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Season 44 (2015-2016)[]
Pricing game calendar for Season 44, hosted by Scorpz.
Week 1 (1,720 – 721xK): September 21-25
- This week of shows is themed as "Decades Week," with each episode focused on one of the five decades during which The Price Is Right has been on the air.
- On Monday, several set modifications are introduced:
- Door #4 is given a silver border, making it more closely resemble a modern television set.
- The Contestants' Row seat covers now show a Pricedown dollar sign in the color of that spot's display.
- The audience signs are modified to more closely resemble the silver-rimmed logo from Door #4.
- The Turntable walls are majorly revamped:
- The main wall is turned into a video screen with silver, non-regular hexagons on it.
- The turning panel and the "Door #5" structure are redone to more closely resemble the new Barker-era Big Doors introduced in Season 43, with much silver added to both.
- The ring of squares on the front of the turning panel is replaced with a light strip.
- The blue backing on the front of the turning panel is illuminated, a move which, somewhat counter-intuitively, darkens the blue.
- The back of the turning panel becomes a blue field of Goodson-Todman asterisks surrounded by a silver-bordered light strip.
- George's podium is redone with squares that more closely resemble those on the current Big Doors and a monitor in the shape of the hexagons on the Turntable wall.
- All of this week's shows have three Barker's Beauties.
- Beginning on Monday, 1s on the Any Number board are centered instead of right-justified.
- On Monday, the logo on the Giant Price Tag is changed to the silver-rimmed version from Door #4.
- Monday features the 1,000th playing of Grocery Game.
- On Monday, Squeeze Play's original, blue color scheme returns.
- On Monday, the new Reveal first seen in the second-last week of Season 43 returns permanently.
- On Monday, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
- On Monday, in an unusual move, two small prize games and a grocery item game are played.
- On Tuesday, Now....or Then is played under its original name, "Now....and Then."
- On Friday, the Double Cross board's animations become noticeably smoother.
- As of Friday, Rat Race's results screen is no longer tinted blue.
- Friday show features the debut of Vend-O-Price.
Week 2 (1,721 – 722xK): September 30, 29, 28, October 1-2
- Originally scheduled for September 28-October 2.
- On Monday, Door #4's background becomes a rotating square pattern with spinning squares.
- On Monday and Tuesday, the Big Wheel has noticeably more glitter on it than usual.
- On Monday, the background of the Check Game sign is changed to a solid blue, reflecting the removal of the square pattern from the Turntable walls.
- Beginning on Monday, the numbers on Check Game's displays are tinted green or red, depending on the color of the rest of the monitor.
- On Monday and Tuesday, the "placards" in the Showcase podiums move between the displays noticeably more quickly than usual.
- Thursday's show is themed around Breast Cancer Awareness Month, everyone in the audience is or is related to or a friend of a breast cancer survivor, with all the contestants coming from the former group. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows a pink ribbon made of Goodson-Todman asterisks against additional pink ribbons on a pink field; this background also appears on George's display (along with a pink-tinted TPIR logo), and the ribbons also replace the Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row.
- The background from Door #4 also plays across Contestants' Row; when the contestants bid, this pattern wipes away to reveal a plain, pink background with the bid in the 5-digit font, with a G-T asterisk ribbon appearing where the ten-thousands digit would normally be.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month on The Price Is Right!"
- The light strips on the Big Doors and the Turntable, the Turntable walls and stairs, the lighted dollar sign statue, and George's podium are pink throughout the show, the light strips around the audience are also pink for the entire show outside of the opening.
- The vertical base of the trip screens is pink and has a Pricedown dollar sign on it.
- The middle "1 Right Price" logo is tinted pink.
- The TPIR logo, with a G-T asterisk ribbon to its left, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The Big Wheel's vertical split-screen separator is pink.
- The dollar sign on the Reveal is pink.
- George's calldown window and its dollar sign are pink.
- The displays on the Showcase podiums are pink, as are their asterisks, the TPIR logos on the displays are also tinted pink.
- On Thursday, the seat covers in Contestants' Row are in the wrong order, from left to right, they are yellow, green, red, and blue.
- On Thursday, the Goodson-Todman asterisks on the game side of the Turntable wall are orange, green, and purple; as this episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
- On Thursday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
- On Thursday, everyone in the audience receives a pair of earrings, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a pair of said earrings.
- On Thursday, Pay The Rent is played sixth for only the second time.
Week 3 (1,722 – 723xK): October 5-9
- On Wednesday, Drew does not do an inspiration putt in Hole in One; it appears to have been edited out of the show.
- On Thursday, Michael Irvin appears to help present the second showcase, which is themed around Thursday Night Football.
Week 4 (1,723 – 724xK): October 15, 16, 12, 14, 13
- Originally scheduled for October 12-16.
- Originally rescheduled for October 13, 14, 12, 16, 15.
- This week is Big Money Week, each episode has a cash game with an increased cash prize or a non-cash game played for cash, as follows:
- On Monday, Plinko is played for $1,000,000, with the center slot's value increased to $200,000.
- On Tuesday, Let 'em Roll is played for $100,000, with the other money amounts increased to $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000, the cars on the cubes are replaced with Pricedown dollar signs. Additionally, Safe Crackers is played for $10,000 (with the total value of the prize package obviously not being announced).
- On Wednesday, Shell Game is played for $50,000, the prize is announced as $100,000, but that amount includes the cash equivalent bonus for playing the game perfectly.
- On Thursday, Grand Game is played for $100,000, with the lower dollar values increased accordingly.
- On Friday, Punch a Bunch is played for $250,000, with a significantly altered slip distribution: Five $500, 10 $1,000, 10 $2,500, 15 $5,000, nine $10,000, and one $250,000.
- The following aspects of Big Money Week are different than usual:
- Each episode starts with a montage of the week's prizes, ending with a green Pricedown dollar sign flying in to transition to the opening.
- Door #4 shows a "Big Money Week" logo and several dollar bills with Drew's face against a green background filled with Pricedown dollar signs.
- The opening ends with, "It's Big Money Week, and you are the first four contestants on The Price Is Right!"
- Wednesday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Big Money Week on The Price Is Right!" Presumably, this would have been heard on Monday had the episodes been aired in order, as would Drew's subsequent reference to "the first day of Big Money Week."
- The Contestants' Row displays show a Punch a Bunch $4,000,000 bill, representing the amount of money Drew says can be won during the week; when the contestants bid, Drew's face and most of the text wipe away and are replaced with the bid.
- Green dollar sign statues sit between the Big Doors.
- The dollar sign statue between the Turntable and Door #1 is green.
- Most of the light strips, the Turntable stairs, and the hexagons on the Turntable wall are green throughout the show; the hexagons also have many more dollar signs than usual, and the wall segments between them are gold. Oddly, the lights around only Door #3 turn their usual red during the Showcase Showdowns on Monday.
- The Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row are replaced with a green Pricedown dollar sign.
- George's podium is green, its display has a background similar to Door #4's, and its upper rim has a Big Money Week logo on it.
- Each contestant who wins their pricing game receives a $5,000 bonus, in Plinko, "winning" is defined for the purposes of this bonus as hitting the center slot at least once.
- The TPIR logo and a Big Money Week logo appear during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- George's calldown window and its dollar sign are green.
- Hitting a dollar on the Big Wheel in a bonus spin is worth $50,000.
- The vertical base of the trip screens is green and has a Pricedown dollar sign on it.
- The Showcase podiums read "$HOWCASE.”
- Every showcase has cash as one of the prizes.
- The Reveal's dollar sign is covered with green glitter.
- All of this week's shows have three Barker's Beauties; despite this, James still models alongside them during Thursday's Swap Meet.
- On Monday, Plinko's prize is revealed on Door #4, and the game's intro is changed to, "Mary, you've got a chance to win up to $1,000,000 playing Plinko!"
- On Tuesday, two games are played for cast; oddly, neither of them is actually a cash game.
- On Tuesday, Big Money Week graphics supplant the usual cube wipes in Let 'em Roll.
