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Season 43 (2014-2015)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 43, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (1,680 – 681xK): September 22-26

  • On this week's shows, "43 Years" is attached to the dollar sign statues in the opening and between the Turntable and Door #1. A similar graphic appears at the base of the logo on Door #4; this version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro.
  • On Monday, Door #4's background is redone to appear more horizontal.
  • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Season 43 of The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday, the original, curved frames (or, more accurately, replicas thereof) return to the Big Doors; the fronts of the frames are now coated in metallic silver, and the colored strips are lights that match the colors of each door's panels (although, in a holdover from the Season 36-42 Big Doors, they still change colors during certain portions of the show). Also at this time, an additional colored strip is added above each door, the square patterns on the doors (including Door #4) are redone to appear more rounded and less metallic, half of the squares on each door have flashing lights installed in them, the dollar signs are removed from between the doors, and Goodson-Todman asterisks are placed at the bottom of the gaps between the doors.
  • On Monday, a striped wall is added between the audience and the Turntable.
  • On Monday, Bargain Game is played for two cars.
  • On Monday, Time Is Money is unretired and its format altered; the game is now a cash game, played for up to $20,000. The following other changes are made, as well:
    • The first turn now lasts for 10 seconds instead of 20.
    • The second turn, instead of providing 20 seconds for a single guess, allows the contestant to make as many guess as they can while the amount of money they can win gradually ticks away; each time the contestant places the products, he must press a button a short distance away to check his guess, a la Bonkers.
    • The game no longer uses "think" music.
    • Items that cost exactly $6 now belong on the third shelf instead of the second shelf.
    • The prices of the items are no longer revealed at any point.
  • On Monday, Time Is Money's second set debuts.
  • On Monday, the spelling of Time Is Money's name is changed to "Time I$ Møney"; the "ø" is used herein as an approximation of a clock face, which is how the "o" in the actual logo is written.
  • On Monday, a new set of graphics is introduced.
  • On Monday, during Cliff Hangers, Drew plugs the show's new Twitter campaign that involves downloading an image of the mountain climber from and taking a selfie with it by taking a selfie of himself, the contestant, and the mountain climber.
  • During Monday's first showcase, a clip of the first showcase from episode #0011D is played -- specifically, a clip of a trip to Acapulco, which was the next prize to be revealed.
  • Monday's second showcase is loosely themed around the return of Time I$ Møney.
  • On Monday and Friday, after the Showcase, Drew plugs the show's upcoming search for a male Barker's Beauty.
  • On Monday, Eric Mills takes over the position of prize producer.
  • Tuesday features the 1,000th playing of Plinko.
  • On Tuesday, Plinko's spotlights become red, blue, and yellow.
  • On Tuesday, Plinko's small prize staging is altered slightly, with the podiums being arranged in a "V" pattern and the backdrop being open in the center.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.
  • Friday marks the debut of the second Clock Game board.
  • In Friday's Clock Game, in an unusual move, the original board is brought around on the Turntable during the prize descriptions; the new board is not revealed until after Drew gives an overview of the game's history.
  • On Friday, the $1,000 bonus for winning Clock Game is done away with.
  • As of Friday, Clock Game's prices are not revealed until the contestant has begun bidding.
  • Despite the new prop, the original Clock Game board remains on the Race Game Curtain.

Week 2 (1,681 – 682xK): September 29-30, October 3, December 26, October 1

  • Originally scheduled for September 29-October 3.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around National Breast Cancer Awareness Month; everyone in the audience either has or had breast cancer or has a personal connection to someone who does or did. The following aspects of the episode are different than usual:
    • The dollar sign statue in the opening has a pink ribbon on it.
    • The background on Door #4 is pink and light blue hypocycloids.
    • The logo on Door #4 has a pink ribbon on it; this logo also appears during every commercial outro.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month on The Price Is Right!"
    • The background from Door #4, with a pink ribbon replacing the logo, also appears on the Contestants' Row displays; when contestants bid, the normal colors wipe onto the displays along with the numbers.
    • The colored strips on the Big Doors and the Turntable, the Turntable stairs, the dollar sign statue, the dollar sign on the Turntable wall, and the pattern on George's plasma screen are pink; the Turntable wall and the colored strips around the audience are also pink for much of the show.
    • Pink ribbons hang between the Big Doors and between the Turntable and the audience.
    • The dollar sign on George's plasma screen is replaced by a pink ribbon.
    • The Clock Game logo is pink.
    • George's calldown window and its dollar sign are pink.
    • The cyclorama is pink during 1/2 Off.
    • The vertical split-screen separator in the Showcase Showdown is pink.
    • The plasmas on the Showcase podiums are pink instead of blue.
  • On Wednesday, the wall beneath Door #4 has been painted blue with light blue Goodson-Todman asterisks on it; as the episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
  • On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a Helen Ficalora necklace, a portion of the third Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said necklaces.
  • On Wednesday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
  • On Friday only, the backs of the Xs in Secret "X" are black.

Week 3 (1,682 – 683xK): October 6-10

  • On Monday, the blue wall beneath Door #4 first seen last Wednesday is present.
  • On Monday, the second showcase is sponsored by Jimmy Dean; the sun from the company's commercials appears to help present the showcase.
  • On Monday, the credits for the executive producer, the co-executive producer, and the director are moved to before the prize providers; as such, they appear on the TV broadcast for the first time since the end of Season 27. In addition to this, the game producer, show producer, and coordinating producer are added to the short credits. As the episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
  • On Wednesday, Hole in One is no longer played earlier than third.
  • On Friday, the wall beneath Door #4 becomes blue permanently.
  • On Friday, Hi Lo is played for a car.
  • On Friday, after the Showcase, Drew plugs next week's "Dream Car Week" theme.

