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Season 47 (2018-2019)[]
Pricing game calendar for Season 47, hosted by Scorpz.
Week 1 (1,840 – 841xK): September 17-20, November 13
- Originally scheduled for September 17-21.
- Monday's show is a celebration of Price's Emmy for Best Game Show. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Everyone, including the audience, wears formal attire.
- The aisles in the audience have red carpets.
- Door #4 shows the logo, with an Emmy in place of the dollar sign, against a shimmering, gold and blue background. A version of this background also appears on the Turntable screens (accompanied by the Emmy statue in the center row), the Contestants' Row displays, and George's display (along with the Emmy version of the logo). The graphics on Contestants' Row wipe away to reveal the normal colors when the contestants bid.
- The light strip and G-T asterisks in the audience, the lights on the Turntable walls, the G-T asterisks between the Big Doors, and the borders of the Contestants' Row displays are all gold.
- The light columns around the audience are all dark blue.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate winning any Emmy and the start of Season 47 of The Price Is Right!"
- George and all of the Barker's Beauties come through Door #2 with Drew at the end of the opening; George introduces them as "your host, Drew Carey, and the cast of The Price Is Right!" Manuela enters with Drew's microphone, and Rachel enters with the show's Emmy.
- A red carpet with velvet ropes is placed in front of Door #2 for the cast's entrance.
- The cast's entrance is backed by spotlights and Hollywood sign prize backdrops instead of the Barker Wall.
- The G-T asterisks in front of Contestants' Row are a glittery gold.
- Everyone who gets onstage receives, as a bonus, a $1,500+ package of luxury items, including a trip to Palm Springs; this package is described before the first game.
- George's calldown window, instead of looking like the Season 42-44 light border, appears smooth with the background from Door #4 cascading across its edges; additionally, its dollar sign is dark blue.
- In honor of the show's eight total Emmy awards (which are displayed in front of Door #3 during the Showcase Showdowns), getting a dollar on the Big Wheel is worth $8,000, and getting a dollar in a bonus spin is worth $80,000.
- Everyone in the audience receives a collection of E-RaOrganics skincare products, a portion of the prize package from Cliff Hangers; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said collection.
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his corresponding graphic are dressed in formal wear and are holding an Emmy.
- The prices of the showcase are in gold Emmy envelopes.
- On Monday, the raised stage in the back of the audience is redone with a shiny, blue floor with gold borders and a silver dollar sign.
- On Monday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.
- On Monday, Double Prices is played for a car.
- On Monday, the second Reveal is introduced; the new version is designed to look like the displays on George's podium and the Turntable walls.
- On this week's shows, the logo, with the words "Premiere Week" at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots (although this was removed from Friday's show, as it was aired several weeks late).
- On Monday, with all four Barker's Beauties present, George does not model during Most Expen$ive.
- Monday's first showcase includes, as a bonus, tickets to and a limo ride to and from the 2019 Daytime Emmy Awards. The contestants are instructed not to include this while bidding.
- Beginning on Monday, in reflection of the company's name change, George signs off from the show as "a Fremantle production." The FremantleMedia logos during and after the credits are also changed to Fremantle logos at this time.
- On Tuesday, the borders of Contestants' Row become a significantly brighter shade of green.
- On Wednesday, steel rims are added around the price choices in Secret "X".
- On Thursday, the background of the graphical Switch? logo becomes a purple field with hypocycloid diamonds.
Week 2 (1,841 – 842xK): September 24-26, November 28, September 28
- Originally scheduled for September 24-28.
- On Monday, which was taped before Week 1, Switch?'s graphical logo still has the diamond/asterisk background.
- On Monday, That's Too Much! is played for a $33,000 Dodge Challenger.
- On Wednesday, only one Barker's Beauty, Rachel, is present for the entire show. This leads to George taking a more active role in the proceedings, including running the small prizes in Punch a Bunch and acting in the second showcase.
- Wednesday is a celebration of Punch a Bunch's 40th birthday. (The game actually debuted on September 27, 1978's episode, not September 26's; however, it fell in a stretch of 12 shows that were all broadcast a day early.) The following special things are done for this episode:
- Punch a Bunch is played for $40,000, with one $40,000 slip, four $10,000, 15 $5,000, 15 $2,500, 10 $1,000, and five $500. Additionally, Drew's photo on the $40,000 bill is wearing a party hat.
- The Punchboard is placed with Check-Out's prize package, a set of appliances described as a "party package."
- The second showcase is themed around the game; most notably, the first prize, $4,000 in cash, is revealed on a slip that Rachel punches out of the Punchboard, which is placed between Door #1 and Door #2 and remains onstage during the credits.
Week 3 (1,842 – 843xK): October 1-5
- Monday's show is themed around Breast Cancer Awareness Month; everyone in the audience either has, has survived, or has somehow been affected by breast cancer. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Most of the colored lights on the set are various shades of pink.
- Door #4 shows the logo with the word "Price" and the right-hand background in pink, the left-hand background in white, and a pink ribbon covering the dollar sign, all against a blue background with cascading, pink bubbles; this version of the logo also appears on the Showcase podiums, as well as during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we support National Breast Cancer Awareness Month on The Price Is Right!"
- The Turntable walls and the Contestants' Row displays show pink ribbons against a pinkless version of the background from Door #4; George's podium also shows this background, but with the logo from Door #4. When the contestants bid, the graphics on Contestants' Row wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- Everyone in the audience receives a Vera Bradley weekender bag, a portion of the second Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said bags.
- George's calldown window and its dollar sign are pink.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator and arrow graphic are both pink.
- All of the money win graphics are pink.
- The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are pink.
- On Monday, Push Over is played for a car.
- On Tuesday, in honor of Cover Up being 25 years old, its "wrong price" is a series of birthday cakes, with "25" topping the middle one.
- On Tuesday, the center bar of Pathfinder's price display, normally only visible during Add 'em Up, is seen near the end of the game thanks to an unusual camera angle.
- On Wednesday, the small prize price holders in 5 Price Tags are redone with a less rigid material; the holders are also moved slightly downward so as not to cover the white borders on the podiums and are repainted to be entirely blue.
- On Thursday, contestant Christine tells Drew that she had previously appeared on the show on February 13, 2002; as they discuss this, clips are played of her winning Temptation on that episode. Coincidentally, the conversation takes place as she plays Now....or Then with a "Then" date of February 2002.
- On Friday, before playing 2 for the Price of 1, contestant Emma tells Drew that her mother, who is in the audience, had been a contestant four years earlier; while going to commercial after the game, clips are shown of her mother coming out of Contestants' Row and winning Coming or Going.
- On Friday, Double Prices is essentially set up as though it were Coming or Going, with prices of $9,565 and $5,659. Given that this took place immediately after the above note about the 2 for the Price of 1 contestant's mother, it seems likely that Coming or Going was simply replaced with Double Prices so as to avoid showing it on-air two acts in a row.
Week 4 (1,843 – 844xK): October 11, 9, 10, 8, 12
- Originally scheduled for October 8-12.
- Despite its rescheduling, Monday's show was briefly uploaded to CBS.com by mistake on October 8.
- This week is Big Money Week; each day from Monday through Thursday, a game is played for an unusually large cash prize, as follows:
- On Monday, 1/2 Off is played for $50,000.
- On Tuesday, Hot Seat is played for $100,000, with the lower awards raised to $2,500, $5,000, $10,000, and $25,000.
- On Wednesday, Plinko is played for $1,000,000, with $200,000 in the center slot and the lower values raised to $500, $1,000, and $2,500.
- On Thursday, Hole in One is played for $100,000, with a windmill rotating in front of the hole to increase the difficulty; before putting, the contestant is given the option to play without the windmill for a reduced prize of $20,000.
- In the other five games each day, if the game is won, the contestant are awarded a bonus of the cash equivalent of anything won in the game, including cash. (In the case of Master Key, it is unclear whether merely winning the car was enough to trigger this or if it would only be triggered by the master key.)
