday, the Contestants' Row displays show the insignias of their contestants until the contestant in question makes a bid.
  • On Thursday, every onstage contestant receives a 1,000-minute AT&T phone card and a $1,000 shopping spree at
  • On Thursday, patriotic designs are shown on the envelopes and cards for the prices of the Items up for Bids and the showcases.
  • On Thursday, after the second and fourth games, soldiers stationed overseas are shown saying hello to their loved ones at home as the show goes to commercial.
  • On Thursday, Jeff Davis's call down window is red, and the accompanying dollar sign is blue.
  • On Thursday, an American flag replaces the usual square pattern on Switch?'s video screen.
  • On Thursday, before revealing who wins the Showcase, Drew announces that everyone in the audience will receive a 60-minute phone card and a 10% discount at; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew announces that anyone with a valid military ID can go to the site and enter for a chance to win those same awards.
  • Friday show is the last episode announced by Jeff Davis.

Week 9 (1,530 – 531xK): November 1-2, October 13, November 3-4

  • Originally scheduled for November 15-19.
  • On Monday, Brad Sherwood begins his announcer audition.
  • On Monday, the 2008 light border on Door #4 is replaced with the Season 39 light border.
  • On Wednesday, no plug is done.

Week 10 (1,531 – 532xK): November 22-24

  • Thanksgiving week; only three shows.
  • On Monday, the takes place during the fourth Item up for Bids, which includes a year's supply of flowers from; Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a gift card from said company.
  • On Tuesday, Drew's fiancee's son, Connor, comes through Door #2 with him at the top of the show; Connor is also present onstage throughout the second Showcase Showdown and at the beginning of the Showcase.
  • Wednesday marks the beginning of David H. Lawrence XVII's announcer audition; due to shows being taped out of order, he and Brad Sherwood both announce a number of episodes over the next several weeks.
  • Wednesday's show is vaguely themed around Thanksgiving: The light border is tinted orange and has leaves cascading down it, the Door #4, opening, and bumper logos also have leaves cascading across them and display a "Happy Thanksgiving" banner at their base; Door #4 itself uses orange squares and has yet more leaves cascading down it; and the background for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs is orange and appears behind still more cascading leaves.
  • On Wednesday, Guy Fieri appears to help present a culinary-themed Shell Game and a Thanksgiving-themed Showcase.

Week 11 (1,532 – 533xK): October 18, November 8-10, 12

  • Originally scheduled for November 29-December 3.
  • All shows this week are announced by Brad Sherwood.
  • On Monday, the second showcase includes a trip to the first two games of the World Series; the contestant is instructed not to include this in her bid, as a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • During Monday's Showcase, the World Series trophy is on display on the stage.
  • On Tuesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a Drew Carey bobblehead, which had been offered in the second showcase; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs people to visit the website to find out how to win one for themselves.
  • Wednesday's second showcase includes tours of and baking lessons at several Magnolia Cupcakes bakeries, as well as the opportunity to design a "cupcake of the month" for them; the contestant is instructed not to include these in her bid, as they cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • On Wednesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a cupcake from Magnolia Cupcakes; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs people to visit the website to find out how to win one for themselves.

Week 12 (1,533 – 534xK): December 6-10

  • Brad Sherwood announces on Monday-Thursday; David H. Lawrence XVII announces on Friday.
  • On all shows this week, next week, and the week after next, the first Item up for Bids is designated as the "The Price Is Right Holiday Gift Idea of the Day."
  • On Monday, Duff Goldman, Geof Manthorne, and Katherine Hill from the then-recently-canceled Ace of Cakes appear during Cliff Hangers with a cake that is billed as doubling as a "working model" of the game; in reality, it is a small representation of the board with a hand-operated mountain climber. The cake is used to play the game instead of the actual board. The bakers appear again, along with the cake, later in the show to help present the second, cake-themed showcase.
  • On Monday, the second showcase includes a cake-baking lesson at Duff Goldman's bakery; the contestant is instructed not to include this in her bid, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • On Monday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives an autographed copy of Duff Goldman's book, Ace of Cakes: Inside the World of Charm City Cakes, this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win an autographed copy of the book.
  • On Wednesday, a takes place during the fourth Item up for Bids, a set of Philosophy skin care products, when Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win some of the said products; strangely, a second plug occurs at the normal time, at the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Friday, the first Item up for Bids and the second showcase are sponsored by Neiman Marcus.
  • On Friday, in the first Showcase Showdown, contestant Charity's first spin appears to be counted despite not going all the way around; closer examination reveals that a spin that did not go all the way around had been edited out of the show and that the aired spin did, in fact, go 21 spaces.
  • On Friday, Drew's fiancee's son, Connor, appears in the second showcase to model a life-size gingerbread house.
  • On Friday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a copy of the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win one of the catalogs.

Week 13 (1,534 – 535xK): December 13-17

  • David H. Lawrence XVII announces on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday; George is introduced on Wednesday as the fifth candidate to audition, and Brad Sherwood announces on Thursday.
  • All of this week's first Items up for Bids, the "Holiday Gift Ideas of the Day," are sponsored by Macy's.
  • On Monday, presumably due to time constraints, the consolation prize plugs are edited out.
  • On Monday, after the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a magazine and tote bag full of gifts from Coastal Living magazine, whose staff had selected the prize for the second showcase; this also serves as the plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said tote bags.
  • On Tuesday, Bonus Game begins alternating, seemingly with no set pattern, between its normal reveal and its Season 2 reveal.
  • On Wednesday, Caesar Milan, a "dog behaviorist" known as "The Dog Whisperer" appears to help present the pet-themed second showcase; this also leads to the first pet adoption segment since Bob's retirement, as Caesar guides viewers to The Milan Foundation's website after the last commercial.
  • On Wednesday, after the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a gift card from Petco; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said gift cards.
  • Due to out-of-order broadcasts, Thursday marks Lanisha's last appearance in a new show on CBS, although it is not actually her last episode.
  • On Thursday, Suze Orman appears to help present the finance-themed second showcase.
  • On Thursday, after the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives an autographed copy of Suze Orman's book Suze Orman's Action Plan, this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win one of the said autographed books.