Week 4 (1,683 – 684xK): October 14, 13, 17, 15, 16

  • Originally scheduled for October 13-17.
  • This week of shows is billed as "Dream Car Week;" each day, one pricing game is played for a 3 Strikes- or Golden Road-caliber car, as follows:
    • On Monday, Card Game is played for a Range Rover Sport SE; to accommodate this, the starting bid on this episode is $60,000.
    • On Tuesday, Lucky $even is played for a Porsche Cayenne.
    • On Wednesday, That's Too Much! is played for an Aston Martin.
    • On Thursday, Switcheroo is played for a 6-digit Maserati; to accommodate this, the hundred-thousands digit is half on a blue stripe and half on the game's white border, with the dollar sign to its left (which, as noted below, requires the board itself to be modified).
    • On Friday, One Away is played for a Tesla Model S.
  • On this week's episodes, Door #4 shows the logo with the words "Dream Car Week" at its base in front of a car that has light rays bursting from it. This version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro this week.
  • Each show this week has one or more guest Beauties from CBS's soap operas modeling alongside Rachel:
    • Monday and Tuesday feature Hunter King and Matthew Atkinson, the portrayers of Summer Newman-Travers and Austin Travers on The Young and the Restless; this results in three-Beauty episodes.
    • Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday feature Karla Mosley, the portrayer of Maya Avant on The Bold and the Beautiful.
  • On this week's shows, the credits changes first seen last Monday are present.
  • Wednesday's show features the final playing of Step Up.
  • Drew's sign-off on Wednesday includes an edited-in voiceover recapping Dream Car Week; this reflects the fact that the show was broadcast on a Friday.
  • On Thursday, the white columns on the sides of the Switcheroo board are extended all the way to the top of the board; prior to this, they had stopped below the price of the car.
  • On Thursday, Switcheroo's dollar sign becomes red.
  • Drew's sign-off on Friday includes an edited-in voiceover about Dream Car Week "continuing tomorrow;" this reflects the fact that the show was broadcast on a Thursday.

Week 5 (1,684 – 685xK): October 20-24

  • On Monday, Rick, Liquid Plumr's "hunky plumber," appears as a guest Beauty throughout the show and helps to present the second showcase; Liquid Plumr also provides part of the prize package for Cliff Hangers.
  • On Monday, the credits changes first seen on October 6 are present.
  • On Tuesday, the button in Time I$ Møney is moved from the side of the table to the back of the table.

Week 6 (1,685 – 686xK): October 27-30

  • Only four shows; no Friday episode.
  • This week was originally planned with the standard five episodes, with #6865K serving as a Halloween special; however, in early October, the program was scrapped, presumably as a result of time constraints that arose when two weeks of tapings were cancelled after Drew had neck surgery. Episode #7203K at the end of the season was created to compensate for this.
  • On Monday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
  • Beginning this week, Drew plugs a weekly webisode of the show's male model search after Monday's second Showcase Showdown.

Week 7 (1,686 – 687xK): November 3-4, January 5, November 6-7

  • Originally scheduled for November 3-7.
  • On Thursday, Drew fails to get the Big Wheel all the way around while helping a contestant spin.
  • Beginning on Thursday, the prices of the groceries are revealed at the end of Time I$ Møney.
  • On Friday, after the Showcase, Drew plugs "next week's" Big Money Week; this actually refers to Week 9, which was broadcast out of order.

Week 8 (1,687 – 688x): November 17-21

  • Originally scheduled for November 10-14.
  • On Monday, the changes to the credits first seen on October 6 take effect permanently.
  • On Tuesday, Bullseye is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, George handles the right side of Switch? after Rachel models a dress as an Item up for Bids.

Week 9 (1,688 – 689xK): November 10, 11, 14, 13, 12

  • Originally scheduled for November 17-21.
  • Originally rescheduled for November 10-14.
  • This week of shows serves as "Big Money Week," with one game in each day's first half offering an augmented prize (or, in one case, cash instead of merchandise):
    • On Monday, Rat Race is played for $175,000, awarding $100,000 for first place, $50,000 for second place, and $25,000; this marks the first time a car game has ever been used as a cash game.
    • On Tuesday, It's in the Bag is played for $80,000, with all of the usual cash prizes multiplied by five; in lieu of creating an "$80,000" sign, the game's top prize is displayed on Door #4.
    • On Wednesday, Grand Game is played for $100,000, with all of the usual cash prizes multiplied by 10.
    • On Thursday, Plinko is played for $1,000,000, with the $10,000 slot being replaced by a $200,000 slot.
    • On Friday, Time I$ Møney is played for $200,000; to compensate for the prize being multiplied by 10, the money also counts down approximately 10 times as fast as usual.
  • On this week's shows, Door #4's logo has the text "Big Money Week" at its base, and its background is a blue field with Pricedown dollar signs floating in it; these also supplant the usual graphics on George's plasma screen. This version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro.
  • As a result of shows being aired out of order, Tuesday's show is themed around Veterans' Day, with everyone in the audience having served in the military. The following things about this show differ from the norm, even in the context of Big Money Week:
    • The set is decorated for Veterans' Day.
    • The dollar signs on Door #4 and George's plasma screen are replaced with stars.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Veterans' Day on The Price Is Right!"
    • The background from Door #4 also appears on the Contestants' Row displays; when contestants bid, it wipes away to reveal the normal colors.
    • As Drew enters, he is backed by the American flag prize backdrops instead of the Barker Wall.
  • On Tuesday, everyone in the audience receives one of the watches offered as part of the fourth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said watches.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Range Game is played by Travon, a contestant in a wheelchair; as he cannot reach the button, Drew stops the rangefinder when Travon taps his arm.
  • On Wednesday, after the Showcase, Drew gives a brief recap of Big Money Week; this reflects the fact that the show was broadcast on a Friday.
  • As of Thursday, Plinko's small prizes are staged in a straight line again.
  • On Thursday, Line em Up's three smaller-than-usual prizes are displayed in front of Door #3.
  • On Friday, after the Showcase, Drew reminds viewers that Big Money Week will "continue tomorrow;" this reflects the fact that the show was broadcast on a Wednesday.