- Additionally, on Monday, Let 'em Roll's cash values are doubled.
- On Friday, all six games are played for cash, as follows:
- Grand Game is played for $50,000, with the lower prizes raised accordingly.
- Bonus Game is played for $10,000.
- Check-Out is played for $15,000.
- Bullseye is played for $25,000.
- Cliff Hangers is played for $20,000.
- Pass the Buck is played for $25,000, with the regular cash awards raised to $5,000, $10,000, and $15,000. The game is billed as being played for $50,000, but this is actually the total of $25,000 (which functions as the "car"), $15,000, and $10,000.
- On top of this, the following aspects of this week are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the logo, with the text "Big Money Week" at its base, against a background of gold sparkles as dollar bills rain down around it; these graphics also appear on George's display, and the sparkles and dollar signs appear on the Turntable screens, with the center row of screens changing to mirror George's display during the Showcase (and also for a brief period at the beginning of Act 6 on Monday). The "Big Money Week" version of the logo also appears during all commercial outros in addition to the usual spots.
- On Thursday, the first show of the week to be broadcast, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Big Money Week on The Price Is Right!" This was presumably originally intended for Monday's opening before the episodes were shuffled around. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Big Money Week continues on The Price Is Right!" (On Monday, this is altered slightly to, "You are the first four contestants as we continue Big Money Week on The Price Is Right!" This may be a consequence of the announcement being dubbed over in post-production.) On Friday, the opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we wrap up Big Money Week on The Price Is Right!"
- Gold dollar sign statues are placed between the Big Doors.
- The Contestants' Row displays are sparkly versions of their usual colors and have a Pricedown dollar sign at the center; when the contestants bid, the normal colors are revealed in the wake of a wave of dollar bills.
- The portions of the Turntable wall between the displays are gold throughout the show.
- The light strips on the Big Doors, the dollar sign statue, and most of the lights on the Turntable are green throughout the show.
- George's calldown window and its dollar sign are green.
- All of the cash bonuses in the Showcase Showdown are doubled; the initial dollar is worth $2,000, a green section in the bonus spin is worth $20,000, and a dollar in the bonus spin is worth $50,000.
- The standard "money win" graphics across all the games and the Showcase Showdown are replaced by a special set of graphics in the "Big Money Week" font.
- In Friday's Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his corresponding graphic are carrying a sack of money.
- Friday's Pass the Buck utilizes the Big Doors, with its cash prizes displayed on a trip screen behind Door #2 instead of onstage.
- On Monday, Balance Game is played for a car.
- On Tuesday, the graphical Switch? logo's original background is used.
- On Wednesday, Range Game is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, after Flip Flop's button refuses to work, Drew ends up kicking the game several times to reveal the price.
- On Thursday, Hole in One's $500 flag is absent.
- On Friday, with all six games being played for cash, all six games are also fee games.
- On Friday, Bonus Game's small prize labels and prices switch to a less flashy font more akin to the original one.
Week 5 (1,844 – 845xK): October 15-19
- On Monday, 3 Strikes is refurbished; the board becomes green and resembles a baseball stadium, the bag is redesigned as a rotating baseball, and the chips are replaced with balls. Additionally, the strikes again change to red text on white (ultimately for this episode only), and the numbers no longer fade in as they light up.
- On Tuesday, with Hi Lo's prize staged in Door #2, Drew and the contestant stand in front of the Turntable instead of the Giant Price Tag before the game.
- On Thursday, Drew's son, Connor, comes through the Big Doors with him.
Week 6 (1,845 – 846xK): November 12, September 21, November 14-16
- Originally scheduled for October 22-26.
- Several times on Tuesday, Drew mentions "premiere week" and the episode being "a Friday show," and the first showcase is loosely themed around "kicking off Season 47;" these refer to the episode's out-of-order broadcast on September 21.
- Tuesday's show, which was broadcast alongside most of Week 1, uses that week's "Premiere Week" graphics during commercial outros and the other usual spots.
- On Wednesday, contestant Yolanda's come on down at the top of Act 2 was not recorded properly and had to be redone; the version seen on-air was actually shot before the first Showcase Showdown.
- On Wednesday, the lights around the Big Doors do not turn red during the second Showcase Showdown.
- On Friday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
Week 7 (1,846 – 847xK): October 29-November 2
- Wednesday is Devin's first episode.
- On Wednesday, four Barker's Beauties are present.
- Wednesday's show is themed around Halloween, with the set and the show itself taking on the guise of a haunted house and graveyard. This results in a number of changes specific to this episode:
- Everyone in the cast wears scary costumes: Drew is a Phantom of the Opera-like ghost who appears transparent at certain points thanks to special effects; George is a werewolf; Manuela is a witch; Rachel is a mummy; Amber is a vampire; and Devin is Frankenstein.
- The opening uses a theme from The Phantom of the Opera and the spooky version of the TPIR theme from Season 38 instead of "Walking" and the regular theme. The spooky theme also replaces the regular theme during the credits after Drew's sign-off.
- Door #4 displays a scene of a haunted house and is adorned with purple curtains; a similar scene featuring a graveyard is shown on the Turntable screens, with the center screen also showing the Door #4 logo. This version of the logo is also used at the end of the opening, and it appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The logo on Door #4 logo has a purple background on the left side and has the text "Happy Halloween!" at its base.
- The audience curtains are black, and the audience light columns are orange, as are the lights on George's podium.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience are a glittery black.
- The light strips around the audience are purple, as are most of the lights on the Turntable.
- The audience walls, the Turntable walls, and George's podium are adorned with spider webs.
- George's opening spiel is, "Here it comes! From the spooktacular Bob Barker studio at CBS in Hollywood, it's The Price Is Right!"
- George says the last word of "Come on down!" as a howl; howls and other creepy inflections also affect much of his other announcing throughout the show.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on this Halloween episode of The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays have orange borders and show a pair of creepy eyes against a black background; when the contestants bid, the eyes disappear and are replaced by numbers in an orange, blood-like font.
- Drew is introduced with, "And now, beware of the ghost of The Price Is Right, Drew Carey!"
- The Barker Wall is replaced by a black starfield; this also appears as a prize backdrop several times throughout the show, including during Danger Price.
- When Drew is introduced, he materializes from a cloud of smoke, accompanied by maniacal laughter. Drew also disappears in this manner during every commercial outro, as does the nearby Manuela after Rat Race; after pricing games, this is often followed by a burst of purple light that transitions to a shot of the contestant. Oddly, after disappearing at the end of the second Showcase Showdown, Drew then reappears, congratulating the winner as the show goes to break.
- The floor of the Turntable is covered by "dead grass," which is actually brown carpeting.
- George says hello to "Mummy Mai."
- George's display shows a jack-o-lantern wearing Drew Carey glasses against a purple sky.
- The first and third Items up for Bids are introduced with spooky music before their normal prize cues start.
- Winners in Contestants' Row are struck by lightning and briefly turn into skeletons.
- The Big Doors creek as they open except during Drew's entrance.
- Danger Price is covered in spiders and their webs.
- The trip in the second Item up for Bids is described as being for "you and a ghost."
- The price tags in Double Prices are orange, black, and white, and their dollar signs are carved into jack-o-lanterns.
- George's calldown window is orange and bright pink, and its dollar sign is purple.
- Rat Race's name is temporarily changed to "Bat Race;" bat wings are attached to the wind-up rats, and the rat racer is costumed as a bat. Several rats and bats can also be seen climbing and hanging from the game's props.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator is purple and orange, and the border of the arrow shot is purple.
- When the Big Wheel scoreboard updates, it is struck by lightning and briefly shows the silhouette of an electrified cat.
- The cards in Money Game are orange with a black background.
- Bullseye has spiders crawling all over it.
- The Showcase podiums are decorated as gravestones, using the purple logo from Door #4 with a background of stone.
- Most of the credits are written in the same bloody font as the Contestants' Row bids.