- On Tuesday, Drew says after the Showcase that it was "a good way to end the week;" this reflects CBS's broadcast of the episode on a Friday. Similarly, his mention of "more Big Money Week tomorrow" on Friday reflects that episode's broadcast on a Tuesday.
- On Wednesday, James Corden appears as a guest Barker's Beauty; he also helps to present the second showcase.
- On Wednesday, Vend-O-Price is played for a car.
- Wednesday's Shell Game is introduced with Time I$ Møney's intro cue.
- During Wednesday's Shell Game, "$100,000" is displayed in the hexagons on the Turntable wall.
- In Wednesday and Thursday's Showcase Showdowns and Friday's second Showcase Showdown, the dollar sign statue between the Turntable and Door #1 is not present.
- On Thursday, all of the seat covers in the audience have blue dollar signs like the one found on Contestants' Row's second chair; the covers spend the next several weeks alternating thanks to out-of-order tapings before becoming blue permanently later in the season.
- On Friday, George introduces Drew with, "And now, here's your big host: It's Drew Carey!"
- On Friday, Punch a Bunch is revealed with Time I$ Møney's intro cue instead of the harps.
- Friday's Punch a Bunch is staged with a $250,000 bill.
Week 5 (1,724 – 725xK): October 19-23
- On Friday, Amber trips and breaks several light bulbs on Door #2 during Double Prices.
Week 6 (1,725 – 726xK): October 26-30
- On Monday, Drew does not do an inspiration putt during Hole in One.
- Friday's show is a Halloween episode. As such, the following aspects of it are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows a pumpkin with the Barker logo carved into it and the words "Happy Halloween" at its base, all against a background of candy corn.
- The set is decorated for Halloween.
- The light strips around the audience are covered in Drew Carey glasses.
- Everyone in the audience is dressed as and referred to as Drew Carey, this also holds true for George, Rachel, and Amber. In keeping with this, all trips offered on the show are for "Drew and a guest" instead of "you and a guest."
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on The Price Is Right's Halloween spectacular!"
- George introduces Drew with, "And now, here's the one, the only, Drew Carey!"
- Most of the light strips, the dollar sign statue, the Turntable stairs, and George's podium are orange for most of the show.
- The Turntable walls and George's display show a pumpkin wearing Drew Carey glasses against the candy corn background from Door #4. This version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The Contestants' Row displays wear Drew Carey glasses; these wipe away when the contestants bid.
- Several of the day's prizes are somehow related to Drew; additionally, the "Then" date in Now....or Then is October 2007, the month Season 36 started.
- The vertical base of the trip screens is filled with candy corn.
- The dollar sign on the Reveal is replaced with a ghost.
- The rats in Rat Race are wearing Drew Carey glasses.
- Everyone in the credits except Bob has his or her first name replaced with "Drew."
- George signs off as Drew Carey.
- As Friday's show was taped out of order, the blue dollar sign seat covers, the orange audience sign backdrops, and the multicolored Turntable asterisks are present.
- In Friday's Rat Race, the first two prize are display outside of Door #3.
- On Friday, after the last commercial, George announces that everyone in the audience will receive two ticket's to Knott's Scary Farm, the Halloween attraction at Knott's Berry Farm, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a set of said tickets.
Week 7 (1,726 – 727xK): November 2-6
- On Monday, Bonkers's carpeting is replaced with a metallic surface.
- On Wednesday, the white borders are removed from the backs of Magic #'s price tags.
- On Thursday, the orange audience sign backdrops return permanently.
- On Thursday's show, which was taped out of order, the blue dollar sign seat covers and the multicolored Turntable asterisks are present.
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
Week 8 (1,727 – 728xK): November 9-13
- On every show this week besides Wednesday, the red and blue seat covers in Contestants' Row are on the wrong chairs.
- On Monday, two of every three rows of Goodson-Todman asterisks on the Turntable wall are changed from blue to orange.
- Wednesday's show is themed around Veterans' Day. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Everyone in the audience is a veteran.
- Door #4 shows the Barker logo on a shield against a background of stars and stripes. Beneath the logo is the word "Veterans." A smaller version of this graphic appears on George's display.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four veterans as we celebrate Veterans' Day on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show a white star spinning against a blue background; when the contestants bid, the pattern wipes away to reveal the normal colors.
- The set is decorated for the holiday.
- The Turntable wall displays the American flag; most of the other lights, including George's podium, the Turntable stairs, and the strips around the Big Doors, are red, white, and blue throughout the show.
- The logo, with the word "Veterans" from Door #4 beneath it, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- On Wednesday, which was taped out of order, the orange, purple, and green Goodson-Todman asterisks are present on the Turntable wall.
- On Wednesday, Balance Game is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a $100 gift card from Outback Steakhouse, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
- On Thursday, Drew incorrectly states that Cover Up's "wrong price" is "Price" written in Braille, the Braille text is actually "ABCDE."
- On Friday, Check-Out is played for a car.
Week 9 (1,728 – 729xK): November 16-20
- On Monday and Tuesday, the red and blue seat covers in Contestants' Row are on the wrong chairs.
- On Monday, a tone plays in Gas Money once for every $1,000 that is added to the cash meter.
- Beginning on Wednesday, the seat covers in Contestants' Row are in a different wrong order, from left to right, they are yellow, green, red, and blue.
- On Wednesday, the orange, purple, and green Goodson-Todman asterisks return to the Turntable wall permanently.
- In Friday's Cliff Hangers, "On the Franches Mountains" resets to the beginning on every prize.
Week 10 (1,729 – 730xK): November 23-25, 30
- Logically scheduled for November 23-26.
- Thanksgiving week; no Friday show.
- Wednesday's show is themed around Thanksgiving. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the mountain climber dressed as a pilgrim in an autumn scene holding a flag with the words "Happy Thanksgiving!" and the red Barker logo. This image is also shown on the Reveal, whose dollar sign is absent, and the mountain climber and his flag appear during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Thanksgiving on The Price Is Right!"
- The set is decorated for the holiday.
- Most of the lights, including George's podium, the Turntable wall and stairs, the light strips on the Big Doors, and the dollar sign statue, display autumn colors throughout the show.
- The Contestants' Row displays show a turkey in an autumn scene; when bids are made, the graphic wipes away to reveal the normal colors. The turkey image is also shown on George's display.
- George's calldown window uses autumn colors, and its dollar sign is gold.
- The vertical base of the trip screens is filled with colorful leaves.
- The asterisks on the Showcase podiums are orange.
- On Wednesday, the Contestants' Row seat covers go back to normal.
- For several episodes beginning on Wednesday, the blue dollar sign seat covers are present.
- On Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Wednesday, Bullseye is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive two gift boxes from Hickory Farms; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift boxes.
- Thursday's show, while technically the Thanksgiving Day episode, is themed around Cyber Monday. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 and George's display show the text "Cyber Monday" in front of a price tag with a background of raining gift boxes. The gift boxes are also present on the Turntable wall, and the "Cyber Monday" graphic appears during every commercial outro in addition to the logo's usual spots.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the text "Cyber Monday" on a computer keyboard; when the contestants bid, the numbers wipe in over a darker, textless version of this graphic.
- Every contestant who gets onstage wins a bonus of a $1,000 gift card from Zappos.com, the sponsor of the first Item up for Bids, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as Drew urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards. Numerous other giveaways occur during the show involving the other five Items up for Bids.
- Everyone in the audience receives a Fitbit fitness tracker, a portion of the third Item up for Bids.
- Thursday's PriceIsRight.com graphics are Christmas-themed.
- On Thursday, the Penny Ante sound effect is removed from Vend-O-Price.
Week 11 (1,730 – 731xK): December 7-11
- This week of shows is Pet Adoption Week. Each day, a pet adoption segment occurs at the beginning of Act 3; these are accompanied by a set of Christmasy graphics on the Turntable.
- This week's shows have three Barker's Beauties, as such, George does not model in Most Expen$ive on Tuesday.
- During Monday's credits, at the point where the television broadcast ends, the screen briefly goes black and silent and displays a tribute to Marc Breslow, who had passed away on December 1.