Week 14 (1,535 – 536xK): December 20-24

  • All shows this week are announced by David H. Lawrence XVII.
  • On this week's shows, the set is decorated for Christmas.
  • On this week's shows, the light border is red.
  • On this week's shows, two different patterns appear as the background on Door #4; a closeup of bulb ornaments is displayed on Monday and Thursday, while a Christmas tree is shown on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • For this week of shows, the opening logo is altered: The non-Price text is light blue, the left side of the background is green, cascading snowflakes replace the cascading dollar signs, and the words "Happy Holidays" appear in gold at the base. This version of the logo also appears on Door #4 on Monday, Thursday, and Friday, as well as in Friday's bumper, ticket plug, and plug graphics.
  • On this week's shows, red and white cascades through the squares on the Turntable wall during the opening and the credits.
  • On this week's shows, the neon strips around the Big Doors and the Turntable behave like chase lights during the opening and the credits.
  • On this week's shows, the lights on David H. Lawrence XVII's call down window are red; the dollar sign is red for most of the week, as well, and is green on Friday.
  • On this week's shows, the squares shown during the second transition in the consolation prize plugs are red and green.
  • On Monday, NHL player Jeremy Roenick appears to help present a hockey-themed Cliff Hangers and second showcase; during the Showcase, he is joined on video by Sidney Crosby and Alexander Ovechkin.
  • On Monday, the Cliff Hangers board is decorated for Christmas, with snow-covered rocks and trees, decorated houses in the background, and Santa's hat and bag on the mountain climber.
  • On Monday, after the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a hockey puck from the Winter Classic with the show's logo and Jeremy Roenick's autograph on it; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win one of the said hockey pucks.
  • On Wednesday, the takes place during the third Item up for Bids, which includes a supply of See's Candies, everyone in the audience receives one of the said company's candy bars, and Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win a gift card from them.
  • In Wednesday's Plinko, Christmas decorations are placed around the small prizes.
  • On Friday, Pay the Rent's house is decorated for Christmas.
  • On Friday, the plug takes place during the second Item up for Bids, a supply of flowers from; Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a gift card from the said company.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.
  • Friday's bumper graphics zoom into existence the way the opening logo did for the show's first 35 seasons.

Week 15 (1,536 – 537xK): December 30

  • Originally scheduled for December 31.
  • Only one show, on New Year's Eve.
  • Friday's show is announced by George.
  • Friday's show is a New Years-themed episode, which offers people's "favorite prizes of 2010" as determined by the show's staff and voters at
  • In an unusual move, Friday's show has two small prize games and no grocery item game.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, Push Over is played without "think" music.
  • On Friday, Rat Race is played for a restored 1955 Ford Thunderbird.

Week 16 (1,537 – 538xK): November 15-19

  • Originally scheduled for January 3-7.
  • During the week of January 3, a new presentation is introduced for Win at Home; however, it is not actually seen on this week's episodes, as they were broadcast during November.
  • Brad Sherwood announces on Monday-Wednesday, with Wednesday being his final show; David H. Lawrence XVII announces on Thursday and Friday.
  • Due to the staff knowing before they were taped that these shows would be airing out of order, this week's plugs involve Drew asking viewers to vote on which prizes should be offered on last Friday's show.
  • On Monday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
  • On Monday, drivers Austin Dillon and Clint Bowyer appear to help present NASCAR-themed showcases.
  • Friday show is Lanisha's last episode.
  • On Friday, soccer player Dan Gargan appears to help present a soccer-themed showcase.

Week 17 (1,538 – 539xK): January 10-14

  • George announces on Monday and on all shows until otherwise noted beginning on Thursday; David H. Lawrence XVII announces on Tuesday and Wednesday, with Wednesday being his final show.
  • On Monday, the background on Door #4 is changed to the moving pattern seen during the second transition in the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Monday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by holding the third price tag in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Monday, the exploding money-win graphics for the Showcase Showdown are introduced, although due to no one spinning a dollar this week, they are not actually seen on the air until next Monday.
  • On Monday, the blue/yellow ticket plug and graphics are introduced.
  • On Monday, the cartoonish version of the logo is added to the short credits.
  • On Tuesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Miss America 2010 Caressa Cameron appears to help present a Miss America-themed showcase.
  • On Thursday, the non-cartoonish version of the logo appears in the credits.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, the Season 37-38 bumper graphic is used during the "mid-show bumper."
  • On Friday, Stack the Deck is played for a BMW 328i convertible.

Week 18 (1,539 – 540xK): January 17-21

  • On Tuesday, Drew's fiancee's son, Connor, enters with Drew and remains onstage through the end of the first game.
  • On Tuesday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by holding the third price tag in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Wednesday, a miniature cove is introduced in Golden Road for when the game offers smaller prizes.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, the value of the prize package in Cliff Hangers is never revealed.
  • On Friday, Let 'em Roll is played for a restored 1957 Chevrolet 210 Coupe.