Week 10 (1,689 – 690xK): November 24-26, December 1

  • Logically scheduled for November 24-27.
  • Only four shows; no Friday episode.
  • On Tuesday, the first two prizes in 10 Chances are staged between Door #2 and Door #3.
  • Despite this week having a Thursday show, Wednesday's episode is themed around Thanksgiving. The following things about this show are different than usual:
    • Door #4's background is a harvest mural, and the words "Happy Thanksgiving" appear at the base of its logo; this logo and a scaled-down version of the background also supplant the usual patterns on George's plasma screen, and the background appears on the Showcase podiums. Additionally, the logo appears during every commercial outro along with the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Thanksgiving on The Price Is Right!"
    • The set is decorated for Thanksgiving.
    • The colored strips on the Big Doors, the dollar sign statue between the Turntable and Door #1, and the Turntable stairs, are orange; the squares on the Turntable and George's podium are also orange for much of the show.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show an animation of leaves falling; when contestants bid, this pattern wipes away to reveal the normal colors.
  • On Wednesday, Clock Game is played for a car.
  • Wednesday marks the debut of the second format of Clock Game for a car; instead of being the second prize the contestant bids on, the car is now the bonus awarded for winning the game.
  • On Wednesday, chef Susan Feniger appears to help present the second showcase.
  • On Wednesday, before revealing the winner of the Showcase, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a turkey and an electric turkey fryer from Butterball; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win the same prize package.
  • Thursday's show is themed around Cyber Monday, reflecting the day on which it was broadcast. The following things about this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a collection of presents in front of a Christmasy background accompanied by falling snowflakes, and the words "Cyber Monday" appear at the base of the logo; a scaled-down version of this graphic also supplants the usual graphics on George's plasma screen. In addition to the usual spots, this version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro.
    • All or part of every Item up for Bids is available for viewers to win at, as is part of the prize package from Cliff Hangers.
  • Beginning on Thursday, all prize-related graphics are redone with Christmas colors.
  • On Thursday, everyone in the audience receives one of the juice extractors offered as part of the fifth Item up for Bids.
  • As Thursday's show was broadcast on a Monday, it includes the final plug for the male model search after the second Showcase Showdown; unlike the other plugs, this one takes place during the taping itself instead of in a segment recorded separately. Drew's references to the finalists appearing on The Talk "today" and the winner being announced "next Monday" reflect the show's broadcast date of December 1.

Week 11 (1,690 – 691xK): December 8-12

  • Beginning on Monday, the first Item up for Bids each day is designated the "Holiday Gift Idea of the Day."
  • For the duration of the "Holiday Gift Idea of the Day," everyone in the audience receives a portion of the first Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said items.
  • On Monday, at the beginning of Act 3, Drew has George call down James, the winner of the male model search; James also helps Manuela to present the third Item up for Bids.
  • Beginning on Wednesday, all of the lights on the Big Doors turn light blue during the intro of Pay the Rent.
  • On Friday, Side by Side is played at Door #3.
  • On Friday, gray and red borders and arrows are added to Pathfinder's small prize podiums, and shadows are added to their prices and prize labels; as this week's shows were taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
  • On Friday, after the Showcase, Drew plugs next week's appearances by James as his award for winning the male model search.

Week 12 (1,691 – 692xK): December 15-19

  • As his award for winning the male model search, James appears on all of this week's shows as a permanent model; as such, this week's episodes have three models.
  • On Monday, the right-hand dot on Punch a Bunch's price flaps becomes pink.
  • On Monday, James presents the second showcase, which is also themed around him.
  • On Tuesday, before going to commercial during the Showcase, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a gift pack of gourmet stacks from Harry & David; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift packs.
  • On Wednesday, with three Beauties present, George does not take part in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a Dutch oven, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said Dutch ovens.
  • On Wednesday, with Drew unable to do it because of his recent neck surgery, James helps contestant Betty spin the Big Wheel.
  • On Thursday, Drew forgets his glasses; playing off of this, George and Manuela wear glasses at various points during the show.
  • Friday features the last "Holiday Gift Idea of the Day."
  • On Friday, Push Over is played for a car.
  • On Friday night, the January 6 episode, #6952K, is accidentally uploaded to YouTube; it remains there for several hours.

Week 13 (1,692 – 693xK): December 23, 22, 24, October 2

  • Originally rescheduled for December 22-24, October 2.
  • Originally scheduled for December 22-24, 26.
  • Christmas week; only four shows.
  • On Monday through Wednesday, the set is decorated for Christmas. The following permanent set features are different on these episodes:
    • Door #4 has a Christmasy graphic as its background, and the text "Happy Holidays" appears at the base of its logo; similar graphics appear on George's display, and the "Happy Holidays" version of the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The colored strips around the audience chase red and white during certain portions of the show and are lit red and green during the rest; the colored strip on "Door #5," the Turntable stairs, the Turntable walls, and George's podium are also lit red and green.
    • The colored strip around Door #1 is red, as is the interior strip on Door #3; additionally, the interior strip on Door #1 is green. The interior strips' colors are also used for the bars above their respective Big Doors. In an unconventional move, the strips' colors do not change during the Showcase Showdowns.
    • The dollar sign between the Turntable and Door #1 is green.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show snow falling in front of Christmasy colors; when contestants bid, snow blows onto the screens from the left, leaving the normal colors in its wake.
    • The Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row are replaced with poinsettias.
    • George's calldown window uses the same set of graphics as Contestants' Row, and its dollar sign is green.
    • The displays on the Showcase podiums use the same background graphics as Contestants' Row, and the top displays show "Happy Holidays" instead of the logo.
  • On Monday, Drew claims that Golden Road has been won for the first time with him as host; while this is true for the daytime show, the game was won on a $1,000,000 Spectacular in Season 36.
  • On Monday, Bargain Game's set is adorned with snowflakes.
  • On Tuesday, George introduces Drew with, "And now, here's your ho-ho-host: It's Drew Carey!"
  • On Tuesday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a five-pound Hershey bar; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said candy bars.
  • On Friday, the prize-related graphics go back to the usual color scheme.
  • On Friday, three-time Super Bowl winner Willie McGinest appears to help present the second showcase, which is themed around CBS's Thursday Night Football. The showcase mentions "tonight's game," referring to the date of the show's broadcast in October; ironically, by the episode's proper airdate, Thursday Night Football had already ended for the season.

