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Season 46 (2017-2018)[]

Pricing game calendar for Season 46, hosted by Scorpz.

Week 1 (1,800 – 801xK): September 18, 19, 22, 20, 21

  • Originally scheduled for September 18-22.
  • On Monday, all instances of the "45 Years" logos revert to the normal logo.
  • On Monday, the "door" graphic on Door #4 is redone to appear closer to the screen, and the "wall" behind it becomes orange and has Pricedown dollar signs and red G-T asterisks added to it.
  • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Drew's 10-year anniversary on The Price Is Right!" For the rest of the week, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we continue to celebrate Drew's 10-year anniversary on The Price Is Right!"
  • On Monday, the Big Wheel graphic in the opening is redone to look sharper and shinier, additionally, the wheel now lands on the dollar instead of the 45.
  • On Monday, the third Barker Wall is introduced.
  • On Monday, all five models are present.
  • On Monday, in celebration of Drew's 10th anniversary, every pricing game winner receives a $10,000 bonus; for the purposes of Plinko, "winning" in this case means putting at least one chip in $10,000.
  • On Monday, the sixth Race Game Curtain is introduced, it features cascading diamonds in the colors of the Big Doors with Pricedown dollar signs and G-T asterisks on them against a yellow background.
  • All week long, congratulatory messages from celebrities and sports figures are played while coming back from commercial for Act 3 and (except on Monday) Act 6; these clips are played on Door #4 in-studio.
  • Monday is a three-car day.
  • On Monday, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
  • On Monday, in an unusual move, two small prize games are played.
  • On this week of shows, in celebration of Drew's 10th anniversary, getting a dollar on the Big Wheel earns $10,000 instead of $1,000; additionally, on Monday only, getting a dollar in a bonus spin earns $100,000 instead of $25,000.
  • Monday features the debut on Gridlock!
  • On the first playing of Gridlock!, the price screen behaves a bit oddly, with the missing numbers alternating somewhat randomly between blank spaces, colored squares, and dashes during the course of the game.
  • On the first playing of Gridlock!, the contestant's guesses appear on the screen as soon as they are made rather than after they are confirmed as being right.
  • On the first playing of Gridlock!, roadblock markers appear on the screen when a wrong guess is made.
  • On Monday, before the Showcase, Drew reveals that Bob had had a flower arrangement delivered to him before the taping with a note reading, "Congratulations completing 10 years on your back-breaking job. - Bob Barker.”
  • On Tuesday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, The dollar sign paint job and second logo debuts for Double Prices.
  • On Friday, three models are present.
  • On Friday, all six pricing games are games that have debuted (or in the case of Time I$ Møney been unretired) since Drew began hosting the show.
  • Beginning on Friday, the Gas Money tone is absent.
  • On Friday, two grocery item games and a small prize game are played.

Week 2 (1,801 – 802xK): September 25-29

  • On Tuesday, the Barker Wall is blue.
  • On Wednesday, the Family Feud logo backdrop is removed from the Most Expen$ive carpet.
  • On Friday, the Barker Wall is yellow.

Week 3 (1,802 – 803xK): October 2/23-5, June 29

  • Originally scheduled for October 2-6.
  • Originally rescheduled for October 2-5, June 25.
  • Monday's show was pre-empted in most of the country due to a mass shooting of a country music concert in Las Vegas. Against normal precedent, however, the episode did air on the West Coast that day. CBS did not appear to be fully aware of this; while the episode was rerun on October 23, CBS appeared to treat it as though its original broadcast never took place, not uploading it to until October 23 and not referring to that day's airing as a rerun. The TPIR Episode Guide and this wiki treat the episode as if it aired on October 2nd for the sake of clarity.
  • Monday's show is themed around Breast Cancer Awareness Month; everyone in the audience either has, has survived, or has somehow been affected by breast cancer. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Most of the colored lights on the set are various shades of pink.
    • Door #4 shows the logo with the word "Price" and the right-hand background in pink, the left-hand background in white, and a pink ribbon covering the dollar sign, all against a blue background with cascading, pink bubbles; this version of the logo also appears on the Showcase podiums, as well as during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Turntable walls and the Contestants' Row displays show pink ribbons against a pink-less version of the background from Door #4; George's podium also shows this background, but with the logo from Door #4. When the contestants give a bid, the graphics on Contestants' Row wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The split-screen separators in Range Game and the Showcase Showdown are pink.
    • Plinko is played for $100,000, with a $20,000 slot in the center; additionally, the values of the lower slots are raised to $500, $1,000, and $2,500.
    • George's call-down window and its dollar sign are pink.
    • Everyone in the audience receives a pair of Hollywood Sensation earrings, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a pair of said earrings.
    • The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are pink.
  • On Monday, Range Game and Push over are both played for a car; no real car games are played on this episode.
  • On Tuesday, new, slightly larger price displays are installed on Do the Math, at the same time, the displays' background is darkened noticeably, and the size of their font is altered. As the episode was taped out of order, these changes do not immediately become permanent.
  • On Friday, latches are installed on the backs of the number slots in Pick-a-Number, allowing Drew to automate the price reveal.
  • On Friday, a new font is introduced for Magic #'s price tags.