- Most of the names in the credits contain some sort of Halloween pun, such as "Mike RIPards" and "Devilyn Warfel." Adam Sandler is listed with a different name for each of his jobs -- "Adam Lost in Quicksandler" for director and "Adamned to Eternity Sandler" for producer. The cast is credited as "Mummy Rachel Reynolds," "Vampire Amber Lancaster," "Mannyac Arbelaez," "Frankendevin Goda," "Ghastly George Gray," and "Boo Scary;" it should be noted that "Host" was added to the credits for this episode solely to allow a joke about Drew's name.
- George signs off with, "This is George Gray howling for -- AAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO! -- The Price Is Right, a Fremantle production!"
- Lightning strikes the audience after George's sign-off.
- On Wednesday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.
- On Friday, contestants Perry and Andrew are tied at the beginning on the first Showcase Showdown; a coin toss is held during the closed captioning plug to determine the spinning order.
Week 8 (1,847 – 848xK): November 5-9
- On Monday, Check-Out is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, Cover Up's "wrong price" is the mountain climber gradually chopping his way out from behind the cards.
- Friday's show is themed around Veterans' Day; everyone in the audience is a veteran. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the Barker logo on a shield above the word "Veterans," against a field of stripes and a background of cascading stars. These graphics also appear on George's display, and a Carey version of the "Veterans" logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- Most of the lights on the set are red, white, and blue.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we honor veterans on The Price Is Right!
- The Contestants' Row displays show rotating stars on a field of blue; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- The borders of Contestants' Row are blue on the red and yellow displays and red on the blue and green displays.
- The set is decorated for the holiday.
- The Turntable screens show a mural of the American flag.
- Everyone in the audience receives a two-night trip to Las Vegas, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said trips.
- Toni Trucks and Judd Lormand, the portrayers of Lisa Davis and Eric Blackburn on SEAL Team, appear to help present the second showcase.
Week 9 (1,848 – 849xK): October 22-26
- Originally scheduled for November 12-16.
- Monday is the first episode with Devin to air on CBS and serves as his formal introduction.
- Devin does not appear on Monday until Drew introduces him alongside the third Item up for Bids; this leads to Rachel running Eazy az 1 2 3 by herself.
- Monday's second showcase is themed around Devin.
- On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present; as such, George does not participate in Wednesday's Swap Meet.
- On Thursday, Stack the Deck's second grocery display is introduced; additionally, the main board's chase lights are replaced with solid, yellow lights.
Week 10 (1,849 – 850xK): November 19-21
- Thanksgiving week; only three shows.
- On Monday and Tuesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Wednesday's show is themed around Thanksgiving. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Most of the lights on the set are traditional fall colors.
- Door #4 shows a chalkboard with the text "Happy Thanksgiving!" on it, with the fall-foliage-backed logo (whose dollar sign is wearing a chef's hat) at its base, all against a wood-paneled wall with falling leaves in the foreground.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate Thanksgiving on The Price Is Right!"
- The borders of Contestants' Row are an orange-ish yellow.
- The Contestants' Row displays show, in order from left to right and each against a wood-paneled wall with leaves falling in the foreground, a pie topped with a whipped cream G-T asterisk; a pilgrim's hat; a pumpkin, apples, and an ear of corn; and a turkey dinner. When the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away amidst a flurry of leaves to reveal the normal colors.
- The set is decorated for Thanksgiving.
- The Turntable screens show leaves falling against a fall-colored background that gives way to a dark blue sky at the top. The center display also shows the logo from Door #4, as does the rest of the middle row during the Showcase.
- George's display shows a turkey in a chef's hat against a wood-paneled wall with leaves falling in the foreground.
- The logo, with the words "Happy Thanksgiving!" at its base, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber is dressed as a chef and is holding cooking utensils; oddly, his corresponding graphics are not altered.
- George's calldown window is orange and green, and its dollar sign is orange.
- The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are orange.
- Catherine McCord of WeeLicious.com appears to help present the second showcase.
Week 11 (1,850 – 851xK): November 26
- Cyber Monday week; only one show.
- Monday's show is themed around Cyber Monday. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows a pile of Christmas presents, a shopping cart, and the text "Cyber Monday" (with the "o" being the logo in the form of an ornament) against a background of cubes with a mouse pointer moving across the screen, dragging the gift boxes into the cart (largely the same graphics from Season 45's Cyber Monday episode); similar graphics appear on George's display (with the logo and the cart) and the center row of Turntable screens (with the logo on the center display and the cart on the other two), while the other two rows of Turntable screens show raining gift boxes against the same background, and the "Cyber Monday" logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants on this special, Cyber Monday episode of The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show the text "Cyber Monday" on a computer keyboard; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- Everyone who gets onstage receives a $1,000 gift card from IKEA, the provider of the first Item up for Bids.
- Every Item up for Bids features a PriceIsRight.com plug urging viewers to visit the website for a chance to win portions or all of the prize package or gift cards from their provider.
- On Monday, George models the second prize in 1 Right Price.
Week 12 (1,851 – 852xK): December 3-4, June 24-25, December 7
- Originally scheduled for December 3-7.
- On Monday, the G-T asterisks between the Big Doors are missing until the first Showcase Showdown; the left-hand one does appear briefly during the reveal of the third Item up for Bids, but this appears to have been a reshot that was edited in after the taping. The right-hand asterisk also does not light up immediately once they do appear, staying off at least until Act 4 (it does not actually get on-camera again after the first Showcase Showdown until Act 6).
- On Monday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Tuesday, Hi Lo is played for a car.
- On Tuesday, Hi Lo largely uses its original reveal; while the prize is still described first and the counter is still positioned as though it were behind the Giant Price Tag, Drew and the contestant stand in front of the Turntable before the game, and the counter is brought out by a Barker's Beauty after the prize plug. Additionally, the prize is placed in Door #2 so as to be visible behind the counter during the game.
Week 13 (1,852 – 853xK): December 10-14
- Wednesday is Bob's 95th birthday. Drew wishes him well during the opening, and the second showcase is themed around him.
Week 14 (1,853 – 854xK): December 17-21
- This week of shows consists of Christmas episodes. The following aspects of these episodes are different than usual:
- Most of the lights around the set are red and green.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience and between the Big Doors are all white and light blue.
- Door #4 shows the logo, wearing a Santa hat and with holly at its base, against a blue background, all amid snowfall, snow-covered pines, and Christmas presents.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the holidays on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show ornaments hanging from a Christmas tree branch against a snowy, blue background; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away amid a flurry of snow to reveal the normal colors.
- The borders of the red and yellow Contestants' Row displays are red.
- The set is decorated for Christmas.
- The Turntable screens show the wintry background from Door #4; the center screen also shows the Barker logo on a Christmas ornament.
- George's display shows a blazing fireplace.
- The show holds a Toys for Tots drive all week, with donations from the staff and the audience displayed in a sleigh on the stage at the back of the audience.
- Every day, either a portion of one Item up for Bids, a gift card from its provider, or a prize presented alongside it is given to everyone in the audience; these also serve as PriceIsRight.com plugs, with George urging viewers to visit the website for a chance to win said prizes for themselves.
- The various PriceIsRight.com graphics are Christmas-themed.
- The logo, with Santa hat, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- George's calldown window is green, and its dollar sign is red.
- The G-T asterisks on the Showcase podiums are red.
- Candy canes are used instead of pins in the graphics for Thursday's Around the World showcase.
- This week is also Pet Adoption Week; each day, one or more cast members (on Monday) or guests (on Tuesday through Friday) do a pet adoption segment at the beginning of Act 3, with a special set of "Pet Adoption Week" graphics on the Turntable walls and Door #4 that feature a puppy in a gift box. Additionally, the third Items up for Bids are all somehow pet-related, except on Wednesday, when instead, the "wrong price" in Cover Up is pictures of four cats and dogs in Santa hats flanking the ornament version of the TPIR logo. The guests are as follows:
- Tuesday's guests are Justin Melnick and Dita, the portrayers of Brock Reynolds and bomb-sniffing dog Cerberus on SEAL Team; Dita is both Melnick's acting partner and his pet.