- On Wednesday, Renée Felice Smith of NCIS: Los Angeles appears to help present the pet adoption segment.
- On Thursday, after the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a box of pet supplies from BarkBox and a three-month subscription to their service, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said supplies and subscription.
- On Friday, Brandon McMillan, the host of CBS's Lucky Dog, appears to help present the pet adoption segment, he is call on down by George, complete with "Walking" playing, as the person who's "got the next cute pet up for adoption on The Price Is Right."
Week 12 (1,731 – 732xK): December 14-18
- On Monday and Tuesday, the Contestants' Row seat covers are in the wrong order, from left to right, they are yellow, green, red, and blue.
- The hexagon seat covers a present this week.
- On Wednesday and Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Wednesday, Shell Game is played for a car.
- On Friday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
Week 13 (1,732 – 733xK): December 21-24
- Christmas week, only four shows.
- All of this week's shows are themed around Christmas. The following aspects of these episodes are different than usual:
- The set is decorated for Christmas, including a giant gingerbread house being placed on the stage in the back of the audience.
- Door #4 shows a Christmasy scene with the words "Happy Holidays" at the top. A similar scene appears on the Contestants' Row displays, wiping away to display the normal colors when the contestants bid.
- The light strips around the audience are red and white for most of the show; most of the other lights are blue.
- Everyone in the audience is dressed in Christmas attire.
- The opening, except on Thursday, ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the holidays on The Price Is Right!"
- The Turntable walls display a snowy forest.
- "Icicles" hang from the spinning Turntable wall.
- A giant snowflake replaces the Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row.
- George's display shows a fireplace and has stockings hung around it.
- The colored base on the trip screens has a candy-cane-colored Pricedown dollar sign against a wintry backdrop.
- The logo, with the text from Door #4 at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- Most of the PriceIsRight.com graphics are Christmas-themed.
- Snow falls from the ceiling during the credits.
- The blue dollar sign seat covers are present this week.
- On Monday, everyone in the audience receives a coffee brewer, a portion of the third Item up for Bids, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said brewers.
- On Tuesday, George introduces Drew as "Your ho-ho-host."
- On Tuesday, everyone in the audience receives a watch, a portion of the second Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said watches.
- On Tuesday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a set of headphones, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said headphone sets.
- On Thursday, a parent and one or more of their children cooperate as contestants.
- Thursday's opening ends with, "You are the first 10 contestants as we celebrate the ho-ho-holidays on a special kids' episode of The Price Is Right!"
- On Thursday, Gwendolyn's son, Malloy, and Rachel's daughter, Ruby Rae, help them model various prizes throughout the show.
- One of every Item up for Bids on Thursday's show was donated to Toys for Tots, members of the show's staff and many members of the audience also donated toys to the charity.
- On Thursday, everyone in the audience receives a toy robot, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids, and a $100 gift card for Graeter's Ice Cream, a portion of the prize package in Pick-a-Pair; these also serve as PriceIsRight.com plugs, as George urges viewers to visit the website for chances to win one of said robots and one of said gift cards.
Week 14 (1,733 – 734xK): December 28-31
- New Year's week, only four shows.
- The hexagon seat covers are present for most of this week, Thursday's show, which was taped out of order, uses the blue dollar sign seat covers.
- On Wednesday, Now....or Then is played under its original name, "Now....and Then;" this was presumably an oversight after the taping of Decades Week, as Drew referred to the game as "Now....or Then" and the previous playing, which was taped later, used the current name.
- Thursday's show features the "Best of 2015," with a look back at some of Price's best moments of the past year and some of the staff's favorite prizes from the same period (with the two frequently going hand-in-hand). The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the text "Be$t of 2015" (with the dollar sign in Pricedown) beneath a disco ball and against a red background with cascading Pricedown dollar signs. Similar designs also appear on the Turntable wall (with the text in the center column only, except during the Showcase, and with no disco balls) and George's display (with the disco ball replacing the text), surrounded by orange.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we look back on the best of 2015 on The Price Is Right!"
- The set is decorated for the celebration.
- The Contestants' Row displays show cascading Pricedown dollar signs in their usual colors, with a silver dollar sign in the middle, the extra graphics wipe away as the contestants' bids are lit up.
- The vertical base of the trip screens is gold.
- George's calldown window and its dollar sign are pink and a reddish gold.
- The "Best of 2015" logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- On Thursday, Grand Game is played for $100,000, with the lower prizes increased accordingly.
- On Thursday, 1 Right Price is played for a treadmill (modeled by a helmet-wearing George) and a TV (which repeatedly plays the clip of George falling off the treadmill in Most Expen$ive).
- On Thursday, That's Too Much! is played for two cars.
- On Thursday, in a throwback to Decades Week, Squeeze Play is played in front of Contestants' Row with Door #4 showing the season premiere's graphic of the original Door #2 with the "The New Price Is Right" logo; Drew also hosts the game with Bob's original corded microphone.
- On Thursday, Drew inaccurately states that Squeeze Play looks "exactly how [it] looked back when it premiered back in the '70s," while this is true of the game's color scheme, which was reverted during Decades Week, the game's second logo remains, as do the covering on the hole beneath the price reveal and the extra side walls that were added when the game was moved to the Turntable.
- On Thursday, in an unusual move, two grocery item games and a small prize game are played.
Week 15 (1,734 – 735xK): January 4-8
- On Monday, the hexagon seat covers return for six more episodes.
- On Wednesday, in an unusual coincidence, six of the nine contestants have the same names as permanent or part-time members of the cast: John, Chantel, Kathleen, Nicole, Daniel Goddard, and Diana, additionally, Kathleen's son is named Bradley, and Chantel and Diana are both engaged or married to men named Richard.
- On Wednesday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
Week 16 (1,735 – 736xK): January 11-15
- On Tuesday, the blue dollar sign seat covers return permanently.
- On Tuesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
Week 17 (1,736 – 737xK): January 25-29
- Originally scheduled for January 18-22.
- This week is Socially @wesome Week, each day, some aspect of the show is a "#UDecide" moment determined via a poll on Twitter, as follows:
- On Monday, voters were asked whether Lucky $even should be played for an SUV or a convertible (the winner).
- On Tuesday, voters were asked whether Triple Play or 3 Strikes (the winner) should be played.
- On Wednesday, voters were asked whether the show should have on one of its regular guest Beauties from The Young and the Restless (the winner, with the model in question being Melissa Ordway) or The Bold and the Beautiful.
- On Thursday, voters were asked whether the second game should offer a bicycle adventure in Amsterdam (the winner) or a vineyard excursion to Argentina.
- On Friday, voters were asked whether CBS.com should upload a tour of George's podium (the winner) or a tour of George's vintage car; the result of this poll was never revealed on the show itself.
- The following aspects of the show are different than usual this week:
- Door #4 shows an iPad being used to look up various things about The Price Is Right on social media; the door's usual background is visible behind the iPad.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Socially @wesome Week on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show TPIR's Twitter handle, @PriceIsRight, and hashtag, #PriceIsRight, until they wipe away when the contestants bid; the former appears on the red and yellow displays and the latter on the blue and green displays.
- George's display shows a text message saying "Socially @wesome Week" against Door #4's background.
- The show is live-tweeted, with various comments from viewers being scrolled on-screen during the TV broadcasts.
- The logo, sending the text message, "It's Socially @wesome Week!" appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- Every day, the show posts a picture from that day's episode to its Facebook page and asks their followers to caption it; the winning caption each day receives a prize and is shown on-air after the next day's second Showcase Showdown.
- During Monday's opening, the theme does not start playing until Drew has already come through Door #2.
- On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Monday, the plastic food being used to show off a barbecue catches on fire during Double Prices, fortunately, nothing besides the plastic food is damaged.
- On Monday, before It's in the Bag, Drew misreads the hashtag "#TimeToWin" on contestant Lita's shirt as "#TimeTown" for the remainder of the show, "#TimeTown" is shown on George's display.
- Drew takes over the show's Instagram account for the week, beginning with a selfie he takes with the winner of Monday's first Showcase Showdown.
- On Monday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew urges viewers to watch the show again on CBS.com, where an extra video of the show filled with "fun facts" is uploaded.