Week 4 (1,803 – 804xK): October 9-13

  • This week is Dream Car Week; every day, at least one game is played for a car that would normally only appear in 3 Strikes or Golden Road, as follows:
    • On Monday, Money Game is played for a Range Rover, and Gas Money, whose cash awards are all multiplied by five (for a potential payout of $50,000), is played for a Maserati.
    • On Tuesday, Gridlock! is played for a Lexus.
    • On Wednesday, Let 'em Roll is played for a Jaguar, with its cash prizes raised to $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000.
    • On Thursday, One Away is played for a Mercedes.
    • On Friday, Triple Play is played for a BMW, a Mercedes, and a Porsche.
  • Additionally, the following aspects of this week are different than usual:
    • The light columns around the audience are all green and blue.
    • The G-T asterisks around the audience are all light blue.
    • Door #4 shows a sports car with the logo on its hood driving down a strip of highway against a green and blue background with spiraling lights; the text "Dream Car Week" appears at the base of the car.
    • Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Dream Car Week on The Price Is Right!" On the other four shows, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Dream Car Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
    • In place of Drew's standard entrance, the end of the opening transitions to a trip screen next to Door #2 that shows Door #4's normal graphics; the graphical logo then flies away from this screen as the camera pans away to show Drew driving one of the day's dream cars through Door #2.
    • Monitor columns showing the "Dream Car Week" graphics sit behind Door #2 during Drew's entrance instead of the Barker Wall.
    • The lights on the Turntable are blue and green.
    • The Turntable screens show the spiral-less green and blue background from Door #4, with the "Dream Car Week" text against it in the center row; the center row's graphics also appear on George's display.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show a sports car of the appropriate color; when the contestants bid, the cars drive off, with their exhaust revealing the bids.
    • George's podium is green and blue.
    • Most of Monday's non-car prizes are somehow car-related.
    • The G-T asterisks between the Big Doors are blue.
    • The TPIR logo, with the "Dream Car Week" logo at its base and revealed by a car like the ones on Contestants' Row, is shown during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • George's call-down window is green.
    • The show's usual prize structure is altered somehow every day. On Monday, the third Item up for Bids is a car (which is driven out through Door #2, stops behind Drew, and stays there throughout the third game); Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are three-car days; and on Friday, all six games are played for a car.
    • In the Showcase Showdown, the $25,000 prize for getting a dollar in a bonus spin is replaced with an Audi A3; the car sits onstage alongside the Big Wheel.
  • On Monday, the lights around the Big Doors do not turn red during the first Showcase Showdown.
  • On Tuesday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, unbeknownst to the cast, there is only one check on the Check Game board, as opposed to the usual two; this eventually results in Drew and Amber tearing the check to shreds as they attempt to unglue it from the board to give it to the contestant.
  • Tuesday's rerun broadcast on August 14 includes the real credits; this appears to have been a network-level mistake, as all of CBS's other daytime shows aired their real credit rolls that day, as well.
  • On Thursday, Range Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, as noted above, all six games, including Double Prices, Now....or Then, Balance Game, and Squeeze Play, are each played for a car. This is only the sixth known episode in show history with this distinction, the previous episode being Episode #7941K, which was part of last season's Dream Car Week.
  • On Friday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.

Week 5 (1,804 – 805xK): October 16-20

  • Tuesday is Gwendolyn's last episode; Drew takes a moment to acknowledge and say goodbye to her when she gives him his microphone. Gwendolyn also helps to present the second showcase, which is themed around her, and Drew gives her a bouquet of roses during the credits.
  • On Tuesday, three models are present.
  • On Tuesday, the second taped playing of the game, Gridlock!'s graphics behave more or less as they did on its debut.

Week 6 (1,805 – 806xK): October 6, 24-27

  • Originally scheduled for October 23-27.
  • On Monday, Hi-Lo is played for a car.

Week 7 (1,806 – 807xK): January 24, October 31, November 1, July 2, November 3

  • Originally scheduled for October 30-November 3.
  • Originally rescheduled for January 24, October 31-November 3.
  • Originally rerescheduled for January 24, October 31, November 1, June 26, November 3.
  • Tuesday's show is a Halloween special themed around superhero movies. The episode begins normally, with nothing amiss until the end of the opening; however, as George announces the show's name after calling the first four contestants, the graphics and lights begin to malfunction, and as ominous music plays, a sentient musical instrument flies onto the screen. Cackling, he announces, "I'm Dr. Trombones, and I'm here to make sure nobody wins today! That's right! And no one can stop me!" He then flies away, laughing maniacally, as the losing horns play. Suddenly, though, the lights around the audience and on the Turntable turn purple and light blue (colors they retain for the rest of the show), the music changes to a heroic overture, and a voice intones, "But you're wrong, Dr. Trombones... because there's a team that will fight for contestants to win their prizes. They're the warriors of winning... the prodigies of prizes. They are... The Prize League!" As this announcement is made, the Race Game Curtain raises to reveal George and all four models dressed as superheroes. After a brief pause for the audience to applaud, the voice introduces each hero, complete with dramatic-looking graphics of their names: George as "The Plinkster," a hero who fights crime with Plinko chips; "Manuela Transmission," an Amazon warrior with headlights for a breastplate and a hubcap-shaped shield; "Yodely Gal," Rachel dressed as a cross between Thor and the mountain climber; a caped but shirtless James as "Ab Man, and" Amber as "The Purrtector," a cat-themed heroine who does, in fact, protectively hold a cat. Then, as the camera pans across the heroes while slowly zooming in on Door #2, the voice continues, "Finally, he's the earl of easy money, the prince of prizes, the grand duke of good times: It's Captain Giveaway!" As the announcement ends, the doors open to reveal Drew dressed as a Price Is Right version of Nick Fury in a uniform adorned with Pricedown dollar signs, including one on his eye patch. Heroically brandishing his microphone, he declares, "Have no fear. The Prize League is here! And we're comin' for you, Dr. Trombones. Now, let's get to work!" As his speech ends, the lights come back on, the graphics stop malfunctioning, the other League members dash off to prepare for their next duties on the show, and as the Captain asks The Plinkster for the first Item up for Bids, a cityscape appears on Door #4, along with comic book versions of the heroes and the words "The Prize League."
  • Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on the Halloween special of The Price Is Right!"
    • Because of the structure of the opening, Drew enters with his microphone already in hand.
    • The lights around the audience and on the Turntable retain their colors from the superhero intros throughout the show; additionally, the G-T asterisks between the Big Doors are purple, and George's podium is light blue.
    • The background from Door #4 also appears on the Turntable screens, with the center row also displaying a silver "The Prize League" variant of the logo; the graphics from the center row are also shown on George's display.
    • The heroic music from the opening plays while George builds up to revealing Cover Up's car.
    • Cover Up's "wrong price" is a sequence of comic panels showing Captain Giveaway beating up Dr. Trombones.
    • The heroic music from the opening supplants the TPIR theme when wins occur (except during the Showcase).
    • The "The Prize League" version of the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his corresponding graphic are wearing a cape.
    • Each time a loss occurs, including when a contestant goes over on the Big Wheel, a cackling Dr. Trombones flies across the screen as the losing horns play.
    • The Punchboard holes have "no Dr. Trombones" graphics on them.
    • Punch a Bunch's $25,000 bill has a picture of Captain Giveaway (with the eye patch on the wrong eye).
    • The League members fly onto Door #4 a second time as the show comes back from commercial before the Showcase.
    • The heroic music plays during the credits.
    • The executive producer, co-EP, and director credits are shown in the "The Prize League" font.
    • Portions of the events during the credits are digitally altered to appear as animated hand-drawn sketches.
    • Interspersed with the parade of prizes during the credits are graphics of Captain Giveaway fighting Dr. Trombones.
    • The show ends with one final shot of the League flying onto Door #4.
  • On Tuesday, two small prize games are played.
  • On Tuesday, Balance Game is played for a car.