Week 19 (1,540 – 541xK): January 24-27, 5

  • Originally scheduled for January 24-28.
  • On Wednesday, the second showcase is constructed by the staff of Shape magazine, who also provides subscriptions for everyone in the audience; this also leads into the episode's plug, as Drew explains after the final commercial that the website contains information on how viewers can win a subscription to the magazine.
  • Only Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's shows this week are produced by Fingers, who retired after the final taping of 2010; Wednesday and Friday's shows are the first episodes with Vanessa Voss in the newly-created position of "prize producer." The "prize producer" job is also added to the short credits, following the "directed by" credit.
  • Thursday's show, the last episode to be taped with Fingers producing, is dedicated to her. As such, a number of noteworthy things occur on this show:
    • All three pricing games in the second half -- Pick-a-Pair, Line em Up, and Secret "X" -- were created by Fingers. Drew states that she also contributed to creating the third game, Master Key, but credit for that game is actually given to Frank Wayne.
    • This combination of games results in the unusual scheduling of two small prize games and a grocery item game -- an anomaly which, ironically, was unnecessary, since, as mentioned above, Fingers did not create Master Key.
    • Hearkening back to the Janice Pennington, This Is Your Strife showcase on May 14, 1976, the staff rehearsed a fake second showcase so that they could surprise Fingers with a showcase dedicated to her and featuring clips of her from over the years on its second prize, a television set.
    • During the second showcase, for probably the first time since the half-hour era, the show gets an episode count correct by offering $1 for each of the 6,618 daytime shows that Fingers was on the staff during; this count excludes Wednesday's show, which was not taped until 2011, but includes next Tuesday's, which was taped immediately before this one.
  • On Friday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by holding the third price tag in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Friday, Pauley Perrette, portrayer of Abby Sciuto on NCIS, appears to help present a People's Choice Awards-themed showcase; Perrette presented an award at the ceremony, which aired on CBS the same day this episode was broadcast.

Week 20 (1,541 – 542xK): January 31-February 4

  • On Monday, Drew's fiancee's son, Connor, enters with Drew and remains onstage through the end of the second game.
  • On Monday, Paula Deen appears to help present Bullseye and the Showcase, which offer a trip to her restaurant and prizes from her line of furniture.
  • On Monday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a copy of Paula Deen's cookbook, The Deen Family Cookbook, as well as $40 worth of Smithfield's coupons; this also leads into the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win said items.
  • Tuesday show is the final episode produced by Fingers, and the only show this week for which she was on the staff.
  • On Tuesday, the decimal points are missing from the price displays for Pass the Buck.
  • On Tuesday, the Showcase winner's friends manage to knock down the Top Winner's podium when they storm the Turntable.
  • Friday show is the last episode of George's audition.

Week 21 (1,542 – 543xK): February 7-9, 24, 11

  • Originally scheduled for February 7-11.
  • On Monday, Steve White's announcer audition begins.
  • On Tuesday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, a cascading effect is added to the border of the window used to show the contestant during Cliff Hangers.
  • On Tuesday, the Big Wheel is placed with the Showcase winner's prizes at the end of the show to indicate that she had also won $11,000 in the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Friday, the season number begins appearing in the top-center spot on the Money Game board again.

Week 22 (1,543 – 544xK): February 14, August 31, February 16-18

  • Originally scheduled for February 14-18.
  • Monday show is a themed-episode for Valentine's Day with couples playing instead of individual contestants.
  • On Monday, the light border is red and has hearts cascading down it.
  • On Monday, Door #4 displays hearts cascading across a pink background, this pattern is also used for the second transition during the consolation prize plugs, and a similar pattern is shown on Contestants' Row instead of the usual colors, with the graphics fading into the background somewhat when the bids appear.
  • On Monday, the opening ends with, "You are the first four couples on a special Valentine's Day episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday, the various graphical TPIR logos except for the one in the credits, as well as the logo on Door #4, have the words "Valentine's Day" at their base, with small hearts cascading around the extra text; additionally, the logos have an altered color scheme, with each background displaying different shades of red and more cascading hearts and with the logo itself appearing in different shades of pink. In addition to the usual places, this logo appears during every commercial outro.
  • On Monday, the light strips around the Big Doors and the Turntable are pink for most of the show.
  • On Monday, the last digit from the sign in Pay the Rent's intro is missing, causing it to read "$100,00."
  • On Monday, the couples called during the body of the show are referred to as "the next contestants on The Price Is Right."
  • On Monday, Steve White's call down window and its accompanying dollar sign are red.
  • On Monday, the Big Wheel split-screen separator is pink.
  • On Monday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a giant Hershey's Kiss; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said candies.
  • On Monday, the graphic is red.

Week 23 (1,544 – 545xK): February 21-23, 10, 25

  • Originally scheduled for February 21-25.
  • Thursday show is to be the last episode announced by Steve White; George becomes the permanent announcer on Friday.
  • On Monday, in an unusual move, two small prize games and no grocery item games are played.
  • On Thursday, new, dark green decimal points are installed on Pass the Buck.
  • On Thursday, no Goodson-Todman asterisks are present behind the first set of grocery items for Pass the Buck. This is presumably because the asterisks had only been placed on two of the three walls, with the third side no longer intended to be used -- something that the person setting the game up for this episode evidently failed to notice.
  • On Thursday, after the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a CD of music nominated for 2011 Grammy Awards; this also leads into the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said CDs.

Week 24 (1,545 – 546xK): February 28-March 4

  • This week's plugs encourage viewers to register for a new Home Viewer Showcase which will be presented next week.
  • Beginning on Friday, Tiffany Coyne from Let's Make a Deal fills in as a Barker's Beauty for four episodes.
  • On Friday, Push Over is played for a car.
  • Beginning on Friday, George's call down window occasionally moves to the right side of the screen instead of the left as he calls the sixth or ninth contestant.