- On Tuesday, the Barker's Beauties use robotic action cameras to shoot video throughout the show, Drew urges viewers to visit CBS.com to watch this footage at the end of the first Showcase Showdown. Portions of the first Item up for Bids are also shot through a fourth one of these cameras, which, not coincidentally, is the first Item up for Bids.
- On Tuesday, the red backing is restored to the "Master Key" sign, albeit without the cityscape.
- On Wednesday, after the first Showcase Showdown, Drew points out a camera mounted on Door #4 and urges viewers to visit CBS.com to watch a timelapse video of everything that's gone on in Studio 33 during the tapings of Tuesday and Wednesday's episodes.
- On Thursday, Mike Johnson, the winner of a contest on Twitter (and, coincidentally, a former contestant) serves as guest announcer during Act 5.
- On Friday, Drew urges viewers to visit the show's Facebook page to enter a contest to win the prize package from Cliff Hangers.
Week 18 (1,737 – 738xK): January 22, 19, February 3, January 20-21
- Originally scheduled for January 25-29.
- On Wednesday, during the sixth Item up for Bids, Drew announces that Manuela will not be on for the rest of the show after having hurt her ankle modeling a trampoline, the fourth Item up for Bids, he also asks any viewers who are on Twitter to send her a "get well" message.
- On Friday, the pontoon boat in the second showcase is modeled by the other seven contestants.
Week 19 (1,738 – 739xK): February 1-2, January 18, February 4-5
- Originally scheduled for February 1-5.
- On Monday, Range Game is played for a car.
- On Tuesday, the two Groundhog Day-themed showcases, outside of offering different prizes of the same types, have exactly the same scripts; Drew and George also refer to both showcases as "the first showcase."
- On Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Friday's show is themed around Super Bowl 50, which airs on CBS this Sunday night. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The show begins with a brief montage of Super Bowl footage from throughout the years with the NFL on CBS theme playing, at the end of the montage, a dollar sign wipes to the regular opening.
- The NFL on CBS theme plays throughout the opening and supplants the TPIR theme throughout the show, along with "Dig We Must" at the ends of the Showcase Showdowns.
- The right-hand audience sign is replaced by a "Super Bowl 50" logo.
- Door #4 shows the "Super Bowl 50" logo against a football field.
- The stage in the back of the audience is decorated like a football field, with a Denver Broncos logo on one side and a Carolina Panthers logo on the other.
- During the opening spiel, George refers to "the Bob Barker Stadium" instead of "the Bob Barker Studio."
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we throw a Super Bowl party on The Price Is Right!"
- Door #2 is flanked by fireworks generators during Drew's entrance.
- Four Barker's Beauties are present; Manuela and Rachel are dressed as Panthers cheerleaders, and Gwendolyn and Melissa Ordway from The Young and the Restless are dressed as Broncos cheerleaders.
- As all of the Beauties flank Door #2 during the opening, Drew enters with his microphone already in-hand.
- The Turntable walls show a football field, along with the "Super Bowl 50" logo in the center column only, the graphic from the center column also appears on George's display.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the "Super Bowl 50" logo against a football field, when the contestants bid, a football flies across their displays, revealing the normal colors.
- NFL Now analysts Maurice Jones-Drew and Ike Taylor appear as extra models throughout the show, they also help to present the second showcase.
- The vertical base of the trip screens shows grass with a football on it.
- The TPIR logo, along with the "Super Bowl 50" logo, appear during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- While going to commercial after the second game, a montage of scenes from the first two acts is shown against the background from Door #4, similar replays are also shown after the fourth game, the second Showcase Showdown, and the first part of the Showcase.
- George's calldown window is red, and its dollar sign is yellow.
- The background on the Showcase podiums is replaced by turf, and their TPIR logos are replaced by the "Super Bowl 50" logo.
Week 20 (1,739 – 740xK): February 8-12
- On Tuesday, Hi Lo is played for a car.
- Friday's show is themed around Valentine's Day, with newly married couples acting as contestants. The following aspects of this show are different than usual:
- The dollar sign statue in the opening is red.
- Door #4 shows the text, "Happy Valentine's Day!" over a car with a "Just Married" sign on its back, with hearts radiating up the screen around the car, the car and hearts also appear on George's display.
- To accommodate the extra contestants, an extra blue dollar sign seat cover is placed at each end of Contestants' Row.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four newlywed couples as we celebrate Valentine's Day on The Price Is Right!"
- White hearts radiate up the Contestants' Row displays, the hearts wipe away when the contestants' bids are lit up.
- Hearts radiate up the Turntable walls against a blue and purple background, and the area between the screens is pink.
- The top of George's podium is adorned with red glitter, and its squares are pink.
- The logo, with the "Happy Valentine's Day!" text at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The dollar sign on George's calldown window is pink, the window itself is also more pink and less blue than usual.
- The Big Wheel's vertical split-screen separator is pink.
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Beginning on Friday, Side by Side is occasionally played in front of the Turntable when it offers a trip, with the prize being displayed on the Turntable walls.
Week 21 (1,740 – 741xK): February 15, 19, 17-18, 16
- Originally scheduled for February 15-19.
- This week of shows is Dream Car Week, every day, one pricing game is played for a car that would normally only appear in Golden Road, as follows:
- On Monday, Spelling Bee is played for a $120,000 Aston Martin; additionally, on this playing, each card is worth $5,000.
- On Tuesday, Golden Road itself is played for a $139,000 Mercedes.
- On Wednesday, Cover Up is played for a Porsche.
- On Thursday, Lucky $even is played for a Tesla.
- On Friday, More or Less is played for a Maserati.
- The following aspects of this week are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows a driver's-eye view of a car driving into a city, periodically passing signs showing "Dream Car Week" and the TPIR logo.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the steering wheel from Door #4 with highlights in that position's standard color, when bids are made, these graphics wipe away to reveal the display's usual appearance.
- George's display shows the "Dream Car Week" sign from Door #4.
- The logo, with the "Dream Car Week" text at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The backdrop for the car in each "dream car" game is a set of video monitors displaying the "Dream Car Week" logo.
- The prize for getting a dollar in a bonus spin is changed to a $35,000 BMW 320i sedan, the car sits onstage next to the Big Wheel during the Showcase Showdowns.
- On Friday, More or Less' G-T asterisk backdrops are supplanted by the video screen "Dream Car Week" backdrops.
- Monday's second showcase is themed around the Grammy Awards, which airs that night on CBS.
- On Tuesday, the "Dream Car Week" backdrops supplant the usual rainbow backdrops in Golden Road.
- On Thursday, with dream car Lucky $even played first and the prize backdrop placed in front of Door #2, Drew enters through Door #1.
- On Friday, contestant Roxanne runs into the Secret "X" board so hard while placing her second X that she knocks it out of position; Drew and Manuela have to move it back into place before the game can continue.
Week 22 (1,741 – 742xK): February 22-26
- In Tuesday's Punch a Bunch, contestant Anthony gets $10,000 on his second punch; oddly, the Punchboard starts flashing and the "$10,000" graphic pops up before he decides to quit.
- On Wednesday, the square pattern is removed from Check Game's price tag.
- Thursday's second showcase is themed around Flip Flop's 16th birthday, the board appears during the showcase with a flopped bid of $1,616 and an actual retail price of "Happy birthday Flip Flop!"
Week 23 (1,742 – 743xK): February 29-March 4
- On Monday, in honor of Leap Day, the price in Money Game is $22,916, and all of the fake prices in That's Too Much! end with 229.
- On Monday, for no apparent reason, two cash games are played.
- On Thursday, the final prize in the first showcase, a pontoon boat, is modeled by the other seven contestants.
- On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
Week 24 (1,743 – 744xK): March 7-10, April 29
- Originally scheduled for March 7-11.
- Beginning on Wednesday, 10 Chances's marker has a "10 Chances" logo on it.
Week 25 (1,744 – 745xK): March 14
- Only one show, on Monday.
- On Monday, in honor of Pi Day, the wrong price in Cover Up, spread across all five panels in very small print, is the first 388 digits of Pi.