Week 8 (1,807 – 808xK): November 6-10

  • On Tuesday, the theme does not play at the end of Act 1; this was presumably spurred by the unusual ending of Let 'em Roll, in which the contestant quit with $1,500 despite having four cars and two rolls left.
  • On Wednesday, contestant Amanda wins Dice Game without having to make any decisions, rolling a 6, the third number, a 1, and the fifth number.
  • On Wednesday, Door #4 freezes before Act 6; it remains motionless for the length of one whole show, finally coming back to life at the start of Act 6 on Thursday.
  • On Thursday, the sound of scribbling chalk is added to Do the Math's price reveals.
  • Friday's show is themed around Veterans' Day; everyone in the audience is a veteran. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the Barker logo on a shield above the word "Veterans," against a field of stripes followed by a background of cascading stars. These graphics also appear on George's display, and a Carey version of the "Veterans" logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • Most of the lights on the set are red, white, and blue.
    • The "doorframe" of the light border is blue, and its "light strip" cascades red, white, and blue.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we honor veterans on The Price Is Right!
    • The Contestants' Row displays show rotating stars on a field of blue; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The borders of Contestants' Row are red on the red and yellow displays and blue on the blue and green displays.
    • The set is decorated for the holiday.
    • The Turntable screens show a mural of the American flag.
    • Everyone in the audience receives a $100 gift card from Lowe's, the provider of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said gift cards.

Week 9 (1,808 – 809xK): November 13-17

  • On Tuesday, Cover Up's "wrong price" is the rats from Rat Race running through a maze toward a car.
  • On Tuesday, a giant replica of the mountain climber is used to present to trip to Austria during the Showcase.

Week 10 (1,809 – 810xK): November 20-22, 27

  • Logically scheduled for November 20-23.
  • Only four shows; no Friday episode.
  • Wednesday's show is themed as a "college rivals" episode; pairs of students or alumni from rival schools are called down, with a coin flip determining which school's student is called first, and the rival of the winner of each Item up for Bids is sent back to the audience (but is awarded $1,000 if that person subsequently loses their pricing game). This results in two new contestants being called before each game. The following other aspects of this episode are also different than usual:
    • The G-T asterisks around the audience, the lights on the Turntable, and George's podium all show traditional fall colors.
    • Door #4 shows the logo on a football (which doubles as the body of a pilgrim hat-wearing turkey) with the football helmet-flanked words "College Rivals" at its base, with a football stadium whose lights radiate fall colors as the background. The same background appears on the Turntable screens and George's podium, with the turkey version of the logo on George's display and the center Turntable screen (and the entire center row during the Showcase) and the "College Rivals" graphics on the remaining Turntable screens.
    • The opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, it's college rivalry day on The Price Is Right!"
    • The college rivalries are announced and shown on Door #4 before each pair of contestants is called; each contestant's specific school is also announced.
    • Because of the rivalry format, the first four contestants are required to line up from left to right in Contestants' Row; in subsequent acts, the first contestant called is required to take the red or yellow spot and the second the blue or green spot.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first college rivalries to face off on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays show foam fingers in the appropriate school's colors, with left hands on the red and yellow displays and right hands on the blue and green displays, all against the Door #4 stadium background from Season 45's college rivals episode; when the contestants bid, these patterns wipe away to reveal the normal backgrounds (albeit with all four looking like the green display).
    • When Drew enters, he runs through a banner displaying the "College Rivals" version of the logo from Season 45 before coming through Door #2 while flanked by fireworks; additionally, he is backed by spotlights and a set of grassy prize backdrops instead of by the Barker Wall.
    • The set is decorated for the special.
    • During come on downs outside of the opening, college marching band music plays until "Walking" starts up once the first contestant's name is called.
    • During the body of the show, new contestants are not told, "You're the next contestant on The Price Is Right."
    • The "College Rivals" version of the logo from Season 45 appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are orange.
  • Thursday's show is themed around Cyber Monday, the day of its broadcast. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a pile of Christmas presents, a shopping cart, and the text "Cyber Monday" (with the "o" is the logo in the form of an ornament) against a background of cubes with a mouse pointer moving across the screen, dragging the gift boxes into the cart (largely the same graphics from Season 45's Cyber Monday episode); the same graphics appear on George's display and the center row of Turntable screens (with the other two rows showing raining gift boxes against the same background), and the "Cyber Monday" logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The Contestants' Row displays reuse the graphics from Season 44's Cyber Monday episode, showing the text "Cyber Monday" on a computer keyboard; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • Every contestant who gets onstage receives a $1,000 gift card from J.C. Penney, the provider of the first Item up for Bids.
    • Every Item up for Bids features a plug urging viewers to visit the website for a chance to win portions or all of the prize package or gift cards from their provider.
    • Everyone in the audience receives an Amazon Echo Show speaker, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids.
  • On Thursday, Do the Math's new price displays from Week 3 are present.

Week 11 (1,810 – 811xK): December 4-5, June 25, December 6, 8

  • Originally scheduled for December 4-8.
  • Originally rescheduled for December 4-5, June 27, December 6, 8.

Week 12 (1,811 – 812xK): December 11, January 2, December 13, 12, 15

  • Originally scheduled for December 11-15.

Week 13 (1,812 – 813xK): December 18-22

  • This week of shows consists of Christmas episodes. The following aspects of these episodes are different than usual:
    • Most of the lights around the set are red and green.
    • The G-T asterisks around the audience are all white and light blue.
    • Door #4 shows the logo, wearing a Santa hat and with holly at its base, against a blue background, all amid snowfall, the same graphics appear on George's display.
    • The "light strip" on the light border cascades red and green.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the holidays on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays show striped red and white wrapping paper; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The set is decorated for Christmas.
    • The center row of Turntable screens shows the graphics from Door #4 with the logo flanked by ornaments; the remaining Turntable screens show the same scene minus the logo.
    • The show holds a Toys for Tots drive all week, with donations from the staff and the audience displayed in a sleigh on the stage at the back of the audience.
    • The logo, with Santa hat, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • Each day, everyone in the audience receives either a portion of the third Item up for Bids or a gift certificate from the provider of the third Item up for Bids; these also serve as plugs, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win the same giveaway as the audience.
    • The various graphics are Christmas-themed.
    • The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are red.
    • The dollar signs in the background of the screens on the Showcase podiums are replaced with stationary snowflakes.
  • On Monday, Secret "X" is played for a three-wheeled roadster, while not technically a full-fledged car, it is more expensive than the actual cars offered in Temptation and Stack the Deck on the same episode.
  • On Tuesday, Golden Road uses Christmas car backdrops instead of its standard rainbow backdrops.
  • On Thursday, Pay the Rent's house and garage are decorated for Christmas.
  • On Thursday, Bonus Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, the show donates the cash value of anything won in a pricing game or on the Big Wheel to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Week 14 (1,813 – 814xK): December 26-29