Week 25 (1,546 – 547xK): March 7-11

  • On this week's shows, for the first time since Season 18, a Home Viewer Showcase is presented. A new format for the contest is introduced this go-'round, instead of presenting the entire showcase on each of the week's episodes, the 10 prizes are introduced gradually over the course of the week, and each one is a prize being offered in one of the episodes. Two prizes are introduced each day; one of them is an Item up for Bids or is in a pricing game and has its price revealed on the air, while the other is in the Showcase and does not. As before, contestants must bid on all of the prizes together, with the winner being the viewer nearest to the actual retail price without going over (or, if several bidders are tied at the nearest price, one viewer randomly selected from that group).
  • Each day this week, George explains the Home Viewer Showcase before the commercial in the Showcase; this supplants the plug for the duration of the contest.
  • On Tuesday, former professional wrestler Brian Kendrick is called as a contestant.
  • On Friday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • On Friday, the prize display during the consolation prize plugs is shrunken slightly, allowing the square background to be seen at the top and bottom of the screen.
  • After this week, Win at Home goes on a six-week hiatus.

Week 26 (1,547 – 548xK): March 14, 16, 15

  • Originally scheduled for March 14-16.
  • Only three shows, on Monday-Wednesday.
  • On Tuesday, the winner of the Home Viewer Showcase is revealed; George and Gwendolyn are shown surprising her at her house after the first Showcase Showdown. Due to episodes being aired out of order, this is plugged on both Monday and Wednesday.
  • On Tuesday, due to the Home Viewer Showcase reveal, the ticket plug occurs at the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • Wednesday's show is a vague spring break-themed episode; this consists mostly of everyone in the audience being a college student and Pay the Rent being decorated as a fraternity house.
  • On Wednesday, to fit the spring break theme, Pay the Rent is temporarily renamed "Pay the Tuition," with a seemingly hastily drawn "Tuition" sign hung in front of "Rent" in the game's logo.
  • On Wednesday, shopping bags are added to Pay the Rent for the Beauties to carry the groceries in.
  • On Wednesday, Kimberly Matula and Scott Clifton, the portrayers of Hope Logan and Liam Cooper on The Bold and the Beautiful, appear after the contestants have bid on the second Item up for Bids to offer the winner a walk-on role on the next taping of their soap opera.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual move, two cash games are played.
  • On Wednesday, Wilbur the Wildcat and the Stanford Tree, the mascots of the University of Arizona and Stanford University, make cameo appearances during a college sports-themed showcase.
  • On Wednesday, during the final commercial, everyone in the audience is given beach bags from The Bold and the Beautiful from the episode's four guest stars; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win one of the said beach bags.

Week 27 (1,548 – 549xK): March 21-25

  • On Monday, the "Prize of the Week" contest is introduced. Similar to the Home Viewer Showcase from two weeks ago, each week, a prize in Monday's Showcase is selected for viewers to bid on at; the prize is revealed by George during the final commercial outro on the day it is offered. The contest runs for approximately 60 hours, ending at 11:59 P.M. in the Eastern Time Zone two days after the day of the broadcast on which it began, with the winner being revealed several days later. Plugs for this contest generally double as the day's plug.
  • On Monday, during the final commercial, everyone in the audience is given a Jazz Fest Live compilation album; this also serves as a second plug, as Drew instructs viewers to go to the website for a chance to win one of the said CDs.
  • Drew plugs the Prize of the Week at the end of Tuesday's second Showcase Showdown and at the beginning of Act 6 on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives cookies from Wonderland Bakery, which are served by workers from the bakery; this also leads into the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win some of the said cookies.
  • On Friday, the winner of the Prize of the Week is revealed after the sixth game. Oddly, this segment does not include a plug, nor does any other portion of the episode.