- On Monday, during the Showcase, the dollar signs on the Turntable wall, Door #4, and the trip screens are replaced with Pis; additionally, Door #4, the trip screens, and the middle row of screens on the Turntable each display a large Pi in the center, while the upper and lower rows of Turntable monitors have the first 11 digits of Pi on each screen.
Week 26 (1,745 – 746xK): March 21-25
- On Monday, blue light columns are installed in front of the audience curtains; due to shows being taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
- Beginning on Tuesday, radiating outward from the center of Door #4, every other light column is yellow.
- Beginning on Wednesday, Drew's entrance is occasionally shot the way Bob's entrance was shot, albeit with dissolves instead of the star wipe, this lasts until a couple of months into Season 45.
- On Thursday and Friday, the light strip in the audience and George's podium are green for the entire show.
- On Friday, the audience curtains are solid blue, and the blue light columns have become orange, additionally, the strings of hypocycloid diamonds on the curtains have been removed, and the curtains are now adorned with Goodson-Todman asterisks in various colors and sizes. As the episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
- Friday's show is themed as a "college rivals" episode; pairs of students from rival schools are called down, with a coin flip determining which school's student is called first, and the rival of the winner of each Item up for Bids is sent back to the audience (but is awarded $1,000 if that person subsequently loses their pricing game). This results in two new contestants being called before each game. The following other aspects of this episode are also different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the logo, with the words "College Rivals" at its base, inside a stadium and flanked by various sports gear. This design is also shown on the Turntable screens.
- The raised platform in the back of the audience is decorated with various tailgating paraphernalia, including a miniature Giant Price Tag that serves as a beanbag target.
- The opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, it's College Rivalry Day on The Price Is Right!"
- The college rivalries are announced before each pair of contestants is called, and each contestant's specific school is also announced.
- Because of the rivalry format, the first four contestants are required to line up from left to right in Contestants' Row, in subsequent acts, the first contestant called is required to take spot of the winner from the previous act.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first college rivals to face off on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show foam fingers in the appropriate colors, with left hands on the red and blue displays and right hands on the yellow and green displays; when the contestants bid, these patterns wipe away to reveal the normal backgrounds.
- George's display shows an orange foam finger squaring off with a red one in the stadium from Door #4.
- Each pair of contestants after Act 1 is only told to come on down after they are both called, followed by, "You're the next college rivals to face off on The Price Is Right!"
- The "College Rivals" version of the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- On Friday, both Squeeze Play and Cliff Hangers are played for a car.
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Beginning on Friday, Check Game's price is hidden on a second price tag behind the one with the logo when the prize is shown on Door #4, a la Coming or Going.
- On Friday, no real car games are played.
Week 27 (1,746 – 747xK): March 28-April 1
- On Monday, the audience curtains, the audience light strip, and George's podium revert to their appearance from Week 25.
- On Monday, Balance Game is played for a car.
- On Friday, in celebration of April Fool's Day and as part of a contest, a number of things on the show are intentionally done wrong, the viewer who correctly identifies the most mistakes wins a trip to Costa Rica, with a random drawing determining the winner should a tie for the most right answers occur. Drew plugs this contest on Monday and Thursday after the second Showcase Showdown, and George explains it again at the top of Friday's show, segueing directly into the opening as he finishes. George describes the trip before the first Item up for Bids.
- The April Fool's Day mistakes are as follows:
- Drew enters through Door #1.
- The Contestants' Row displays are yellow, red, green, and blue.
- The TPIR logos shown on the first Item up for Bids are backwards.
- The Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row are replaced with stars.
- George calls his mother "Llama Bay" instead of "Mama Mai."
- Drew introduces Amber as "Amber McGee" during the first Item up for Bids.
- The price of each Item up for Bids is written on the card for a different act, and the fourth Item up for Bids does not have a card at all.
- The background of Door #4 moves the wrong direction.
- Money Game uses its boat graphics (which are not the same ones that existed the last time it was actually played for a boat), oddly, the pictures hidden behind the numbers on the upper part of the board are the usual car graphics.
- The license plate given to the winner of Money Game says "Person" instead of "Winner."
- The jib camera is onscreen during the reveal of the second Item up for Bids.
- The grill in Bargain Game is barbecuing fruit.
- Various logos from other specials appear during the commercial outros and closed-captioning plugs.
- The logo is not centered on George's podium during Act 3. (This is not counted for the contest but is nonetheless wrong).
- When the camera comes back to the third Item up for Bids after panning Contestants' Row, Amber has turned into Rachel.
- The $10,000 bill from Punch a Bunch, with a more current picture of Drew, is set up next to Grand Game.
- Grand Game's grocery labels are blue.
- The long-absent decimal point is present in the dollar on the Big Wheel.
- The Train uses the Tugboat's sound effects during the fourth Item up for Bids.
- The television offered in Push Over airs nothing but snow.
- The hands are missing from the Push Over board.
- The blue window in Push Over is yellow.
- In Act 5, Drew asks for the contestant and the Item up for Bids in the wrong order.
- The Turntable reverses the front side and the game side for the duration of Act 5, this also results in it spinning the wrong direction while revealing the fifth Item up for Bids.
- The "Cliff Hangers" logo is replaced with a logo reading "Yodely Guy."
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his graphical counterpart are facing downhill, are only holding their pick with one hand, have brown hair instead of black, have smaller noses than usual, are wearing shoes and socks that are too small, and are halfway undressed.
- The shot of the top of the mountain shown as Drew is explaining Cliff Hangers is from several seasons ago, the normal "Cliff Hangers" logo is visible on the board, and the metal strips to its right are from a previous incarnation of Door #2. (This was apparently a genuine edit and not a mistake for the contest).
- The entire Reveal, as well as the two stagehands operating it, are shown on-camera during the sixth Item up for Bids.
- The car backdrops in That's Too Much! show an old picture of George.
- Drew calls Amber "Amber Lester" during That's Too Much!.
- Drew does the second closed-captioning plug.
- The Big Wheel's carpet is absent during the second Showcase Showdown.
- "Showcase" is misspelled as "Shocase" on the Showcase podiums.
- The laptop in the first showcase is playing an episode of Let's Make a Deal.
- The panel lights on Door #3 are shut off during the first showcase.
- A Germany cue is used for the trip to Japan in the first showcase.
- The hot tub in the second showcase is filled with ice.
- In the second showcase, the first "e" in "New Orleans" is written backwards on the trip screen.
- The license plate on the car in the second showcase is upside-down.
- In addition to the April Fool's Day changes, the following aspects of Friday's show are legitimately different than usual:
- Door #4 and George's podium show the logo, with the text "April Fool's Day" at its base, against a blue hexagon, on Door #4, this is surrounded by a field of purple. Door #4 only displays this during the opening.
- The logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to its usual spots.
- On Friday, which was taped out of order, the audience largely has its appearance from last Tuesday and Wednesday, with a small number of Goodson-Todman asterisks behind George's podium.
- As an April Fool's joke, the last prize in the second showcase is initially said to be a year's supply of dandruff shampoo; the actual prize is a new car.
Week 28 (1,747 – 748xK): April 4-8
Week 29 (1,748 – 749xK): April 11-15
- On Monday, the regular deck from Card Game is used in the card-themed first showcase.
- Tuesday is Cliff Hangers's 40th birthday, in honor of the occasion, the game is played for a car, the set is decorated during the game, and the mountain climber (and, during only the second transition, his corresponding graphic) is wearing a party hat and is holding a set of "40" balloons instead of his pick.
- On Tuesday, the TV offered in Bargain Game shows the first playing of Cliff Hangers; oddly, "On the Franches Mountains" is played over a clip of the mountain climber going up the mountain even though that song had not been introduced to the game yet at that point.
- On Tuesday, both showcases are themed around the mountain climber's 40th birthday. Rachel holds the day's special mountain climber prop throughout the first showcase, and said showcase also opens with "On the Franches Mountains."
- During Tuesday's credits, the decorations from Cliff Hangers reappear, a Cliff Hangers cake is brought out, and the birthday mountain climber appears on Door #4 over the graphic of the trip to Switzerland from the first showcase.