  • Only four shows; no Monday episode.
  • On Wednesday, contestant Yolanda rolls all ones and sixes and wins Dice Game without having to make any decisions.
  • On Wednesday, Do the Math's new Price displays from Week 3 are present.
  • Friday's show is a "Best of 2017" program, featuring some of the show's favorite moments, prizes, and games of the past year. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • The show begins with George narrating a montage of some of the best moments of 2017, this then transitions into the regular opening.
    • The light columns in the audience are purple.
    • The light strip around the audience is light blue.
    • The G-T asterisks around the audience and between the Big Doors are all orange, as is George's podium.
    • Door #4 shows the Barker logo on a disco ball above the text "Best of 2017," all against a purple background with fireworks going off, these graphics also appear on the Turntable walls (with the logo and text only appearing in the center row, and not on the right-hand monitor until after the opening) and on George's display (without the text).
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the best of 2017 on The Price Is Right!"
    • Gold dollar sign statues with "2017" banners on them stand between the Big Doors.
    • Most of the lights on the Turntable are purple.
    • Three Barker's Beauties are present.
    • Double Prices is essentially played for an Around the World Showcase.
    • The "Best of 2017" text appears along with the Carey logo during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The dollar sign on George's call-down window is purple.
    • In a throwback to season premiere week, getting a dollar on the Big Wheel is worth $10,000 instead of $1,000.
    • Ab Man from the Prize League models the exercise equipment offered in Pick-a-Number.
    • Act 5 starts with a compilation of the best come on downs of 2017, in studio, the clips are shown on Door #4.
    • The second showcase is built through #UDecide, with the show's Twitter followers voting on which prizes to offer.
  • On Friday, Bullseye's metallic set, video displays, arrow markers, and second logo debut, as the episode was taped out of order, the original set returns for the game's next playing.

Week 15 (1,814 – 815xK): January 4, 3, November 2, January 5

  • Originally scheduled for January 2-5.
  • Only four shows; no Monday episode.
  • On Wednesday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, in honor of its 35th birthday, Plinko is played for $175,000, with the $10,000 slot changed to $35,000, the $100 and $1,000 slots changed to $3,500, and, somewhat awkwardly, the $500 slots changed to $350.
  • Wednesday's second showcase is themed around Plinko's anniversary and begins with Amber dropping a chip down the Plinko board.
  • On Friday, grandparents play alongside one of their adult grandchildren. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the Barker logo on the face of a sunflower above the word "Grandparents," all against a field full of sunflowers, this graphic is also shown on George's display and the center Turntable screen, while the other Turntable screens show the sky from the field's background.
    • All of the light columns around the audience are orange.
    • All of the G-T asterisks around the audience are yellow.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we celebrate grandparents on The Price Is Right!"
    • The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
    • The lights on the Turntable walls are orange.
    • The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are orange.
  • On Friday, the extended version of Contestants' Row is redone with the same borders as the regular Contestants' Row; additionally, the G-T asterisks between the displays are painted silver.
  • On Friday, Carol, the grandmother in the first pair of contestants called, was a contestant on the original Price Is Right with Bill Cullen 57 years earlier.

Week 16 (1,815 – 816xK): March 5-9

  • Originally scheduled for January 8-12.
  • On Monday, Amber's dress breaks offstage during the Item up for Bids before Punch a Bunch, leading to the game being revealed with no model and the $25,000 bill leaning on its side against its stand; Amber eventually rushes onstage and shows off the bill while explaining what happened.
  • On Monday, Balance Game is played for a car.
  • On Monday and Friday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew plugs an "Ultimate Superfan" contest on whose winner will receive a new car during a "superfan" episode on April 20, these promos were likely originally intended for Week 24, whose broadcast dates were swapped with this week.
  • Monday's first showcase mentions that spring is "right around the corner;" this references the episode's CBS broadcast date of March 5.
  • On Friday, the original Bullseye set reappears.

Week 17 (1,816 – 817xK): February 5-9

  • Originally scheduled for January 15-19.
  • On Monday, Check-Out is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, 1/2 Off's blue/green/orange set debuts, at the same time, its "$10,000" graphic changes from pink to blue. Due to episodes being taped out of order, the new color scheme does not immediately become permanent.
  • On Wednesday, Hi-Lo largely uses its original reveal; while the prize is still described first and the counter is still positioned as though it were behind the Giant Price Tag, Drew and the contestant stands in front of the Turntable before the game, and the counter is brought out by a Barker's Beauty after the prize plug. Additionally, the prize is placed in Door #2 so as to be visible behind the counter during the game.
  • On Thursday, The dollar sign grocery backdrops debut; due to shows taping out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent for Pass the Buck.
  • On Friday, Secret "X" is played for a car.

Week 18 (1,817 – 818xK): January 22-23, October 30, January 25-26

  • Originally scheduled for January 22-26.
  • On Wednesday, Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn from A Bad Moms Christmas appear throughout the show to promote their movie, as follows:
    • Riding out with James for Lucky $even.
    • Doing most of the modeling throughout the show.
    • Standing atop the Plinko board.
    • Standing under the Big Wheel scoreboard.
    • Calling down the second half's contestants (one guest per act).
    • Operating Grocery Game (Kristen Bell only).
    • Operating Squeeze Play (Kathryn Hahn only).
    • Helping to present both showcases.
  • On Wednesday, with the guest stars serving as models, George does not model during Most Expen$ive.
  • On Wednesday, before the third Item up for Bids, the guests announce that immediately after the taping, everyone in the audience will be taken to an advance screening of A Bad Moms Christmas.
  • On Wednesday, after each Showcase Showdown, a (likely staged) clip of the guests stars is played; after the first Showcase Showdown, Mila Kunis is shown dropping a Plinko chip into $10,000, and after the second, she is shown spinning a dollar on the Big Wheel (complete with the $1,000 graphic and "Dig We Must").
  • On Wednesday, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual move, two small prize games and a grocery item game are played.
  • Wednesday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, a red carpet experience at the premiere of A Bad Moms Christmas, oddly, the contestants are not instructed on-air not to include this while bidding, although it seems likely that this was simply edited out for time.
  • On Wednesday, while signing off, Drew mentions "tomorrow's" Halloween special; this refers to the episode's rescheduled broadcast date of October 30.
  • On Thursday, contestant Dana has a picture on her shirt of Drew and his prom date, who works with her mother.
  • Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, two silver-level tickets to the Grammys and two official passes to the show's after party; the contestants are instructed not to include these while bidding. This also serves as a plug for the awards show, which airs on CBS on Sunday night.