Week 28 (1,549 – 550xK): March 28-April 1

  • Monday's Money Game is believed to have been a substitution for another game.
  • On Monday, the second (and last) Prize of the Week is presented; Drew also plugs it on Tuesday after the final commercial and on Wednesday at the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives hats from In-n-Out Burger, who helped the show set up a hamburger-themed showcase and who gave hamburgers to everyone in the line before the show; this leads into the day's plug, with Drew instructing viewers to visit the website to watch a video of the Barker's Beauties serving said hamburgers outside of Television City. The Prize of the Week plug occurs immediately after this.
  • On Wednesday, a new set of graphics is introduced for the "Around the World" showcase.
  • On Thursday, Hole in One is played for a restored 1955 Ford F-100.
  • On Thursday, ACM nominee Lee Brice appears to help present the country music-themed fifth Item up for Bids and second showcase.
  • On Thursday, after the final commercial, Lee Brice returns to announce that the winner of the showcase will receive as a bonus of a VIP trip to Las Vegas, including two VIP passes to the ACM Awards rehearsals, two tickets to the actual awards show, and two tickets to the "Girls' Night Out Superstar Women of Country" TV special.
  • On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • Friday's show is an April Fool's Day episode and is repeatedly billed during the program as the day that something will happen on The Price Is Right for the 10,000th time. Additionally, in keeping with the spirit of the day, several things on the show are intentionally done in unusual or flat-out wrong ways. A list of both sets of events is as follows:
    • A large "10,000th" is added to the bottom of the logo in the opening, on Door #4, in commercial outros, and on televisions and computers offered during the show; the logo appears during every commercial outro on this episode.
    • George's opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, it's a very special Price Is Right!"
    • The contestants called during the opening are referred to as "The first four contestants on The Price Is Right's 10,000th!"
    • The set is decorated for the "10,000th event."
    • As Drew is talking before the first Item up for Bids, a boom mic comes into the shot and nearly hits him in the head.
    • The first Item up for Bids is initially a television and an Xbox package, but Rachel and Manuela "accidentally" knock the television on the floor, breaking it, George and Drew declare that the contestants will only bid on the Xbox package, and no prize copy is ever read for the TV. After the contestants have bid, one of the staffers has to bring Drew a new actual retail price, because the one he has includes the television.
    • A very unusual game lineup is used that consists entirely of games played for only one prize, including five pure one-prize games and a car-game that offers only the car and a negligible amount of cash; one of the one-prize games, as mentioned above, is used for the other car, and no fee games are played at all. The lineup was clearly created this way intentionally, as two of the one-prize games were already played earlier in the week.
    • Squeeze Play does not work, and Drew has to push the numbers together himself.
    • The Turntable begins creaking and smoking as it reveals the second Item up for Bids, causing a stagehand to run out and try to cool it down; it remains "stuck" at an odd angle until the next commercial.
    • Drew does not have the price of the second Item up for Bids and has to get it from Adam.
    • As George models the prize for the second game, a steam shower, from inside of it, the shower turns itself on, first enveloping him in steam and then drenching him.
    • The jib camera moves in front of a still soaked George as the calls the sixth contestant.
    • Door #3 will not open to reveal the third Item up for Bids; Manuela eventually forces it open herself from the inside.
    • When Drew reveals the price in Double Prices, the front of the game falls off, a bunch of trash falls out of it, and its "electronics" start smoking. (For the record, since someone is sure to wonder, Double Prices does not really have any electronics.)
    • When the camera zooms in on the still somewhat soggy George as he does the first closed-captioning plug, it flies right past him and ends up zooming in on the wall.
    • George is shown combing his hair back into place after the first spinner in the first Showcase Showdown finishes his second spin.
    • In the ticket plug, Drew gives a ridiculously detailed set of instructions for how to turn on your computer, launch an internet browser, and navigate to As he does this, George walks behind him, still adjusting his hair; the crew shuts off the lights on the Big Wheel and begins to remove it from the stage; and "Dig We Must" plays all the way through, with the theme starting up moments before the show goes to commercial with Drew still talking. After the first commercial airs, the show comes back in, with Drew still giving his explanation; as he finishes, the Big Wheel is taken offstage through Door #2, with the fourth game, Balance Game, visible backstage. The second part of this plug does not appear in the online version of the episode.
    • During the fourth Item up for Bids, random five-digit numbers start lighting up on Contestants' Row; Drew solves the problem by having Scott write down the bids on card stock and place them on the appropriate displays.
    • The bag representing the actual retail price in Balance Game is ridiculously oversized; during the commercial outro, it is revealed to contain George, who is shown climbing out of it.
    • During Balance Game, one of the sleeves on Drew's jacket rips.
    • As George models the fifth Item up for Bids, the Lob-Ster machine, Rachel pelts his with tennis balls, one of which hits him in an especially sensitive area; since the prize copy was interrupted several times by the joke, Drew calls a woman out of the audience to come onstage and read it again, complete with the music.
    • George can be seen holding an ice bag on his shoulder as he describes the prize for the fifth game and again after the game.
    • As it shows the prize for the fifth game, a trip, Door #4 begins to fall off the wall and eventually starts displaying snow; it begins working again after the next commercial but remains somewhat snowy for the rest of the episode.
    • Another boom mic is seen hovering over George as he calls the ninth contestant.
    • The Basket is lowered right into the floor during the sixth Item up for Bids, leaving Gwendolyn and Manuela to quickly organize the prizes on its remains.
    • Rachel crashes the car for the sixth game through Door #3, knocking down several of the door's panels and stopping just inches in front of Lucky $even; the game is played with the damaged door still half-way closed and partially laying on the car. After the episode was broadcast, put up a clip of Rachel's first, real Lucky $even wreck from episode #2895K in Season 32.
    • When the show comes back on for the second Showcase Showdown, Door #3 is covered with a plastic tarp.
    • Presumably due to time constraints, no consolation prize plugs are done.
    • At the end of the second Showcase Showdown, a light falls out of the ceiling, and all of the studio lights go out (although all lights on props continue to work); the segment ends with a shot of the "10,000th" logo in front of a test pattern.
    • The lights are still out at the beginning of the Showcase, and Drew and the Beauties hold flashlights to spotlight the contestants and the prizes; the first showcase is themed around the darkness, and the power finally comes back on during the description of the last prize.
    • The video screens refuse to display anything but static during the power outage.
    • The last prize in the first showcase is displayed behind Door #3, since Door #3 is missing, Manuela and Rachel end up tearing down the plastic tarp to reveal it.
    • In the second showcase, Gwendolyn accidentally drops a marshmallow that had been roasting on the first prize, outdoor dining set with a fire pit, and sets the prize backdrops on fire; several stagehands come out with fire extinguishers and spend the rest of the showcase attempting to put out the flames.
    • Throughout the second part of the Showcase, everyone in the audience is holding "10,000" signs.
    • After the Showcase winner is revealed, Drew laments the fact that the "10,000th thing" never ended up happening; in truth, of course, no such thing ever really existed. He then says that maybe it will happen tomorrow (itself a ludicrous notion, as "tomorrow" is a Saturday) and wishes everyone a happy April Fool's Day.
    • After Drew's sign-off, several lights from above the Turntable come crashing down, darkening that part of the studio a second time.
  • On Friday, the original Double Prices logo returns; this change does not yet take effect permanently thanks to shows taping out of order.