- On Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
Week 30 (1,749 – 750xK): April 18-22
- On Friday, Push Over is played for a car.
Week 31 (1,750 – 751xK): April 25-28, March 11
- Originally scheduled for April 25-29.
- On Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Friday, Pauley Perrette and Brian Dietzen, the portrayers of Abby Scuito and Jimmy Palmer on NCIS, appear to help present the second showcase, which is themed around their show's 300th episode on March 15. Pauley Perrette's assertion that said episode airs "next week" reflects this program's out-of-order broadcast date of March 11.
- Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, DVD sets of the first 12 seasons of NCIS, the contestants are instructed not to include this while bidding.
Week 32 (1,751 – 752xK): May 4, 3, 2, 5, 6
- Originally scheduled for May 2-6.
- On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- As Tuesday and Friday's shows weres taped out of order, the audience curtains and George's podium take on their appearances from March 25 for these episodes only.
- On Tuesday, in celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Day, everyone in the audience is a teacher. In addition to this, the following aspects of the episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows an anthropomorphic TPIR logo wearing Drew Carey glasses standing next to the words "TEACHERS RULE!" against a green, chalkboard-like background. The logo also supplants the usual pattern on George's display, and it appears alongside the "TEACHERS RULE!" graphic during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four teachers in attendance on The Price Is Right!"
- The set is decorated with various school paraphernalia.
- All six onstage contestants receive a $500 gift card from TeacherHeaven.com, while everybody else in the audience receives a $100 gift card. This prize is plugged before the first game, and Drew announces the award for the remainder of the audience before the sixth game while also urging viewers to visit PriceIsRight.com for a chance to win one of said $100 gift cards.
- On Tuesday, Plinko's scoreboard is rimmed with silver, and its spotlights are absent, as the show was taped out of order, these changes do not immediately become permanent.
- On Tuesday, Push Over's second color scheme debuts, its hands are removed, its squares are rearranged, and an additional curved triangle is installed behind the logo; as the show was taped out of order, these changes do not immediately become permanent.
- On Tuesday, Safe Crackers is played for a car.
- On Tuesday and Friday, the Goodson-Todman asterisks between the Big Doors are lit up yellow.
- Friday's show is themed around Mother's Day; all the contestants are expectant mothers. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows a clothesline with three shirts in a field of flowers; the shirts show a "Baby" name tag, the TPIR logo, and the text "Happy Mother's Day!" A similar graphic with the "Happy Mother's Day!" text on the middle shirt appears on George's display.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Mother's Day on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show the flower field from Door #4, when the contestants bid, a baby carriage wipes away the graphic to reveal the normal colors, with the bid appearing in its wake.
- The logo, with the text, "Happy Mother's Day!" at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- After the last commercial, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a Tula baby carrier, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said carriers.
- On Friday, the graphics and numbers dissolve instead of moving during the quantity reveals in Vend-O-Price.
- Friday's first showcase includes, as a bonus, a year's supply of Once upon a Farm baby food; the contestants are instructed not to include this while bidding.
Week 33 (1,752 – 753xK): May 9-13
- This week of shows is The Price Is Right/Let's Make a Deal Ma$h Up Week, each day, The Price Is Right uses one recurring deal from Let's Make a Deal as a pricing game, and Let's Make a Deal likewise plays one pricing game as a deal.
- The deals on The Price Is Right are as follows:
- On Monday, Car Pong is played as a small prize game -- four items are shown, and the contestant earns five extra seconds for the game for every safe pick he makes in a game of Danger Price.
- On Tuesday, Go for a Spin is played as a small prize game -- three items are shown, and the contestant must decide whether each one's price is right-side-up (i.e. $15) or upside-down (i.e. $51). Every right answer removes one Zonk from the wheel and earns the contestant $500, the money from the small prizes can be used as a bail-out if the contestant doesn't want to risk spinning the wheel.
- On Wednesday, Gold Rush is played with seven boxes (as opposed to the usual eight), with the contestant having to pick the five digits in the price of the car (the gold) before selecting both of the fakes (the dynamite). The contestant can quit with any money accumulated at any point after picking the first dynamite (which, unlike on Let's Make a Deal, does not erase the contestant's winnings). The positions of the numbers in the car's price are not revealed until the end of the game. For this appearance, a Pricedown dollar sign is added to the left of the number boxes.
- On Thursday, Accelerator is played as a grocery item game. The contestant starts with two rolls and can win up to three more by playing the pricing portion of Hole in One with four items, each price reveal beyond the first earns an additional roll until a mistake is encountered. Once a letter is hit, all instances of that letter turn into Zonks; hitting a Zonk takes away any accumulated money but does not in and of itself end the game.
- On Friday, Smash for Ca$h is played as a grocery item game with six piggy banks. Each piggy bank has a grocery product attached to it, five of which cost less than a target price; each time one of those five groceries is smashed, $1, $2, $3, $4, or $5 is revealed, with each dollar lighting up one space on the game board. At any point, the contestant may quit with the highest cash award has been lit up thus far; however, smashing the piggy bank over the target price ends the game and leaves the contestant with nothing. For this appearance, several Pricedown dollar signs are added to the game's set in place of the two leftmost and two rightmost piggy banks.
- The pricing games on Let's Make a Deal are as follows:
- On Monday, Cliff Hangers is played for a set of golf clubs or a car. The contestant chooses one envelope from each of three rows of three, the envelopes have numbers in them, which determine how far the mountain climber moves. Finishing anywhere from 16-21 wins the golf clubs, finishing anywhere from 22-25 wins the car, not reaching 16 or going over the cliff results in a loss. The contestant is offered $700 to quit before picking the last envelope.
- On Tuesday, Hole in One is played without groceries for the $500 bonus, an ATV, or a car. To win the $500, the contestant must make a putt from the sixth line. Afterward, she may either quit with the money or give it back for a chance to win the ATV by making another putt from the fourth line. After that, she may quit with the ATV or give it back and go for the car by making a third putt from the first line. The contestant is allowed to redo one putt during the game, incorporating its "Hole in One or Two" element. The three prizes are represented on their respective lines by the grocery flags, as such, the gold $500 flag is not present.
- On Wednesday, 5 Price Tags is played for $20,000. Instead of the usual gameplay, the contestant is shown the clip of Manuela accidentally revealing the price from episode #7074K, she must then, in one choice, identify the car's actual retail price from amongst five options, all of which have the same last three digits in a different order. After making her selection, she is given the option to bail out and take a set of electronics. For this appearance only, a "Ma$h Up" logo is added to the square at the base of the 5 Price Tags board.
- On Thursday, Master Key is played with two contestants and no small prizes. Each player picks one key and can either try it in the locks and win whatever it opens or bail out with $500; the second player Wayne deals with has the added advantage of knowing which key the other contestant selected.
- On Friday, Punch a Bunch is played with three contestants and no small prizes. Each contestant is offered a different number of punches (one for the first player, two for the second, and three for the third) and may then either take the total amount of money they punched out or trade for a box/envelope/curtain. Under this format, the potential exists for the second player to win as much as $35,000 and the third player as much as $45,000.
- Additionally, the following aspects of this week's shows are different than usual:
- During every commercial outro and the closed-captioning plugs, the TPIR and LMaD logos appear, merge with one another, and come out with one show's logo on the other's background surrounding a "Ma$h Up Week" logo that takes elements from both of them. This graphic also appears on Door #4 and the Turntable wall during the act with the deal.
- On Monday, Wayne Brady, Jonathan Mangum, and Tiffany Coyne host, announce, and model during Car Pong. Tiffany also helps to model the corresponding Item up for Bids.
- On Tuesday and Thursday, Tiffany serves as a third Barker's Beauty throughout the show.
- On Wednesday, Jonathan announces the first Item up for Bids, a video chat robot, via said prize's screen, serves as a model during Balance Game, although Manuela winds up doing the work when he proves too weak to lift the bag; models during and helps Drew to host Gold Rush; and helps to present the second showcase, which is themed around him doing quickie deals with the audience.