Week 19 (1,818 – 819xK): January 29-February 2

  • This week of shows is Pet Adoption Week; each day, a guest (on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday) or one or more cast members (on Wednesday and Thursday) do a pet adoption segment at the beginning of Act 3, with a special set of "Pet Adoption Week" graphics behind them on the Turntable walls that feature a puppy in a doghouse. Additionally, the third Items up for Bids (or, on Friday, one of the prizes in the third game) are all somehow pet-related. The guests are as follows:
    • Monday's guest is Lucky Dog host Brandon McMillan.
    • Tuesday's guest is Daniela Ruah, the portrayer of Kensi Blye on NCIS: LA.
    • Friday's guest is Puppy Bowl referee Dan Schachner; he also helps to present the second showcase, which is themed around the event.
  • The Pet Adoption Week graphics also appear as Cover Up's "wrong price" on Monday.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, three models are present; as such, George does not model in Most Expen$ive on Thursday.
  • On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives an iFetch ball launcher, a portion of the third Item up for Bids, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said ball launchers.
  • On Thursday, James helps to present the second showcase, which is loosely themed around his adopted dog.
  • On Friday, contestant Marae tells Drew that her twin sister, Marene, who is in the audience, was on the show 40 years earlier; as they go to commercial after she plays More or Less, clips are shown from the November 15, 1977 show (#2562D) of Marene, with Marae looking on from the audience, being called down by Johnny, getting up onstage, and winning Hurdles.
  • Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, a backstage experience at the Puppy Bowl, oddly, the contestants are not instructed not to include this while bidding, although this is likely because a bid was made immediately after the showcase ended without Drew having a chance to say anything.

Week 20 (1,819 – 820xK): January 15-19

  • Originally scheduled for February 5-9.
  • On Wednesday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
  • Wednesday is longtime stage manager Doug Quick's last show before retiring. Drew brings him onstage to say goodbye to him after the second Showcase Showdown; he also joins everyone onstage during the credits.
  • On Friday, Pass the Buck's G-T asterisk grocery backdrops are present one final time.

Week 21 (1,820 – 821xK): February 12-16

  • On Tuesday, the new Bullseye design introduced on December 29 returns more or less permanently.
  • On Tuesday, the numbers on the Bullseye board are larger than usual, and its price display has a vague 3D effect not present on any other episode.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around Valentine's Day, the audience is full of newlywed couples who play alongside each other when they are called down. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a married couple driving down a country road toward the sunset in a car with the logo on the trunk above a "Just Married" sign, all with hearts flying by. These graphics also appear on George's display.
    • The "neon strips" on the light border are pink and red.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four newlywed couples as we celebrate Valentine's Day on The Price Is Right!"
    • The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
    • The Contestants' Row displays show the hearts and "Just Married" sign from Door #4, with the hearts and text in the appropriate color, against a blue background; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The Turntable walls show the hearts and sunsets from Door #4; the center screen also shows a heart with the Barker logo on it.
    • Drew enters with his fiancee, Amie Harwick.
    • Drew enters with his microphone already in hand.
    • Drew points out at the top of the show that everyone in the cast is currently either married or engaged; all of their significant others assist with modeling and/or announced during the course of the show.
    • All four models (and their significant others) are present.
    • The lights between the Turntable screens are purple and yellow for most of the show.
    • The logo, along with cascading hearts and the text "Happy Valentine's Day," appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • George's call-down window and its dollar sign are pink.
    • The Big Wheel's split-screen separator is pink.
    • Everyone in the audience receives a two-night trip to Temecula, California, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George's fiancee, Brittany Green, urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said trips.
  • On Wednesday, the curtain between Door #3 and the audience light strip is absent, revealing the same wall stripes that appear in the old producers' table area. This change becomes permanent later in the season.
  • On Wednesday, in an unusual occurrence, Drew hosts Double Prices with no model present, leading him to simply toss the non-selected price on the floor.
  • On Wednesday, Secret "X" is played for a trip to Paris, where Drew and Amie got engaged; a picture of them after their engagement is shown on Door #4 after the prize description.
  • On Thursday and Friday, Mishael Morgan, the portrayer of Hilary Curtis on The Young and the Restless, appears as a guest third Barker's Beauty.
  • On Friday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew plugs the "Ultimate Superfan" contest first mentioned in Week 16.