- Wednesday's guest is Barrett Foa, the portrayer of Eric Beale on NCIS: Los Angeles.
- Thursday's guest is Melissa Ordway, the portrayer of Abby Newman on The Young and the Restless and an occasional extra Barker's Beauty (a role she, in fact, serves for the remainder of the episode).
- Friday's guest is Brandon McMillan, the host of CBS's Lucky Dog.
- On Monday and Thursday, four Barker's Beauties are present (including Melissa Ordway on Thursday); on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, three are present. As a result, George does not participate in Tuesday's Most Expen$ive or Thursday's Swap Meet.
- On Monday, One Wrøng Price's second price stands are introduced; as the episode was taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
- For a brief time after the set change, but not on this playing, the labels are reversed so that the nameplate is on top and the price is on the bottom. This only lasts for a handful of playings and is quickly reverted by February.
- On Monday, Wayne Brady makes a guest appearance during Rat Race, his favorite pricing game.
- On Tuesday, the dollar sign in 5-digit Pick-a-Number is absent.
- On Tuesday, the strikes in 3 Strikes go back to black text on red.
- On Wednesday, Pay the Rent is decorated for Christmas.
- On Thursday, Temptation is played for a Lexus.
- On Thursday, Temptation does not begin with a close-up of the board.
- On Friday, Squeeze Play is played for a car.
- On Friday, Plinko is played for $250,000, with the center slot being worth $50,000; additionally, the lower slots' values are raised to $500, $1,000, and $2,500.
- On Friday, the Plinko logos on the chips in the game's intro becomes significantly smaller.
- On Friday, the money graphics in Plinko's intro are in a different font; it remains to be seen whether this is a permanent change or simply something that was done to highlight the augmented top prize.
Week 15 (1,854 – 855xK): December 24, July 16, December 26-27
- Originally scheduled for December 24, 26-28.
- Originally rescheduled for December 24, July 17, December 26-27.
- Christmas week; no Tuesday show.
- Monday is a family reunion show, with trios of relatives as contestants. It is also the season's last Christmas episode. The notes for this show are largely the same as those for last week, with the following exceptions:
- The logo on Door #4 has a white banner at its base with the text "Family Reunion" on it in gold. The text is also added to the base of the logo seen in commercial outros.
- With the toy drive having ended, the sleigh on the stage in the back of the audience is replaced with a group of snowmen.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four families on this special, family reunion episode of The Price Is Right!"
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- Drew is introduced as "Your ho-ho-host, Drew Carey!"
- Nothing related to Pet Adoption Week takes place.
- On Monday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Monday, Pick-a-Number is played for a car.
- In Monday's Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his corresponding graphics are dressed as Santa Claus and carrying a sack of toys.
Week 16 (1,855 – 856xK): December 31, January 2-4
- New Year's week; no Tuesday show.
- Monday's show is a "Best of 2018" program, featuring some of the show's favorite moments, prizes, and games of the past year. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The show begins with George narrating a montage of some of the best moments of 2018; this then transitions into the regular opening.
- The light columns in the audience are purple.
- The light strip around the audience is light blue.
- Many of the G-T asterisks around the audience are covered with silver glitter; those that are not are a bluish white.
- Door #4 shows the Barker logo on a disco ball above the text "Best of 2018," all against a purple background with fireworks going off; these graphics also appear on the Turntable walls (with the logo and text only appearing in the center row) and on George's display (without the text).
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the best of 2018 on The Price Is Right!"
- The set is decorated for New Year's.
- The Turntable stairs are purple, and the lights between its monitors are light blue.
- The borders of the Contestants' Row displays are light purple.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the background from Door #4; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors, accompanied by a disco ball.
- George's podium is white.
- In a throwback to its 35th anniversary celebration in January, Plinko is played for $175,000, with the $10,000 slot changed to $35,000, the $100 and $1,000 slots changed to $3,500, and, somewhat awkwardly, the $500 slots changed to $350; this ultimately leads to the contestant winning $350 with a playing that, on a normal show, would have been worth $500.
- The trip screen graphics for the trip to Greece in Double Prices are a photo of Manuela on her honeymoon earlier in the year.
- The "Best of 2018" text appears along with the Carey logo during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- George's calldown window is pink and purple, and its dollar sign is gold.
- Four Barker's Beauties are present.
- 3 Strikes is played; while this in and of itself is not noteworthy, it was likely included in the lineup because of its set's makeover in the fall.
- In a callback to the season premiere's Emmy celebration, spinning a dollar on the Big Wheel is worth $8,000, and getting a dollar in a bonus spin is worth $80,000.
- In a callback to the fan appreciation episode, Pick-a-Pair's prize package includes, as a bonus, dinner with Drew after the taping.
- Timothy Chappa, the winner of the Ultimate Superfan contest, appears as a model in Range Game.
- Range Game is played for a car -- specifically, the same car Timothy had won in the Ultimate Superfan contest.
- Everyone in the audience receives a $100 Lyft gift card, which is presented alongside the sixth Item up for Bids, a bar set; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as Drew urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
- In a callback to this season's Big Money Week, winning Switch? awards a bonus of the cash equivalent of the prize package.
- Balloons drop on the stage during the credits.
- The money graphics in Monday's Plinko use the same font from December 21; again, as the top prize is increased on this episode, it is impossible to tell whether this is a permanent change.
- On Wednesday, the readout on Grocery Game's cash register is changed to a slimmer font.
- On Friday, in celebration of the 8,000th episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, Katherine Kelly Lang and Don Diamont, the portrayers of Brooke Logan and Bill Spencer, appear to drive out the car in Lucky $even and to help present the B&B-themed second showcase.
- Additionally, Lucky $even is turned into "Lucky Eight" for a day, with the contestant receiving an extra dollar to play the game with.
Week 17 (1,856 – 857xK): January 7-11
- Every day this week, the first contestant to win their game receives a $20,000 bonus from Publishers Clearing House, complete with a check presentation from the Prize Patrol.
Week 18 (1,857 – 858xK): January 14-18
- On Tuesday, One Wrøng Price's new price stands from December 17 return permanently.
- On Thursday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
Week 19 (1,858 – 859xK): January 21-22, 30, 24-25
- Originally scheduled for January 21-25.
- On Tuesday, the black triangles on the Stack the Deck board are painted yellow.
- Tuesday features the fourth known instance of a contestant being called down while they were in the bathroom.
- On Tuesday, for the second time in the history of the hour format, three of the first four contestants stay in Contestants' Row for the entire show, with all six pricing game players coming from the same spot.
- On Thursday, the numbers in Make Your Move are redone in a thicker font.
Week 20 (1,859 – 860xK): January 28-29, 23, 31, February 1
- Originally scheduled for January 28-February 1.
- On Wednesday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
- On Thursday, for no apparent reason, George runs the right side of Bargain Game.
- As a lead-up to CBS's broadcast of Super Bowl LIII on Sunday night, Friday's show is themed as a Super Bowl party. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The show begins with a set of Super Bowl-themed The NFL on CBS graphics, which transitions to the normal opening with a dollar sign wipe. The theme from The NFL on CBS plays throughout the opening; it also supplants the TPIR theme and "Dig We Must" for the entire show, as well as "Walking" during all come on downs (although not after Items up for Bids) and the commercial outro music during the Showcase.
- Door #4 shows the "Super Bowl LIII" logo against the backdrop of a football field; similar graphics appear on the Contestants' Row displays, the Turntable screens (with the logo on appearing in the center column), and George's display. The Contestants' Row graphics wipe away with the toss of a logo-laden football to reveal the normal colors when the contestants bid.
- The stage in the back of the audience is carpeted with a 50-yard line, with a Rams logo propped up on its left side and a Patriots logo on its right.
- The audience signs are replaced with "Super Bowl LIII" signs.
- The aisles in the audience are carpeted to look like a football field.
- George says the show is "from the Bob Barker Stadium."