- On Friday, Jonathan serves as a model during Danger Price, operates Squeeze Play, helps to run Smash for Ca$h, and helps to present the second showcase, which is themed as a deal from Let's Make a Deal.
- Monday is the last episode without the light strips in the audience.
- On Tuesday, the audience and George's podium take on their appearances from March 25 for the remainder of the week.
- Monday's second showcase, themed around great creations, includes several props from Plinko and Cliff Hangers.
- On Tuesday, Cover Up's wrong price is the TPIR logo, a Plinko chip, the Ma$h Up logo, a Zonk graphic, and the LMaD logo.
- On Wednesday, Double Prices is played behind the Giant Price Tag.
- On Thursday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
- On Friday, the license plate on Dice Game's car has a Ma$h Up Week logo.
Week 34 (1,753 – 754xK): May 16-20
- On Monday, the audience and George's podium revert to their appearances from March 23, with the blue and yellow light columns.
- On Monday, Push Over temporarily reverts to its original color scheme.
- On Thursday, George's podium and the light strip around the audience are green throughout the show.
- On Friday, the tone first heard on November 16's Gas Money resurfaces, this time, it plays when the dials begin rolling and at set intervals thereafter instead of every time the thousands digit changes.
Week 35 (1,754 – 755xK): May 23, 25, 24, 26, 27 + Monday-Wednesday nights
- Survivor special (#034SP) airs on Monday night.
- Big Brother special (#035SP) airs on Tuesday night.
- The Amazing Race Special (#036SP) airs on Wednesday night.
- Daytime shows originally scheduled for May 23-27.
- Daytime
- On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, George's podium and the light strip around the audience are green throughout the show.
- On Tuesday, two Goodson-Todman asterisks are added to the wall behind George.
- Primetime (general)
- The audience takes on its appearance from Tuesday-Friday of Ma$h Up Week.
- The audience is decorated with various paraphernalia and logos from the appropriate reality show.
- The back-left corner of the audience is reserved for the reality show participants.
- Unlike most primetime episodes since the Salutes in Season 30, "Walking" is used for the opening; this becomes the norm on future primetime shows.
- Unlike most previous primetime specials, the opening uses the normal light border; this becomes the norm on future primetime shows.
- All of the contestants are "superfans" of that night's reality show.
- The reality show contestant(s) partnered with the winner of the Showcase win(s) money in the amount of the price of that showcase for a charity they are representing. What the charities would receive, if anything, in the event of a double overbid is never explained.
- On Tuesday and Wednesday only, the Goodson-Todman asterisks between the Big Doors are yellow.
- Unlike on the MDSs, the bonus for a perfect bid in Contestants' Row remains at $500; this becomes the norm on future primetime shows.
- The commercial structure from the Season 36 MDSs is more or less maintained, with no breaks between the first and second games, the first Showcase Showdown and the fourth game, or the fifth and sixth games.
- Unlike most previous primetime specials, the bonus money on the Big Wheel is not increased; this becomes the norm on future primetime shows.
- The credits are run at several times their normal speed.
- Primetime Monday
- Jeff Probst gives an introduction to the special at the top of the hour; this transitions directly into the regular opening. Jeff also acts as a model at various points throughout the show and helps to present the prize for the fourth game (a trip to Borneo, the location of the first series of Survivor) and the second showcase.
- Door #4 shows the TPIR logo above a Survivor logo and flanked by tiki torches, with a jungle scene as the background; this pattern also appears on the Turntable walls (with the logos only appearing in the middle row), and a Plinko chip with the Survivor logo over it appears against the same background on George's display. The TPIR/Survivor logo also appears during every commercial outro (except the first, during which the screen wipes to the graphic from Door #4) in addition to the usual spots.
- Each contestant is paired with a castaway from Survivor, the castaways are called down along with the contestants.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four teams on this special Survivor edition of The Price Is Right!" Subsequent teams are told, "You're the next team on this special Survivor edition of The Price Is Right!"
- Palm trees flank Drew in front of the Barker Wall during his entrance.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the Survivor logo with "Outbid!" scribbled off to the side as an editor's note; when the contestants' bids light up, these graphics wipe away.
- Three Barker's Beauties are present.
- The prices of the Items up for Bids and the showcases are written on tribal council ballots with the TPIR logo on them.
- Music from Survivor plays instead of the TPIR theme or "Dig We Must" after each game, both Showcase Showdowns, and the first part of the Showcase.
- The Family Feud logo background is missing from the Most Expen$ive carpet.
- Jungle music plays instead of the harps during the Punch a Bunch intro.
- Unlike on the Salutes and MDSs, Punch a Bunch's top prize is not increased.
- Punch a Bunch's blue color scheme debuts.
- Punch a Bunch's holes have Survivor logos on them, and the frequency chart is redone with Survivor graphics.
- Punch a Bunch's slip distribution is altered. The board contains five $500, 10 $1,000, 15 $2,500, 15 $5,000, four $10,000, and one $25,000.
- Punch a Bunch's slips are tribal council ballots, and their amounts are written in a more primal-looking font.
- During the Showcase Showdowns, a torch is set up by the Big Wheel for each contestant; when one is eliminated, Jeff Probst extinguishes their torch, declaring that "the Wheel has spoken."
- Now....or Then's third color scheme debuts.
- Now....or Then uses a different sign which incorporates the Survivor logo and font and temporarily changes the spelling of the game's name to "Now... ...or Then.”
- The "then" date in Now....or Then is May 2000, the month when Survivor first came on the air.
- That's Too Much!'s exclamation point becomes a much darker shade of blue, this change carries over to the daytime show when the tapedates catch up.
- Non-contestant Survivor alums Ozzy Lusth and Sierra Dawn Thomas model the first showcase.
- Primetime Tuesday
- Julie Chen gives an introduction to the special at the top of the hour, this transitions directly into the regular opening. Julie also acts as a model at various points during the show and helps to present the second Item up for Bids, the prize for the fourth game (a trip to the Netherlands, the country where Big Brother originated), and the second showcase.
- Door #4 shows the TPIR logo and the Big Brother logo with a swimming pool as a background; this pattern also appears on the Turntable walls (with the logos only appearing in the middle row), while George's display shows a Plinko chip resting atop the Big Brother logo against the same background. The TPIR/Big Brother logo also appears during every commercial outro (except the first and third, during which the screen wipes to the graphic from Door #4) in addition to the usual spots.
- Zingbot 9000 is sitting with the Big Brother houseguests, wearing a "Zing" name tag.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four teams on this special Big Brother edition of The Price Is Right!" Subsequent teams are told, "You're the next team on this special Big Brother edition of The Price Is Right!"
- The Turntable walls and the spinning panel's light strips are blue throughout the show.
- The Contestants' Row displays show house keys with the Big Brother logo and four Goodson-Todman asterisks in the color of that display, when the contestants' bids light up, this graphic wipes away.
- Five of the light columns columns in the corner where the houseguests are sitting are blue.
- A roof is placed atop Plinko's score display.
- Plinko's silver-rimmed scoreboard is present, and its spotlights are absent.
- While Plinko's top prize is not raised, the board's lower amounts are increased to $500, $1,000, and $2,500.
- The interiors of Plinko's small prize displays show the background from Door #4.
- Music from Big Brother plays instead of the TPIR theme or "Dig We Must" after each game, both Showcase Showdowns, and the first part of the Showcase.
- Push Over uses its second color scheme.
- The Big Wheel scoreboard is made to look like an open garage door.
- During the Showcase Showdowns, the three teams participating are shown on a trip screen; when a team is eliminated, their picture fades to black and white, and Julie Chen declares that they've "been evicted from The Price Is Right" as they what through a door set up by the Big Wheel (labeled as the front door of Studio 33). Hanging by the door is a "key to the Showcase," which is handed to the winning team.
- The first showcase is modeled by non-contestant former houseguest Lawon Exum and Zingbot 9000.
- The first showcase includes a promo for the next series of Big Brother, which debuts on June 22.