Week 22 (1,821 – 822xK): February 22, 20, 19, 21, 23

  • Originally scheduled for February 19-23.
  • This week of shows is Big Money Week; each episode features unusually large cash prizes; in fact, on Monday, all six games are played for cash, as follows:
    • Spelling Bee is played for $100,000, with "C," "A," "R," and "CAR" replaced by "B," "I," "G," and "BIG." Additionally, each card is worth $5,000 instead of $1,000.
    • Hi-Lo is played for $10,000.
    • 1/2 Off is played for $20,000.
    • Now....or Then is played for $30,000.
    • Vend-O-Price is played for $40,000.
    • Master Key is played for $5,000, $15,000, and $30,000, with the $30,000 functioning as the "car."
  • On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, all pricing games that are not played for cash award a $5,000 bonus if they are won; on Friday, every game that is won awards a cash equivalent of the top prize. Additionally, the following extra cash prizes are offered:
    • On Tuesday, Plinko is played for $1,000,000, with a $200,000 center slot and the outer slots raised to $500, $1,000, and $2,500, and It's in the Bag is played for $32,000, with all the cash prizes doubled (although, oddly, the $16,000 sign is still used during the intro).
    • On Wednesday, Cliff Hangers is played for $20,000, and Time I$ Møney is played for $200,000, with the money counting down approximately 10 times as fast as usual.
    • On Thursday, Punch a Bunch is played for $250,000, with 1 $250,000 slip, 9 $10,000, 15 $5,000, 10 $2,500, 10 $1,000, and 5 $500, and Grand Game is played for $20,000, with all the usual cash values doubled.
    • On Friday, due to the day's cash equivalent bonus, Pay the Rent is effectively played for $200,000.
  • Additionally, the following aspects of this week are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the logo, with the text "Big Money Week" at its base, against a background of gold sparkles as dollar bills rain down around it; these graphics also appear on George's display and the center row of Turntable screens, and the sparkles and dollar signs appear on the remaining Turntable screens (except on Thursday, when they are identical to the center row until the second part of the Showcase). The "Big Money Week" version of the logo also appears during all commercial outros in addition to the usual spots.
    • On Wednesday, the first show of the week to be broadcast, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Big Money Week on The Price Is Right!" This was presumably originally intended for Monday's opening before the episodes were shuffled around. On the remaining four episodes, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Big Money Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
    • Gold dollar sign statues are placed between the Big Doors.
    • The Contestants' Row displays are sparkly versions of their usual colors and have a Pricedown dollar sign at the center; when the contestants bid, the normal colors are revealed in the wake of a wave of dollar bills.
    • The portions of the Turntable wall between the displays are gold throughout the show.
    • The light strips on the Big Doors, the dollar sign statue, and most of the lights on the Turntable are green throughout the show (although the normal colors are present on Wednesday during most of the Showcase).
    • George's call-down window is green and gold, and its dollar sign is green.
    • The standard "money win" graphics across all the games and the Showcase Showdown are replaced by a special set of graphics in the "Big Money Week" font.
    • All of the cash bonuses in the Showcase Showdown are doubled; the initial dollar is worth $2,000, a green section in the bonus spin is worth $20,000, and a dollar in the bonus spin is worth $50,000.
  • Monday is one of only two episodes in the show's history on which no pricing game is played for a car, however, the usual episode structure is more or less preserved, with one car game in each half and one actual cash game in the lineup.
  • On Wednesday, Freeze Frame is not hidden behind the Giant Price Tag; Drew and the contestant initially stand in front of the Turntable, and the game is revealed by zooming out from Door #2 after the prize description.
  • On Wednesday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
  • On Wednesday, Pick-a-Number's original price reveal is used, as the episode was taped out of order.
  • On Wednesday and Friday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew plugs the "Ultimate Superfan" contest.

Week 23 (1,822 – 823xK): February 26-March 2

  • On Monday and Friday, after the second Showcase Showdown, Drew plugs the "Ultimate Superfan" contest.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, Christel Khalil, the portrayer of Lily Ashby on The Young and the Restless, appears as a guest third Barker's Beauty, as such, George does not model during Thursday's Most Expen$ive.
  • On Wednesday, The dollar sign grocery backdrops return permanently for Pass the Buck.
  • On Thursday, Push Over is played for a car.
  • On Friday, 1/2 Off's new color scheme returns permanently.
  • On Friday, Hi-Lo is played for a car.

Week 24 (1,823 – 824xK): January 8-12

  • Originally scheduled for March 5-9.
  • On this week's shows, the first contestant to win their pricing game receives a $20,000 bonus from Publishers Clearing House, complete with a check presentation by the Prize Patrol.
  • On Wednesday, Money Game has 48 in the "year slot" instead of 46.
  • Thursday is the first show taped with 1/2 Off's new color scheme; it is also the first episode with it to air on CBS and features Drew's formal introduction of it.

Week 25 (1,824 – 825xK): March 12

  • March Madness week; only one show, on Monday.

Week 26 (1,825 – 826xK): March 19-23

  • This week of shows is Kids Week; every episode has a theme somehow related to children, as follows:
    • Monday is themed as a baby shower, with expecting parents playing as teams. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
      • Door #4 shows two birds looking at their egg in a nest, with the text "Baby Shower" below their tree branch. These graphics, minus the text, also appear on the center Turntable screen (and the rest of the center row during the Showcase) and George's display, with additional tree branches on the remaining Turntable screens and pink and blue lights between the displays, and the "Baby Shower" text appears beneath the logo during every commercial outro in additional to the usual spots.
      • The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we throw the ultimate baby shower on The Price Is Right!"
      • The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
      • The Contestants' Row displays show the tree branch graphics with the egg but no birds, with the bow on each egg in the color of the display; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
      • The set is decorated for the special.
      • Everyone in the audience receives a $100 gift card from Little Unicorn, the provider of the sixth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said gift cards.
    • On Tuesday, contestants play alongside one or more of their 4-to-9-year-old children. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
      • Door #4 shows an animated crayon drawing of a hilltop with a cartoonish sun in the background, the TPIR logo on a tree, and the text "kids!" on the ground. Variations on these graphics are shown on the Turntable screens and George's display, and the logo, with the "kids!" text at its base, is shown during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
      • The opening ends with, "You are the first nine contestants as we celebrate kids on The Price Is Right!"
      • The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
      • The Contestants' Row displays show the animated sun from Door #4; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
      • Everyone in the audience receives a Botley the Coding Robot and a Crashapault, portions of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win a set of said toys.
    • On Wednesday, the contestants are tweens, who are joined by a parent during the Showcase. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
      • Door #4 shows the logo, with the word "Tweens" at its base and with various, yellow, 3D shapes rotating behind it, all against a sparkly, blue background. Variations on these graphics are shown on the Turntable screens and George's display, and the logo, with the "Tweens" text at its base, is shown during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
      • The opening ends with, "You are the first four tween contestants as we celebrate kids on The Price Is Right!"
      • The set is decorated for the special.
      • The Contestants' Row displays show the word "Tweens," along with one rotating shape each in the color of a designated "opposite" display, in pairs of red and blue and yellow and green, all against sparkly backgrounds in the display's proper color; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
      • Due to the contestants' ages, no car games are played; the only cars offered appeared in the Showcase, once the contestants have been joined by a parent.
      • Everyone in the audience receives a wearable camera, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said cameras.
    • On Thursday, every contestant is 16; the show is billed as "Sweet 16," presumably to coincide with the eponymous portion of the NCAA basketball tournament, which also begins airing on Thursday. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
      • Door #4 shows a car, with the logo for a hood ornament and "1" and "6" birthday balloons as its passengers, driving down a palm tree-lined street with a sunset in the background. The variations on the background in different combinations of blue and orange are shown on the Turntable screens, and the center row of screens, as well as George's display (whose background is purple), also have the "16" balloons on them. Additionally, the logo, with the "16" balloons to its right, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
      • The lights on the Turntable walls between the displays are orange and blue.
      • The Contestants' Row displays show the "16" balloons against sparkly backgrounds in the display's proper color; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
      • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate kids on The Price Is Right!"
      • In contrast to Wednesday, every pricing game, including Cliff Hangers, Balance Game, Vend-O-Price, and Range Game, is played for a car.
      • Everyone in the audience receives a speaker from iHome, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said speakers.
    • On Friday, every contestant is a college student. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
      • Door #4 shows a piggy bank with the logo on its side and with coins falling into it; it sits on a desk in a classroom, surrounded by money and backed by a chalkboard on which "College Fund" is written with an arrow pointing to the bank. These graphics also appear on the center row of Turntable screens. The remaining Turntable screens show dollar bills raining down against a chalkboard background, and George's display shows these graphics with the logo in the center.
      • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate college students on The Price Is Right!"
      • The set is decorated for the special.
      • The Turntable lights between the screens are green and white for most of the show.
      • As a "college fund" episode, every game is played for cash; notably, Bonus Game is played for $15,000, Check-Out is played for $20,000, Pick-a-Pair is played for $10,000, and Bullseye is played for $15,000.
      • Everyone in the audience receives a box of "spring break essentials" from Campus Cube, a package designed to accompany the trip to Lake Tahoe offered as the third Item up for Bids; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said boxes.
  • On Monday through Wednesday, the curtain between Door #3 and the audience light strip is again absent.
  • On Monday, despite Rat Race's motion sensors indicating that one of the contestants' rats had come in third, review of the tape left the staff was unsure that it wasn't actually second, as such, after they spun the Big Wheel, Drew allowed them to choose whether they would win the first prize or the second prize. (As they had also won the car, this decision had no potential to affect the spinning order).
  • On Wednesday, the G-T asterisks on the game side of the Turntable wall are all light blue. This change does not immediately become permanent, as the episode was taped drastically out of order.
  • On Wednesday, two small prize games and a grocery item game are played.
  • On Thursday, the car in Range Game is driven out of Door #3 after the prize description, stopping onstage next to the game board.
  • On Friday, all six games are fee games.
  • On Friday, which was taped drastically of out order, the original Bullseye set is used one final time.