Week 14 (1,693 – 694xK): December 29-31, January 2

  • New Year's week; only four shows.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around New Year's and is billed as a "Best of 2014" episode; as such, the following things about it are different than usual:
    • Door #4's logo has the words "Best of 2014" at its base, with a disco ball representing the zero; the door's background is also a disco-esque pattern. These designs also supplant the usual dollar sign and background on George's display, and the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we ring in 2015 and look back on the best of 2014 on The Price Is Right!"
    • The set is decorated for New Year's.
    • The finalists from the male model search, including James, model the prizes for Clock Game.
    • The prize for Cliff Hangers, a trip to Switzerland, is introduced with viewers' tweeted pictures of the mountain climber.
    • The mountain climber is dressed in a tuxedo.
    • In a callback to the "behind the scenes" episode from Season 42, the TV offered in Double Prices shows a live shot of the control room.
    • The fifth Item up for Bids, the Look of the Week, is presented with a montage of various Looks of the Week from throughout the year.
    • Before Money Game, while discussing the hosting switch from Season 42's April Fool's Day show, a clip is played of Secretariat modeling a truck in More or Less.
    • The first showcase is themed around clips of some of the staff's favorite moments from the past year.
  • Wednesday's lineup likely includes Clock Game, Card Game, and Time I$ Møney because all three games were either redesigned or revived in 2014.
  • For a brief period beginning on Wednesday, On the Franches Mountains starts from the beginning every time it plays during Cliff Hangers.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual move, Drew helps to present the second showcase.

Week 15 (1,694 – 695xK): November 5, January 6-9

  • Originally scheduled for January 5-9.
  • Tuesday's show was accidentally uploaded to YouTube for several hours on December 19 and 20.
  • Monday's second Showcase Showdown ends with Drew urging viewers to visit and vote in their male model search; this reflects the show's out-of-order broadcast in November.
  • On Monday, Catalina, the Chicken of the Sea mermaid, appears to help present the second showcase, which includes a bonus of a year's supply of Chicken of the Sea products; Drew instructs the contestant not to include this while bidding.
  • On Tuesday, Line em Up's smaller-than-usual prizes are displayed in front of Door #3.
  • On Wednesday, Check-Out is played for a car.

Week 16 (1,695 – 696xK): January 12-16

  • On Tuesday, the first two prizes in 10 Chances are staged between Door #2 and Door #3.
  • For reasons unknown, Wednesday's Pocket ¢hange contains at least two shots that were edited in from playings in a previous season.
  • On Thursday, George accidentally falls off of a treadmill that he is modelling in Most Expen$ive while attempting to receive his prize copy from a stagehand; the incident is replayed in slow motion while going to commercial after the game.
  • On Thursday, Rat Race's two smaller-than-usual first two prizes are displayed between Door #2 and Door #3.
  • On Friday, former soap opera actor Russell Todd, who had played various roles on Capitol, Another World, The Young and the Restless, and The Bold and the Beautiful in the 1980s and 1990s, is called as the fourth contestant.

Week 17 (1,696 – 697xK): January 19-21, February 26 and 6

  • Originally scheduled for January 19-23.
  • On Monday, each contestant is called down along with one or more of his or her children. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a roller coaster surrounding the logo with a background of a field and a sky filled with Goodson-Todman asterisks; additionally, text reading "Kids!" appears at the base of the door's logo. This logo also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • Contestants' Row displays a scene similar to Door #4, with the roller coaster running across all four screens; when contestants bid, this scene is wiped away, revealing the normal colors.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first 10 contestants on a very special kids episode of The Price Is Right!"
    • George introduces Drew with, "And now, he's just a big kid at heart...and your host! Drew Carey!"
    • Gwendolyn's son, Malloy, helps her model or models by himself at various points throughout the show.
    • The text "Kids!" and a ferris wheel, along with the same background as Door #4, supplant the usual designs on George's display.
    • The set is decorated with kid-themed paraphernalia.
    • The "Kids!" text appears instead of the logo on the Showcase podiums.
  • On Monday, everyone in the audience receives one of the wrist phones offered as the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said phones.
  • On Monday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive two tickets to Knott's Berry Farm; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a pair of said tickets.
  • On Wednesday, with Drew still recovering from shoulder surgery, George helps contestant Mary spin the Big Wheel.
  • On Thursday, James becomes a permanent Beauty.
  • On Friday, Stack the Deck's side-by-side split-screen graphics are introduced; as the episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
  • Friday's second, Grammy-themed showcase includes a promo for the awards show, which George says will air "this Sunday" on CBS; this reflects the episode's broadcast date of February 6.

Week 18 (1,697 – 698xK): January 26-30

  • On Tuesday, with Drew still recovering from shoulder surgery, George helps contestant Darlene spin the Big Wheel; this leads to George failing to get the Big Wheel all the way around.
  • On Wednesday, the borders, arrows, and shadows on Pathfinder's small prize podiums return permanently.
  • On Thursday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, two of Dice Game's dice are used as props in the Showcase.
  • On Friday, On the Franches Mountains goes back to picking up where it left off during Cliff Hangers.
  • On Friday, before the third Item up for Bids, Puppy Bowl referee Dan Schachner appears for a pet adoption segment featuring a puppy named Drew Carey. Schachner, "Drew Carey," and several other puppies also help present the second showcase, which is themed around the Puppy Bowl.
  • Friday's second showcase includes a VIP experience at the Puppy Bowl; this is regarded as a bonus, and the contestant is instructed not to include it while bidding.

Week 19 (1,698 – 699xK): February 2, 5, 4, 3, January 23

  • Originally scheduled for February 2-6.

Week 20 (1,699 – 700xK): February 9-13

  • On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew plugs next week's "UDecide" episodes.
  • Friday's show is themed around Valentine's Day; as such, the following aspects of the episode are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated for Valentine's Day.
    • The background on Door #4 is a field with hearts and flowers on it, and the text "Valentine's Day" appears at the base of the door's logo. Similar graphics appear on George's display.
    • The contestants engaged couples.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we throw a wedding shower to celebrate Valentine's Day on The Price Is Right!"
    • The background and hearts from Door #4 also appear on the Contestants' Row displays; when the contestants bid, the graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • George introduces Drew with, "And now, here's Cupid: Drew Carey!"
    • A version of the logo with to hearts and the words "Engaged Couples" at its base appears during every commercial outro.
    • In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his graphic are dressed in a tuxedo.
  • Friday's show has three Barker's Beauties.
  • On Friday, Balance Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a set of eight gift boxes from DateLivery; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a set of said gift boxes.