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we throw the ultimate Super Bowl party on The Price Is Right!"
- Drew's entrance is flanked by fireworks and Barker's Beauties dressed as cheerleaders (with Rachel in Patriots gear and Amber in Rams gear); as such, Drew enters already holding his microphone. Rachel and Amber maintain this attire throughout the show.
- Long snapper Jon Dorenbos appears as a guest model during Act 3 and Act 6; he also helps to present the first showcase.
- Rams Aaron Neary and Justin Lawler and Patriots Deatrich Wise, Jr., and Ted Karras appear remotely to help present the second showcase.
- The second showcase includes, as a bonus, two tickets to the Super Bowl; the contestants are instructed not to include these while bidding.
Week 21 (1,860 – 861xK): February 6, 5, 4, 7, 8
- Originally scheduled for February 4-8.
- This week is Music Week, celebrating a different genre of music each day in a lead-up to CBS's broadcast of the Grammys on Sunday night. Each day, a different type of music is celebrated, with a DJ from a local radio station in the audio booth playing music for the audience during commercials; several genre-related prizes offered; and Door #4 showing a record with the logo in the center above a label for the genre itself, all against a genre appropriate backdrop (or, on Friday, a backdrop of overlapping, golden hypocycloids). These themes are generally introduced at the beginning of Act 3, after which all commercial outros use a genre-specific remix of the TPIR theme; this music is also used at the top of Act 3 and during the credits. (Friday is an exception to this; with no specific genre that day, no remix is introduced, and the regular music is used throughout the show.) The genres and DJs are as follows:
- Monday focuses on country, with Kelli Green from KFRG in the booth.
- Tuesday focuses on hip-hop, with Yesi Ortiz from KAMP in the booth.
- Wednesday focuses on rock and roll, with Stryker from KROQ in the booth. (The theme is stylized as "Rock + Roll" in the episode's graphics.)
- Thursday focuses on EDM, with Raul Campos from KCRW in the booth.
- Friday is a more general celebration of music and the Grammy Awards, with E-Man from KPWR in the booth.
- Additionally, the following aspects of this week's shows are different than usual:
- The audio booth has a TPIR logo on the front backed by a pattern of "lights" on a blue wall. A similar pattern with cascading logos is added behind the day's DJ once they enter the booth. (On Tuesday, the DJ and her backdrop are already present during the opening; however, they still play no role in the show until Act 3.)
- The second showcase is themed around the day's music genre (or, in Friday's case, the awards show).
- Wednesday's show is set up slightly differently from the week's other episodes; the theme is revealed at the very top of the show, and all of its elements are present immediately. This is also partially true on Friday, although the DJ is still only introduced during Act 3.
- At the end of the Showcase on Monday through Thursday, Drew tells viewers what "tomorrow's" music genre is. Since his announcement is based on broadcast order instead of episode order, several of these are semi-incorrect:
- On Monday, Drew says that the next day's theme is EDM, which is actually on Thursday.
- On Tuesday, Drew says that the next day's theme is country, which is actually on Monday.
- On Wednesday, Drew says that the next day's theme is hip-hop, which is actually on Tuesday.
- On Monday, three Barker's Beauties are present; as such, George does not model during Most Expen$ive.
- On Monday, in keeping with the country music theme, 1/2 Off is temporarily renamed "Hats Off," with cowboy hats on every box and one painted onto the game's sign.
- On Wednesday, the frame around the red Contestants' Row display falls off before the second Item up for Bids; it is fixed by the end of the bidding, presumably with help from an edit.
- On Wednesday, KISS appears during Cliff Hangers to offer a prize package related to their farewell tour; they also help to present the second showcase, which is themed around the band.
- In Wednesday's Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber is dressed as a member of KISS and is holding an electric guitar; he also sings a rock and roll remix of "On the Franches Mountains."
- Wednesday's second showcase includes a set of autographed instruments used by KISS in concert; Drew instructs the contestants to regard them as run-of-the-mill musical instruments while bidding on them.
- On Wednesday, KISS's Rock and Roll All Nite plays during the credits.
- On Thursday, DJ Raul Campos can be seen setting up in the audio booth during Act 2.
- In Thursday's One Away, the Mighty Sound Effects Lady becomes the Mighty Sound Check lady for a day, sounding an air horn instead of a car horn for each number the contestant has right.
- On Friday, Hi Lo largely uses its original reveal; while the prize is still described first and the counter is still positioned as though it were behind the Giant Price Tag, Drew and the contestant stand in front of the Turntable before the game, and the counter is brought out by a Barker's Beauty after the prize plug. Additionally, the prize is placed in Door #2 so as to be visible behind the counter during the game.
- In Friday's Plinko, the "O" in the logo on the board is replaced with a record, and all the Plinko chips have records on them.
- Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, two tickets to the Grammy Awards and the Recording Academy's official after party; the contestants are instructed not to include these while bidding.
Week 22 (1,861 – 862xK): February 11-15
- On Monday, Balance Game is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Thursday's show is themed around Valentine's Day, with teams consisting of singles in the audience paired up for a "blind date" by the Match dating app. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The show begins with a shot of the Barker logo on a heart, with smaller hearts cascading out from behind it, all against a blue background with a sunburst below the heart. These graphics are also shown on Door #4 throughout the episode; they also appear on the Turntable screens (with the logo only being displayed on the center monitor, or the center row during the Showcase) and George's display.
- After the initial shot of the logo, the screen transitions to Manuela and James, who explain the premise of the episode while walking through the audience. At the end, they toss to George, and the show proceeds with the normal opening.
- "Walking" plays throughout Manuela and James's introduction; it restarts after they throw to George.
- The audio booth and the light columns in the audience are all red, the G-T asterisks in the audience and between the Big Doors are pink, and the light strip around the audience is blue.
- After playing their games, the onstage contestants sit at tables in the enclosed area below the audio booth, labelled "Couples Corner," where they can continue their "dates."
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- The borders of Contestants' Row are red.
- The Contestants' Row displays show the text "Blind Date" against the background from Door #4; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal a pink background.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four couples as we celebrate Valentine's Day on The Price Is Right!"
- Most of the lights on the Turntable are red, and the areas between the monitors are yellow and purple.
- The lights on George's podium are red and pink.
- The usual prize structure for an episode is altered, with a cash game in each half and one car game instead of the other way around. Specifically, Hot Seat is played first (unusual in and of itself); Pick-a-Pair is played for $10,000; and One Away is played for two cars of different makes and models.
- Two small prizes games and a grocery item game are played.
- Hot Seat is played with a loveseat to accommodate the extra contestant.
- The regular logo, backed by floating hearts, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber and his graphics are dressed as cupid and carry a bow with heart-tipped arrows.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator is red.
- On Thursday, with Hot Seat as the first game, Drew enters through Door #1.
- On Friday, CBS cut away from a live Donald Trump speech at the top of the hour after evidently deciding it would not contain any additional worthwhile content and instead aired The Price Is Right in its entirety. The episode briefly took on a life of its own in the public consciousness after it was live-tweeted by a bemused Brian Stelter.
Week 23 (1,862 – 863xK): May 27-31
- Originally scheduled for February 18-22.
- This week is Dream Car Week; every day, at least one game is played for a car that would normally only appear in 3 Strikes or Golden Road, as follows:
- On Monday, Cliff Hangers is played for a Jaguar.
- On Tuesday, Pocket ¢hange is played for a Porsche.
- On Wednesday, That's Too Much! is played for a Tesla.
- On Thursday, 5 Price Tags is played for a Range Rover.
- On Friday, 3 Strikes itself is played for a Maserati.
- Additionally, the following aspects of this week are different than usual:
- The light columns around the audience are all red.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience are all red, yellow, orange, and light blue.
- The light strips around the audience, the Turntable walls, and George's podium are light blue.
- Door #4 shows a sports car with the logo on its hood driving down a strip of highway against a red and blue background with spiraling lights; the text "Dream Car Week" appears at the base of the car.