Week 27 (1,826 – 827xK): April 30, March 27-30

  • Originally scheduled for March 26-30.
  • On Monday, the curtain between Door #3 and the audience light strip is done away with permanently.

Week 28 (1,827 – 828xK): April 2-6

  • On Monday, Shell Game is played for a car.
  • On Friday, everyone in the audience is a teacher. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated for the special.
    • Door #4 shows the logo, transformed into a chalk-drawn apple, with the word "Teachers at its base, all against Do the Math's chalkboard background. The logo and background also appear on the Turntable screens and George's display, with the center Turntable screen (and the entire middle row during the Showcase), instead showing the logo-less apple outline with the "Teachers" text over it, and the version of the logo from Door #4 appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate teachers on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays also show the chalkboard background from Do the Math; when the contestants give a bid, the numbers are scribbled onto them in "chalk."
    • During the third Item up for Bids, everyone in the audience receives a book and a $100 gift certificate from Scholastic, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win the book The Word Collector and one of the said gift certificates.
    • Everyone in the audience receives a coffee maker from Keurig, the provider of the sixth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said coffee makers.
    • The Showcase podiums are topped with a desk holding an apple and a pencil mug and display the contestant's last name (i.e. "Mrs. Smith" or "Mr. Jones") instead of the word "Showcase" (although "Showcase" reappears on the Top Winner's podium if he passes). The pencil mugs also have the TPIR logo on them, with the Top Winner's notably marking the first appearance of a Carey era version of the red logo.
  • On Friday, three models are present, as such, George does not model during Most Expen$ive.
  • On Friday, the blue G-T asterisks on the Turntable wall are present.

Week 29 (1,828 – 829xK): April 9-13

  • On Monday, Money Game has 41 in the "year slot" instead of 46.
  • Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, two tickets to the ACM Awards, which air on CBS on Sunday night. The contestants are instructed not to include these while bidding.

Week 30 (1,829 – 830xK): April 16-20

  • On Monday, the buck on the grocery podium for Pass the Buck is redesigned with fancier graphics, the dollar sign on the base of the podium is also updated to match the new graphics.
  • On Wednesday, Switcheroo receives a new, shorter small prize stand with circular bases.
  • On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the blue G-T asterisks are present on the Turntable wall.
  • On Thursday, the new "Bullseye" sign becomes green; it had been white on its first three appearances.
  • On Thursday, Bullseye's markers are painted red to resemble targets, with the grocery description curving around the red ring in white text.
  • On Thursday's TV broadcast, CBS accidentally airs the split-screened credits for Let's Make a Deal instead of The Price Is Right.
  • Friday's show is billed as a fan appreciation episode, with an audience filled with some of the show's biggest fans from around the country and a lineup of "fan-favorite" pricing games. Additionally, the following special things occur on this episode:
    • The prize package for Cliff Hangers includes, as a bonus, dinner with Drew after the taping.
    • Several of the pricing games, most explicitly Cliff Hangers (with prices of $20, $30, and $40) and Money Game (with El Cheapo as the last two numbers), are set up in ways that allow contestants to take advantage of tricks widely known within the fan community.
    • At the top of Act 3, James goes on location to present the winner of the Ultimate Superfan contest with a new car.
    • Before the fifth game, Plinko, the show plays the video submission of Jackson Woodworth, the youngest entrant in the Ultimate Superfan contest. Afterward, Jackson and his mother, Brianna, are brought into the proceedings live via Door #4 to play Plinko alongside contestant Rapunzel, with any cash Rapunzel wins in the game also being awarded to Jackson. Much of Plinko is broadcast in split-screen alongside the footage from Door #4.
    • At the top of Act 6, everyone in the audience receives a trip to SoCal wine country; this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said trips.
  • On Friday, Push Over is played for a car.

Week 31 (1,830 – 831xK): April 23-27

  • On Wednesday, the blue G-T asterisks on the Turntable wall return permanently.
  • On Thursday, in honor of Take Your Daughter to Work Day, Rachel's daughter, Ruby, helps her to present the second showcase.
  • Friday's show is themed as a bachelor(ette) party, with an audience full of people about to be married. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows the Las Vegas sign, which reads "Bachelors and Bachelorettes" in blue and red and has the TPIR logo resting on the bottom corner, all against a purple background of stars and spotlights. The same background also appears on the Turntable screens and George's display, with the former's center row also showing the "Bachelors and Bachelorettes" text (in gold) and the latter also having the TPIR logo on it. The TPIR logo, along with the text from the sign on Door #4 (oddly, with "and" in red instead of blue), also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we host a great bachelor and bachelorette party on The Price Is Right!"
    • The models wear shirts saying, "What happens at Price stays at Price."
  • On Friday, three models are present.