Week 21 (1,700 – 701xK): February 16-20

  • This week's episodes feature a "#UDecide" theme, with the show's Twitter followers voting on various aspects of the show. The decisions are as follows, with the winning outcomes being listed first:
    • On Monday, Rat Race is played for a total of $100,000 cash, with $10,000 serving as the first prize, $15,000 serving as the second prize, and $75,000 serving as the "car" (as opposed to Grand Game being played for $100,000, with each prize multiplied by 10); the TV offered as the fifth Item up for Bids shows the famous clip of George falling off a treadmill during Most Expen$ive (as opposed to former contestant Eliot doing the fish flop); and, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew urges viewers to visit to see a video of a bearded James (as opposed to a clean-shaven James) getting ready for the show.
    • On Tuesday, Drew, for the first time since before Roger was fired, enters through the audience (as opposed to entering from the Turntable); a dance-off between PA Matt Spinelli and George (as opposed to Drew talking to the audience) is shown on after the second Showcase Showdown; and the Showcase winner must be $1,000 or less away from the actual retail price to win both showcases (as opposed to having a dollar on the Big Wheel be worth $10,000 instead of $1,000).
    • On Wednesday, before the third Item up for Bids, Drew sends viewers to to see Rachel give a tour of the pricing game storage area (as opposed to a video about the inner workings of George's podium); Double Prices is played for a yacht trip to the Caribbean (as opposed to a shopping spree in Barcelona); and the mountain climber in Cliff Hangers is dressed as Rachel, complete with Rachel providing the yodeling (as opposed to being dressed as Drew).
    • On Thursday, George serves as a fourth Barker's Beauty from the second Item up for Bids onward (as opposed to having a special guest model); Plinko's $100 slots are changed to $10,000 slots (as opposed to playing the game for $125,000, with a $25,000 slot in the center); and after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew sends viewers to to watch a video of Plinko being set up (as opposed to a video of the Big Wheel being set up).
    • On Friday, Card Game is played for a Porsche (as opposed to a Range Rover), with a starting bid of $60,000; after the first Showcase Showdown, Drew sends viewers to to watch a behind-the-scenes video with Adam (as opposed to a behind-the-scenes video with Stan); and the first showcase is about sandwiches (as opposed to the sky).
  • In addition to the above, the following aspects of this week's shows are different than usual:
    • Door #4 displays the text "#UDecide" in front of a blue version of the Carey logo's background; the door's background is a cyberish pattern with various Price-related hashtags floating across it. A similar logo and background supplant the regular dollar sign and background on George's display.
    • The regular logo with the text "#UDecide" at its base appears during every commercial outro.
  • On this week's shows, the video screens are redone with a silver color scheme; as these episodes were taped out of order, this change does not take effect permanently yet.
  • On Monday, two small prize games are played; however, this is a byproduct of #UDecide, as Rat Race's vote going the other way would have given a normal fee game combo of Grand Game and Pathfinder.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present; as such, George does not model during Most Expen$ive on Wednesday.
  • On Wednesday, the cash register sound effect is removed from the second part of Time I$ Møney.
  • On Thursday, 10 Chances's smaller-than-usual first two prizes are displayed between Door #2 and Door #3.

Week 22 (1,701 – 702xK): February 23-25, January 22, February 27

  • Originally scheduled for February 23-27.
  • On Wednesday, Jeff Probst appears to help present the second showcase, which is themed around Survivor; Survivor's 30th series begins on Wednesday night.
  • On Thursday, Jacob Young and Karla Mosley, the portrayers of Rick Forrester and Maya Avant on The Bold and the Beautiful, appear to help present the second showcase, which is themed around their program's 7,000th episode; Drew and Karla's claims that that show is airing "tomorrow" reflect this episode's broadcast date of January 22.
  • On Friday, while signing off, Drew mentions that "next week" is Fashion Week; this actually refers to Week 28, which was broadcast out of order.

Week 23 (1,702 – 703xK): April 6-10

  • Originally scheduled for March 2-6.
  • On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
  • Beginning Thursday, 1/2 Off is introduced by name by George instead of Drew.

Week 24 (1,703 – 704xK): March 9-13

  • On Monday, the sixth contestant called down, a woman named Anitra, was, in fact, named after Anitra.
  • On Wednesday, George introduces Drew as "My buddy and your host, Drew Carey!"

Week 25 (1,704 – 705xK): March 16

  • Only one show, on Monday.
  • Monday's show is themed around spring break; everyone in the audience is a college student. The following aspects of the episode are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated for spring break.
    • Door #4 has a beach scene as its background and the text "Spring Break" at the base of the logo. Similar graphics are present on George's display, with the "Spring Break" logo supplanting the dollar sign; this version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual places.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on a special spring break episode of The Price Is Right!"
    • Contestants' Row shows a continuous scene of a beach with bouncing beach balls; when bids are made, a beach ball flies across the contestant's display, leaving the normal colors in its wake.
    • A DJ named DJ Brian is present in the back of the audience; his beach party-esque songs, including a remix of the theme, supplant the regular theme throughout the show except during the opening; they also replace Dig We Must after the Showcase Showdowns.
  • As Monday was taped alongside Week 28, two set changes seen in that week are present on this show: The border of Door #4 is silver, and the stage in the back of the audience is replaced by a runway (whose spotlights are red, yellow, and blue in this episode as opposed to being all white).
  • On Monday, the silver video screens first seen in Week 21 are present.
  • On Monday, everyone in the audience receives a mini refrigerator, a portion of the third Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said refrigerators.
  • On Monday, sportscaster Bill Raftery appears to help present the second, March Madness-themed showcase.

Week 26 (1,705 – 706xK): March 23-27

  • All shows this week except for Wednesday have three models.
  • On Tuesday, an editing mistake during Temptation leads to a changed bid being shown immediately before the contestant makes said change.
  • On Thursday, "Make Up Your Own Holiday Day," The Price Is Right celebrates "The Price Is Right Day;" this mostly consists of the cast wearing t-shirts with the TPIR logo on them, with audience members having been encouraged to create celebratory shirts for their own made-up holidays. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated for the "holiday."
    • Door #4 shows a crayon-esque version of the logo which reads "Happy Price Is Right Day" against a blue background with flying balloons and falling confetti; it is this version of the logo that appears on the cast's shirts. This background and logo also supplant the usual designs on George's display.
    • The background from Door #4 is also displayed on Contestants' Row; when bids are made, the pattern wipes away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The crayon logo from Door #4 also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots (although the normal logo is used during the opening).