- Monday's opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we kick off Dream Car Week on The Price Is Right!" On the remaining shows, it ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Dream Car Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show a sports car of the appropriate color; when the contestants bid, the cars drive off, with their exhaust revealing the bids. Additionally, the displays' borders are the same color as their screen instead of all four being green.
- Except on Monday, in place of Drew's standard entrance, he drives through Door #2 in the day's dream car. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, the end of the opening transitions to a trip screen next to Door #2 that shows Door #4's normal graphics; the graphical logo then flies away from this screen as the camera pans over to Drew. On Wednesday, the trip screen shows the "Dream Car Week" graphics; it also shows them on Tuesday during shots later in the opening. On Monday, Drew enters normally, and the dream car is instead driven out after he greets the audience.
- Except on Monday, monitor columns showing the "Dream Car Week" graphics sit behind Door #2 during Drew's entrance instead of the Barker Wall; these columns do also eventually appear on Monday when the dream car is driven out.
- The Turntable screens show the spiral-less red and blue background from Door #4, with the "Dream Car Week" text against it in the center row; the center row's graphics also appear on George's display.
- The TPIR logo, with the "Dream Car Week" logo at its base and revealed by a car like the ones on Contestants' Row, is shown during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- In the Showcase Showdown, the $25,000 prize for getting a dollar in a bonus spin is replaced with a Mercedes; the car sits onstage alongside the Big Wheel.
- On Monday, Jay Leno, at this point in his career the host of Jay Leno's Garage, drives out in the day's dream car during the opening (hence why Drew does not enter in it); Jay also reads the car plugs for the pricing games, serves as a extra Barker's Beauty for the day, and helps to present the second showcase.
- On Monday, as noted above, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
- On Tuesday through Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- Thursday is a three-car day.
- On Thursday, Range Game is played for a car.
- On Thursday, the "Dream Car Week" graphics are shown on the red block at the base of the 5 Price Tags podium.
- On Friday, all six games, including Bargain Game, Plinko, Pick-a-Number, and Vend-O-Price, are played for cars; Bargain Game is played for two cars, and Plinko has a "Car" slot in the center, which is replaced by the normal $10,000 slot on subsequent drops once it is hit.
- On Friday, Lucky $even is played perfectly.
- In Friday's Plinko, the car is placed behind Door #3, flanked by the first two small prize podiums; they are replaced by the third and fourth podiums during the descriptions of the second and third items, respectively.
Week 24 (1,863 – 864xK): February 19-21, 18, 22
- Originally scheduled for February 25-March 1.
- Originally rescheduled for February 18-22.
- On Wednesday, Drew gets a new microphone before the first Showcase Showdown. No explanation is given as to why the switch was made, nor is there any visible difference between the two.
Week 25 (1,864 – 865xK): February 25-26, June 28, February 28-March 1
- Originally scheduled for March 4-8.
- Originally rescheduled for February 25-March 1.
- Despite being pre-empted throughout the United States, Wednesday's show was aired on February 27 in at least some parts of Canada.
- On Friday, Check-Out is played for a car.
Week 26 (1,865 – 866xK): March 4-8
- Originally scheduled for March 11-15.
- This week was originally created with only a Monday show; it appears to have swapped lengths with Week 28 after Week 23 was moved to May.
- On Tuesday, Drew points out contestant Dixie's husband, Dennis, who was named after Dennis James and has on a Dennis James t-shirt.
Week 27 (1,866 – 867xK): April 22-26
- Originally scheduled for March 18-22.
- Originally rescheduled for March 11-15.
- This week of shows should have been created with only a Monday show, as opposed to Week 26 or Week 28; someone on the staff appears to have mistakenly thought the March Madness basketball tournament would start on March 14, which originally fell during Week 26, as opposed to March 21, which originally fell during this week. The error was not caught until the end of January, by which time three shows for this week and next Monday's show had already been taped and it was far too late to change the production numbers.
- This week of shows is Kids Week. Every day, the contestants are children of a different age group, as follows:
- On Monday, one or more preschoolers play alongside one of their parents. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The age group is represented on the video screens by a graphic of the word "Preschool" in magnetic toy letters.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first eight contestants as we kick off Kids Week with preschoolers on The Price Is Right!"
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- The borders of the Contestants' Row displays are the same colors as their screens.
- Rachel's daughter, Ruby, models alongside her mother.
- Everyone in the audience receives a collection of Play-Doh products, which is presented alongside the third Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said collections. Drew instructs the contestants not to include this while bidding, as it is not actually part of the Item up for Bids.
- On Tuesday, one or more elementary schoolers play alongside one of their parents. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The age group is represented on the video screens by a graphic of the word "Elementary" stitched onto a sheet of yellow cloth.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first 10 contestants as we continue Kids Week on The Price Is Right!"
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- Everyone in the audience receives a collection of Hasbro games, which is presented alongside the fifth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said collections. Drew instructs the contestants not to include this while bidding, as it is not actually part of the Item up for Bids.
- On Wednesday, middle schoolers play by themselves; they are joined by a parent during the Showcase. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The age group is represented on the video screens by a graphic of the words "Middle School" backed by pulsing stars.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Kids Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
- Due to the contestants' ages, no car games are played; the only cars offered appear in the Showcase, once the contestants have been joined by a parent.
- Everyone in the audience receives a scooter, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said scooters.
- On Thursday, high schoolers play by themselves. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The age group is represented by the text "High School" in front of a row of red lockers; on Door #4, the lockers run behind the logo.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Kids Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
- The borders of the Contestants' Row displays are the same colors as their screens.
- Everyone in the audience receives a $100 gift card for phone accessories, which is presented alongside the fifth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
- On Friday, everyone in the audience is a college student. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The age group is represented by the text "College," with the C wearing a mortarboard.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as Kids Week continues on The Price Is Right!"
- The borders of the Contestants' Row displays are the same colors as their screens.
- Everyone in the audience receives a $100 gift card from Roomify.com, which is presented alongside the fourth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said gift cards.
- On Monday, one or more preschoolers play alongside one of their parents. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Additionally, the following aspects of this week are different than usual:
- The set is decorated for the day's age group.
- Door #4 shows the text "Kid$ Week" against a blue version of the logo backdrop, beneath which is the graphic for the day's age group; the blue background, clearly inspired by the Turntable wall, has sliding rows of Pricedown dollar signs and G-T asterisks. This background is also shown on the Turntable screens and George's display, with the Turntable's center screen showing the day's age group and the rest of the screens (or the rest of the center row on Monday) and George's display showing the "Kid$ Week" logo. (During the Showcase, on Monday, the entire center row on the Turntable displays the age group during the Showcase, while on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, all nine screens show the "Kid$ Week" logo.)
- The Contestants' Row displays show a variation of Door #4's background with colored dollar signs and asterisks (and, on Friday, a pennant with "TPIR" on it); when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- Most of the prizes on each show are age-appropriate.
- The "Kid$ Week" logos appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- On Wednesday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Wednesday, two small prize games and a grocery item game are played.
- On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a scooter, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George instructs viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said scooters.
- On Thursday and Friday, in reflection of CBS's sale of Television City, the second line of the opening is changed to, "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood!" As this week's shows were taped out of order, this change does not immediately become permanent.
Week 28 (1,867 – 868xK): March 11
- Originally scheduled for March 25.
- Originally rescheduled for March 11, which was ultimately its airdate.
- Originally rerescheduled for March 18.
- Only one show, on Monday.
- This week was originally created with five shows; it appears to have swapped lengths with Week 26 after Week 23 was moved to May.
- On Monday, at the top of the show, Drew acknowledges George's birthday, with falls on March 11, the day the episode was broadcast on CBS. This leads to a "Happy Birthday, George!" graphic appearing on George's display and Door #4. A birthday cake is also brought out for George during Drew's sign-off.
Week 29 (1,868 – 869xK): March 15, 26-29
- Originally scheduled for April 1-5.
- Originally rescheduled for March 25-29.
- On Tuesday and Wednesday, which were taped out of order, the show comes "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood."