Week 29 (1,550 – 551xK): April 4-8

  • Possibly due to the latter episode being taped out of order, Monday and Wednesday's shows both have a Price Look of the Week.
  • On Monday, George reveals the winner of last week's Prize of the Week at the end of the first Showcase Showdown; this leads to the unusual circumstance of the ticket plug taking place at the end of the second Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, the consolation prize plugs are shown without the background visible at the top and bottom of the screen.
  • On Tuesday, Constantine Maroulis, the star of the musical Rock of Ages, appears to help present a showcase centered around his show.
  • On Tuesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives an autographed copy of the original Broadway cast recording of Rock of Ages, this also leads into the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said CDs.
  • On Tuesday, music from Rock of Ages plays during the credits.
  • On Wednesday's show, which was taped out of order, a new, larger announcer podium is introduced; however, since it is not used on any surrounding episodes, care was taken not to show it on-camera at any point during the program. The podium is designed with the same lighted squares as the Turntable wall and has a video screen on the front that usually displays a silver Pricedown dollar sign rotating in the form of a blue background filled with cascading sunbursts like those seen above the Big Doors.
  • Wednesday's Rat Race is believed to have been a substitution for another game.
  • On Wednesday, Julie Chen and Holly Robinson-Peete appear during the Showcase to plug The Talk, on which Drew appears as a guest later in the day, as well as to help present the showcases, one of which each of them helped to create.
  • On Thursday, contestant Jerren from the March 16 episode, who won the previously mentioned walk-on role on The Bold and the Beautiful that was included with that program's second Item up for Bids, appears briefly at the end of the second Showcase Showdown; clips are shown of him backstage at the soap opera, and Drew encourages viewers to visit to watch a longer video of his day of shooting.

Week 30 (1,551 – 552xK): August 26, April 12-15

  • Originally scheduled for April 11-15.
  • Wednesday's plug occurs at the beginning of the Showcase, with Drew instructing viewers to go there to see a video of him dancing with the Top Winner during one of the commercials.

Week 31 (1,552 – 553xK): April 18-22

  • On Monday, George is introduced on the air as the new announcer.
  • On Monday, the new announcer podium first used on the April 6 episode is put into use permanently and is seen on the air for the first time.
  • On Monday, a silver microphone is added to George's podium; this was not seen on April 6, which instead used the old podium's mic setup, presumably to keep any indication that a change had been made from getting on the air.
  • On Monday, Win at Home returns.
  • On Tuesday, the borders and dollar sign on George's call down window become silver and blue.
  • On Thursday, for no apparent reason, the price of Secret "X"'s prize package is not revealed.
  • Friday show is an Earth Day-themed episode; all of the prizes on the show are in some way eco-friendly.
  • On Friday, the background on Door #4, on George's podium, and during the consolation, prize plugs is a scene of clouds drifting across a blue sky.
  • On Friday, the 1 Wrong Price-esque "NO" graphic for 3 Strikes is introduced.
  • On Friday, thanks to the size of the prizes being offered, no plasma screen is used in Clock Game.
  • On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a coupon for a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream, as well as an eco-friendly water bottle from The Nature Conservancy; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win their own coupon and water bottle.

Week 32 (1,553 – 554xK): April 25-29

  • On Monday, Flip Flop's button is moved to the side of the board, on the diagonal portion near the word "Flip."
  • On Monday, the first showcase includes a tour of Dylan's Candy Bar in New York and 50 pounds of candy from the store; the contestants are instructed not to include these in their bids, as the former cannot reasonably be assigned a value and the latter cannot be assigned a single value.
  • On Monday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a lollipop from Dylan's Candy Bar; this also serves as the episode's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said lollipops.
  • Tuesday's show was taped out of order before last week's episodes, while Rich's podium was still in use; all shots of George's podium were edited into the program during post-production. One shot of Rich's podium remains in the episode, it can be seen near the edge of the screen as the eighth contestant is coming on down.
  • On Tuesday, HGTV personality Jamie Durie appears to help present the outdoor design-themed second showcase.
  • On Tuesday, in an unusual move, the price of one of the prizes in the second showcase is intentionally revealed in the script.
  • Tuesday's second showcase includes a visit by Jamie Durie to landscape the contestant's yard; the contestants are instructed not to include this in their bids, as a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • On Wednesday, the colors of the money graphics in the Showcase Showdown are changed from orange/red to a variety of colors: blue for $1,000, green for $10,000, and orange/red for $25,000.
  • On Wednesday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by holding the third price tag in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Thursday, the original Double Prices logo returns permanently.
  • On Friday, contestant Brian accidentally punches and breaks the 75 on the Big Wheel as he jumps around after getting a dollar; afterward, Drew quips that "We'll have to use the purple wheel tomorrow."

Week 33 (1,554 – 555xK): May 2, 20, 4-6

  • Originally scheduled for May 2-6.
  • Tuesday's show was briefly uploaded to on its original intended airdate of May 3 by mistake, although it was not online long enough to watch more than the first Item up for Bids.
  • On Wednesday, the Beatles cover band Rain appears as a house band for the entire show, staged behind Door #3. They play various Beatles songs throughout the first Item up for Bids and the prize description for the first game, as well as during the closed-captioning plugs and every transition to and from commercial except for the consolation prize plugs, "Walking" is not heard at the end of the first Item up for Bids, and the theme is only played during the opening and the credits. The showcases are also focused on the Beatles, with a member of the band giving the recap at the end of each one.
  • On Wednesday, Side by Side is played at Door #3.
  • On Wednesday, the TPIR logo appears in the corner of the screen during every commercial outro.
  • On Wednesday, Hi-Lo is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, as a result of the blocking difficulties created by letting a band occupy Door #3, Hi Lo's prize is tossed to from in front of the Turntable, the prize itself is behind Door #2, and the game is not concealed by the Giant Price Tag and is staged noticeably closer to the Turntable than usual.
  • On Wednesday, the background during the consolation prize plugs is a purple field with unidentifiable symbols cascading across it.
  • On Wednesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a Rain CD; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said CDs.
  • Friday show is a Mother's Day-themed episode.
  • Friday's contestants are teams consisting of a mother and one of her children.
  • On Friday, the light border is pink.
  • On Friday, the background on Door #4 is a scene of cascading pink flower petals; this pattern is also used as the background for George's podium and the second transition in the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Friday, the opening, bumper, and Door #4 logos are tinted red, have cascading rosebuds in the background, and display the words "Happy Mother's Day" beneath them. The dollar sign on George's podium is tinted red.
  • Friday's opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, our special Mother's Day episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • At the end of Friday's opening, the players called down are told that they are "the first eight contestants on The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, Cliff Hangers is played for two cars.
  • On Friday, the contestants called down during the body of the show are referred to as "the next contestants on The Price Is Right."
  • On Friday, the day's special TPIR logo appears during every commercial outro.
  • On Friday, George's call down window and its dollar sign are pink.
  • On Friday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by modeling the second prize in Eazy az 1 2 3.
  • On Friday, in an unusual move, two small prize games are played.
  • On Friday, the graphic is pink.