Week 27 (1,706 – 707xK): March 30-April 3

  • On Wednesday, as a April Fool's gag, instead of Drew making his usual entrance when George introduces him, Bob comes through the Big Doors and hosts the first game. Drew does not appear until after the game is over, when Bob introduces him as "the star of The Price Is Right."
  • On Wednesday, the silver video screens first seen on March 16 are present.
  • On Wednesday, Bob takes part in the second showcase, which consists of a Mini Cooper, the car Drew drives to work, and a Cadillac, the car Bob used to drive to work. Bob also helps Drew sign off after the Showcase.
  • Thursday features the infamous playing of 5 Price Tags where Manuela mistakenly begins revealing the price tags when the contestant still has two choices left, leading to the contestant winning the car.
  • On Friday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
  • Beginning on Friday, Pocket ¢hange's frequency chart is a separate panel attached to the front of the board.

Week 28 (1,707 – 708xK): March 2-6

  • Originally scheduled for April 6-10.
  • This week is billed as "Fashion Week;" each day, the first Item up for Bids is an outfit described in part by Entertainment Tonight's Nancy O'Dell via Door #4, and the prize for the first game is also at least tangentially related to fashion. Various references to the real Fashion Week in Paris reflect the episodes' out-of-order broadcast on CBS. The following aspects of these episodes are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a silver version of the logo on a spotlit runway with "Fashion Week" written on it.
    • The border of Door #4 is silver.
    • The stage in the back of the audience is replaced with a runway.
    • The opening ends a different way each day, as follows:
      • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off our very own Fashion Week on The Price Is Right!"
      • Tuesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Fashion Week on The Price Is Right!"
      • Wednesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we continue with Fashion Week on The Price Is Right!"
      • Thursday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants to strut on down a special Fashion Week episode on The Price Is Right!"
      • Friday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we cap off Fashion Week on The Price Is Right!"
    • As a side effect of the nature of the fashion-related prizes offered each day in the first game, every episode this week opens with a regular small prize or grocery item game.
  • On Monday, the silver plasma screens return permanently.
  • On Tuesday, the "wrong price" in Cover Up is five differently-attired mountain climbers.
  • On Tuesday, Pass the Buck is played perfectly.
  • On Tuesday, for no apparent reason, George models the second prize in Magic #.
  • On Wednesday, Door #4 appears to have been malfunctioning; it displays a static image of its normal pattern in what seems to be the wrong aspect ratio for the entire show, and the first Item up for Bids is presented behind Door #3, with Nancy O'Dell appearing via the large plasma screen.
  • By Thursday, Stack the Deck's side-by-side split-screen has returned permanently.
  • On Friday, George introduces Drew as "Your stylish host, Drew Carey!"

Week 29 (1,708 – 709xK): April 27-May 1

  • Originally scheduled for April 13-17.

Week 30 (1,709 – 710xK): April 20-24

  • On Monday, Robert Patrick, the portrayer of Agent Cabe Gallo on </Scorpion>, appears to help present the second showcase, which is loosely themed around that show.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around Earth Day. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the Barker logo against a globe in the middle of the sky; the words "Earth Day" appear at the logo's base. A similar pattern, minus "Earth Day," appears on George's display.
    • In addition to the usual places, the "Earth Day" version of the logo appears during every commercial outro.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show different scenes, each representing one of the four classic natural elements; when the contestants bid, these scenes wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • Golden Road is temporarily renamed "Green Road," with a slightly different logo and extra green glitter on its set.
    • George's calldown window and its dollar sign are green.

Week 31 (1,710 – 711xK): April 13-17

  • Originally scheduled for April 27-May 1.
  • This week of shows is Couples Week; each episode has pairs of contestants playing together, as follows:
    • Monday is a "blind date" episode, with random audience members being paired as contestants by
    • Tuesday features couples celebrating wedding anniversaries.
    • Wednesday features couples with at least one member serving on active duty in the military.
    • Thursday, billed as a "baby shower," features expecting parents.
    • Friday's show features engaged couples in a mass wedding officiated by Drew at the beginning of the Showcase.
  • On this week's show, Door #4 shows a scene of two birds in a tree with varying text on a banner beneath them, with a gold TPIR logo serving as the sun; similar designs appear on Contestants' Row (whose patterns wipe away to reveal its normal colors as contestants bid) and George's display. The various banners read as follows:
    • Monday's banner says, "First Date."
    • Tuesday's banner says, "Wedding Anniversary."
    • Wednesday's banner says, "Military Couples."
    • Thursday's banner says, "Baby Shower."
    • Friday's banner says, "Mass Wedding."
  • Each episode this week has a different ending to the opening:
    • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants we've matched up for a first date on The Price Is Right!"
    • Tuesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four couples as we celebrate anniversaries as part of Couples Week on The Price Is Right!"
    • Wednesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four military couples on a special, Couples Week episode of The Price Is Right!"
    • Thursday's opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we throw a baby shower on The Price Is Right!"
    • Friday's opening ends with, "I pronounce you the first eight contestants as we throw a wedding on The Price Is Right!"
  • Monday's show opens with Drew backstage, explaining the "blind date" concept of the episode. When he finishes, he throws to George as the normal opening starts.
  • All of this week's shows except for Thursday have three Barker's Beauties.
  • On Monday, Do the Math and That's Too Much! are both played for two cars; That's Too Much! specifically is played for two of the same car.
  • On this week's shows, the TPIR logo, accompanied by that day's banner from Door #4, appears during every commercial outro.
  • As the contestants do not know each other, Monday's trips include four tickets instead of the usual two and are arranged in such a way that the two players can take their vacations separately.
  • On Monday, presumably due to the longer come on downs necessitated by calling two people separately, an edit of the opening version of "Walking" is used that starts 15 seconds in, at the first point that sounds like the beginning of the cue used during the body of the show; oddly, this edit is only used at the beginning of Act 3.
  • On Monday, while signing off, Drew invites viewers to visit to see highlights of a mixer the show threw for the audience after the taping.
  • In an unusual occurrence, Tuesday's show has four contestants named David.
  • On Tuesday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that every couple in the audience will receive a $200 gift card from Fogo de Chão; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
  • On Wednesday, the members of the audience in the military do not wear name tags.
  • On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a two-night stay at the Green Valley Ranch resort, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said vacation.
  • Wednesday's second showcase includes a plug for the ACM Awards, which were aired on April 17; this reflects the show's out-of-order broadcast.
  • On Thursday, the set is decorated for the baby shower theme.
  • On Thursday, everyone in the audience receives a play yard, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said play yards.
  • On Friday, the set is decorated for the mass wedding; this includes a silver border around Door #4 and the center portion of the audience lights.
  • On Friday, George introduces Drew with, "And now, here's your host and officiant: It's Drew Carey!"
  • On Friday, so as not to separate the contestants from everyone else during the wedding ceremony, the Showcase is conducted from the stage in the back of the audience.
  • During Friday's wedding ceremony, a wedding-march-esque remix of the theme plays.