- On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives an air fryer, a part of the prize package in Secret "X".
Week 30 (1,869 – 870xK): April 1-3, 5, 4
- Originally scheduled for April 8-12.
- Originally rescheduled for April 1-5.
- Monday's show, which was taped out of order, comes "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood."
- With the schedule shuffling caused by moving Dream Car Week to May, Monday's show functions as the April Fool's Day episode. Throughout the show, Drew intentionally misidentifies his castmates, variously referring to James, Rachel, and George as Manuela, Amber, Devin, and other people who don't even exist. (Rachel also addresses Drew as Devin at one point, and George later calls him Bob.) Additionally, the Showcase begins with an "unreal" package of prizes that literally don't exist -- a set of mindreading electronics called uThink and BrainPad that let you surf the internet with just your thoughts, a MicroPodUlator cooking system with a year's supply of meal pods, and a 67-hour trip around the world that flies from Los Angeles to Los Angeles without ever landing. (The actual first showcase is a trip to Paris and a car, and the second is a real Around the World showcase.)
- Friday's second showcase includes, as a bonus, two tickets to the ACM Awards, which air on CBS on April 7, the Sunday after the episode's broadcast date. The contestants are instructed not to include these while bidding.
Week 31 (1,870 – 871xK): April 8-12
- Originally scheduled for April 15-19.
- Tuesday's second contestant, Paul Williams, shares his name with Doug Davidson's character on The Young and the Restless.
- On Tuesday, Hi Lo largely uses its original reveal; while the prize is still described first and the counter is still positioned as though it were behind the Giant Price Tag, Drew and the contestant stand in front of the Turntable before the game, and the counter is brought out by a Barker's Beauty after the prize plug. Additionally, the prize is placed in Door #2 so as to be visible behind the counter during the game.
Week 32 (1,871 – 872xK): April 15-19
- Originally scheduled for April 22-26.
- On Tuesday, the second line of the opening permanently changes to, "From the famous Bob Barker Studio in Hollywood!"
- On Tuesday, everyone in the audience receives a pair of earbuds from MorningSave.com, a portion of the prize package in Bullseye.
- On Wednesday, Drew mentions that it's "the Wednesday before Easter" while discussing Cover Up's Easter basket-themed "wrong price;" this reflects the airing of the episode a week early as a result of Dream Car Week being moved to the end of May.
- On Wednesday, the "$10,000" graphic is not shown when Grand Game is won.
- Thursday's show establishes that when all of the day's Barker's Beauties are male, With no female models present to do the hand-off, Drew enters already holding his microphone.
- Thursday's Show 2nd - 4th Pricing Game & 1st showcase showdown were Never Seen in Most East Coast Markets, Both the original airing and August 26, 2019 rerun by Mueller report and a USA 45th President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron joint news conference at G-7 summit, respectively.
Week 33 (1,872 – 873xK): March 18, 12-14, 25
- Originally scheduled for April 29-May 3.
- Originally rescheduled for April 22-26.
- Originally rerescheduled for March 11-14, 25
- On Thursday, Secret "X" is played for a car.
- Friday's show is themed as a baby shower, with expectant parents playing as teams. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 shows the logo with a mobile hanging from it and with the text "Baby Shower" at its base, all against a pink and blue background with pulsating, white bubbles. The mobile has four shapes, each with a face, hanging from it -- two stars (one with a red face and one with a blue face), a moon, and a cloud.
- The light columns around the audience are pink and light blue.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience are all pastel shades.
- The light strip around the audience is light blue.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four couples as we throw the ultimate baby shower on The Price Is Right!"
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- The borders of Contestants' Row are dark pink on the red and yellow displays and blue on the blue and green displays.
- Contestants' Row displays each show one of the four shapes hanging from Door #4's mobile in front of Door #4's background (although both stars are the red-faced one); when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- The set is decorated for the special.
- The Turntable screens show the background from Door #4. The center screen also shows the "Baby Shower" text, and the other center-row screens each have a star from the mobile (again, the red-faced one both times); these are replaced by the "Baby Shower" text during the Showcase. The gaps between the screens are pink and light blue.
- George's podium is various shades of pink, and its display shows the mobile's moon against the background from Door #4.
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber is dressed in a onesie.
- The logo, along with the "Baby Shower" text, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- At the start of Act 3, Manuela announces that she is pregnant; Drew then surprises her with a message from her husband on Door #4.
- Everyone in the audience receives a stroller, a portion of the third Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said strollers.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator is blue and pink.
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
Week 34 (1,873 – 874xK): May 2, April 30, May 1, April 29, May 3
- Originally scheduled for May 6-10.
- Originally rescheduled for April 29-May 3.
- On Monday, Hi Lo is played for a car.
- On Thursday, a tribute to Kristoff St. John, the longtime portrayer of Neil Winters on The Young and the Restless who had recently killed himself, is inserted into the show just before the TV broadcast cuts away to the split-screened credits; the music and picture fade out, with the latter replaced by a picture of St. John and the text, "In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Friend, Kristoff St. John -- 1966-2019." The Young and the Restless itself also aired a special episode focused on St. John on April 29, the day this show was broadcast.
Week 35 (1,874 – 875xK): May 6-10
- Originally scheduled for May 13-17.
- On Tuesday, contestant Debbie has to leave the studio due to an unspecified emergency after playing her pricing game; her husband Paul acts as her proxy during the Showcase Showdown and the Showcase.
- With the schedule shuffling caused by moving Dream Car Week to the end of May, Friday's show functions as the Mother's Day episode. On this show, mothers play alongside one or more of their adult children. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The light columns around the audience are dark green.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience are colored like spring flowers.
- The "light strips" on the light border are pink.
- Door #4 shows a scene of flowers climbing a wall; its logo's left and right backgrounds are purple and magenta, respectively, and it has the text "Happy Mother's Day!" at its base. This version of the logo, minus the extra text, is also used at the end of the opening and in Mother's Day graphics throughout the show; the regular logo, with the extra text, appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The extended version of Contestants' Row is used.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first 10 contestants as we celebrate Mother's Day on The Price Is Right!" The eighth contestants are also told, "You're the next contestants on a special Mother's Day episode of The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show a scaled-down version of the graphics on Door #4; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- The set is decorated for the special.
- The screens on the Turntable and George's display show the graphics from Door #4; George's display and the center Turntable screen also show the logo, and the rest of the Turntable's center row shows the "Happy Mother's Day!" text.
- The lights between the Turntable screens and on the spinning panel are purple throughout the show.
- George's mother is with him during the opening. When he says his traditional hello to her after Drew greets him, his display briefly changes to say, "Hi Mama Mai!" (Oddly, the flower graphics surrounding the text change to a different layout when this happens.) Mama Mai also helps George call down the sixth and ninth contestants, and the second showcase is themed around her.
- George's calldown window is purple and pink, and its dollar sign is purple.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator is pink.
- Friday's show, which was taped out of order, again comes "From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood."
- On Friday, three Barker's Beauties are present.
- On Friday, everyone in the audience receives a Helen Ficalora necklace, a portion of the fourth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said necklaces.
Week 36 (1,875 – 876xK): May 15, 14, 13, 16-17
- Originally scheduled for May 20-24.
- Originally rescheduled for May 13-17.
- On Tuesday, one of Flip Flop's number panels falls inside the board during the game.
- On Wednesday, 2 for the Price of 1 is played for a car.
- On Wednesday, Cover Up's "wrong price" is a series of arrows and road signs giving directions from LAX to Television City.
Week 37 (1,876 – 877xK): May 20-24
- Originally scheduled for May 27-31.
- On Wednesday, Double Prices is played at Door #3.
- On Wednesday, everyone in the audience receives a popcorn popper, a portion of the prize package in Pick-a-Pair.
- On Wednesday, IndyCar driver Zach Veach appears to help present the second showcase, which is themed around the Indianapolis 500, which occurred the Sunday after this episode was broadcast.