Week 34 (1,555 – 556xK): May 9-13

  • On Monday, Most Expen$ive is played for three trips.
  • On Monday, with only two Barker's Beauties present, George helps out by holding the second price tag in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Monday, designer Nicole Miller appears to both to help present the fashion-themed second Item up for Bids and first showcase and to promote the Red Dress campaign of the American Heart Association. In addition to this, several I Love Lucy items are used in Punch a Bunch; Lucy is featured in the AHA's 2011 campaign.
  • On Monday, presumably due to time constraints, no consolation prize plugs are done.
  • Monday's first showcase includes visits to several fashion shows; the contestants are instructed not to include this in their bids, as a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • On Monday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives an I Love Lucy candy bar and various paraphernalia from the American Heart Association; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win these items for themselves.
  • On Thursday, there is no gap between Swap Meet's prize descriptions, although they still use two different music cues.
  • On Thursday, singer Vonzell Solomon appears to help present the second showcase, which is based on the stage show Burn the Floor, in which she is the lead vocalist; dancers from the show dance behind her throughout the showcase.
  • Thursday's second showcase includes dance lessons from the cast of Burn the Floor, the contestants are instructed not to include this in their bids, as it cannot reasonably be assigned a price.
  • Thursday's plug occurs after the last commercial, with Drew instructing viewers to visit the site to see the Burn the Floor cast trying to teach him, George, and Gwendolyn to dance.

Week 35 (1,556 – 557xK): May 16-19, 3

  • Originally scheduled for May 16-20.
  • On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, Cover Up uses Line em Up's think music.
  • On Wednesday, Double Prices is played for a trip at Door #2.
  • Friday's show, which falls the day before Armed Forces Day, is themed around the military; everyone in the audience has a relative in the service.
  • On Friday, the light border, instead of being surrounded by one solid color, is flanked by a graphic of a waving American flag.
  • On Friday, The Star-Spangled Banner is played throughout the opening, as well as during the credits.
  • On Friday, the logo in the opening and on Door #4 has a white dollar sign and a blue "The," "Is," and "Right;" Additionally, the background for the left side of the logo is a representation of the American flag, with the stars on the left and the stripes on the right. At the base of the logo is a sign reading "Military Families." This logo also appears in the corner of the screen during every commercial outro, the closed-captioning plugs, and the consolation prize plugs.
  • On Friday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an image of the American flag; this also serves as the background for George's podium, whose dollar sign is tinted blue, as well as for the second transition in the consolation prize plugs.
  • Friday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on a special Price Is Right salute to military families!"
  • On Friday, the light strips around the Big Doors are red on Door #1, white on Door #2, and blue on Door #3.
  • On Friday, during the opening and the credits, the squares on the Turntable wall and George's podium flash red, white, and blue.
  • On Friday, after the second, fourth, and sixth games, a message from a serviceman stationed overseas is shown on a plasma screen in front of the audience.
  • On Friday, George's call down window and its dollar sign are blue.
  • On Friday, Let 'em Roll is played for a restored 1967 Corvette.
  • On Friday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a 5-pound Hershey bar; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said candy bars, as well as to learn about the contestants' family members in the military.

Week 36 (1,557 – 558xK): May 23-27

  • On each show this week, one pricing game is played for a trip sponsored by Travel + Leisure magazine, which Drew plugs before each of said trips is revealed. The magazine also sponsors Friday's all-trip second showcase.
  • On Monday, the first showcase includes a session in a recording studio; the contestants are instructed not to include this while bidding, as a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • On Tuesday, Dice Game is accidentally played with the line on the side of the table closest to the contestant.
  • On Friday, new digits in the Calisto MT Bold font are introduced in Lucky $even.
  • On Friday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a subscription to Travel + Leisure magazine; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a subscription to said magazine.

Week 37 (1,558 – 559xK): May 30-June 3

  • On Tuesday, the second showcase includes a consultation with the show's hair stylist; the contestants are instructed not to include this in their bids since a price cannot reasonably be assigned to it.
  • On Friday, Range Game is played for a car.

Week 38 (1,559 – 560xK): June 6-10

  • Monday's show is the last episode directing by Rich DiPirro.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, technical director Glenn A. Koch assumes the role of the director for six episodes; during this period, David Hallmark temporarily returns to serve as technical director.
  • On Tuesday, Fingers and her husband are in the audience; Drew points them out during the third Item up for Bids.
  • On Tuesday, members of Cirque du Soleil troupes perform behind the Big Doors during the Showcase, which consists almost entirely of trips to various Cirque du Soleil venues.
  • On Tuesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives various Cirque du Soleil paraphernalia; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said items for themselves.
  • On Tuesday, after the last commercial, George announces that the winner of the Showcase will receive a VIP trip to yet another Cirque du Soleil venue as a bonus.
  • On Wednesday, Check-Out is played for a car.