- Primetime Wednesday
- Phil Keoghan gives an introduction to the special at the top of the hour; this transitions directly into the regular opening. Phil also acts as a model at various points throughout the show, most notably running It's in the Bag by himself and starting the rat race, and helps to present the prize for the fourth game and the second showcase (which is themed around The Amazing Race).
- To accommodate the four teams of three adults each occupying it, Contestants' Row is extended, with an orange Goodson-Todman asterisk between each pair of displays.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the The Amazing Race logo, when the contestants' bids light up, this graphic wipes away.
- The orange light columns in the corner where the racers sit are red; also, the three columns on the side wall in said corner have "Fast Forward," "Detour," and "Route" graphics on them.
- The Amazing Race contestants are not referred to by their last names, using only their first names or, in some cases, their nicknames.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four teams on this special Amazing Race edition of The Price Is Right!" Subsequent teams are told, "You're the next team on this special Amazing Race edition of The Price Is Right!"
- Door #4 shows the The Amazing Race logo and its accompanying globe, above the TAR logo is the TPIR logo. This pattern also appears on the Turntable walls (with the logos only appearing in the middle row), while George's display shows a Plinko chip above the Big Brother logo against the same background. The TPIR/The Amazing Race logo also appears during every commercial outro (except the first, during which the screen wipes to the graphic from Door #4) in addition to the usual spots.
- Video screen columns with TPIR and Amazing Race graphics appear between the Big Doors; during the Showcase Showdowns, the columns are moved to flank the Big Wheel.
- The prices of the Items up for Bids, which are all on yellow price tags with the TPIR logo on them, are in Amazing Race clue envelopes hidden in clue boxes.
- During each pricing game, Drew and the contestants stand on a rug with a map of the world on it.
- During Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber wears a backpack.
- In Cliff Hangers, "On the Franches Mountains" starts from the beginning every time the mountain climber moves.
- Music from The Amazing Race plays instead of the TPIR theme or "Dig We Must" after each game, both Showcase Showdowns, and the first part of the Showcase.
- The Turntable walls and the spinning panel's light strips are green and yellow throughout the show.
- Unlike in MDSs from Season 33 onward, It's in the Bag's top prize is not increased.
- It's in the Bag second color scheme debuts.
- A red carpet with the The Amazing Race logo on it supplants the usual Big Wheel carpet.
- When teams lose in the Showcase Showdown, Phil Keoghan tells that they "have been eliminated from The Price Is Right."
- The winners of each Showcase Showdown receive an Express Pass to the Showcase.
- Although it was edited out of the show, the fifth Item up for Bids has a record-tying four all-overbids.
- Rat Race's name is temporarily changed to "The Amazing Rat Race,” oddly, this is only changed on the game board and not on the price tags.
- The rat racer is dressed in casual clothes and is wearing a backpack instead of carrying his briefcase, again, this is only changed on the game board and not on the price tags.
- All of Rat Race's wind-up rats are wearing backpacks.
- The first showcase is modeled by non-contestant Amazing Race alums Ashley and Ally.
Week 36 (1,755 – 756xK): May 30-June 3
- On Monday, Memorial Day, the Turntable walls and Door #4 display the American flag during the Showcase, additionally, the remainder of the Turntable wall is white, the colored strip on the turning panel is red, and the colored strip on the "doorframe" is blue.
- On Tuesday, George's podium and the light strip around the audience are green throughout the show.
- On Thursday, the audience takes on its appearance from the College Rivals episode permanently, the green light strip around the audience and George's green podium also become permanent.
- On Thursday and Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Thursday, That's Too Much!'s dark blue exclamation point becomes permanent.
- Oddly, Thursday's show ends before the credits finish rolling, the program cuts out at the Television City credit without ever reaching the TPIR logo.
- Friday features the daytime debut of Punch a Bunch's blue color scheme, with the exception of the frequency chart.
Week 37 (1,756 – 757xK): June 6-10
- On Monday, the illuminated, yellow Goodson-Todman asterisks between the Big Doors return permanently.
- On Monday, the silver plating on Plinko's scoreboard returns permanently.
- Wednesday features the daytime debut of It's in the Bag's second color scheme.
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Friday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
Week 38 (1,757 – 758xK): June 13-17
- On Monday, the Gas Money tone from May 20 returns permanently.
- On Tuesday, Plinko's spotlights are done away with permanently.
- On Wednesday, for no apparent reason, Make Your Move is played with Push Over's "think" music.
- Thursday's second showcase features the mountain climber running for President, leading to a rare instance of a pricing game prop appearing in the Showcase.
- Friday's show is themed around Father's Day, with fathers playing alongside one of their adult children. In addition, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the logo, in all black and yellow, above the text "Father's Day" (which has a necktie with cascading stripes in place of the "T"), all against a background of cascading, orange stripes, a similar design appears on Contestants' Row, with stripes in each display's normal color being behind a tie of an adjacent display's color (red is paired with blue, and yellow is paired with green), with the patterns wiping away to reveal the usual colors when the contestants bid; and George's display shows Door #4's background with a striped dollar sign. In all cases, the stripes in the background run in the direction opposite those on the foreground object. The "Father's Day" logo also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we celebrate Father's Day on The Price Is Right!"
- Before the Showcase, Drew and George announce that everyone in the audience will receive a pair of sunglasses from Five Four, as well as a one-month subscription to their menswear service, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift packages.
Week 39 (1,758 – 759xK): June 20-23, September 1
- Originally scheduled for June 20-24.
- Tuesday features the daytime debut of Now....or Then's third color scheme.
- On Tuesday, Double Prices is played at the Giant Price Tag.
- Friday's show is loosely themed around the September 1 broadcast of the 11,000th episode of The Young and the Restless. In celebration of this milestone, Y&R actors and part-time TPIR cast members Melissa Ordway and Daniel Goddard model alongside Rachel, giving the show three Barker's Beauties, and Grand Game is played for $11,000, with its lower prizes adjusted accordingly, as these two things are revealed simultaneously, it leads to the unusual circumstance of Barker's Beauties participating in Grand Game. Additionally, Daniel helps to present the first showcase and Melissa the second showcase, which are both themed around Y&R.
- Friday's second showcase includes a clip of the first scene of the first episode of The Young and the Restless.
Week 40 (1,759 – 760xK): July 4, August 19
- Logically scheduled for July 4, August 16.
- This week was originally planned with its Monday show on June 27 and the Independence Day show on July 4 (with a logical date of July 5), however, at some point, Tuesday was rescheduled as a back-to-school episode, with the Independence Day show shifting to Monday.
- Season finale week, only two shows.
- Monday's show is themed around Independence Day. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The light panels and Goodson-Todman asterisks in the audience are all red, white, and blue.
- Door #4 shows the logo surrounded by the text "4th of July" and a fireworks display with a waving American flag as the background, the background pattern is also shown on the Turntable walls and on George's display (with a silver dollar sign at the center of the latter), and the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The light strip around the audience and George's podium are blue.
- The set is decorated for the holiday.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the 4th of July on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays each have fireworks exploding on them in their respective colors; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away.
- One of the Goodson-Todman asterisks in front of Contestants' Row is blue.
- The colored light strips around the Big Doors are red, white, and blue, respectively.
- the Goodson-Todman asterisks between the Big Doors are red.
- The dollar sign statue between the Turntable and Door #1 is red.
- The Turntable lights are red, white, and blue.
- The vertical bases on the trip screens have the starfield from the American flag on them.
- Tuesday's show is themed as a back-to-school special, with an audience of all college students. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the logo with the text "Back to School" at its base as a library's bookshelves scroll past on either side; this pattern, as well as one that replaces the logo with a Pricedown dollar sign made of pencils, is also displayed on sets of monitors between the Big Doors, as well as on the middle row of screens on the Turntable wall, where the logo is replaced by a spinning, blue Pricedown dollar sign, and on George's display, which shows the blue dollar sign along with the "Back to School" text. The "Back to School" version of the logo also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on this special back-to-school episode of The Price Is Right!"
- On Monday, the yellow and green seat covers in Contestants' Row are on the wrong chairs.
- On Tuesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Tuesday, everyone in the audience receives an iHome alarm clock, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said clocks.