- On Thursday, the show celebrates Drew's birthday; this reflects the show's broadcast date of May 23. The second showcase is focused on Drew, and a birthday cake in the shape of the Plinko board with a $100,000 center slot is brought out during the credits.
- By Friday, Bullseye has been reprogrammed so that touching the product names after a loss will bypass the price and go straight to the hidden bullseye screen (although this function does not always get activated); on losses prior to this episode, Drew had needed to press them twice to find the hidden bullseye.
- On Friday, while signing off, Drew announces that Dream Car Week is "next week;" this refers to the out-of-order broadcast of Week 23.
Week 38 (1,877 – 878xK): June 3-7
- Tuesday marks the first known on-air appearance of the 5 Price Tags logo -- not on any prop, but on contestant Kenneth's shirt.
- On Tuesday, George is shown in a picture-in-picture shot as he describes Check-Out's groceries after trying and failing to get out of the VR fitness training apparatus from the game's prize package.
- On Tuesday, the regular deck from Card Game is used in the second showcase, which looks at what's in the cards for the contestant.
- On Wednesday, Grocery Game is played for a car.
- Friday's show is the 9,000th episode.
Week 39 (1,878 – 879xK): June 10-14
- On Monday through Thursday, Drew's entrance is shot the way Bob's was, with the camera tilting down from the rafters instead of following him in front of the Turntable and cuts and dissolves instead of camera pans.
- On Thursday, Cover Up's "wrong price" is five different Showcase podiums against five different, era-appropriate Turntable walls.
- On Friday, Drew enters with his son, Connor, whose 14th birthday is Saturday.
- On Friday, Amber and her husband, A.J., announce at the top of Act 3 that she is pregnant. Amber does not appear before this point in the show, which leads to George modeling during Switch?.
Week 40 (1,879 – 880xK): September 4, June 18-21
- Originally scheduled for June 17-21.
- On Thursday, Balance Game is played for a car.
- Friday's show, which airs on the first day of summer, is themed as a summer beach party. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- The set is decorated with a beach theme.
- The light strip around the audience is yellow.
- The G-T asterisks around the audience are all yellow and orange.
- The light columns around the audience are all purple, with silhouettes of palm trees adorning the ones around Door #4.
- Door #4 shows a four-colored beach scene, with a silhouette of the logo against the setting sun and the words "Summer Beach Party" beneath it; a similar scene appears on George's display, and a variant of the center of the scene appears during every commercial outro in addition to the logo's usual spots.
- The raised stage in the back of the audience has a beach chair, beach balls, and a sandcastle on it.
- George, the Barker's Beauties, and the audience are dressed in beach attire.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we throw the ultimate summer beach party on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show a sandy beach; when a contestant bids, a wave washes over the scene, leaving their bid etched in the sand.
- Drew's entrance is backed by palm trees and a set of prize backdrops showing a scene similar to Door #4's graphics instead of the Barker Wall.
- The Turntable is lit in purple and orange, with the "Summer Beach Party" logo in the center column of screens and silhouettes of surfboards in the other columns; this color scheme and logo graphic also appear on George's podium. During the Showcase, all nine screens on the Turntable show the "Summer Beach Party" logo.
- All of the pricing games are temporarily renamed to fit the beach theme; It's in the Bag, Flip Flop, Cover Up, 1 Right Price, Cliff Hangers, and Coming or Going are changed to It's in the Beach Bag, Flip Flops, Beach Cover Up, 1 Righteous Price, Cliff Surfers, and Coming or Going to the Beach!, respectively.
- It's in the Bag's grocery bags are altered to look like beach totes.
- Several pairs of sandals are added to the Flip Flop board.
- A sun is added atop Cover Up to create its temporary name.
- The Big Wheel's split-screen separator uses a color gradient with the shades from Door #4's background.
- "Righteous" is written in a different font than the rest of the "1 Right Price" logo, and triangles are added behind it; additionally, the entire color scheme of the graphical logo is changed.
- In Cliff Hangers, the mountain climber (and his corresponding graphic), who somehow manages to be dressed as a beach bum while still wearing alpine clothing, rides up the mountain on a surfboard.
- George's calldown window is pink, and its dollar sign is orange.
- The pushpin graphics in the Around the World showcase are replaced with umbrellas.
- Numerous beach balls are tossed around the audience during the credits.
- On Friday, Drew's entrance is shot the way Bob's was.
- Friday's 1 Right Price reuses the "1 Righteous Price" graphics from Season 43's beach party episode; as such, the podiums use the larger, 1988-2016 version of the 1 Right Price logo.
- On Friday, Cliff Hangers is played for a car.
Week 41 (1,880 – 881xK): December 28, July 4
- Logically scheduled for July 1 and 4.
- Season finale week; only two shows, on Monday and Thursday.
- The season finale was originally scheduled as a Wednesday show; this appears to have simply been a mistake.
- This week is billed as "Everyday Heroes Week." In addition to Monday's first responders episode (which was aired out of order in December but was rerun on, strangely enough, Friday) and Thursday's patriotic-themed Independence Day show, the week also featured reruns of the November 9 (Veterans' Day), October 1 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month), and May 17/10 (Mother's Day) episodes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
- Monday's show is a salute to first responders; everyone in the audience is somehow involved in the police force, 911, or fire or medical services. Additionally, the following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Door #4 show the words "First Responders" against a yellow version of the logo's backdrop, with a background that is blue on the left and red on the right and mimics the flashing of ambulance or police lights; seals of various law enforcement and medical services appear as parts of the text.
- The light strip around the audience is blue.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we salute first responders on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show a seal representing their contestant's area of service against the background from Door #4; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors. Said emblems are also displayed on the Showcase podiums in place of the TPIR logos.
- Monitor columns showing the same graphics as Door #4 on their center screens and an inversion of its background on their upper and lower screens are placed between the Big Doors.
- The Turntable stairs, from top to bottom, are white, red, and blue.
- The Turntable screens show the background from Door #4; the middle row shows the logo from it, as well. The lights between the monitors are gray.
- George's display shows the logo and background from Door #4.
- The "First Responders" version of the logo appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The gray, blue, and orange cars in Gridlock! are decorated as EMT vehicles, police cars, and fire department vehicles, respectively.
- On Monday, which was taped drastically out of order, the show comes "From the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood" one final time.
- On Monday, everyone in the audience receives a watch, a portion of the sixth Item up for Bids; this also serves as a PriceIsRight.com plug, as George urges viewers to visit the website for a chance to win one of said watches.
- On Monday, contestant Regina is a police officer who is revealed to have once written Drew a traffic ticket for running a stop sign; coincidentally, she ends up playing Danger Price.
- On Monday, after the Showcase, Drew plugs episode #8561K, the "Best of 2018" show, which he says will air "next Monday;" this appears to have been edited into the program and refers to its drastically out-of-order broadcast on December 28.
- Thursday's show is themed around Independence Day. The following aspects of this episode are different than usual:
- Most of the lights around the set are red, white, and blue.
- Door #4 shows the logo, with the text "4th of July" at its base, against a waving American flag and exploding red, white, and blue fireworks; this logo, along with the fireworks, also appears during every commercial outro in addition to the usual spots.
- The opening ends with, "You are the first four contestants as we celebrate the 4th of July on The Price Is Right!"
- The Contestants' Row displays show the background from Door #4; when the contestants bid, these graphics wipe away to reveal the normal colors.
- The borders of Contestants' Row are red, blue, red, and blue from left to right.
- Drew's entrance is backed by prize backdrops showing the American flag instead of the Barker Wall.
- Drew's entrance is flanked by fireworks generators.
- The Turntable screens show a mural of the American flag; the "4th of July" text is also placed on the center row of screens during the Showcase.
- George's display shows the background from Door #4 and the "4th of July" text.
- Every commercial outro except the ones in Act 5 and the second Showcase Showdown has greetings from troops stationed overseas.
- On Friday, the seat covers in Contestants' Row are in the wrong order -- from left to right, they are blue, yellow, green, and red.