Week 32 (1,711 – 712xK): May 4, August 25, May 5, 7-8

  • Originally scheduled for May 4-8.
  • Originally rescheduled for May 4, August 25, May 6-8.
  • On Tuesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
  • Tuesday's second showcase was originally themed around Cinco de Mayo; however, because of a trip offered elsewhere in the show to Nepal, which was struck by a devastating earthquake in the interval between the episode's tapedate and its intended airdate, the program was shuffled to late August, and as such, the script for the showcase was redone in post to remove any reference to the holiday.
  • On Thursday, Sheryl Underwood appears as a guest third Barker's Beauty; she also helps to present the second showcase, which is loosely themed around The Talk.
  • Thursday's second showcase includes a bonus of two VIP tickets to The Talk.
  • Friday's show is themed around Mother's Day; all of the contestants are mothers who play alongside one of their adult children. The following aspects of this episode are different from usual:
    • Door #4 has a glass-like background, and a heart made of flowers with a banner in front of it that reads, "Happy Mother's Day," takes the place of its logo; this graphic and background also supplant the usual designs on George's display. The graphic also appears during every commercial outro.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we celebrate Mother's Day on The Price Is Right!"
  • On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present; as such, George does not participate in Most Expen$ive.
  • On Friday, Shell Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive an in-home massage from Zeel Massage on Demand; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said massages.

Week 33 (1,712 – 713xK): May 11-15

  • This week of shows is Socially @wesome Week. Each episode is focused on some aspect of social media, as follows:
    • On Monday, an unedited feed of all five cameras with commentary from Mike, Adam, and Evelyn is posted to after the show is broadcast.
    • Tuesday is focused on Facebook. The prize in Check-Out, a trip to Playa Del Carmen, can be won by a home viewer who Likes the post announcing the contest on TPIR's Facebook page; the winner will be selected in a random drawing on Friday. Additionally, for "T-Shirt Tuesday," Drew announces a contest for designing the best TPIR t-shirt; the shirt on the show's Facebook page with the most Likes by Friday wins a Plinko chip signed by the entire cast.
    • On Wednesday, YouTube personality and former contestant iJustine is a guest Barker's Beauty. Drew also tells viewers to visit after the show to see a video about her day on the set. Additionally, the show hosts an Ask Me Anything on Reddit after the episode is broadcast.
    • On Thursday, the cast has a live discussion about the show during the show on; additionally, Phil Keoghan takes over the show's Twitter feed during the broadcast.
    • On Friday, the two finalists in a contest the show had held on Instagram asking people why the loved the show are in the audience, with one of them guaranteed to be called down as the fifth contestant. Additionally, after the show, the cast discusses the program on on a show called The Price Is Right After.
  • The following aspects of this week's shows are different than usual:
    • Door #4's logo has the text "Socially @wesome Week" at its base, and its background's squares have various viewers' faces in them. A similar version of the logo also appears on George's display, whose background is replaced with blue sunburst patterns. The version of the logo from Door #4 also appears during every commercial outro.
    • The frame of Door #4 is silver.
    • Each day, the opening ends differently:
      • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Socially @wesome Week on The Price Is Right!"
      • Tuesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Socially @wesome Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
      • Wednesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on this Socially @wesome episode of The Price Is Right!"
      • Thursday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we keep celebrating Socially @wesome Week on The Price Is Right!"
      • Friday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we wrap up Socially @wesome Week on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays show TPIR's Twitter handle, @priceisright, on a blue background; when the contestants bid, this image wipes away to reveal the normal colors.
    • Viewers' tweets are scrolled across the bottom of the screen during the show; as this occurs more or less live, it is not included in the online broadcast.
  • On Tuesday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, in honor of "T-Shirt Tuesday," the first showcase is modeled by the audience members whom the staff thought had the best t-shirts.
  • On Wednesday, George introduces Drew as "Your @wesome host, Drew Carey!"
  • On Wednesday (thanks to iJustine) and Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
  • On Wednesday, guest Beauty iJustine helps to present the second showcase; clips of her appearance as a contestant on the ceremonial 7,000th show are displayed on one of the prizes, an HDTV.
  • On Thursday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
  • On Thursday, everyone in the audience receives a hashtag cube, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said cubes.

Week 34 (1,713 – 714xK): May 18-19, 6, 21-22.

  • Originally scheduled for May 18-22.
  • Originally rescheduled for May 18-19, 5, 21-22.
  • On Tuesday, Christina Tosi, co-owner of the Momofuku Milk Bar, appears to help present the second, dessert-themed showcase.
  • Tuesday's second showcase includes a cooking lesson from Christina Tosi; this is considered a bonus, and the contestant is instructed not to bid on it.

Week 35 (1,714 – 715xK): May 25-29

  • On Monday, Drew discovers that all three contestants in the second Showcase Showdown have a relative who has won the Showcase.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present; as such, George does not model during Wednesday's Most Expen$ive.
  • On Friday, Balance Game is played for a car.

Week 36 (1,715 – 716xK): June 1-5

  • On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the border of Door #4 and the edges of the center portion of the light strip around the audience are silver.
  • On Monday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
  • Wednesday features a rare appearance of the "Every Room in the House" showcase.
  • On Friday, the party boat at the end of the second showcase is modeled by the other seven contestants.

Week 37 (1,716 – 717xK): June 8-12

  • On Monday, everyone in the audience is a firefighter. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the logo with the word "Firefighters" at its base on the front of a fireman's hat with the doors of a firehouse as the background; a similar image supplants the usual designs on George's display, and a version of this logo minus the hat appears during every commercial outro.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we salute firefighters on The Price Is Right!"
    • Contestants' Row shows various images associated with firefighting; when contestants bid, these scenes wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The set is decorated with various firefighting paraphernalia.
  • On Monday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a two-night trip to Palm Springs; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said trips.
  • On Wednesday, the smaller-than-usual first two prizes in 10 Chances are displayed between Door #2 and Door #3.