Week 32 (1,831 – 832xK): March 26, May 1-4

  • Originally scheduled for April 30-May 4.
  • On Monday, for no apparent reason, George's display shows the same graphics as Door #4 during the opening.
  • On Monday, the show celebrates the 45th anniversary of The Young and the Restless, which debuted on March 26, 1973, 45 years before the date of this episode's broadcast on CBS. Daniel Goddard, Mishael Morgan, and Melissa Ordway, the portrayers on Y&R of Cane Ashby, Hilary Curtis, and Abby Newman, appear as guest models alongside Manuela and Rachel and help to present the second showcase, which is themed around their program's anniversary.
  • On Tuesday, contestant Minnie becomes the first known repeat contestant to have both of her appearances be with Drew. After playing Money Game, the same game she had played her Barker's time around, the show goes to commercial with clips of her coming on down (complete with audio of Rich) and winning her Item up for Bids on episode #4185K from February 1, 2008.

Week 33 (1,832 – 833xK): May 7-11

  • Friday's show is themed around Mother's Day, with mothers playing alongside one or more of their adult children. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • Door #4 shows a bouquet of butterfly-laden flowers with the text "Happy Mother's Day" in front of it, all against a green background. These graphics also appear on the center Turntable screen and George's display, and the remaining Turntable screens show them minus the text.
      • George's display briefly changes to read, "Hi Mama Mai!" when he says good morning to his mother.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first 10 contestants as we celebrate moms on The Price Is Right!"
    • The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
    • The lights on the Turntable wall are purple for most of the show.
    • The logo, with the "Happy Mother's Day" text at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The Big Wheel split-screen separator is purple.
  • On Friday, everyone in the audience receives a handbag from Expressions NYC, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids, this also serves as a plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of the said handbags.

Week 34 (1,833 – 834xK): May 14-18

Week 35 (1,834 – 835xK): May 21-25

  • On Monday, Hi-Lo is played for a car.
  • On Tuesday, a metallic strip is briefly added to the base of the Lucky $even board.
  • On Tuesday, Stack the Deck is played for a Cadillac.
  • Wednesday's show celebrates Drew's 60th birthday. The following special things occur:
    • Let 'em Roll is played for a $95,000 BMW, with the money on the cubes increased to $2,000, $5,000, and $7,500.
    • The second showcase is themed around Drew's birthday, with everyone in the audience wearing party hats and Door #4 displaying "Happy birthday Drew!" for the remainder of the show.
    • A birthday cake is brought out during the credits.
  • On Friday, Drew operates One Away by himself.

Week 36 (1,835 – 836xK): May 28-June 1

  • On Monday, Golden Road's price holders are redone to remove the blank spaces on the left. Additionally, the prices for the first and third prizes now come out of the left sides of their holders instead of the right.
  • Beginning on Tuesday, Punch a Bunch's lights are on throughout the game, as was done with the original Punchboard.
  • On Tuesday, a quiver with two extra arrow markers in it is added to the left side of the Bullseye board, acting as a discard pile for markers whose items missed the target.
  • On Thursday, the "wrong price" in Cover Up is the mountain climber contorting himself into the letters of the word "Price."

Week 37 (1,836 – 837xK): June 4-8

Week 38 (1,837 – 838xK): June 11-15

  • On Tuesday, the metallic strip added to Lucky $even in Week 35 is removed.
  • On Wednesday, Shopping Spree is accidentally set up with too low a target price, making it possible to pick the least expensive prize and still win something that ultimately happened, leading to everyone celebrating with the buzzer going off. After a stop-down to figure out what had happened, the end of the game was reshot with the appropriate sound effects and without a reveal of the fourth price, and the original price reveal was edited out of the show.
  • On Thursday, contestant Kyle wins Dice Game without having to make any decisions, rolling all 1s and 6s.
  • On Thursday, 1/2 Off's orange boxes are repainted light blue.

Week 39 (1,838 – 839xK): June 18-19, August 21, June 21-22

  • Originally scheduled for June 18-22.
  • Thursday's show, which airs on the first day of summer, is themed as a summer beach party. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
    • The set is decorated with a beach theme.
    • The light strip around the audience is yellow.
    • The G-T asterisks around the audience are all yellow and orange.
    • The light columns around the audience are all purple, with silhouettes of palm trees adorning the ones around Door #4.
    • Door #4 shows a four-colored beach scene, with a silhouette of the logo against the setting sun and the words "Summer Beach Party" beneath it; a similar scene appears on George's display, and a variant of the center of the scene appears during every commercial outro in addition to the logo's usual spots.
    • George, the Barker's Beauties, and the audience are dressed in beach attire.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we throw the ultimate summer beach party on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays show a sandy beach, when a contestant bids, a wave washes over the scene, leaving their bid etched in the sand.
    • The Turntable is lit in purple and orange, with the "Summer Beach Party" logo in the center column of screens and silhouettes of surfboards in the other columns; this color scheme and logo graphic also appears on George's podium.
    • George's call-down window is pink, and its dollar sign is orange.
  • On Thursday, three models are present.
  • On Friday, the cover on the lower half of the One Away board is repainted to gradually transition from the main board's orange down to the base's red.
  • Friday's credits include the note, "Potions of this show have been edited. Prizes not shown as won was awarded to the contestant." Which contestant and prizes this refers to are not known.

Week 40 (1,839 – 840xK): June 26, July 4

  • Season finale week, only two shows, on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • This week was originally planned with a Friday show, intended as a "summer beach party" special, instead of a Tuesday show, however, that version of the episode never had any airdate assigned, and the theme was ultimately relocated to the June 21 episode.
  • Wednesday's show is themed around Independence Day. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
  • This show is also Amber Lancaster's last show after 10 years on the show. She went on to host Danny Lipford's Best New Products segment and Lipford welcomed a new sponsor to his own show, Eau Claire, Wisconsin based Menards to replace Atlanta-based Home Depot. She replaced Jodi Marks, who left to be a real estate agent in Georgia.
    • The light columns around the audience are all red, and the G-T asterisks around the audience are all white.
    • The light strip around the audience is blue.
    • Door #4 shows the logo, with the text "4th of July" at its base, against a waving American flag and exploding red, white, and blue fireworks; this logo, along with the fireworks, also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
    • The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the 4th of July on The Price Is Right!"
    • The Contestants' Row displays show the background from Door #4; when the contestants give a bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
    • The light strips around the Big Doors are red, white, and blue from left to right.
    • The G-T asterisks between the Big Doors are white.
    • The Turntable lights are red, white, and blue, and its screens show a mural of the American flag.
    • George's podium is red, white, and blue, and its screen shows the background from Door #4 and the "4th of July" text.
    • The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are blue.