Week 39 (1,560 – 561xK): June 13-17

  • Monday's plug occurs at the beginning of Act 3, with Drew instructing viewers to visit the website to see a video of him scuffing the stage's floor while dancing with an audience member during the previous commercial.
  • On Tuesday, WWE Divas Kelly Kelly and The Bella Twins appear to help present the wrestling-themed second showcase.
  • On Tuesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a WrestleMania DVD and a WWE championship belt; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said items for themselves.
  • On Wednesday, Michael Dimich becomes the show's director.
  • Beginning on Thursday, the small prize podiums are included in the initial wide shot of Cliff Hangers.
  • On Thursday, Tracey E. Bregman and Christian Leblanc, the portrayers of Lauren Fenmore and Michael Baldwin on The Young and the Restless, appear to help present the Daytime Emmys-themed second showcase.
  • On Thursday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a set of Jabot cosmetics from the show; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said cosmetics for themselves.
  • Friday show is a Father's Day-themed episode.
  • Friday's contestants are teams consisting of a father and one of his children.
  • On Friday, the light border is blue, as are George's call down window and its dollar sign.
  • On Friday, the background on Door #4 is a cascading group of the patterns seen above the Big Doors, with dandelions shooting out from behind the logo.
  • On Friday, the players called down during the opening are told that they are "the first eight contestants on this special Father's Day episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, the words "Happy Father's Day" are added to the base of the logo on top of a group of button-down shirts; this logo appears in the opening, on Door #4, in the closed-captioning and consolation prize plugs, and during every commercial transition except for the one during the Showcase.
  • On Friday, for no apparent reason, George is shown calling the fifth, seventh, and ninth pairs of contestants; additionally, in Act 2, he is shown with the audience in the background, and the call-down window is not used.
  • On Friday, the contestants called down during the body of the show are referred to as "the next contestants on The Price Is Right."
  • On Friday, Now....or Then is played for a car.
  • On Friday, the square pattern seen during the consolation prize plugs is orange.

Week 40 (1,561 – 562xK): June 20, July 4, August 19

  • Logically scheduled for June 20, July 5, August 17.
  • Season finale week; only three shows.
  • Although these three episodes air over the course of two months, they are considered a single week of shows.
  • Summer reruns begin June 21, with interruptions for two pre-empted shows in August and for the remainder of this week.
  • Monday show is a wedding shower-themed episode; its contestants are teams consisting of engaged couples.
  • On Monday, the light border is purple, as are George's call-down window and dollar sign.
  • On Monday, the backgrounds for Door #4, George's podium, and the consolation prize plugs are a purple curtain.
  • On Monday, the players called down during the opening are told that they are "the first eight contestants on a special wedding shower episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday, all of the logo's text except for "Price," as well as the right-hand side of its background, are purple; the left-hand side of the background is silver. Hearts shoot from the logo instead of dollar signs as it forms, and they also cascade down the background; additionally, the words "Wedding Shower" appear in the script at its base. This logo appears in the opening, on Door #4, during the closed-captioning and consolation prize plugs, and during every commercial transition except for the one during the Showcase.
  • On Monday, most of the prizes are sponsored by
  • On Monday, Adam Gregory, the portrayer of Thomas Forrester on The Bold and the Beautiful, appears to help Amber model the first Item up for Bids, a tuxedo and wedding gown, as well as the car in the second showcase.
  • On Monday, every team who wins an Item up for Bids receives a trip to St. Lucia as a bonus; this is described after the first Item up for Bids and is shown via either graphics or Door #4 after the other five.
  • On Monday, to fit the wedding shower theme, Pay the Rent is temporarily and somewhat nonsensically renamed "Pay the Wedding," with an elegantly-scrawled "Wedding" sign hung in front of "Rent" in the game's logo. Additionally, wedding decorations are hung on the house.
  • On Monday, the contestants called down during the body of the show are referred to as "the next couple on The Price Is Right."
  • On Monday, the graphic of the mountain climber seen during the small prize transitions in Cliff Hangers is wearing a tuxedo.
  • Tuesday show, despite technically being the July 5 episode, is themed around Independence Day.
  • On Tuesday, the light border, instead of being surrounded by one solid color, is flanked by a graphic of a waving American flag.
  • On Tuesday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an image of the American flag; this also serves as the background for George's podium, whose dollar sign is tinted blue, as well as for the consolation prize plugs.
  • Tuesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on a special Fourth of July episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Tuesday, the dollar sign in the logo is silver, and the words that are normally white are instead blue; additionally, the logo's border is blue, and its backgrounds are stars on the left and stripes on the right. At the base of the logo, the words "Happy 4th of July" burst into existence amid a shower of fireworks. This logo appears in the opening, on Door #4, in the closed-captioning and consolation prize plugs, and during every commercial transition except for the one during the Showcase.
  • On Tuesday, the light strips around the Big Doors are red on Door #1, white on Door #2, and blue on Door #3.
  • On Tuesday, during the opening and the credits, the squares on the Turntable wall and George's podium flash red, white, and blue.
  • On Tuesday, George's call down window is red, white, and blue, and its dollar sign is blue.
  • Wednesday show is a back-to-school themed episode; everyone in the audience is a college student.
  • On Wednesday, the square pattern on Door #4 is replaced with an orange field with the sunbursts from over the Big Doors cascading across it; this also serves as the background for George's podium.
  • Wednesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on this special back-to-school episode of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Wednesday, the words "Back To School" appear at the base of the logo, scrawled across a chalkboard; this version of the logo appears in the opening, on Door #4, in the closed-captioning and consolation prize plugs, and during every commercial transition.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual move, George is shown calling down the seventh and ninth contestants.
  • On Wednesday, the background for the consolation prize plugs is orange.
  • On Wednesday, during the last commercial, everyone in the audience receives a $25 gift certificate for the salon Fantastic Sam's, which had provided part of a prize package for Cliff Hangers earlier in the episode; this also serves as the day's plug, as Drew instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said gift certificates.