Week 38 (1,717 – 718xK): June 15-19

  • On Tuesday and Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.

Week 39 (1,718 – 719xK): June 22, May 20, June 24-26

  • Originally scheduled for June 22-26.
  • On Monday, a silver Pricedown dollar sign is added to the center of the Reveal; as most of this week was taped out of order, this change disappears after Thursday and does not return until next season.
  • Friday's show is a "Sweet 16" episode, with contestants who have just reached the legal age to drive playing alongside one of their parents. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a scene of a birthday party, with a cake reading "Sweet 16" in the shape of the Carey logo; a similar graphic appears on George's display, and the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we throw a sweet 16 party on The Price Is Right!"
    • Every pricing games, including Range Game, Hi Lo, Push Over, and Secret "X", is played for a car; this is one of only four known episodes with a car in each game, the other three being the March 7, 1975, episode, the ceremonial 5,000th episode in Season 26, and the "teen drivers" episode in Season 40.
  • On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.

Week 40 (1,719 – 720xK): July 3, August 10, September 8

  • Logically scheduled for July 6, August 11, September 9.
  • Season finale week; only three shows.
  • This week of episodes has a more complicated history than most. It was originally planned with only two shows, for Monday and Tuesday; the Wednesday show was only added to keep the season at 190 episodes after the planned Halloween episode, #6865K, was cancelled in the wake of Drew having neck surgery. Initially, the Monday and Tuesday shows were simply shifted to Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, with the Monday show being replanned as a regular episode for June 29; however, at some point, it was decided to make all three of the shows summer specials, with Monday effectively regaining its original status as the Independence Day episode.
  • Monday's show is themed around Independence Day. As such, the following aspects of it are different than usual:
    • Everyone in the audience is a member of the military.
    • The Star-Spangled Banner, performed by a Marine Corps band in the back of the audience, is played throughout the opening. The band also plays after every pricing game win, during the credits, and during every commercial outro.
    • The dollar sign statue in the opening has red, white, and blue stars attached to it.
    • The logo on Door #4 is colored like the American flag with the text "4th of July" replacing "The Price Is Right." This version of the logo also appears on George's display as well as during every commercial outro.
    • The set is decorated for Independence Day. This includes the unusual step of temporarily altering a permanent set piece: The center square on the large plasma screen is covered with a starred and striped star.
    • The light border is red and blue.
    • Door #4's background is a blue field with fireworks bursting against it and stars flying out from behind the logo; a similar background appears on George's display.
    • The light strips around the audience chase red, white, and blue throughout the opening and during the credits; during the rest of the show, various segments of them are lit red, white, and blue.
    • No one in the audience has a name tag.
    • Contestants' ranks are announced as they are called on down.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show the same background seen on Door #4 and the insignia of the branch of the military of their current contestant. When contestants bid, the graphics are wiped away, being replaced with the normal colors. Unusually, the displays appear to be shut off when they are briefly visible during the credits.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we salute the military and celebrate our independence on The Price Is Right!"
    • During Drew's entrance, he is backed by a Marine colorguard, a set of American flag backdrops, and the large plasma screen showing the image from Door #4 instead of by the Barker Wall.
    • The light strips around the Big Doors are red (on Door #1), white (on Door #2), and blue (on Door #3).
    • During the opening and the credits, the Turntable wall flashes red, white, and blue; for much of the rest of the show, it shows vertical stripes of those colors, as does George's podium.
    • The Turntable steps are lit, from the top down, in red, white, and blue.
    • The light strip around the Turntable chases red, white, and blue during the opening; it appears to be off for the remainder of the show.
    • In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber is dressed as George Washington, as is his corresponding graphic.
  • Tuesday's show is themed as a summer beach party. As such, the following aspects of it are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated with a beach theme.
    • Door #4 shows a four-colored beach scene, with a silhouette of the logo against the setting sun and the words "Summer Beach Party" beneath it; a similar scene appears on George's display, and the center of the scene appears during every commercial outro in addition to the logo's usual spots.
    • George and many audience members are dressed in beach attire.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show a sandy beach; when a contestant bids, a wave washes over the scene, leaving their bid etched in the sand.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we throw a summer beach party on The Price Is Right!"
    • During Drew's entrance, he is backed by several pink prize backdrops instead of the Barker Wall.
    • Most of the pricing games are temporarily renamed to fit with the beach theme; Flip Flop, It's in the Bag, That's Too Much!, 1 Right Price, and Shell Game are renamed Flip Flops, It's in the Beach Bag, That's Too Much Sun!, 1 Righteous Price, and Sea Shell Game, respectively.
    • An extra square with sandals on top is added to the Flip Flop board to create its temporary name.
    • The grocery bags in It's in the Bag are altered to look like beach totes.
    • A sun is added to the end of the That's Too Much! board.
    • A swimsuit-clad mountain climber is riding a surfboard perched atop the Balance Game scales (although, in the tradition of Cliff Hangers, he falls off partway through the game).
    • "Righteous" is written in a different font than the rest of the "1 Right Price" logo, and triangles are added behind it; additionally, the entire color scheme of the graphical logo is changed.
    • To fit its temporary name, Shell Game's shells are covered with seashells, the shells around its logo are turned into seashells, and the usual ball is replaced with a solid white one to represent a pearl.
  • On Tuesday, Shell Game is played for a car.
  • In Tuesday's second showcase, the second prize, a party boat, is modeled by the other four onstage contestants.
  • Wednesday's show is themed as a "back to school" episode; as such, the following aspects of it are different than usual:
    • Everyone in the audience is a teacher.
    • Door #4 shows a chalkboard with "Back to School" written on the background of the Carey logo as various other school-related drawings scroll by, with various school paraphernalia to the sides; a similar pattern, minus the chalkboard itself, appears on George's display, and the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four teachers in attendance on a special back-to-school episode of The Price Is Right!"
    • The set is decorated with various school paraphernalia.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show the chalkboard pattern from Door #4; when the contestants bid, the patterns wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • Everyone who gets onstage receives a $500 gift card for school supplies from Geddes; George plugs this before the first game. Additionally, George announces before the sixth game that everyone else will receive a $100 Geddes gift card; this also serves as a plug, as he urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
  • On Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
  • Wednesday's first showcase includes, as a bonus, an interactive touch-panel computer system for the winner's school; the contestants are instructed not to include it when they bid.